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Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)
Skin Game (The Dresden Files, #15)
Jim Butcher | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
9.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hells Bells!
<2022 update>

I should perhaps mention that Michael Carpenter and his family don't actually turn up until a fair ways into the story ...

<original 2015 review>

"Last year I died, but I got better"

It's probably been over a year since I read the last Harry Dresden book, as I'd been waiting (and waiting, and waiting ...) for this one to come out in paperback. Was it worth the wait?

Absolutely yes.

I know it's still only March (nearly April), but this is a strong contender for my choice for book of the year - definitely the best I've read so far this year, with the bar set VERY high for any others later this year to match.

As this starts, Harry is still on Demonreach island, still recovering from previous events in Cold Days. It's not long, however, before Mab - the Winter Queen - has Harry (as her Winter Knight) paying off on of her debts, forcing him to work with Nicodemus Archleone and the Knights of the Blackened Denarius. Harry has to help Nicodemus to rob a vault belonging to the Lord of the Underworld Hades himself, while somehow staying alive and a step ahead of the inevitable betrayal.

As the Knights of the Denarius are involved, this also means that the Knights of the Cross - or, more specifically, Michael Carpenter - are back in the novel, as counter-points to the fallen angels. So, too, are Waldo Butters, Molly Carpenter, Bob the skull and Karrin Murphy with Thomas, however, conspicuous by his absence.
All Fall Down (Supervolcano, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The follow up novel to [Harry Turtledove's] [Supervolcano: Eruption] was worth the read. The continuing story of the characters as they try in their own ways to survive was enjoyable.

[Supervolcano: All Fall Down] picked up right where [Eruption] left off. In the midst of this disaster the way [Turtledove] portrays his characters not as hero's out to save the world but as humans with all their faults makes the story more believable. It even has a serial killer mystery twist within the plot.

I definitely prefer my science fiction based on real science and not super natural. That is what [Turtledove] has produced so far with the two books from the [Supervolcano] series. I like my fantasy with a good does of reality in most cases.
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
6.0 (33 Ratings)
App Rating
Experience the magic world (2 more)
Lots of great references to the stories
Augmented reality
Poorly implemented (2 more)
low immersion for an AR game
Highly buggy app
I looked forward to it but it did not live up to my hopes
I loved the idea of Wizards unite, since I heard of it more than a year ago, unfortunately this does not live up to what it was suggested to be. The story is poorly constructed, the app constantly struggles with interactions. The items you encounter are negligible most of the time and not worth collecting.
Seeing ingress and pokemon go from Niantic I hope this would be at least a passable harry potter experience, unfortunately it has made me free less special than I did before I got it.

Steve Gunn recommended Two-Lane Blacktop (1971) in Movies (curated)

Two-Lane Blacktop (1971)
Two-Lane Blacktop (1971)
1971 | Classics, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"First of all, how can you go wrong with a cast that includes Dennis Wilson, James Taylor, Harry Dean Stanton, Warren Oates, and of course Laurie Bird? I often imagine how great it would be to go back in time and see this film in some half-empty cinema when it opened. I discovered this film while working at the video store, when there was renewed interest in it in the late nineties. I even went so far as to reach into my video-store earnings and buy the deluxe edition, which came in a tin can with a comprehensive book. Well worth it for the unseen photos. The beginning scene, with its utter lack of dialogue, has to be one of my favorite pieces of cinema. Much of the acting feels improvised, which adds to the lost, directionless quality."

Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
Dumb and Dumber To (2014)
2014 | Comedy
4.9 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It is hard to believe that it is been 20 years since Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels brought the moronic Harry and Lloyd to the big screen. The comedic adventures of the well-meaning but idiotic best friends became a box office smash and has maintained a loyal worker fans despite the highly disappointing prequel that was made in an attempt to extend series. With the Farrelly brothers back in place to write and direct the long-awaited follow-up it should come as no surprise as to what viewers are in store for with “Dumb and Dumber To”.

Lloyd (Jim Carrey) has been an institution for the past two decades while Harry (Jeff Daniels), visits him lawyerly once a week. When the reason behind Lloyd’s institutionalization becomes clear Harry informs his old friend that is in desperate need of a kidney transplant. With his options limited, Harry visits his family whom he has not seen in quite some time and goes through some mail that had been delivered over the years.

Harry learns that an old acquaintance was pregnant and in an effort to see if the child he never knew he had could be a donor, the bumbling duo sets out to find child Harry never knew he had. This is easier said than done as the mother (Kathleen Turner), give the child up for adoption and her only effort to communicate resulted in a letter being returned to her with a note asking her not to write again.

Undaunted Harry and Lloyd set out from their Rhode Island home and venture down to Maryland before learning that the object of their quest is already left for New Mexico to attend a very important conference. The duo decided to head on to New Mexico with a third person in tow not knowing that he secretly is aiming to do away with them in a con limited inheritance scheme.

