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Steven Dodd (1449 KP) created a post

Sep 25, 2020  
Hello everyone. During the last few months we have been building our network of friends and playing around with tech. We have launched our Twitch channel and with that we have joined a community of great individuals. Here’s the link and if you are streaming then give us a shout and we will follow for follow and add you to the auto host list to help us both out. Hope you join in the community. We are currently on fall guys and hoping to join the Among Us game, once we get a squad online to do so.

Also come and follow us on YouTube as well for more reviews and unboxing of games. Gameplay will resume ASAP
Stolen: A Letter to My Captor
Stolen: A Letter to My Captor
Lucy Christopher | 2009 | Mystery, Romance, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very, very interesting. I had never read anything like Stolen before. An actual letter to your captor, oh how strong you must be to not only write to such a person, but to recall everything that happened to you and write it with such honesty. After reading this, I really hope I never get kidnapped: Gemmy had me starting to like her kidnapper. As she slowly and unconsciously slipped into the Stockholm syndrome, I felt myself slip as well. In fact, by the end, I was rooting for Ty and actually began to like him. Once I finished reading, I couldn't believe I felt the way I did. Even now, I'm still a bit confused about how I should feel about him. Very, very good read!
Deadwood (2019)
Deadwood (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, Western
The Deadwood movie was so good. It was like going back home and seeing old friends again that I haven't seen in forever and picking things up like it was just yesterday when we last saw each other. You break out your best peaches and catch up over drinks, but like all good things it must come to an end, so you sadly say your goodbyes. Deadwood, it was nice seeing you again. You looked good, much to the thanks of Janie Bryant and many others. Now that you're catching up with the times I'll be waiting by one of those magical boxes with voices in 'em, telephones I think they're called. Hope to see ya again a little farther down the line.
Ad Astra (2019)
Ad Astra (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Mystery
I have mixed feelings about this film. For one, it is a great move forward towards realistic sci-fi, and I hope more movies are made like this.
The biggest problems for me were, a) the voiceover, it reminded me too much of Interview with a Vampire, and b) Brad Pitt being the lead. I could think of other actors that could have executed the character a little better.
Like others, I felt like the ending was completely anticlimactic. The story was so strong throughout, then I feel like it was spoiled. The film was also a little too long. That being said, the VFX were pretty amazing, and I can only imagine what this film would look like in IMAX.
    Size Your Ring

    Size Your Ring

    Lifestyle and Business

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    There is no need to go into the jeweler to get your finger sized. This app has it all! Working...

    Weple Money

    Weple Money

    Finance and Business

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    Because they are people who do not use household ledger very often, we have analyzed people who do...

    Weple Money Pro

    Weple Money Pro

    Finance and Business

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    Because they are people who do not use household ledger very often, we have analyzed people who do...