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I love these two authors and their work, and I was excited to see where this book went. And honestly, while I loved that these authors came together and created a captivating story, I was a little lost in some of the areas of the story, so I'll definitely be going back to read the first two in the series.

That said, these characters, both present day, and historical, are beautifully chiseled. Told between two points of view, the authors take the reader on a whirlwind ride through history and contemporary times. I loved visiting Richmond during the Civil War. Historical eras are my favorite! Nicole and Therese quickly swept me into the heart of the story and I felt both of their emotions like they were my own!

Despite not reading book 1 and 2 and occasionally struggling to follow the story line, this conclusional book is definitely worth 4 stars. The writing styles of these two authors are beautiful, and mysterious and historical elements are awesome. This book is filled with emotions, thought provoking story lines, family legacies, and Godly messages of faith, trust and hope. I definitely suggest you get this book if you've read the first two! It will steal you away to another place in time and keep you up long into the night.<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Bound Across Time (Bound #1)
Bound Across Time (Bound #1)
Annie R. McEwen | 2024 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bound Across Time is intrigued with the title. The description also pulled me in. Who doesn't like a bit of paranormal with historical fiction mixed in? I was surprised by something I usually do not read, which brings in some magic.

Bound Across Time offers a unique perspective, blending historical fiction with elements of time travel or 'time slipping '. The narrative is enriched by a female main character, a rarity in this genre. Alongside her, a male main character adds depth to the story. The book initially presents itself as a blend of paranormal romance and historical fiction, a combination that it delivers on.

Though most of the story action takes place in the castle and its grounds, I do like that the author included a bit of witchcraft and soulers. Though the pace of the book at the beginning is a bit slow, it does pick up and get a bit more interesting when things start to happen without FMC and our MMC meeting each other.

Bound Across Time weaves a tantalizing mystery into its narrative, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat. The FMC's initial ignorance of her family history adds a layer of intrigue, and as the story unfolds, her research on a young man who is a ghost leads to unexpected and fascinating revelations. This element of suspense is a major draw for readers interested in historical fiction with a paranormal twist.

CeCe wants to go to Wales to use her history degree. What she finds is different from what she expected. The plot is really good. However, I was unsure if CeCe found out who she was in the plot. But it was good nonetheless. Mixing in love and witchcraft and a little magic was really good. I enjoyed it and will read more about it. The ending has me wanting more. I would have liked to hear more about CeCe and her lover.

This book may be your ally if you're a fan of witchcraft and historical fiction with a paranormal romance. I was craving to find out more about CeCe and what happened at the end. I wanted more, and there is a bit of explicit sex in this book, but nothing to offend anyone. Does CeCe and her lover have sons or not, or does CeCe have a big family? You will need to find out by reading.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated The Noise of Time in Books

Oct 9, 2017 (Updated Oct 9, 2017)  
The Noise of Time
The Noise of Time
Julian Barnes | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Historical fiction at its very best
There is a huge amount of non-fiction elements of this bleak novel about one of Russia's most noted composers and musicians Dmitri Shostakovich, who fought inner demons for the majority of his life due to the immense pressures and threats posed by the Soviet Union.

From his complex relationships with women, to the government, the artist was forced to live a life of paranoia, after many of his fellow composers and musicologists mysteriously disappeared following talks with the "Power" at the Big House. There were many moments where it resembled Room 101 from George Orwell's 1984, and the oppressive atmosphere that Shostakovich had to live through.

In the end, Julian Barnes explains that agreeing to Stalin's and Khrushchev's demands had been the ultimate downfall to his health. and in many ways it was a fate worse than death. It is grim and tragic to think about such an important composer in history being treated in such way.
The Warded Man (Demon Cycle, #1)
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I won a print copy of this book in a FirstReads giveaway.

