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Ari Augustine (10 KP) rated The Deep in Books

May 4, 2020  
The Deep
The Deep
Alma Katsu | 2020 | History & Politics, Horror, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Historical Fiction with a supernatural twist, I was drawn to The Deep like a moth to a flame. It's been awhile since I've read anything compelling enough to read in a single sitting, but Katsu deliveries such a horrific, heartpounding, and mind-spinning twist to a tale we're already so familiar with, that the story grips us from page one.

Annie Hebley is a nurse who survived the sinking of Titanic and has since confined herself to an mental institution. However, at the start of The Deep, she is hired to work on the Britannica to help the wounded WW1 soldiers. What I love about this story is how well it blends actual history in between these moments of atmospheric supernatural events. We meet characters who were once very much alive on a ship that actually existed. There's something eerie about tethering such a story in a historical way that connects to the reader, and this element of the story certainly spoke to me. But what I loved MOST was how unreliable Annie was as a character. Her point of view jumped between 1912 and 1916, blurring the lines of reality even further. Although the pacing wasn't always consistent, I love, love, LOVED Katsu's writing.

Overall, I'd recommend The Deep to anyone with a dash of patience, a dangerous curiosity for the supernatural, and, well, anyone who lives creepy stories rooted in history.
The Shadow Queen
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so pleasantly surprised by this book! I'm not normally big on historical fiction unless it is about World War II, but this book was wonderful. I didn't even know who Wallis Simpson was to be honest. Sure, I'd heard of her, but didn't know much about her life at all. She is such a fascinating character with such a horrific, yet charmed life it was hard not to like her & feel for her with all that she went through.
The book is a mix of fiction & real life, so I don't know exactly what was true & what wasn't. But honestly it doesn't really matter. The story is so easy to lose yourself in & the characters are all so real (I know some of them are really real!) I found myself looking Wallis up on Wikipedia before I was even halfway through the novel, that is how fascinated I had become by her.
I really hope that Rebecca Dean writes another book about Simpson. The book ends before Prince Edward becomes her beau, but it is obvious that is where the whole thing is going. In fact, Edward is hardly even a character in the book. Sure he's in it, but most of it is as a pin up from a magazine or in girlhood fantasies of Wallis & Pamela. He doesn't become real until very late in the story. I would love to read more about their life together!!
Very well done Rebecca!!!
I truly enjoyed this adventure across the country!
I have read several of Misty M. Beller’s books now and she is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors in the Christian historical fiction genre. This is the first book in The Mountain Series and a great introduction to the series overall! I will be buying the rest of the series.
    From the very beginning, Misty M. Beller grabs your imagination with intrigue and travel. With so much going on in the first few chapters I was nervous that the rest of the book would not live up to the beginning’s standards. I was pleasantly surprised when that same even pace was kept through the whole book! The vivid descriptions through Leah’s travels across the country and the descriptions of everyday life on the mountain were fascinating and believable. It got my imagination involved. The plot was believable (Mostly, I mean it is a work of fiction), and it flowed well from one scene to the next keeping a hint of mystery along the way.
    The characters in this book were interesting. I loved Leah’s faith; I strive to have the faith she displays. I also liked her unwavering strength when things got tough on the mountain, she showed such a positive spirit and seemed like a joyful person. Gideon... Silent and quiet at first, great with animals, like to chop wood, Mm, talk about a mountain man

Lindsay (1727 KP) rated Found In Time in Books

Sep 13, 2019  
Found In Time
Found In Time
J.K. Kelly | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Found In Time is set in today world. You get follow a young man named Major JJ Jackson. He seem dedicated to his country. There are special secret mission he goes on,. Everything seem to be working out find and the team come back.

What would you do if you had this technology and you wanted to keep your country safe? You get to meet some historial figures, and talk to them. How would you feel if you got stuck in a time you were not use to and had to say their and adapt?

If our enemy had found out about this technology what do you think would have happened if it could change the past or our future as we know it. This book put us in the fight to save an American President that his being attacked on American soil? What will this special team of 6 men and woman be able to depend the nation and President?

The plot is done well once you get to the adventures plus the action. It really is a thriller and science fiction with a historical fiction twist to it. Their is some violence in the book and some bad words said. The team is put in spots. There seem to be a mole or two in here. Find out by reading and how it ends. What would you do if you could travel back in time?