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Awix (3310 KP) rated Carry On Girls (1973) in Movies
Mar 24, 2020
Couldn't watch that film about angry feminists sabotaging Miss World as the cinemas are all shut, so I settled for this as it has basically the same plot. Moneygrubbing lecher Sid organises a beauty contest in the seaside town of Fircombe (dearie, dearie me); various hijinks ensue.
I know it's not very acceptable to like the Carry On films nowadays, but some of them are still consistently and irresistibly funny. Not this one, however. Most of the A-team hasn't turned up (no Kenneth Williams, no Charles Hawtrey, no Hattie Jacques, no Jim Dale) and most of the actors who are present are unable to lift the duff script they've been given. A heroic performance from Sid James does draw some laughs, but these films shouldn't be a one-man show. The consistent chauvinism and clumsy salaciousness becomes genuinely wearing as well. Grisly stuff, and quite hard going.
I know it's not very acceptable to like the Carry On films nowadays, but some of them are still consistently and irresistibly funny. Not this one, however. Most of the A-team hasn't turned up (no Kenneth Williams, no Charles Hawtrey, no Hattie Jacques, no Jim Dale) and most of the actors who are present are unable to lift the duff script they've been given. A heroic performance from Sid James does draw some laughs, but these films shouldn't be a one-man show. The consistent chauvinism and clumsy salaciousness becomes genuinely wearing as well. Grisly stuff, and quite hard going.