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Lucy Buglass (45 KP) rated Russian Doll in TV

Jun 20, 2019  
Russian Doll
Russian Doll
2019 | Comedy, Mystery
After the success of both Parks and Recreation and Orange is the New Black, I was intrigued by a new Netflix series created by Amy Poehler and Natasha Lyonne. Many fans know them as Leslie Knope and Nicky Nichols, and I’m sure we can all agree they’d make a very interesting duo.

Immediately after seeing the promos for Russian Doll, it was clear that this was going to be a very different tone to their previous work, and felt incredibly offbeat and quirky in nature. The series follows a woman named Nadia Vulvokov (Natasha Lyonne) as she finds herself in a time-loop after she is hit by a taxi and dies. Unfortunately for Nadia, she has to relive her 36th birthday party over and over again. It’s Groundhog Day on speed, which is an utterly delightful concept.

Whilst it may sound similar to Groundhog Day, it’s actually a very unique story. At first it’s easy to worry about the repetitive nature of the series, considering Nadia spends most of her time dying and reliving the same moment. Somehow it manages to stay funny, fresh and watchable throughout all eight episodes. The pacing is spot-on and keeps you guessing, as you follow Nadia’s journey into discovering why she’s found herself in this loop. On this journey, she’s joined by a number of characters including her ex-boyfriend John (Yul Vazquez), close family friend Ruth (Elizabeth Ashley) and a stranger named Alan (Charlie Barnett) who is closer to this situation than he originally realizes.

As the series progresses, we begin to delve into some pretty heavy stuff. Without giving away spoilers, the episodes start to question morality, ethics, the past, and the future. Each character is so well fleshed out and we want to know more about them. It’s easy to become sucked into the world of Russian Doll, and trust me when I say it’s a binge worthy series. You won’t want to stop until you have answers. It’s a show that knows how to balance comedy and drama effectively, delivering laugh out loud then heart-wrenching moments in quick succession. You feel sorry for various characters and loathe others, and it’s an incredibly well fleshed out series.

In terms of its visuals, Russian Doll is a gritty, psychedelic glimpse into the lives of various New York City residents. We see rich and poor, confident and timid, good and bad characters as they go about their daily lives. It’s fascinating to watch and each location has been crafted to give you more insight into the characters in this world. From quirky high-rise apartments to homeless shelters, this series shows it all. It’s the Big Apple in all its glory, whether that’s good or bad.

My advice would be to walk into Russian Doll knowing as little as possible, allowing yourself to approach the situation in a similar way to Nadia. It’s a comedy, thriller and mystery all rolled into one, with each genre complementing the other superbly. As far as Netflix Originals go, this is one of the strongest ones I’ve seen so far. Eight episodes is just enough to keep you entertained, whilst still giving enough backstory to make it a compelling tale. Just when you think you know a character, the tables are turned and your jaw is on the floor.
★★★☆☆ - "I've been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow."

A new story, a new mystery and a new adventure. Dawn at Emberwilde is a charming story of a young woman who is offered a new life. What will she do with the choices laid before her?

"And yet the very sight of her
dislodged his sense of time and space."
- Dawn at Emberwilde
(Location 3620)

About the Book
Isabel Creston has grown up at Fellsworth School, training for a teaching position. Knowing she would someday become a governess. She has resigned to her lot in life, but her spirit wishes to soar free. When an unexpected visitor shows up at Fellsworth School, life as she knew it changed forever. Unknown relatives have been searching for Isabel since the death of her father. They were finally able to track her down and open their home to her. Filled with apprehensions, Isabel and her younger sister, Elizabeth, travel to their new home of Emberwilde. With stories of the Emberwilde Forest being haunted and of her past that differ from her own knowledge, Isabel does not know who or what to believe. When not one, but two men begin to occupy her thoughts, her heart is thrown into a tumult whirlwind. Will she embrace the endearments of Mr. Bradley? Or find comfort in the silent strength of Mr. Galloway? Who is she really? Will she find herself in the forest of Emberwilde?

