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The Umbrella Academy - Season 2
The Umbrella Academy - Season 2
2020 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Soundtrack (0 more)
This quirky show always seems to deliver!

I don't normally start out by mentioning soundtracks but from the get-go it packed an absolute punch, and became a living, breathing, essential part of the show.
There was a good range of old and modern, foreign language versions, and just a whole mix of genres - that had me looking up tracks and adding them to my playlists.
Adele's 'Hello' will never be the same again.

This season I genuinely sang, laughed, cried, cheered, and my jaw dropped. Watching programmes on my own means it is normally hard to elicit an actual physical, or emotional, response.

The show has definitely eased into a comfortable stride, and the characters were far more likeable, now that a lot of the angst is out of the way. All the characters have matured somewhat but retained many of their issues, it's what makes them them, and in any good TV show, it takes a bit of time to fully overcome these.
I have come to love and appreciate many of the characters differently from season one. Season one had a few more stand out characters, and they really pushed those ones on to the audience. Whereas this time, it felt more like an ensemble piece, with all the parts being essential (and did I mention more likeable 😅).

The show touched on some tricky themes, and resonates with the current political climate. I feel like the show dealt with these historically horrific times with an elegance and dignity that was in keeping with the feel of the programme.

A few more puzzle pieces fell into place but there is still plenty of mystery left to keep you wanting more.
The whole thing is over the top, messy, and utterly outrageous at times, but that is all part of the charm.
I am eager for the next season, and hope it isn't delayed too much.
    Castle Raid 2

    Castle Raid 2

    Games and Entertainment

    9.0 (1 Ratings) Rate It


    It’s the coming of the new age of war, Castle Raid 2 - New alliances is here. Are you prepared to...


Xabier Rey (42 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of No Man's Sky in Video Games

May 5, 2019  
No Man's Sky
No Man's Sky
2016 | Action/Adventure
Is this not the hardest game to review ever? Although I liked the game from the start, the vanilla version was not OK for many, many reasons. Mainly because we didn't get the game we were paying for, at all. But things have changed now.

If you play the game nowadays, it is a really, really good one in my opinion. But it's so unfair that many people probably bought a limited edition, hoping it would be THE game, and didn't quite get that at first. That moment, when so many of us realized in our coaches that the game was not what it was meant to be... we just didn't deserve it. We had been praising the studio, the concept, the way they talked about their project... everything, just to be betrayed.

I honestly love what the game has came to be. It is one of the most innovative games of the generation, if not the most. It brought many new gameplay and storytelling mechanics, but it also widened everyone's perspective on what can be achieved. I'm sure many people, like myself, have thought about many ways to tweak the game to make it absolutely unique and mindblowing. As a Ready Player One fan I suggest the following: Please, Hello Games, spawn your single most beloved arcade machine on a random planet in the universe and make it interactive, so we can actually play it during a sunset in whatever planet, of whatever galaxy you pick. That would be insane, and probably affordable.

Another thing that this game has brought to the industry is a experience I never had before with a game. That is, waiting and especulating on what's gonna be the next update. The whole, everlasting hype thing that's going on the back of my mind every time I think about this game. That feels, in many ways, like being in love. Yes, Sean... I guess I love you after all.

So, if the rating is not higher for me, it is just because of many people's first experience with this game. It was heartbreaking and, again, totally unfair. Other than that, I think this is a historical game, a total gamechanger.
    infltr - Infinite Filters

    infltr - Infinite Filters

    Photo & Video and Entertainment

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    infltr is the only App letting you to edit: Photos, Videos, Live Photos, Depth Photos & Animated...

5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh yeah. I forgot that this book follows [b:The Prince's Resistant Lover|19004327|The Prince's Resistant Lover|Elizabeth Lennox||27026471].

Hello again, Tamar.

I'd ask if you'd kidnapped any other naked women, but this book takes place directly after your story, so you wouldn't have had any time.

Wyndi finally gets to meet up with her long-lost brother, Royston, who had been told by the foster care system that Wyndi was dead, because he wouldn't stop running away to try to find her to take care of her. He doesn't believe her at first, until she tells him things that only she would know.

Royston is overjoyed to have her back, but Wyndi is worried that he isn't happy, because in the few pictures of him that Tamar managed to find, he was never smiling. To convince her that he's fine, he makes up a story about being engaged, and is stuck having to find someone to pretend to be his fiancee until Wyndi leaves.

I'm still not sure how he was expecting that plan to work. Wyndi would expect there to be a wedding at some point, because they're going to stay in touch. I mean, it all works out in the end, but still. I thought you were supposed to be this master planner, Royston!

After Royston decides to implement his ridiculous plan, we cut to Miranda, who works for Royston's company. She is offered up as a sacrifice to turn in some reports late, which Royston is notorious for despising. Her boss needs a scapegoat, because the reports were all of FIVE MINUTES LATE.

Anyway, rather than killing Miranda on sight, Royston asks her to lunch, and pitches his plan to her, because he likes the way she looks. Miranda refuses on principal, laughing at his offers to pay her to lie to his sister. Royston is even more impressed by the fact that Miranda won't let him tell her what to do, or take money from him.

He manages to sway her by playing on her emotions, telling her how he lost Wyndi through the foster care system, and she agrees to pretend to be his fiancee for a weekend, but only on the condition that if she thinks Wyndi will be hurt, she can shut the operation down.

He even respects her wishes to not act like they're in a relationship around the office, in case someone thinks that she's trying to sleep her way to a promotion.

Of course, pretend love gives way to real love, and the two end up actually engaged, after a passion-filled weekend and several whacky misunderstandings.

I liked this story better than The Prince's Resistant Lover. Mostly because Royston actually bothered to get consent from Miranda at every stage of their relationship. And while he was a demanding man, he wasn't overbearing or creepy, the way Tamar came across as.