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    **NEWS** Just released - Check out our newest app: iFish Pond! ******** iFish, the original...

    I Am T-Pain 2.0

    I Am T-Pain 2.0

    Music and Entertainment

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    It’s a fact: everyone sounds better with the T-Pain Effect. Transform your voice and get your...

Baby Driver (2017)
Baby Driver (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
Well, that was an … interesting … film

I've seen movies before where the songs were specifically written for that movie, and were used to propel the plot along (aka musicals).

I've seen movies before where the songs were 'dropped into' the story, but could almost just as easily have been left out with no real loss to the narrative.

This falls somewhere between those 2 extremes, with the titular Baby a reluctant get-away driver (paying off an old debt) who suffers from tinnitus, and spends the majority of the movie with his headphones in listening to music from his various ipods to drown out that constant ringing.

Somewhat cliched in parts - one last job, indeed! - with an eclectic mix of music, I found the romance between Baby and Lily James waitress Debora to be somewhat unbelievable, with the film - at the very start - almost going full-on musical (too much so for my sake), as Baby dances and weaves his way through crowds to collect coffee after the first expertly-choreographed car chase.
The Battery (2014)
The Battery (2014)
2014 | Drama, Horror
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
381. The Battery. A rather boring zombie tale. It has good reviews, but eh... We meet Ben and Mickey, two former baseball players, we know this because they frequently stop to have a quick game of catch, they are travelling the now deserted roads of New England. Mickey is the scared one, not quite grasping the situation and wants to settle down somewhere. Also Mickey wears headphones most of the time, is that really a wise decision walking the streets of a zombie infested land, and you disable your hearing?? And Ben wants to keep moving because that's the best thing to do. On occasion they run into a zombie, a person with some powder on their face and lipstick smeared on various parts of their faces. They also spend a large portion of time trapped in a car, and quite a funny part this is. First thing I noticed about the car they are trapped in, the windows are partially rolled down, however the zombies never reach in to grab at em. So yea, it's forgettable. Filmbufftim on FB