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Graham Massey recommended Innervisions by Stevie Wonder in Music (curated)

Innervisions by Stevie Wonder
Innervisions by Stevie Wonder
1973 | Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'd already bought the single, 'He's Misstra Know It All' and played that to death. I bought this album on the day that it came out in Woolworth's, when I was on holiday in Eastbourne. And then I had to wait a week to listen to it. I spent that time reading the back cover about Moogs, ARPs and other synth sounds and I didn't even know what those words meant! My imagination was quite engaged because he seemed to have played all of the instruments and that was unusual back then. But I've always liked records that have that much of a one-man stamp on them. The sound of Innervisions was different from what was around at that point. There wasn't anything that sounded as colourful as this album. These new synthesizers sounded sensuous and they were moving in a very animalistic way while being chest-resonators with humanistic kind of sounds. It was fascinating when I was first getting into music. It was a more sophisticated kind of pop music compared to what was going on at that point. All these complicated chords that Stevie Wonder was using were very intriguing to me. The sonics on this album really hit me and some tracks are more fruity than others. Then you had tracks like 'Visions', which are more jazzy and quite guitar-orientated. They gave me feelings that I didn't understand as a teenager, and even after over 40 years, Innervisions keeps on giving. I keep going back to it because it's got so many emotional layers: there's anger there, there's tenderness and there's a lot of commitment to the music. Stevie Wonder seemed more real and that was something you could align yourself with."

White Boy Rick (2018)
White Boy Rick (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama
I'm in that bizarre situation again where I've just seen a film that I couldn't actually find a flaw in but it's getting a low rating because it really wasn't my sort of thing.

The cast did a great job, I couldn't fault any of them, even Eddie Marsan who I've become increasingly wary about since he's started popping up all over the place. Richie Merritt as Ricky gave such a great performance. Just the right amount of teenage attitude. His interactions with the police and agents really hit the right spot.

The film has such amazing accuracy on all the "period" items, and the general feel over the whole film really nails that era. Nothing felt out of place at all, every camera angle worked, every bit of scenery. It isn't often I think that about a film.

It baffles my mind a little to think that this isn't a made up story. It really is a shame that this isn't my sort of film. While it definitely had some interesting moments and a fairly strong, if rocky, family theme running through it, if you aren't engaging with it then it does feel a little drawn out. As I said, it's a well made film and brought to the screen incredibly well but it's definitely not made for me.

What you should do

If you're into true stories then this one might appeal to you. My score says don't watch it, but my brain is saying do. It is a good film, and if the subject matter appeals then I think you'll appreciate it a lot more than I was able to.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I've got a shoe box under my bed, if it could be full of money the next time I check that would be great.
Midnight Heist (Outlaws #1)
Midnight Heist (Outlaws #1)
Katherine McIntyre | 2021 | Crime, LGBTQ+, Romance, Thriller
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fabulous start to this series, and to Ms McIntyre's MM path. Keep em coming!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Grif needs to infiltrate Dan Torres' company to ruin it. But one look at Dan and Grif knows he's all kinds of innocent, but equally dangerous. Dan knows there's something bad going on in his company, now he's taken over from his father, but the Board is all old men stuck with old opinions and old ways. When Dan finds out what Grif has planned, he sees it as a perfect way to get what he wants. But what happens after?

So! Ms McIntyre is a firm favourite with me, her paranormal books have been mostly 4 and 5 stars but I didn't much care for her Discord series. This one, though??

Brilliant! It really does hit THAT spot, you know? The one that you don't know needs hitting but when it does, it goes BOOM and you start to lose track of the time and the next thing you know, you've done sod all this afternoon but read a brilliant book!

The attraction between Grif and Dan is instant and powerful and burns bright and so freaking hawt throughout the book. They both they should NOT be doing this, but neither can stay away. They KNOW that this will lead them down a dangerous and, quite probably, deadly path but both of them are prepared to risk it. And they DO risk it, once it all comes out and everyone knows what's going on.

It's quite clear who the bad guy is at the company, what's not so clear is how far up it goes, how far it's spread and who else is involved. It's STILL not clear, to be honest!

I loved the team of Outlaws! Scarlet, especially. Sometimes, Scarlet is a she, and sometimes Scarlet is a he. I got a little confused at first, and thought it a typo, but when it happens a couple of times, I figured that's just Scarlet, you know? I loved how Dan and Leo, his best friend, slot so beautifully into the team. And maybe, just maybe, there are a few clues to whose story might be next. These guys are deadly, and they make no apologises for that, but what they do is get the bad guys and they do it the best way they how, from the inside out. Anyone who gets in their way, well, silly of them really!

