Long before she was the Queen of Hearts, Catherine Pinkerton was just a girl who wanted to fall in...

The Fall (2006)
Movie Watch
In a hospital on the outskirts of 1920s Los Angeles, an injured stuntman begins to tell a fellow...
adventure comedy drama underrated tarsem singh lee pace

Cinderella (1950)
Movie Watch
With a wicked stepmother (Eleanor Audley) and two jealous stepsisters (Rhoda Williams, Lucille...

Into the Woods (2014)
Movie Watch
As the result of the curse of a once-beautiful witch (Meryl Streep), a baker (James Corden) and his...

The Hazel Wood
Seventeen-year-old Alice and her mother have spent most of Alice's life on the road, always a step...
and 6 other items

Red Kingdom (Fairy Tale Retellings #2)
Little Red Riding Hood reimagined with a dark and realistic twist. Princess Blanchette’s world...
Historical Fantasy Romance Fairytale Retelling Medieval

Kingdom of Sand & Wishes: A Limited Edition Collection of Aladdin Retellings
Aladdin, but not as you remember it…. On the dusty streets, around the bustling bazaars, being...
Romance adventure YA young adult fiction fantasy

Ritual Retellings: Luangan Healing Performances Through Practice
Belianis an exceptionally lively tradition of shamanistic curing rituals performed by the Luangans,...

Mirrors and Ashes: A Snow White Retelling
Mirror Mirror on the Wall—because of you, a kingdom falls. When Ember’s mother makes a deal...
Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling Snow White