"The important thing to remember is that no experience is ever wasted. It is being used to fashion you into the person you are meant to be, and to move you to the place where you are supposed to go."
- Dawn at Emberwilde
(Location 3115)

My Thoughts
I have to admit that although I did enjoy the overall story line, I was a bit let down with Dawn at Emberwilde. First of all I was under the impression that this series would have treasures such as gems and jewelry playing a significant role. In the first book (The Curiosity Keeper) we have the mystery of the Bevoy (a giant ruby), which was a thrilling tale! However there is no mystery of that kind in Dawn at Emberwilde. Don't get me wrong though, there is plenty of mystery and devious behavior to make a good story. But of a fashion that I was not quite expecting. I kept waiting for something else into come into play (like a chest of gold). Although, I suppose the treasure itself is supposed to be Isabel Creston. While the outline of this story was good, I felt that the pace could have been a bit quicker. The last 80 pages are full of action and I really couldn't put it down until I finished it. But the first 240 pages or so were not nearly as exciting. This book had a Cinderella feel to it, being a rags to riches type of story. The description of the clothing and styles was extremely detailed. The cover is exceptional, depicting the Emberwilde Forest perfectly! With its sense of haunting and mystery. Recommended if you are looking for a nice book to occupy some down time. These books can stand alone. There was very little reference to The Curiosity Keeper in Dawn at Emberwilde.

I received a free digital copy of The Curiosity Keeper from NetGalley courtesy of Thomas Nelson, Inc. in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Taken in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Rosie Lewis, presumably a penname, has been a professional foster carer for over seven years. During this time, she has dealt with children and teenagers from all sorts of backgrounds who are usually facing some form of crisis or difficulty. In latter years, Rosie has begun to combine her love of writing with her fostering experiences by writing story-like memoirs. <i>Taken</i> is Rosie’s latest publication, which reveals how emotionally challenging fostering can be.

Rosie first met Megan when she was only a few days old, struggling with the effects of neonatal abstinence syndrome and a cleft plate. Removed from her mother’s care – a drug addict – Megan needs a temporary home to go to. Rosie is more than happy to take care of Megan until her “forever home” can be found.

As time goes on, Rosie and her children become attached to the little girl and include her as part of the family. Megan’s salient recovery turns her into an energetic, slightly precocious toddler who absolutely adores Rosie’s family as much as they love her. But Rosie knows she will eventually have to say goodbye, no matter what her feelings.

Rosie explains to the reader how difficult it is to function properly as a foster carer once strong emotions have got involved. She dreams of being able to keep Megan forever, but when a couple are found who desperately want a child, Rosie has no choice but to say goodbye.

It is heartbreaking to see the effects of the separation on Rosie as well as on Megan, who, despite Rosie’s attempts to elucidate the situation, does not fully comprehend what is going on. Guiltily hoping that Megan’s irascible behaviour, or a cataclysmic event, puts the new parents off adoption, Rosie says goodbye to the little girl she loves with all her heart. However, her hopes are raised when it becomes clear the adoption is not sitting as well with the new parents as much as they originally hoped. Perhaps Rosie has a chance to become Megan’s “forever mummy” after all?

Told from Rosie’s professional perspective, readers are taken on a journey from a child’s unstable beginning, to a time when they are at peace with the world. It is impossible to be unaffected by the events in Megan’s life, or experience versions of Rosie’s own emotions.

Many foster carers, social workers and nurses have put their experiences onto paper to share with the world. Most are good storytellers and are able to create a tale that could almost be fiction, with good use of vocabulary and imagery. At times, it felt like Rosie was attempting to tell a story, but instead ended up with a formal account of events. As the book progressed, however, the reader becomes so invested in Megan’s wellbeing that this issue becomes unnoticeable.

Unlike stories about older children in care, Megan’s life is easier to read about since, being fostered as a new born baby, she has no demoralizing past to overcome. Taken is by far the happier story within its genre, not least because of its satisfying ending, but from the joy Megan brings to the lives of everyone around her, too. Those new to this style of book may find <i>Taken</i> a good way of easing themselves into the genre, rather than jumping in with a story about a child with a background full of unspeakable things.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
Superheroes and villains are a subject close to my heart, I enjoy speculating on the good and bad potential of superpowers, so to have the bad Superman story laid out like this is very interesting to experience.

Having a bad Superman would have been good, but switching it to a child automatically knocks the "scary" up a notch, something we saw earlier in the year in The Prodigy.

