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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
The premise of Jojo Rabbit is a bold one, and something that could have very easily been executed terribly on-screen.

Whilst you might feel some apprehension about the concept of a 10-year-old boy who has Hitler as an imaginary friend, Taika Waititi has turned it into something brilliant and poignant.

As mentioned above, the film follows Johannes ‘Jojo’ Betzler, who lives in Nazi Germany. He’s a fanatic and is driven by his desire to serve Adolf Hitler in the German army during World War II, even joining a Hitler Youth Camp which is run by Captain Klenzendorf (Sam Rockwell).

Jojo is unlike any other child protagonist I’ve seen, because it’s easy to have very mixed feelings about who he is as a person. He’s a child and his everyday behaviour is indicative of someone who lacks maturity, resulting in some laugh out loud moments.

However, a lot of what he says happens to be horrendous insults towards the Jewish community. He’s fuelled by a love of Hitler (even going as far as to describe him as his ‘best friend’).

Throughout the film, he imagines scenarios in which Hitler is there with him, such as when he’s looking in the mirror and giving himself a pep-talk.

The strength of Jojo Rabbit‘s protagonist is a testament to actor Roman Griffin Davis, and I found it hard to believe that this was his first ever film performance. He’s funny, flawed, and a very well-rounded character brilliantly brought to life.

As for Jojo’s imaginary Hitler, he’s hysterically funny and not at all how you’d imagine the real man to be. Played brilliantly by director Taika Waititi, he is a caricature of a deplorable historical figure, and fuels Jojo’s delusions of how wonderful he is.

He’s simply someone’s interpretation of a political leader, created by a child who has been brainwashed into believing Nazi propaganda by adults in his life.

This bubbly oversimplification of a dictator is what you’d expect from a naive child, who isn’t fully aware of the atrocities around him.

The fact Taika Waititi plays this version of Hitler feels important, because he’s mocking him in the best possible way. As a Jewish man, it feels very appropriate that he criticises Hitler’s ideology through his satirical performance. It was brilliant.

Adding jokes to such a horrific situation is difficult, but this is where Jojo Rabbit really excels. The balance between humour and gut-punching reality checks is beautifully done, and there were times when I wasn’t sure whether my tears were from laughing or because I was genuinely sad at what I’d just seen.

Relationships are an important part of the film, particularly the one between Jojo and his mother Rosie (Scarlett Johansson). However, this becomes strained when he finds out that his mother is hiding a young Jewish woman in their home.

Jojo’s meeting with Elsa Korr (Thomasin McKenzie) is central to the story and gives us a real insight into the horrific treatment of Jewish people during this period, and the extreme lengths they’d go to keep themselves safe.

Despite Elsa’s life constantly being in jeopardy, she’s very sassy and gives young Jojo a run for his money once the two meet. The way the two characters bounce off each other is exceptional, and again, you’ll laugh and cry in equal measure.

I was also impressed by some brief appearances in the film such as Rebel Wilson as Fraulein Rahm, who I found hilarious in this film. I must admit I’m not always a fan of her work, but here she really delivered.

Stephen Merchant as Captain Deertz and Archie Yates as young Yorki are also worthy of praise, as every time they were on screen I found them delightful to watch. Much like Roman Griffin Davis, this was Archie’s first film, and he stole the show every time he was in a scene.

Jojo Rabbit is, simply put, political satire at its finest. As a result of this, it’s an emotional rollercoaster and one that I am excited to revisit whenever I get the chance.

It’s darkly funny with an important overall message of confronting ideologies, and I’d urge you to seek it out ASAP.
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
I think my expectations were too high for this film. I love Taika Waititi's films, and @What We Do In The Shadows (2014) is one of my favorite movies.
The satire wasn't strong enough in my opinion, this film was very much JoJo's Bildungsroman. There's nothing wrong with that, but I feel like that should have been more prominent in the marketing. There was not enough of making fun of Nazis. Taika was amusing as (s)Hitler. Something that bothered me (which probably won't bother other people), was the amount of 'Heil Hitlers'; that phrase just creeps me out to my core.

An interesting observation made at the beginning of the film was that the fans of Hitler were very much like the crazed fans of the Beatles. The way it's shown is very interesting.

Rebel Wilson was annoying, and her character added nothing. The stupid lines she had should have been left on the cutting room floor. Same Rockwell was my favorite character, by far. The kid that played JoJo was also very good, and I hope he does more films.

Overall, worth a watch if you're a Taika fan, but I personally needed more ruthless teasing of Nazis.

Sarah (7798 KP) Nov 2, 2019

That pretty much sums up how I feel about Rebel Wilson in every film she’s in.


Erika (17788 KP) Nov 2, 2019

@Sarah Yeah, I have no idea as to why anyone casts her, she's super annoying.