When I first read the synopsis, I was hesitant to enter the giveaway, as I didn't know how much I would enjoy this book. However, I talked myself into it, and I'm definitely glad I did, because it's a great book. The idea of demons, or "corelings," rising through the ground every night to attack people and tear up everything is just really interesting, and I don't know why I was hesitant to begin with. I found myself growing attached to the three main characters as their stories unfolded, and I couldn't wait to see what happened on the next page. There's a ton of action, the paranormal/horror aspect of attacking demons, some historical elements, and even a little romance, so it's got something for everyone. I decided less than halfway through that I'm going to get the 2nd and 3rd books, and I can't wait to get started on them!!

5 stars
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm new to Ms. Johnson's work, but I won't be for long! I truly enjoyed this beautifully written novel. It's the 3rd book in her Keys Of Promise series, but it was still highly enjoyable, despite not reading the first two books.

In this novel, Ms. Johnson weaves the perfect combination of faith, hope, and love, along with beautifully depicted historical elements. I was instantly captivated from page one and this book took me on a whirl wind ride until the end. Catherine and Tom both stole my heart for the long run, and I loved following their story!

Ms. Johnson created a story well worth 4 stars, for sure! This is a quick, beautiful read and I am already anxious for more! I can't wait to go back and read the first two books in this wonderful series, and I look forward to adding Ms. Johnson among my favorite authors list! Well done, and bring on the next! <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
The Cure for Dreaming
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

On her seventeenth birthday 1900, Olivia Meade gets invited onto a stage to be hypnotized by the young Monsieur Henri Reverie in this historical, paranormal novel. In Oregon at this period of time women were not allowed to vote in presidential elections and Olivia’s father is determined that she does not get influenced by the campaigning suffragists. On hearing about the hypnotist, Dr. Meade hires him with the job of removing the “selfish” and “unladylike dreams” from his daughter’s head. However this causes Olivia more problems than expected. She begins to see horrible images but are these as a result of Henri telling her “you will see the world the way it truly is”, or is she hallucinating as a result of reading Dracula more times than necessary?

<i>The Cure For Dreaming</i> contains a mix of historical references and paranormal ideas as both Henri and Olivia struggle to find a successful way of reversing the effects of the hypnosis as well as involving themselves in the women’s suffrage movement.

Cat Winters, despite the added fantasy elements, has kept the book historically accurate. A typical novel about women’s equality would result in life changing successes, however as Oregon did not did not gain full suffrage until 1912 this of course was not impossible to include in <i>The Cure For Dreaming</i>. Ultimately it is a novel about growing up to be who you want to be and knowing your own mind rather than succumbing to the “natural” views of society.

The writing is contemporary and easy to understand which makes it suitable for ages twelve and older. The downside to this is that it detracts from the historical setting, making Olivia appear a lot more modern than she actually is. Apart from mimicking a classic novel type style, which would make it less suitable for its target audience, there is not a lot that can be done about that.

Between chapters of the book are relevant photographs or images from the appropriate time period, which help to illustrate the events in the plot. There are also quotes from authors such as Kate Chopin and Mark Twain as well as more political lines from various speeches. These also help to provide an understanding of the historical setting.

Overall <i>The Cure For Dreaming</i> is a great book for teenagers. There may be paranormal themes but it is not a horror novel, in fact there is just as much romance as anything else.
The Dream Weavers
The Dream Weavers
Barbara Erskine | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Dream Weavers is an historical fiction novel, with one foot in Saxon Mercia and the other in modern day Hereford. There’s a touch of the supernatural as well - all the better to see the past with. And I loved reading it.
Simon is writing a book of Anglo-Saxon history, and starts to hear a woman calling a name outside his rented cottage. When he goes out to look, no one is there.
The cottage owner brings in her local spiritual advisor, Bea, who hopes to put the ghost outside to rest. This is only the beginning.
The timelines alternate between King Offa’s daughter, Eadburh, and Bea’s life in Hereford with her husband who is a priest at the cathedral.
I honestly didn’t think I’d enjoy this - but I really did! It uses religion without being overly religious, and the same goes for the more Pagan elements. It was a a really interesting, highly readable book. I haven’t read much about the history around King Offa’s time, so I enjoyed the opportunity to do that. It was a book that was difficult to put down - except that was done for me, as I read a stave a day on The Pigeonhole! It’s a big book, but it really didn’t feel that way. It sent me off on little internet searches as well - namely Anchorites, and what types of dogs Anglo-Saxons kept as pets (and whether they did or not!). I like a book that interests me enough to read around it!
This is definitely one for the historical fiction fans, especially those that like a bit of the magical element as well. I loved reading it!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole, and to HarperCollins for giving me access via NetGalley for an honest review.
The Inn at Hidden Run (Tree of Life #1)
The Inn at Hidden Run (Tree of Life #1)
Olivia Newport | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Historial Fiction with a Twist
The Inn at Hidden Run is not your normal kind of historical fiction book. I really like that. This start out in the present with a young woman who shows up asking for a job. But she seem to be running from something. Why is what make you want to know.