I found myself waiting for the L word. I kept thinking, its-a-coming, any mintue now, and it doesn't and I LOVED that it doesn't! Grif and Dan aren't really the lovey-dovey sort. Oh, there is love here, it's quite clear from the things they feel for each other, don't get me wrong, but it's not VOICED and I think when they DO voice that word, its gonna be spectacular!

Fabulous start to this series, and to Ms McIntyre's MM path. Keep em coming!

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Blink Once
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review is also on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I bought this book as a gift to myself because, well, I can never have enough books! The synopsis of the book sounded really good, and I was kind of right.

West ends up in hospital paralysed from the neck down after a biking accident. He thinks that life will never get any better until he meets the alluring Olivia who is in the next room. Soon, she's sneaking in to his room to see him whenever she can. He communicates with her by blinking his eyes once for yes and twice for no. West starts having some strange dreams whilst in hospital. He can't but help to feel that his dreams and the hospital he's in are somehow connected. And what's the deal with Olivia? Why is she in hospital?

I thought the title of this book kind of suits it. West does use blinking for communicating, but that's about it. I don't really see the significance of the title "Blink Once." The author could've chose another title that's better suited to the book, but I suppose Blink Once suits it a bit.

The cover, like the title sort of suits the book. It's just a picture of a girl laying down, possibly sleeping. I'm assuming it's Olivia. It seems that most YA books these days take the easy route of picking out a design for their cover but just putting up a photo of one of the main characters. Meh, like I said, it's an okay cover, but it could've been better. It does relate to the book though so I suppose that's something.

There's not much to say about the setting. About 98 percent of the book takes place in a hospital. The other places the book takes place is in memories in West's mind for the most part.

The pacing started out so so so slowly. I was thinking how disappointed I was in this book especially as I actually paid money for it. I had to force myself to read it, but I'm glad I did. About 65 percent of the way through the book, the pacing of the book picks up. It becomes a fascinating read. Of this, I was very thankful. Once I got to where the book had decent pacing, I couldn't put the book down. I was wondering if I was actually reading the same book as the pacing was totally opposite for awhile.

The dialogue is good for a young adult book. There is some swearing in this book, but it's not too much. I liked the way the characters, especially the boys, came across as being "real" teenagers, as in talking about how hot a girl was and that sort of thing. A lot of YA books seem to make their teenage characters appear to be more adult. It was so refreshing to see the characters acting their age.

As for the characters, I must admit, at first I couldn't care less about what happened to West and Olivia or what was going to happen to them. When the book actually got going, I started falling in love with West and Olivia. I loved their relationship. You can definitely feel that they've got something special. Olivia does come across as a bit needy, but I think that helped me relate to her. She doesn't come across as an annoying needy girl. It's a bit hard to explain.

This book will make you question certain things. I won't tell you what because I don't want to give too much away. It made me feel like I shouldn't ever take anything for granted.

I'd recommend this book to everyone aged 16+.

Blink Once by Cylin Busby gets a 3.5 out of 5 from me.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
A whole new universe of Spideys!
Finally got around to watching this after reading lots of great reviews and it really delivered.

Having not known anything about the Miles Morales storyline or origin story, I was excited going into this without much prescreen knowledge (which doesn't happen much these days).

Basically a Brooklyn teenager gets bit by the that darn radioactive spider and then starts to exhibit his own Spidey traits after the original Peter Parker is killed in action. Much to the surprise of Miles, another wisecracking out of shape Peter shows up and says he's from another alternate universe or something where things are different. Eventually, Spider-Gwen, Spider-Man Noir, Peni Parker, and Spider-Ham also arrive to take on the Kingpin and a female version of Doc Ock to try and save the Earth from destruction.

The humor in the film is rally good. I guess I would say equivalent to a PG version of Deadpool with lots of wisecracks and sarcasm. My kind of screenplay. While not necessarily made for adults, I think both young and not so young would enjoy the fast pace of the film with very few dull spots.

They don't focus very much on the Peter Parker origin which is great since we have seen this already many times within the last few incarnations of the character. It's actually kind of amusing the way the keep repeating it in slightly different ways when the new Spideys emerge. The colors are bright and vibrant (I only saw in 2D) and the environments and backgrounds are interesting and complex which makes you dazzle for the cinematic eye candy for sure.

Due to the success critically as well as box office cred, it looks like this is the beginning of a franchise which is all right by me. I would highly recommend.


MelanieTheresa (997 KP) Jun 10, 2019

I enjoyed this much more than I thought I would! Really liked it.


Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 10, 2019

Yes me as well.

Obscura Burning
Obscura Burning
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I love the cover of this. It's very sci-fi-y and drew my attention straight away before I even read the synopsis.