Tori and Kyle Breyer are desperately trying to have a baby, their lives start to revolve around the idea when one night the Earth literally moves for them and a meteor hits their farm. Ten years later and Tori and Kyle have their adopted son, Brandon, but growing up comes with some unexpected twists.

Brightburn's trailer makes it very clear that what we're going to see is a Superman-style childhood but the film is actually not so blatant. In fact, everything about the pre-release information tells you exactly what you're going to get while the film alone actually leaves it to your imagination. You have to make assumptions and educated guesses about what's going to happen. It's a bit of a shame that there's really no successful way to advertise this film without pointing out the obvious.

Elizabeth Banks (eternally young and possibly getting younger) plays Tori, Brandon's mum. The terror she gets across while still retaining a mother's love is spot on and great to watch on screen. In particular there's a scene where she discovers Brandon's notebook and the way she reacts made me react, and twisting that scene with the side story of Brandon and his dad was so effective.

I have one fault when it comes to horror, and that's that I can't take it seriously, luckily lots of people in my screening felt the same way too. While there were a couple of moments that went for actual humour I found myself laughing at some of the gore too. It was the same reaction as I get from extreme action scenes, an extended "oooooooh!" with a slight wince and then laughing. I can't help it, it's just funny.

Brightburn is probably an easier horror to see as the scary moments are mostly predictable so you could close your eyes in time for the bad bits if you wanted too, a lot are prefixed with something ominous in the background to prepare you.

One moment that made me jump was actually not a scary piece, it was the moment Brandon realises he's different. You already know part of his discovery if you've seen the trailer and yet again this film then tweaks that moment to give you something a little different.

The way they use light and dark is great because it allows things to creep up on you, quite literally, and highlights the evil that is starting to permeate the town.

It surprises me that I enjoyed this one as much as I did. I think the action moments probably holds up a lot of it. I like the idea, but I'm not convinced that it was created as well as it could have been. I was impressed that they didn't step back from the violent moments though, Brightburn is ballsy, and I like it for that.

[Note: Stay to see some clips into the credits.]

What you should do

If you like horror then I think it's a fairly good offering to see, it's probably also a good crossover if you're more into superheroes.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'd love the aunt's house but without the creepy added extras.
Death By C*ck (Fetish Alley #2)
Death By C*ck (Fetish Alley #2)
Susan Mac Nicol | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a lotta LURVE in this book, folks!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Fetish Alley series, but it's not necessary to have read book one, For Fox Sake. Not necessary, but I would recommend you do read it, if only to get a better picture of Tate and Clay, and of the other characters who pop up here again. And you know, since I'm recommending, you should also probably read Feat Of Clay, from the Men of London series, cos that will give you a FAR bigger picture of Tate and Clay and how they work as a couple.

When a young taxidermist is found dead in his place of work, the police call in Tate and Clay to help with the locals, since the police seem to be hitting a wall with the residents of Fetish Alley, and Tate and Clay are almost family to Relio, who runs the Alley. Can they figure out who killed the young man, and who is behind the spate of protection racket visits the Alley residents have had?

So, like I said, book two. And an excellent follow up it is too!

I think I enjoyed this one more than book one, as well. Here's why.

I got whodunnit very quickly, and why they-dunnit too, so it was fun watching that unravel and turn out just as I thought.

So, once that was established, I sorta glanced over those bits and settled on the more important parts of this book: that of Tate and Clay, and the way each of them, independently of each other, thought about things they wanted to change. It's gonna be kinda vague, cos spoilers and all that, but bear with me!

One of the two had asked the other, a long time ago, to marry him. And I expected THAT person to ask again, but its the OTHER that does, and in such a way, you felt it, deep in your heart! It's not a well thought out, planned long declaration of love, though. It's a rushed, heartfelt deeply emotional proposal, done in a way that is so very THEM, and I bloody loved it!

OH! And, I noticed, in both For Fox Sake, and Feat of Clay, that these guys are not ones for professing their love. Don't get me wrong, Tate and Clay adore the ground the other walks on and would KILL for the other, but they don't say those three little words. And they do here, and again, its just dropped in, as they do, with one of them nodding off. And bloody hell if it didn't make me cry!

Although this is set in Fetish Alley, there is very little actual kink, almost none, really. Tate and Clay do some shopping and that's about as kinky as it gets. Oh, there is heat, so much heat and sexy time between Tate and Clay, and some we get shut down on, but the KINK? not so much.