Though we also get a story of a what is going on in Memphis in 1878. Though the eyes of a young woman named Elisa. She tells us about the epidemic of Yellow Jack or as we call it “Yellow Fever”. I do not know how this author does this but I loved it. I hope to get their other stories though out this series.

How the author combines the family tree elements or genealogy though this book to find the connection and the present members the family she runs into is really interesting and fun to read. The plot is written well. The characters are written well. To find out what the meaning behind Canfield and Eliza is something. For it does not get reveled until the end make it even more enjoyable to read.

I had felt really like I was going down a path of finding the connection with Jillian who was helping Meri and her family and why they were Medical doctors. We find that connection at the end. You will want to read this book if you are looking for something new and a historical fiction or event that happen in USA along with some fun in Genealogy.

Olivia pull to along and you will want to find out. She put these to element together seemly and I just love that. I have yet to see another author do this. I hope to get the next book in the series as I can not wait to read them.
Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging
Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging
Afua Hirsch | 2017 | History & Politics, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An important and necessary conversation
There is a wealth of insight crammed into this book about race and identity in Britain, describing how important it is to have a cohesive self by accepting that you may have other identities alongside being a UK citizen.

What hinders this process is the apparent racism that plagues British society, from being 'colour-blind' and thus ignoring the issue, to the awkward and troubled relationship with Britain's history and its origins. The author, Afua Hirsch, also discovers her own Ghanaian roots throughout her journey of self-awareness, making this book both a memoir and social commentary. Hirsch checks her privilege immediately, which makes a refreshing change.

While I can completely relate to her opinions on the racist structures in place and the microagressions that have become normalised, the historical and anthropological elements were the most fascinating parts for me. Learning about the racist views upheld by leading western thinkers such as Immanuel Kant and David Huhne, as well as how the 1919 race riots ensued over the perception of 'white cleansing' was deeply concerning.

Hirsch's call for change on Britain's selective amnesia is not new but it has a contemporary angle following the country's move to leave the EU. Incredibly engaging.

Lou Grande (148 KP) rated The Hunger in Books

Jun 28, 2018  
The Hunger
The Hunger
Alma Katsu | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Either narrow the focus or expand the scope
Contains spoilers, click to show
This book was so hyped. I was getting emails about it for months; Stephen King recommended it up and down. And it was good! Sort of.

As others have noted, Katsu does an excellent job of building atmosphere and tension in the first half of the book, but when things start to unravel for the Donner Party, so does the narrative. There are too many characters to keep track of interspersed with too many flashbacks. It weakens the impact of what happened up in those mountains. In fact, it barely mentions them at all.

Yes, there are supernatural elements woven into an historical event. But—you know, it wasn’t really necessary. I thought the idea of linking it (the hunger) to a disease was an interesting one that ultimately went nowhere. It all just got too convoluted. I continuously had to keep rechecking who each character was, because some would disappear between chapters. There is so much that is lost between pages, including the fates of (what the reader is led to believe are) key characters.

Do yourself a favor if you pick this one up, and read the Wikipedia article on the Donner Party first. At least then you can maybe keep track of the characters.