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Barbie (2023)
Barbie (2023)
2023 | Animation, Romance
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Margot robbie (1 more)
Ryan gosling
Watched today in a packed cinema which doesn't happen often this year but this one definitely was full anyway the movie itself based on the well known children's doll barbie it starts off with a nod 2001 a space odyssey won't say anymore on that part plus u have helen mirren as the narrator of the movie and then the movie the really start robbies barbie getting up meeting all the barbies and there are alot as there's alot of Kens especially Ryan gosling Ken who thinks he's got a chance with barbie and for some reason they have to visit the real world and I won't say anymore u will have to watch the movie
This wouldn't normally be my type of movie but I did laugh thruout the movie it is cheesey but also fun robbie was born to play barbie I don't think no one else could same goes to gosling as Ken shout out goes to kate mckinnon who steals every scene she's in.
Overall good movie not sure if some of the scenes are okay for little ones but older ones will find it ok
The Recruit: Book 1
The Recruit: Book 1
Robert Muchamore | 2004 | Children
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
James adams (2 more)
Mr Large
If kid spy where real it would happen this way.
There are a lot of young spy kids books on the market. The Cherub series however is by far my favourite. The reason behind this is simple. The children in the book are allowed to be children yes there training got be says but there not good at everything they do. Unlike Alex rider if they get in touch spot they get caught in thought spots.

James Adams is the protagonist for this series in the first book he goes to an orphanage where he's potential for a spy is noticed. He is an ordinary kid which happens to have a gift for numbers he get in trouble one of the first assisgment he goes on though stricley speaking he not supposed to is to break I to a home make it look like kids whilst somone steal data from a computer. There nothing in this book that would make you think we'll that s reddiculus they have get out of that there no I must tell you my every plan because your you to die. There is just wow okay this could happen and I want to be part of cherub. Of course not everything is easy James is challenged by the camp instructed Mr large who takes pleasure in children pain.
Taming My Whiskey (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor #6)
Taming My Whiskey (The Whiskeys: Dark Knights at Peaceful Harbor #6)
Melissa Foster | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
TAMING MY WHISKEY is the sixth book in the Whiskey series and finally, we get Dixie's story. She has been there for her brothers and she wants what they have. She wants this perfect, deep love, with roots that go down deep. Unfortunately, the man who raises her temperature is a wanderer, travelling the globe to promote his business (and other reasons).

I love dipping into this world. The Dark Knights and their ladies are always a delight, and Dixie and Jace are no exception. Jace is a strong man, who thinks he has all he needs. He's had his eyes on Dixie for years but hasn't made a move due to her being his friend's little sister. Now she is all grown up (and has been for a while!) and is not prepared to settle for second best in any part of her life.

This was written in the same high-class standard I have come to expect from Melissa Foster, with plenty of quips and snark to keep me amused. Emotions also ride high in this book, from that leaping-off-the-page attraction to the steam that rose from my kindle when they got together.

I adored this story and all the cameos given by the others. I love Melissa Foster's writing, and can't wait to see what comes next. Absolutely recommended by me.
Inside The Kremlin by Ravi Shankar
Inside The Kremlin by Ravi Shankar
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I chose a live album because you can hear where East meets West. It's obvious Ravi's known for his traditional music with Indian instruments. But with Inside The Kremlin he has the strings going. He's got a very orchestrated formality to mix in with his own Indian-tempered scale melodies. You can also hear the giant strings very clearly, so for me this is heaven. You've got the Indian modality mixed in with classical music. It's part of where we learned to orchestrate - where you can hear the sitars, for instance. It didn't take long for us to think, hey, this is how you put a cool guitar, strings or oboe piece together! Before that - and the same happened on Ocean Rain by Echo & The Bunnymen - it was the first time in a long time that we began to suss out this orchestration thing; it's not rocket science! I know the composers seem like they're physicists but if we can just take the melodies we can already play on the guitar and we put them on these classical instruments, that's orchestration, isn't it? We didn't have to be Mozart to do this. But in my case, this is where I began to figure some of these things out, certainly with Ocean Rain and Ravi Shankar. When I was in The Flaming Lips making the In A Priest Driven Ambulance album, it was very similar in that there was a guitar melody, but there were also strings doing it. That led to the beginnings of the orchestration in Mercury Rev as well as Flaming Lips. Listen to Ravi Shankar, and then listen to modern Bollywood - that's the Western or Hollywood side of Eastern music."


Rat Scabies recommended Innervisions by Stevie Wonder in Music (curated)

Innervisions by Stevie Wonder
Innervisions by Stevie Wonder
1973 | Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It's one of the classic records of all time, but I remember when this came out I wasn't particularly a Stevie Wonder fan. He'd done the singles and he was a Tamla pop artist really, wearing a suit, and I thought I'd got him labelled. But then this record came out and it was like his coming of age almost. It's like a small journey, listening to this album. It has a very positive beginning and ending, from side one right through to the last track. And that whole thing of here I am in New York, that wonderful idea of bringing in sound effects of street sounds that gave a different atmosphere and set the scene for what you're about to hear. I think most bands wanted to do that kind of thing but it was very easy for it to take over, so it was mostly left to the Pink Floyds of this world. But for somebody to do it just on the one track worked really well. And he played drums on this album, too. That was the weird thing, because when you listen to the drums it doesn't sound like a drummer. The things he plays aren't instinctive, so there's a different kind of musicality to what he's doing, and where it goes and where he puts things and where he hits the toms and where he does crashes and stuff like that. In some ways it was very brave of him, because let's face it he could've got any drummer to do it. But it gives it what I suppose these days you'd call an artisan quality, but I think of it as an earthy feel. Otherwise everything would be too perfect on this record. You have to have imperfection to give it character and personality. I think there's something about imperfection that puts you more in touch with what you're listening to, because you're not alienated by something that's unachievable. This record has that by the sack full"

