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Meg Atkins (0 KP) rated Fangirl in Books

Sep 19, 2017  
Rainbow Rowell | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (46 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great understanding (0 more)
Perfect for a fangirl
Rainbow Rowell really understands the inner workings of the mind of a fangirl. When reading the book I wanted to cry at how much I related to Cather in her Simon Snow addiction (having just become obsessed with Harry Potter). I just have to hope that one day I find my own Levi!!
When Harry Met Sally (1989)
When Harry Met Sally (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Drama, Romance

"C’mon. Is every scene in this movie perfect? Yes. I could watch this movie over and over on a loop. Actually, I’m pretty sure they do that on cable. It plays quite a bit. Meg Ryan is nothing short of magical in this performance. And the time lapses are, for me, what make this film really work — because we truly believe that this oil-and-water couple will stay together and they ought to. I sure hope they do in the sequel: When Harry Stayed With Sally."

Knife (Harry Hole #12) (Oslo Sequence #10)
Knife (Harry Hole #12) (Oslo Sequence #10)
Jo Nesbo | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Entirely unnecessary
I've had this book on my shelf for quite some time but have held off on reading it purely because the synopsis sounded like it completely rewrites all of the good work in the previous few books. And I'm afraid to say that I was right.

The previous books turned Harry Hole into a rather respectable person but without losing his impressive deduction and detective skills. His life is pretty much sorted. This book completely erases that and pushes Harry back into his alcoholic mess and also ruins his relationship with Rakel. I hated this. Was it really so hard for Nesbo to write a Harry Hole book that didn't completely ruin his entire life at the same time? As even the reveal at the end of this book just further adds to my despair of how much Hole and his life has been ruined.

There are some glimpses of the well written story you'd expect from Nesbo in this, but even the writing is very convoluted and drawn out. This book is at least 100 pages longer than it needs to be and features far too much unnecessary rambling and description. If it had been cut down, it may have made the plot a little easier to absorb.

I'm probably biased by my preconceptions about the plot of this book, but i really didn't enjoy it and even started skim reading towards the end. The whole initial plot plus the surprise twist ending just completely ruins Harry Hole to the point that I really hope this is the last book.

Erika (17788 KP) Nov 15, 2020

I think I'm going to consider Police the last Harry Hole book. I can't bring myself to read The Thirst, or Knife. I hope Nesbo moves on from Hole novels.

Another Potter
Harry Potter. The small boy with the lightning-shaped scar and the broken glasses made my childhood days magical and filled with hope that someday my letter to Hogwarts would come.

Alas my dream never came true, although every time there is post I secretly pray there is a piece of parchment sent to me by the wizarding school, apologising for it being late (11 years late!) that there was a clerical error made by one of the owls but if I would accept they would love to have me at Hogwarts.

Naturally, I would not say yes the first time...I do love being chased!

Continue reading my review at:
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
6.0 (33 Ratings)
App Rating
Experience the magic world (2 more)
Lots of great references to the stories
Augmented reality
Poorly implemented (2 more)
low immersion for an AR game
Highly buggy app
I looked forward to it but it did not live up to my hopes
I loved the idea of Wizards unite, since I heard of it more than a year ago, unfortunately this does not live up to what it was suggested to be. The story is poorly constructed, the app constantly struggles with interactions. The items you encounter are negligible most of the time and not worth collecting.
Seeing ingress and pokemon go from Niantic I hope this would be at least a passable harry potter experience, unfortunately it has made me free less special than I did before I got it.
Into the Dim (Into the Dim, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Into The Dim</i> by Janet B. Taylor begins with an empty coffin. Fragile sixteen year old Hope is at her mother’s memorial service after her mother’s body was unrecovered after a horrific earthquake. Despite the opinion of her stepfather’s family, Hope is convinced that her mother is still alive. However she has not time to convince anyone before she is shipped off to the Scottish Highlands to spend time with her mother’s sister, Lady Lucinda Carlyle.

Hope finds herself at Christopher Manor, a forbidding ancient mansion that reminds her of <i>Hogwarts</i> (I love that <i>Harry Potter</i> is easily mentioned in many contemporary novels these days! There is also a <i>Doctor Who</i> reference in this book). Despite the old-fashioned setting, the inhabitants are the complete opposite. Firstly there is Phoebe, a bubbly blue-haired girl who is excited about Hope’s arrival at the manor. Phoebe’s brother, Collum, on the other hand, has a contrasting personality. Then there is Lu, who, despite her title, is younger than some may initially imagine her to be.