Relio and Tomas play a part, and we still have not very much idea with what's going on with those two, but clearly, something is. I can't wait to find out what!

A thoroughly enjoyable way to spend the afternoon!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Push Barman to Open Old Wounds by Belle &amp; Sebastian
Push Barman to Open Old Wounds by Belle & Sebastian
2005 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Lisa Helps the Blind were Belle and Sebastian before they were Belle and Sebastian, a very early incarnation of the band when it was mainly the two Stuarts - Murdoch and David. I used to put on bands at this place in Glasgow called The 13th Note, there’d be a Tuesday night where anybody could play and then a Thursday night for groups who maybe were a little bit more together. “Stuart Murdoch came down a couple of times and he’d sometimes play at acoustic nights there too. I think I put on one show when they were still Lisa Helps the Blind. What I remember more than anything else was how quietly Stuart would sing, to the point that you could barely hear him over the general level of chatter in the room. I think he was very frustrated at the time, because it wasn’t in his nature to make a scene and force people to listen; he wanted them to pay attention because they appreciated the songs, you know? He was clearly a great melodic songwriter, but that track especially... “I’ve got that demo tape somewhere, in a box and it’s been there for the last two or three times I’ve moved house. I wish I could find the bloody thing because I love that version of the song. It’s quite different from the Belle and Sebastian recording that came out later, on the 3...6...9 Seconds of Light EP. I don’t want to diss that version, but the Lisa Helps the Blind one was slower and felt a little bit more lovingly crafted. I just thought, ‘Whoa, there’s something special going on here with this guy and his writing.’ “The lyrics weren’t like anything I’d heard before - the imagery he was using was both extremely profound and extremely non-rock and roll, this song from the perspective of a guy who’s going to church and fantasising about this rather plain-looking girl who is resenting being in church herself. I fell in love with the quirkiness and contrariness of it, but there was also a quiet self-assurance to it that I’ve admired about Stuart ever since. “I was in one of Belle and Sebastian’s early press photos too, they didn’t appear in them themselves in those early days. That was a very specific time in 1996, after Tigermilk and before If You’re Feeling Sinister. Stuart just stopped me on Byres Road one day, when I was out on my bike. I look so chuffed, because I loved that bike more than anything else in the world. I took a train out to Helensburgh and bought it from this guy who’d bought it new in 1948 and cycled to work on it every day of his life until he retired. It was this really heavy, beautiful old Raleigh. “I was away on tour one time and the landlady of my flat on Bank Street in Glasgow cleared out the garage and she chucked it out. It was so heart-breaking! Anyway, the photo is from a period when the band were being bashful but also playing games with the press at the same time, which was funny. Stuart was a great photographer, you’d always see him around town with his camera.”"


Rick Astley recommended Greatest Hits by Al Green in Music (curated)

Greatest Hits by Al Green
Greatest Hits by Al Green
1975 | Soul
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I felt bad about including compilations or greatest hits but if I'm honest, there the ones I go to. And I could say that about Elton John – sometimes you just want to hear the really big hits. Certain albums do stick with you forever but I'm a bit more attuned to the big, big singles. Maybe it's the way I grew up but also it's the initiation I had into my own hits. Even though I'm the youngest of four and grew up around a lot of prog rock albums – in fact, I know Yes off by heart. When Rick Wakeman played Hampton Court Palace a few years ago, he said I'm gonna do the whole of The Six Wives of Henry VIII, I bought a dozen tickets immediately! Because I knew my brother, sisters, partners would all want to go. It was bonkers and amazing. I could have gone full prog rock to be honest [with this baker's dozen selection]! Sorry – what were we talking about? Ah yes, Al Green! My sister and brothers were my entry point for music. I would have listened to quite a bit of Bowie when I was a kid and remember being quite a bit frightened by him – I couldn't work this guy out. One minute he looks like an alien and he just looked a bit odd and also some of the songs were odd – I didn't know what he was on about at all. When someone changed his whole persona the whole time at the same time I'm beginning to look at girls at the same time and then wondering is Bowie a girl? What is he? He confused me! But I definitely got to know a lot of music simply because it was just on in the house. We had one record player – I wanted the Jungle Book album but that wasn't going to happen! There's a track on my album all about having two older brothers and an older sister and it's called 'The Good Old Days' and I mention things like Rick Wakeman and lots of other bands and I also remember my brother John not letting me touch his albums!. My sister took me to see [my first gig which was] Camel when I was ten years old. Weirder than that, I was on tour, thirteen or fourteen years later in Japan and myself and the road crew were in the lounge sharing our first gig experiences. So it goes around and around each person and I'm thinking and shuddering 'they're not gonna believe me, not gonna believe me' until I say it: ""Camel, Manchester Free Trade Hall."" Two of the crew immediately jump up: ""I did the sound at that gig"" says the first! ""I did the projection at that gig!"", says the second! It literally turned something on in me. They had this massive, huge screen behind their gigs – they had this album called Mirage and another one called Snow Goose and you had these images of the pyramids and what have you. As a kid I did not know what was going on, it was another universe. Although to be honest, those projections were probably a bit naïve compared to [what you can experience] today."