So I found this to be a bit confusing with the continuous switching between realities and it took me a while to get used to it, especially keeping up with how all the other characters interacted with Kyle between the two realities he was living. In one people are alive who should have been dead, in the other he was friends with a girl who treated him like crap in the former. Another strange fact is that while he's in one alternate universe, he continues to function in the other, so he zips back and forth and can be in the middle of doing something that he then doesn't remember starting.

The girl I just mentioned above, Mya, tries to help Kyle figure out what's happening by taking him to a scientist/professor who did a paper on multiverses. In the "Danny's dead" world, I really like her, she's friendly and fun, while in "Shira's dead" world, well, she's not. (I think I got that right...)

As for Danny and Shira, I don't think I was a fan of them from the start. I'm not sure why, maybe it was because we never really saw enough of them, or the them before the fire that injured/killed them. But by the end, I definitely didn't like them.

The writing style was easy to get into and I kinda devoured the book when I finally just sat back and let myself read it without any distractions.

Don't be put off with it having a gay relationship in it, there's nothing overtly graphic between Danny and Kyle, just references, it doesn't go into great detail. It doesn't go into detail with Kyle's female relationships either.

This was probably a little too sci-fi for me; alternate universes? Erm...not really my thing but I did enjoy it. If you like sci-fi and mystery then you'll probably like this.

Merissa (11950 KP) rated Courting Mr. Cutthroat (Campy Romances #3) in Books

Sep 21, 2021 (Updated Jul 14, 2023)  
Courting Mr. Cutthroat (Campy Romances #3)
Courting Mr. Cutthroat (Campy Romances #3)
Deborah Camp | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
COURTING MR. CUTTHROAT is the third book in the Campy Romances series, although each book can be read as a standalone.

Cutter is the youngest of three brothers who all appear to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouths. However, although they had everything money could buy, they didn't have a mother or father that cared for them. Luckily, each of them had a nanny who stepped into the mother's role. The father though? Well, two were lucky, but Cutter wasn't. He got the reputation as the bad boy, the black sheep. Was it deserved? Possibly.

Luckily for him, Gemma was his stalwart friend, with him throughout everything. She even understands when he ups and leaves without saying goodbye. But things are different now. Cutter is a hotshot artist, back in town for a while. Gemma is a lawyer. Can they rekindle what they had? Or maybe the question is, should they?

This is an easy-to-read contemporary romance in a small town where memories are long and grudges are held onto. The heat is on between Cutter and Gemma, but it is not clear if Cutter will allow himself to fall. I loved reading more about their past relationship, and how Gemma is mature enough to call out his sh*t when he's acting stupidly.

I loved how this story unfolded, with all the snippets of what happens to various characters. The polar bear was sad though, simply because it's unfortunately too true. The relationship between the brothers grew and made me smile every time they were together.

A steamy, feel-good story that I have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 21, 2021
Hanging with Daddy (Pride Pet Play 2023)
Hanging with Daddy (Pride Pet Play 2023)
JP Sayle | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
cute and sweet but maybe not for me.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, i was gifted my copy of this book.

I love JP Sayle, you know I do. I've watched the skill this author has grow from the very beginning, and I'm incredibly proud of the work this author continues to produce.


This one I found a little too sweet for me, and I hate that I did.

It's well told, from both Gaines and Austin's point of view. It's the first I've of a koala as a chosen pet for play, and at times, I did find the koala stuff too much. There were koalas in everything, EVERYTHING Gaines did, and it was a bit overpowering.

I loved that both men had an immediate and powerful reaction to the other, and both men, once they started to get to know each other, were fully able to adapt and bend to the others' needs, without sacrificing their own. I liked that Austin gave Gaines time to work things out in his head, before he came to Austin, even if it killed Austin to wait.

I loved that we got to catch up with Terrence and Warner from A Little Christmas, Terrence. It's always great catching up with characters fromprevious reads, even in those that can stand alone from others.

I really liked that, while some things *little* were mentioned in passing, and others were talked about, Gaines doesn't slip far into little-space. He's more a pet-space kinda guy and I did like that. LOVED the descriptions of Gaines climbing Austin like a pole! LOVED them!!

It's steamy and smexy, not overly emotional and there is no real drama, save for Gaines getting his head straight to talk to Austin.

It just didn't really work for me, and I hate that it didn't! I'm sorry, Jayne!

3 good, but not really for me, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Gemini Man (2019)
Gemini Man (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
I saw the trailers for this and thought it looked pretty good, the story sounded interesting and even though the effects in the clips looked a little dubious I was excited for one reason... Jerry Bruckheimer was involved, and I've never seen anything he's done that I didn't enjoy.

Henry Brogan is a master assassin, his whole life has been dedicated to perfecting his craft, but when he discovers he's been misled about a recent kill he decides it's time to hang up his gun. Such a high profile asset can't just retire from his life though and he soon finds himself being pursued. His would-be killer is agile and surprisingly capable, Henry is impressed by the improvising skills, and so he should be... they're his.