As anyone who’s seen the previous film will remember, traveling with Harry and Lloyd can be extremely dangerous to one’s physical and mental sanity and the ensuing years have done nothing to change this. In short time duo arrives at their goal but finds their natural tendencies to get in and cause trouble has followed them resulting in a series of chaotic misadventures.

While many of the jokes and situations were recycled from previous films including Lloyd’s daydreaming about a perfect date and various car pranks, one thing that is undeniable is the great chemistry and timing between the two leads. The material certainly strains its PG-13 rating in terms of suggestiveness but even though some of the jokes do not quite succeed and the plot is at best paper thin, it was sure good to see these two back in action.

The film is at best a guilty pleasure because it will be easy to say it was kind of dumb and meandering at points and that the two characters were not given much to do other than an act that was funny 20 years earlier but may seem a bit strange to date considering both Daniels and Carrey have shown they are capable of doing so much more.

For me I looked at it is a bit of a nostalgic guilty pleasure that despite the shortcomings and faults offered some enjoyable although mostly forgettable distractions in between some good laughs. For those willing to take more the same and can temper their expectations accordingly you will likely find this trip one worth taking if nothing else than for the nostalgia.

I for one am hoping that we haven’t seen the last these two in action but I certainly would like to see them come back with a better script and certainly do not want have to wait 20 years for this to happen.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (2011)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Family
Great Performances, Even Better Film
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is one of the most gratifying ways to end a series. After such a long series, you’re hoping that the end does the rest of the series justice and thIS movie doesn’t disappoint in the slightest. It’s the harrowing conclusion to Harry Potter’s journey as he tries to put a stop to the evil Voldemort once and for all.

Acting: 10
It’s not surprise that the acting is so stellar as these wonderful actors/actresses have had years to grow comfortable in the skin of their characters. Daniel Radcliffe continues to be sensational in his role as Harry Potter as he embraces Potter’s ascension into manhood. Rupert Grint (Ron) and Emma Watson (Hermione) shine yet again playing his dedicated friends and sidekicks. You can tell that the three of them have formed such a strong bond over the eight movies as their synergy is extremely on point.

Beginning: 4

Characters: 10
This final film pulls out all the stops as it’s an all-out good vs. evil war. Teeming with amazing characters, I was hardpressed trying to uncover who exactly my favorite was. Potter is wonderful, yes, but so are dozens of others literally. I was really impressed with the maturation of Ron’s character. It can be hard at times developing a sidekick but in some ways, Ron’s journey to completion is just as satisfying as Harry’s.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
This one is for all the marbles so they hold nothing back when it comes to amazing action sequences. The battles sprawl all across Hogwarts filled with dope magic and wonder. Sparks fly in abundance of blacks, greens and reds across a dark backdrop, a spectacular display. Sometimes you have no idea who’s even winning, but it looks damn cool.

Entertainment Value: 10
Potter vs. Voldemort alone is worth the price of admission. The battle definitely lives up to the hype. Even moreso to see closure happen on every level is a welcome treat. Outside of a slow(ish) start, the movie is enjoyable from beginning to end.

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10
The beauty of the final book being done in two parts for the movie is they definitely saved the best for last. All the best battles and memorable scenes are jam-packed into Part 2, causing things to fly by at a breakneck pace. Just over two hours, the final installment just flies by.

Plot: 10
JK Rowling wraps up this beautiful adventure quite nicely. The thing I keep going back to and have an immense amount of respect for: No loose ends. The stakes are higher than ever in this story that succeeds with a few cool twists along the way.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 94
The magical battles alone are enough to make Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 worth a watch. With the combination of rich characters who each get a proper sendoff, a speedy pace, and a chunk of memorable moments, this is a movie to remember.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance in TV

May 21, 2018 (Updated May 21, 2018)  
Harry &amp; Meghan: A Royal Romance
Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance
2018 | Romance
5.2 (6 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
I Give It A Year
Mind-bogglingly weird, supposedly based-on-true-events TV movie cashing in on the recent paroxysm of monarchist schmaltz. You know the story: she's on TV, he used to be in the army, hushed intake of breath from the British establishment when it turns out the lad's seeing a lady of her particular type, and so on, and so.

Everything is very clearly presented as the tale of a modern, progressive, independent woman who ain't gonna take no nonsense from this troubled scion of a gaggle of hidebound inbreds; Meghan is the heroine who saves Harry from the crushing oppressiveness of royal tradition. You go, your grace!

Direction is bland, acting mostly indifferent, dialogue execrable. Worth watching for: the scene where Meghan ends up chasing Harry's private jet down the runway after precipitately chucking him. The subplot about Princess Diana being reincarnated as a lion. Some very surprising dialogue ('I love a dirty martini,' says the Duchess of Cornwall). Possibly the least accurate depiction of the Queen ever put on screen - she complains about how she's shown in The Crown, in a nicely meta moment.