I finally finished this book in between reading others. I enjoyed it and learned a great deal. I'm glad Nonna's story was published. People do need to know what happened to so many innocent victims thanks to Hitler. She was right when she said the only "crime" these people committed was being born. I shudder and tear up often, thinking of the atrocities that so many went through and how many more of them perished, because of the evil and hatred of one man. I highly recommend this book!
Black Orchestra
Black Orchestra
2016 | Spies / Espionage, World War II
Beautifully thematic and serious Cooperative Tabletop Experience
At the end of it all, if you’re lucky enough to have pulled off the impossible and taken out Hitler, the rulebook will give you an idea of how many millions of lives could have been saved if history went with the alternate path that your victory provided. It’s a sobering moment after an exciting victory or defeat and serves as a reminder of the gravity of history behind this experience.

Original Rating: Great
Critic: Dillon Flaherty (BoardGameBuds)
Full review:
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
After seeing the trailer for this I was very skeptical. I wondered how Hitler during Nazi Germany times could possibly be funny, even in satire. Truth be told, the only reason I got past that stage was because the movie stars Sam Rockwell, and I'm a sucker for him.

I stand corrected on my initial assessment.

Jojo Rabbit is a hilarious take on the life of a child during Nazi reign in Germany. Adolf Hitler is represented as an imaginary friend of a young man who is coming into his own. I know, this seems wicked dark and awful at the same time. But the way that it's approached by the film makers creates an environment that educates and enlightens to the times that were lived by the people of Germany while making it a bit lighter so that it doesn't weigh down all of your emotions to the point of not being able to carry them.

There are some very serious moments and I wouldn't recommend watching with young children (that should be a given if you watched the trailer). However, it is well worth a watch, or even a second. The acting alone is worth a second look.
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
I was not expecting to love Jojo Rabbit as much as I did. I would argue that it's one of the best films of 2019!
The subject of Nazis and Hitler is a touchy one to say the least, but it's also a subject that is ripe for satire, and one of the many aspects that stands out here, is how Taika Waititi has managed to craft a film that is absolutely hilarious, but never undermines how horrible this part of history was.
I laughed (a lot) before being slapped with a reminder of how bleak war is.
The main plot revolves around Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis), a 10 year old boy who looks up to Hitler, and is part of the Nazi Youth. He finds out that his mother Rosie (Scarlett Johansson) is hiding a Jewish girl, Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie) in the attic of their house. Initially hostile, they begin to form a friendship as the Nazi regime begins to crumble.
Underneath all the goofiness, this main narrative is radiating in both warmth and sadness. I legit had a bit of a cry at one point.

The cast are brilliant. Roman Griffin Davis is one of the most likable protagonists in recent memory. His innocence and blind devotion to the war is humorous, and weirdly sweet. Thomasin McKenzie is great alongside him as well.
As well as directing, Taika Waititi also plays a version of Hitler, sort of like Jojo's imaginary friend, and he's honestly just the best, and provides the majority of the films comedy.
Elsewhere, Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Alfie Allen, and Stephen Merchant all make up a pretty rock solid cast.
Screw it, I even liked Rebel Wilson (she usually makes me want to play in traffic.)

Jojo Rabbit is a truly wonderful experience. It evokes a whole range of emotions effortlessly, looks incredible throughout, and deserves all the praise thrown it's way.
Until Leaves Fall in Paris
Until Leaves Fall in Paris
Sarah Sundin | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you a history buff or a fan of historical fiction? Are you learning about World War II before the Americans entered the war? Desire to find out more about Nazi Germany and what Hitler did in France. Well, this book “Until Leaves Fall in Paris” by Sarah Sundin will take you on a lovely adventure and danger of two people trying to flee and get home save to America.

At this point, we have to meet Lucille and Paul. Will they learn to work together and see if they are made for each other? Will Lucie’s friends influence her to stay away from the new friend she meets and enjoy the company of?

Hitler and Germany are now really somewhat abetted in Paris, France. Is America still unaligned, or are they getting ready to jump in and fight? Both Paul and Lucie have stayed in Paris for two different reasons. The other was convinced to remain; and help the US, while the other chose to help her fled friends.

We are dealing with more resistant and some Germans. The Germans are occupying more of Parisians. Lucille and Paul are doing some dangerous work. Will they be found out?

Paul seems to have detected bad things in his factory. But Will his worker blackmail him? Lucille finds out Paul is working for the US. Paul finds out the bookseller is involved.

What will happen to Josie? Will they all get out safely?
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
During the opening credits of Jojo Rabbit, we're treated to The Beatles singing "I Want to Hold Your Hand" while documentary footage plays showing crowds of Germans going absolutely nuts for Hitler, sieg-heiling and cheering for him. It's a fairly good indication of the kind of humour you can expect from Jojo Rabbit and writer/director Taika Waititi, who hit the big time after directing 'Thor Ragnarok', but has previously been responsible for a wide range of brilliantly quirky movies such as 'What We Do in the Shadows' and 'Hunt for the Wilderpeople'.