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated That Summer in Books

May 27, 2021  
That Summer
That Summer
Jennifer Weiner | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A touching and insightful look into the power of the past
On the surface, Daisy Shoemaker has the perfect life: a doting lawyer husband, a loving daughter, and her own cooking business. But underneath, she's full of doubts. Her husband is distant, her teenage daughter resentful, and her business--just something to keep her "occupied." Daisy's been receiving emails lately, meant for another woman named Diana, Daisy's given name. This Diana, a business consultant, seems glamorous and wealthy. When Diana invites Daisy to lunch, she impulsively says yes. But as the two form a friendship, Daisy starts to wonder if their connection was purely accidental. What exactly does Diana want from Daisy?

"For the last six months, Daisy had been receiving emails that she realized were intended not for her, but for the other Diana."

This is not a light and airy beach read, but a serious book that focuses in on the recent #MeToo topic. Much of the book doesn't even take place on the promised Cape setting. Does that mean it's not worth a read? Not at all. Weiner's constructed a compelling and heartfelt tale, with characters that pull you into the story. It feels a little reminiscent of some other #MeToo stories I've read recently, but I was still glued to the pages, wondering what had happened in Diana's past and how things would turn out for everyone.

There's a bit of a mystery here, but it's not too hard to figure out how everything pieces together. The real focus is the characters. We have Daisy, insecure and struggling in her marriage to Hal, a wealthy and arrogant man more than a decade older than her. It's clear Hal takes Daisy for granted--and that may be letting him off easy. Their daughter, Beatrice, was a favorite of mine: an original teen, with her own unique way of living her life. Beatrice's scenes stood out; she's a character I won't soon easily forget. We also have Daisy's brother, Danny, and his husband Jesse. And then there's the "other" Diana, who worms her way into Daisy's life. Can we trust her? Diana was a memorable character to me as well, along with someone close to her. (I don't want to say much more for spoilers.)

The book is told mainly from Daisy, Diana, and Beatrice's perspectives. It goes back and forth in time. It's a little confusing in the beginning, getting the timeline straight and how all the characters relate. Once I got that down, it was a fast read. Some of it may be a little predictable, but it's in turns sad, heartwarming, and funny. I loved Beatrice, as mentioned, and the dynamic between Daisy and Diana was well-written. Weiner does a good job of exploring how class and privilege relate to sexual assault (a definite trigger warning for rape in this story) and the repercussions of rape across individuals, families, and friends. She focuses, too, on the importance of accepting those you love for who they are, no strings attached.

Overall, I'm quite glad I picked this one up. Despite some of the vague familiarity to other #MeToo books, for the most part, it felt refreshing and interesting. It certainly held my attention and brought to light the important topic of rape and its aftermath. The characters here are well-drawn, and I'll always have a place in my heart for dear Beatrice. 4 stars.
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#1 <a href="">The Princess Plan</a> - ★★★
#2 <a href="">A Royal Kiss and Tell</a> - TBR

<img src=""/>;

I received The Princess Plan by Julia London from the amazing team at Mills & Boon. This is the first book in the series A Royal Wedding.

Historical romances are a hit or miss for me, and this one didn’t really hit the mark like I wanted it to. Prince Sebastian of Alucia is on his visit in London, when his personal secretary is murdered.