Through these new characters, Hope learns that her mother is indeed still alive, but trapped somewhere beyond all logic and reason. What is worse, Hope, who is practically scared of her own shadow, along with Phoebe and Collum are the only people who can rescue her. So begins their dangerous but exciting adventure.

<i>Into The Dim</i> is both a contemporary and historical novel, with the science fiction element of time travel thrown in. Time travel is nothing new in fiction, and Taylor’s idea is even based upon the scientist, Nikola Tesla’s discoveries. The storyline itself is a bit of fun with witty characters and humorous banter, yet there is so much more to it than that. Taylor has concocted enough research to help readers to learn something new. Firstly there is Tesla, as already mentioned, and then there is the knowledge and detail of twelfth century London, in particularly involving Eleanor of Aquitaine.

Although the main characters are in their late teens, younger teenagers can also enjoy<i> Into The Dim</i>. There is the occasional reference to mature content, but this is within the context of a historical period, in which younger readers should probably be aware of already from their school history lessons. If you love this book, look out for the sequel next year!
The Last Fighting Tommy
The Last Fighting Tommy
Harry Patch | 2018 | History & Politics
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The subject this month that was picked for my book club was world war one, I was struggling to find a book to read, and so was lent two books. This one by my mother and war horse by my friend. I chose to read this one, and was honestly a bit dubious about reading it. I have always been more interested in ancient history than modern history and didn't think it would agree with me. However I couldn't put this book down, the way it is written makes you feel like you are sat with Harry, listening to him tell his stories, and for me it us unusual to read about someone that didn't want to go to war. Also reading about his life, and the things he did before the war and after it....well what and interesting man and definitely full of character. I hope his story lives on for a long time to come.
The Rules of Enchantment
The Rules of Enchantment
Wendy Tardieu | 2020 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Rules of Enchantment is a steamy fantasy story where good and bad aren't always as clear-cut as you might imagine. It reminded me of a mixture between Harry Potter and Robin of Sherwood - and that is not a bad thing!

Leith and Kyler make for excellent main characters, superbly supported by Rowan. The world-building was wonderful, giving the reader enough information to be able to navigate through the world without it just being an overload of information.

I don't know if this is going to be a series or not but I sincerely hope it is. I would love for Rowan to have his story! And I still need more from Leith and Kyler.

This was a brilliant fantasy story that I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Wise Man&#039;s Fear
The Wise Man's Fear
Patrick Rothfuss | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.4 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
every time I stopped reading a just breathed the words "I love this book" (4 more)
Great characters
interesting things happen
I love the descriptions of the cultures and the customs of exotic locations
the world building
the third book isn't written yet..... not that I would rush it and get Game of Thones level endings (0 more)
Best book I've read in 5 years.... most fun I've had reading since Ready Player One
If I were to write a full review it would be full of flowery language, and you would probably smile and think I'm over indulging in praise. Only those who haven't read it can ever have the privilege of reading it for the first time ever again.... it is only a matter of time before this is a move in the fashion of lord of the rings or harry potter, and damn I hope it's just as good. I will definately re-read this series, and it's not something I do. I'm the always on to the next one type reader...
Never Never (Detective Harriet Blue, #1)
James Patterson | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harriet "Harry" Blue is a detective with Sydney, Australia police department. When her brother is accused of a terrible crime, her superior sends her away on assignment to keep her out of the way. He sends her to the desert to investigate the disappearance and/or murder of three miners working in the uranium mines. She is given a new partner, but is not sure if she can trust him or anyone. In the middle of the never never, you are one of the hunted, the object is to make it out alive. Will Detective Blue be able to find out who is behind this hideous crime before she becomes a victim herself.

This is a new series by James Patterson and Candice Fox.

I gave this book three stars because I wanted to know more about Harriet. Maybe as the series develops we will get to know Harriet better. We know her "mother was a prostitute and a drug addict." We also find out that she and her brother were in and out of foster homes most of their lives. I love female lead characters and I hope this is a series I will be able to get into and enjoy.

Sent into the hot desert of Australia, Harriet Blue is completely out of her element. The mine is its own community that includes bilbies(prostitutes), a drug dealer, and protesters who are against the mining. It's a tight nit community that doesn't take well to outsiders. While everyone has a fear of the killer, money is much more important than clearing the mine to find a killer. I'm not sure why the story of Harriet's brother was integral to this story, but I hope that story line will develop more over the series.