We begin by meeting 10 year old German boy, Johannes 'Jojo' Betzler (Roman Griffin Davis), as he nervously prepares to head off to Nazi youth camp in order to fulfill his dream of serving Adolf Hitler. Heading up the camp is one-eyed Captain Klenzendorf (Sam Rockwell), aided by a bunch of inept instructors, including Fraulein Rahm (Rebel Wilson) and Finkel (Alfie Allen). At the camp, boys get to play with knives and hand grenades, girls are taught the importance of having babies (Fraulein Rahm has given birth to 18!), while all of the children are taught about the evil monsters that are the Jews. Accompanying Jojo at the camp are best friend Yorki (a brilliant Archie Yates, soon to be starring in the recently announced remake of Home Alone) and Jojo's imaginary friend Hitler (Taika Waititi). When Jojo refuses to wring the neck of rabbit during a lesson on killing (earning him the nickname Jojo Rabbit), and is hospitalised following an unfortunate incident with a grenade, he is forced to leave the camp behind, returning home to be with his mother Rosie (Scarlett Johansson).

While his mother is out during the day, Jojo discovers a teenage Jewish girl named Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie) hiding out in the wall-space of his sisters bedroom. Jojo is initially shocked, and repulsed, by this hideous Jew, even more so when he discovers that it was his mother who was responsible for hiding her. As time goes on though, Jojo and Elsa begin to form a friendship, with Elsa feeding Jojo a series of made up ridiculous stories and tales regarding the origins and ways of Jews so that Jojo can write a book about them. All the while, Rosie remains completely unaware that Jojo knows anything of Elsa. The bumbling, goofy Hitler occasionally shows up too when Jojo needs words of encouragement, or when times are tough, and provides us with some welcome light relief. More humour is provided in the form of various smaller characters, including gestapo member Stephen Merchant and his team during what is essentially a pretty serious and dramatic scene as they show up and ransack Jojo's house.

But Jojo Rabbit is a movie about relationships. The Jojo/Hitler dynamic begins to take a backseat as things start to get more serious and we focus more on the bond between Jojo and his mother, and the relationship between Jojo and Elsa, as the final months of the war play out. The child actors in Jojo Rabbit are all outstanding and we also get to see a wonderfully different side to Scarlett Johansson. Sam Rockwell is hilarious and Rebel Wilson is just, well, Rebel Wilson! Occasionally though, we are dealt an unexpected gut punch, and it's fair to say that you'll be crying at Jojo Rabbit just as much as you'll be laughing. If I'm honest, I really wasn't expecting that side to Jojo Rabbit and it did more for me and my enjoyment of the movie than the comedy did, which wasn't really as laugh out loud as I thought it would be. Overall though, Jojo Rabbit is simply wonderful - funny, heartbreaking, sad and poignant - and unlike anything you've ever seen before.
A Hidden Life (2019)
A Hidden Life (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Seeing this film is something you have to prepare for, it clocks in at just under 3 hours. You also have to be aware that it's a Malick film, and the dude does whatever he wants.
First, Austria is beautiful, the cinematography, scenery, everything, was gorgeous. I think that there were more scenes of nature, than the actors themselves. It's a long, rollicking journey through the simple story of a man who refused to swear an oath to Hitler in 1943.
Franz's journey was deeply religious and philosophical.
I really enjoyed the entire film, and it was worth almost 3 hours of my life, simply because of the beauty of it. It won't be everyone's thing.
Wolf by Wolf (Wolf by Wolf, #1)
Wolf by Wolf (Wolf by Wolf, #1)
Ryan Graudin | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yael is 5 years old and finds herself a prisoner in a Nazi Concentration camp, she has been specifically selected by a doctor for an experiment. The experiment entails a series of injections every few days - their aim.... to make her blonde haired and blue-eyed (an Aryan). These injections are severe and the weak show signs of fever and for most of them death but not for Yael.

1956 Yael is a member of the resistance, her aim in life is to kill Hitler to make the world a better place. With so many assassination attempts Hitler hardly attends social functions, so it's quite difficult to get near him. The resistance have a plan which involves Yael - she must enter the Axis Motorbike race disguised as another young girl who has once had the pleasure of meeting the Führer - if Yael can win, her life's mission will be complete, However she didn't plan for all the backstabbing and love involved in the race or the hidden secrets which are not on file. For this no training would help her, she has to win.

This is one of those books that explores the topic of Hitler winning the war and how the rest of the world would be effected and what other bizarre theories he comes up with. This also covers another serious topic that I myself did not know about was that people were experimented on in the concentration camps which caused death and disfigurements. Which is absolutely brutal and very hard to read about.

I was umming and ahhing over this book for a while,I heard many great things about it but I still wasn't totally convinced. Was it the fact that this book is based on Hitler winning and carrying on with his reign of terror or was it the motorcycle race? I have never read anything about racing before and it doesn't really appeal to me.However my lesson has been learnt...... I think! Always try to read something out of your comfort zone because you never know you might just end up loving it, which is exactly what happened to me with this book.

I loved this book with a passion, I loved the back stories to the wolves and how they become. The authors writing style was beautiful to read, utterly compelling but also hard due to the content and how realistic it was. This is a book that explores identity and reasons that drive Yael on through her mission. The book does go back and forth from the past and present, which I really enjoyed, I think if the book wasn't written this way it could have dragged a bit. The premise of this book is definitely unique and like nothing I have read before. Ryan Graudin has a novella which is called Iron to Iron which I desperately need to read as I just want more.

I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in historical fiction and young adult.

Overall I rated this book 5 out of 5 stars