Pervasive sense of double-think permeates the production: film is consistently down on the royals, which is odd when you consider that if Harry wasn't a royal it wouldn't actually exist. Media intrusion on the couple is also strongly frowned upon, but if making a whole movie fictionalising their lives isn't an intrusion of some sort, what is? Soon to pass into obscurity, I reckon, but an arresting, mutant production while it's with us.
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Crazily good
I had not expected to like this film, mainly because it's a modern rom-com and most of them turn out to be pretty rubbish - but Crazy Rich Asians however is definitely not one.

It's a rom-com, so I'm afraid to say it is ridiculously predictable but I've yet to see a rom-com that isn't. However in this film it's the getting there that matters. It's funny, witty and full of a surprising amount of heart. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty much in tears by the end. It does drag a little in the middle and could have been cut a little shorter, however it's saved by a very engaging cast. It's so refreshing to see a film cast entirely made up of Asian actors and some very good ones at that. From Michelle Yeoh to Gemma Chan, it's the performances that really make this worth watching. This is probably the best modern rom-com I've seen in a long time, and while it doesn't quite match up to the classics like When Harry Met Sally, it's still a highly entertaining and emotional film.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Modern Lovers in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Modern Lovers
Modern Lovers
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zoe, Andrew, and Elizabeth have been friends since their college days at Oberlin. Back then, they were part of a band with their fourth friend, Lydia. Now the first three are nearing fifty, living in the same New York suburban neighborhood. Zoe resides with her wife, Jane, and their daughter Ruby. Meanwhile, Andrew and Elizabeth, now married, have a teenage son, Harry. The friends have been together through thick and thin, but things are starting to get a bit more difficult as they face the trials of aging. Zoe isn't sure if her marriage is going to hold, while Elizabeth is struggling with issues of her own. And Andrew, well, is Andrew going through some sort of midlife crisis? The three friends must confront their past (and some well-kept secrets) as well as deal with their future, including their growing (and rapidly maturing) offspring.

I wasn't one of those who adored Straub's previous novel, [b:The Vacationers|18641982|The Vacationers|Emma Straub||26440459], though I liked it, but this one sounded interesting and worth a try. And, in its defense, it was. It receives bonus points immediately for having lesbian characters who are simply part of the fabric of the novel (what, lesbians simply living regular life? surely not!). Straub's characters are crisp and well-defined. They are also a bit "New Yorky" and fall into that bucket that I so often find of whiny, self-involved New Yorkers. Andrew, in particular, though I suppose that is perhaps the entire point of Andrew. Still, overall, I found the book witty and wise. The younger protagonists--Ruby and Harry--in particular, offer fresh and fun voices. They are teenagers, after all: they are allowed to be self-involved! This was a quick read; it's engaging, fun, and occasionally sweet, even if it causes you to roll your eyes from time to time. 3.5 stars overall.

I received a copy of this novel from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available for publication everywhere on 5/31/2016.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Crossing in Books

Dec 24, 2017  
The Crossing
The Crossing
Michael Connelly | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harry Bosch is back on a case - but for the first time, it's no longer for the LAPD. After being forced to leave the LAPD (before they could fire him), Harry is "retired" and looking for a way to occupy his time. He reluctantly agrees to work for his half brother, Mickey Haller, a well-known defense attorney. Mickey brings an interesting case to Harry's attention - a reformed former gang member is in jail for a crime he swears he didn't commit (and for which Mickey is convinced he's innocent). It's a brutal rape and murder, and Bosch isn't sure he can stomach working for "the other side." Is this case worth his reputation and betraying the morals Bosch has lived by for his entire life?

So, full disclosure, I have an incredible sense of love for Harry Bosch. I stumbled upon Connelly's books in my dad's basement and picked up "The Poet" (of all books) first. I became addicted to his writing and eventually read every book in the Bosch series. I read the majority while pregnant - huge and uncomfortable, unable to sleep at night - with my twin girls. I still maintain to this day that if they'd been boys, they would have been named Hieronymus and Bosch.

So I read this book with a bit of trepidation... what would my beloved Bosch be like without his LAPD badge? I'm glad to say he's still the Bosch we know and love. In the novel, Bosch certainly struggles with the new and different mindset he must face on the other side -- the struggle of seeing the case versus the bigger picture. His brother, of course, cares only for how the facts affect the case and his client. But Bosch, being Bosch, has a bigger end state in mind - if Mickey's client didn't do it - who did?

This helps propel Bosch as he wrestles with his morals and where he belongs now, without the LAPD to back him up. That's not to say the book is simply about Bosch struggling with his own issues. Connelly presents his usual well-structured and plotted mystery, with a cast of interwoven characters. We follow along as Bosch uncovers clues from his perspective and also hear from the so-called bad guys. It's a compelling and layered mystery.

It's also interesting to see Bosch and Haller interact - this novel does an excellent job of setting up just how different the two (half) brothers really are. Still, it's always a treat to have them both in the same book.

Overall, an excellent book. Always wonderful to have Bosch in our lives again, even if briefly. I hope Connelly continues his story (hopefully he'll have to, as Bosch and Haller's lawsuit against the LAPD is still unresolved).