Chasing the Dime
Chasing the Dime
Michael Connelly | 2002 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
"What Happened to You?" "I Got the Wrong Number."
Henry Pierce is just days away from a patent and a huge meeting with a potential investor at the company he founded. However, he's also just moved into an apartment since he has split with his fiancee. That, of course, means a new land line, and Pierce starts to get phone messages for someone named Lilly. Pierce quickly figures out that Lilly is a prostitute, but how did he get her number? Why would she give it up? Pierce isn't able to let the puzzle go, and he begins to spend his weekend obsessing over finding her instead of doing the last-minute things he should be doing for his company. Will he find her? Will he destroy everything he's worked for in the process?

This book is definitely a departure for Michael Connelly, featuring an everyman and bordering on a technothriller. It starts out well with plenty of intrigue, but it gets bogged down in the second half. The pace gets way too slow at one point before picking up again and racing to the climax. Pierce's reasons for getting as involved as he does are reasonable, but we don't find out until the end. He does make an interesting main character, however, and the rest of the cast are just as strong. Since this book originally came out in 2002, it has some dated elements. It's amazing how much our lives have changed in the last decade and a half. This is one of Connelly's rare stand-alones, and you can read it as much, but fans of the Harry Bosch books will recognize some cool Easter Eggs, including a reference to the ending of City of Bones, the Bosch book that came out just before this book did.
Angel Has Fallen (2019)
Angel Has Fallen (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Thriller
My attention span has fallen
Angel Has Fallen is a dumb, exhausting, joyless & over long experience that proves old isn't always bold. When this first started I won't lie I felt engaged, it felt like the team behind this series had finally matured/evolved past the blatant racism, painful dialog, woeful storytelling & overall silliness of the last movies. Essssh was I wrong. First thing on this downward spiral was Gerard Buttler not only is his accent always halfway between Scottish & American but theres something distracting about his face & how he constantly seems like he's chewing on something he's not enjoying most of the film (maybe the apauling script). Second they seemed to blow all the budget on these big slow motion action scenes at the start as my god do the production values take a complete nose dive half way in. Green screen & cgi go from quite cool/believable to worse than sharknado quality, its ghastly, distracting & im shocked this film got a cinema release looking how it does. I get the film is going for 90s nostalgia but honestly it fails on almost every level ending on such a cliched boss fight that is so unexciting & half arsed its plain embarrassing (I mean who wants to watch two old men fumble around on a boring roof looking more like they are about kiss than stab each other to death). One big brain dead mess & its stupidity/constant Trump praising became tiresome very quickly. Not even so good its bad its just plain lazy film making at its best & it only caters to people that need their movie plots spelt out in spaghetti shapes for them. Pure childish crap that rips parts from all the great action movies of the 90s & destroys your good memories of them. Avoid at all costs.
The Whispering Skull: Lockwood & Co. #2
The Whispering Skull: Lockwood & Co. #2
Jonathan Stroud | 2014 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters, plot (0 more)
Pacing (0 more)
Good follow-up
This was the only one of the whole series (thus far) that I struggled with. It's not that it wasn't intriguing, but the pace was off. It was so slow. It could have been cut back maybe 50 pages.

However, the characters just make the whole series. I can't believe I ever disliked George as he's now a dear part of my heart. They all are to be honest. Lucy can be annoyingly stubborn, but that flaw makes her feel so real. She is a real kid with real issues.

The plot was a bit more convoluted than it needed to be, in my opinion. It was, of course, interesting and intricate, as I now expect from Jonathan Stroud. There are several seemingly unrelated storylines all leading to the grande finale in the end. It's a joy to read and solve with the agents.

It's hard to put into words, the magic of this series. I even got my mom hopelessly in love with the series. Sorry, not sorry, Mom.
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
Jamie Lee Curtis is back! (1 more)
Michael Myers is back!
The night he came home......again
Contains spoilers, click to show
Remember all those Halloween sequels (there's a fair few) well scrap them as this is Halloween 2 (strictly speaking the 3rd Halloween 2)

After that night in 1979 Michael Myers was captured, subdued and put in an asylum (coz that worked so well before). How on earth he got captured is beyond me but anyway go with it.
2 internet bloggers/vloggers want to write up a story on Michael and go visit him. I mean why not he's definitely known for his very chatty nature isnt he....oh and while there take his mask I'm sure he'll love that.

Inevitably Michael escapes and once more begins his pursuit of Laurie Strode (who isnt his sister). Cue tension, that musical score and many gruesome deaths.

An ending that is similar to home alone and that you would 100% confirm the end of Myers.......but this is Hollywood, the film made money and a new Halloween has been confirmed (is it Halloween 2 or 3 now)