And a murder such as this one creates a very big buzz in London’s high society. When a scandal like this occurs, it’s all anyone talks about, including Eliza Trickelbank, who happens to own a gossip gazette.

When her gazette receives an anonymous tip off about this crime, Prince Sebastian has no choice, but to work with her in order to solve the mystery of his friend’s murder.

With a trade deal on the line and a pressure to find a noble bride, there is nothing more dangerous than a prince socialising with a commoner. They can’t seem to agree on anything, and find each other frustrating, but the temptation between them becomes harder and harder to be ignored.

<b><i>My Thoughts:</i></b>

I loved the Cinderella vibe around this book, and the trope of prince meets commoner. I also enjoyed the trope of enemies becoming lovers. Even though, in this case, it was more of a forbidden temptation meets annoyance that turns into affection.

I liked Sebastian as much as I disliked Eliza. Everything that annoyed me about her, he somehow managed to compensate for. She was trying very hard to be independent, but instead, she gave up a vibe that was almost unbearable and very insecure. With Sebastian I loved the dilemma between country vs heart, which I assume many nobles, especially during that time in England felt. I am sure that many of them sacrificed their love just to do right by their country.

I found the gazette excerpts quite funny at times, and very enlightening. They take you into a whole new world, where you feel as if you’re there, getting ready for a ball, or reading about the latest gossip of the nobles. The writing style matches the time setting perfectly. I think Julia London did an amazing job when it comes to that. Here is an excerpt that really made me giggle:

<b><i>“New information suggests that if a lady wishes to enjoy a romp without consequence, trotting a horse briskly the day after the romp should remove said consequence.”</i></b>

To conclude, I enjoyed The Princess Plan, but it wasn’t a favorite. The writing was beautiful and I am sure this will be a favorite for people that love historical romances. The only reason I didn’t love it is because of Eliza’s character and the tropes that I have already seen before.
Rebuilding Year (Reconstruction #2)
Rebuilding Year (Reconstruction #2)
A.M. Arthur | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
steamier than book one, but I loved it!
Independent reviewer for GRR, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Reconstruction series, and while not strictly necessary, I would personally recommend you read book 1, Leap Year, before this. It will give you a better view of Brian's relationship with his brother, Patrick, and it will also give you Angelo and Brian's first meeting! I really enjoyed book one, and I really enjoyed this one too!

Brian has served his sentence, and is knuckling down to get back into society and do all he needs to do to come off probation. Angelo, faced with a life changing stipulation to his mentor's will, names Brian as his significant other. Funny, really, since their one and only meeting resulted in Brian punching Angelo in the face! But Angelo is injured, and Brian offers to look after him, and after that? It's only a matter of time before they give into temptation. There are secrets between though, and it won't take long for them to come to light. Can they really survive their revelation?

When I read Leap Year, I thought Angelo a fickle creature, but with a deep heart and a deep longing for something he wasn't sure what to do with. I was proven correct in that. Angelo wants what his best freind Russel has, and wants a HOME, not just somewhere he lays his head. He hasn't had a home in a long time, and seeing Russel happy with Patrick, and Frog, Patrick's son; Angelo is yearning for it. He just never expected that Brian, the man who punched him, would be that home. But I loved that, while he didn't immediately see that he was, he FELT at home in Brian's space, even if it was technically Angelo's house.

I loved how we got all of Brian's point of view for how Patrick came to be parent to Frog (again, loved Frog!) It's this issue that causes the only real tension between Angelo and Brian, and I loved that, once Angelo got over his shock, he comes back to talk to Brian and explain his hurt. He fully understands why it really isn't an issue for Brian anymore, once Brian explains: yes, Brian is Frog biological parent, but Patrick is his dad, in all the ways that matter and Brian knows he will always be Uncle Brian to Frog.

This book is on the steamier side and I loved that, while there was TALK about exhibionism, there wasn't any ACTUAL, expect that first time, when Angelo shows himself to Brian. I loved how Brian took control, with his words, but didn't venture into full Dom/sub mode. Angelo just needed to get out his head once in a while and Brian provided the words and actions to enable him to do so.

There were a couple of characters who pop up here and who I think might be next, maybe even together. I really can't wait to see if I'm right and I really hope I get to read it!

I wrote 4 stars at the top of the page, but now I'm typing up my review, I really can't find a single thing to knock that star off, so. . .

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Reading Progress