I've only just learnt that this film has been on the cards for 20 odd years. When it was first discussed technology wasn't up for the task the idea was pitching. Knowing that fact makes me wonder if they kept a 90's/00's script because the action does have that nostalgic quality. There have been lots of directors and actors attached to it and there's a fun thought experiment to have by exploring the possible outcomes it could have had.

Before I talk about my thoughts on the film I want to touch on the experience I had. Being out of town for the release meant that I was able to go to a cinema showing it in HFR 3D. This is the way it was filmed and intended to be seen but hardly any cinemas (in the world it seems) are able to show it that way. Cineworld Crawley were one of the cinemas that could, initially I wasn't bothered about seeing it in this format, but to be so close and have it snatched away was a real trauma.

I saw roughly the first 3 minutes of the film in HFR 3D and it seems this was the same fate of the screening before too. What I saw of it was mind-blowing, Will Smith was so crystal clear that he probably wouldn't have even looked that good if he was performing it in the room with me. But as I say, (several) 3-minute viewings were all we got before they had to give up and show us the 2D version. I'd be interested to know if anyone has a successful HFR screening. I would like to have seen it all the way through to see how it changed the visuals, sadly that's unlikely to happen now.

Let me put this out there straight away... this film is not good, and yet somehow good.

Gemini Man is a conventional idea with a twist and has an average script, but there's something engaging about the action. Oh, and while the script wasn't great it's entirely accurate when it states "Everyone hates cilantro." Yes, quite right.

De-aging technology has come a long way recently, but it has ups and downs depending on budget. In this respect Gemini Man had me stumped. The CGI in the trailer didn't look great and I assumed that was maybe early footage to get it out in front of audiences, but the film genuinely wasn't much better. There are moments where you don't notice it, you could almost pass Little Will off as the original, but the main problem is he's too familiar. On a lesser-known actor this might have played off better in more scenes. There are several moments where Little Will is lit with a flashlight and those moments caused me the most problems because that lighting looked wrong, particularly on his neck, and any quality work that may have been there was lost with the one bad piece. Most other effects are pretty reasonable until we get to the parkour ninja assassin towards the end... that sequence appears to be CG and everything is too fast and very cartoony.

I don't feel much of a need to talk about acting, it's all... fine. Without an epic script there's not much to work with but everyone makes it work as it needs to. It's a little sad that with 20 years to play with this wasn't a masterpiece on all fronts, or at least the script.

Gemini Man may have had a lot of issues for me but in the moment it's good to watch... even with the cheesy ending and the point where I thought it was directed by John Woo. I won't feel the need to buy this when it comes out but I'll definitely watch it again while hoping to see the HFR version in full.

Originally posted on:

Gaz Coombes recommended On The Beach by Neil Young in Music (curated)

On The Beach by Neil Young
On The Beach by Neil Young
1974 | Rock
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is such a glorious and beautiful album. There are not many albums that make me want to cry but I think this is stunningly beautiful and raw and emotive and it contains some of the best and favourite Neil Young lyrics. You know: 'I need a crowd of people/ But I can't face them day to day' - I feel that. I'm interpreting that in a certain way but I'm with him on that. There are so many times that you listen to stuff that you really feel. It feels so real; more than real even. It's a beautiful album. 'Revolution Blues' has got everything; it's got a great sounding band working really well and nailing it and it's got an energy. Nothing's too internal either. I was talking to someone earlier about the lyrics to Matador and I know that there are some really personal lyrics on there but they still have to have a hook; they can't be too internal. I can't internalise too much or else I close myself off to whoever is listening. I don't want to push anyone away by being so morose or depressing. But Neil Young does it so well. Lyrically he's a great inspiration to me. They sometimes feel like throwaway lyrics or he has quite simple couplets that feel very day-to-day, but then equally he can be a lot more abstract and using metaphors as well. I've looked at that quite a lot in terms of creating that balance of metaphors and real day-to-day life. But why not have some anger in there? I hear that a lot in 'Revolution Blues' where he talks about 'killing stars in their cars' and that's great. It's angry; it's like the first line of 'To The Wire'. The first line of the song is, 'I want to cut myself' but the second line is: 'I want to cut myself down.' You know, it's where I want to cut myself free of all the pressures. I remember when I played it to people and they were like, 'Gaz! What was that?' and I was like, 'No, no, no, it's part of a couplet. The pay-off is line two.' You know, I'm not into self-harm or anything but I like the fact that some days I might feel like I'm really completely fucked and that I might hate myself and do some damage but I won't. I question it. And like I say, Neil Young does that really well."
