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A.E. Dooland | 2017 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a coming out and figuring out who you are book. I kinda wish I had read the two previous books before this one(so not like me to do that) because the characters are amazing. You could tell that some of the characters had a back story that if you read the first two books you'd understand but like an idiot I veered from my norm and read book 3 first.

That rant over. The book was really good. I liked the geeky nature of Gemma and her own self doubt mirrored my own. I kinda hated how pushy Sarah was and how much she did not pay attention. My favorite character was Mikey and I hope to see more of her in new books. Now I must got get books 1 and 2 and read them.
Very Good Girls (2014)
Very Good Girls (2014)
2014 | Drama
Surprisingly sweet
I usually don't have much hope for original Netflix or Amazon Prime movies figuring if they were good a studio would have purchased them or they would have played in theatres; however, I thought this one was sweet. I do enjoy both Dakota Fanning and Elizabeth Olsen so I thought I would give it a try.

Two friends decide they want to have sex before going to college. Unfortunately, they decide on the same guy as their companion without telling the other. Relationships get complicated for sure.

Certainly not going to win any awards, but I thought the acting was solid all around including supporting performances by Ellen Barkin, Clark Gregg, Demi Moore and Richard Dreyfuss.

The dialogue was touching in spots and when things get complicated, you are really rooting for the friendship to ensure.

Scythe (Arc of a Scythe #1)
Scythe (Arc of a Scythe #1)
Neal Shusterman | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (22 Ratings)
Book Rating
Character development (2 more)
Plot twist
Ability to envision world
My most recommended book!
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, in the short time I was reading it (I couldn't put it down!). This was the first dystopia book I have purchased and would definitely do so again.
I had fun getting to know the characters and understanding how their world worked, relating it to our world now and wondering how we would cope in the same situation.
I felt like I knew where the story was going all the time, until, PLOT TWIST after plot twist was thrown my way! I think this is what made it difficult to put down. I just wanted to know the next part of the story.
I will definitely be buying the next book to read, I hope it's just as good as this one was.
This book has a very original idea to it! The Paladins protect Earth from the Others who live on the other side of some sort of barrier. I had two problems with this book. First off, I have way too many unanswered questions as to what is going on in the world around the two characters. I understand the Paladins are protectors and the Others are evil, but I want to know more about them. Maybe some background and where they came from would be nice. But, this all could come in the next novels. Secondly, I felt the main characters, Devlin and Laurel, were very two-dimensional. I didn't feel too much emotion from them, and they just felt flat. However, I will read the next book because I do believe there is hope for this series!
Shakespeare's Sonnets, Retold
Shakespeare's Sonnets, Retold
William Shakespeare, James Anthony | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a copy of this book courtesy of the Penguin First to Read program in exchange for an honest review.
I remember in high school that Shakespeare was the bane of my existence. For some reason, high schools in the US only choose to have you read Romeo and Juliet (woof). I had read a few sonnets then, just for fun, and was completely befuddled.
Luckily, this book has come along. The format is great, the original sonnet is on one page, and the reinterpretation is on the other. I thought the first section of procreation sonnets was... bizarre and I hope I never read them again. I enjoyed the 'Dark Lady' sonnets at the end. This book is definitely a must-read if you've ever been interested in the sonnets, but can't wade through the original text with ease.
The Bright Sessions
The Bright Sessions
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Great plot (3 more)
Brilliant voice actors
Excellent writing
Unique universe
Definitely Atypical
Starting with the introduction of a new patient, Doctor Bright's sessions are recorded in her office as she runs a psychology service for "Atypicals" - people who have a variety of unusual abilities... and associated psychological issues.
The story unfolds, becoming far more involved as the episodes continue. As the story unfolds, the universe expands to involve not just a few Atypicals visiting their doctor, but a vast, shadowy network of government organisations, a population of Atypicals around the world, throughout history, a brilliant "bad guy", and so much more.
Immersive, realistic, unflinching in its poor opinion of much of humanity, dark, moralistic, and all-round fantastic, the only regret is that I didn't discover this podcast until it was already over.
Or is it?
I, for one, certainly hope not!

LaBMaC (116 KP) rated Snapchat in Apps

Jul 18, 2019  
Communication, Photo & Video, Social Networking
7.4 (180 Ratings)
App Rating
Download to camera roll (2 more)
Filters make you look good
Face swap
Interactive filters with music (0 more)
Novelty wears off quickly
Snapchat started really well. I could sit for ages flicking through filters but after a while you get bored of coloured hair and cat ears which are the main focus.
My daughters auntie often uses it on her. Again it was cute for 5 minutes.
The strange thing is I still flick through in the hope I will find something unusual. I did.
The male version of me looks eerily like a pupil I once taught. **shivers.
Oh and another thing. I don't know how typical this is but I don't use the 'chat' part of the app much. I just use it myself if I share the photo it's usually by downloading to camera and upload to Facebook..
Girls of Paper and Fire
Girls of Paper and Fire
Natasha Ngan | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tips for reading this book:

1) remove annoying people from your space that disturb you else you may accidentally feel empathy to a moon caste demon who is prejudice against humans.

2) start reading in the morning (not 6pm like me) because there is no point which you can put the book down and the need to sleep is an annoying inteference.

3)ensure reading nest is stocked with fluid and snacks as per 2) there is no point you want to put book down. It does not stop. the action. The love. The horror. The hope. The racing hearts. The fire. No stop. You will not want to stop.

4) have tissues. It is a bittersweet story.

5) you are strong and wonderful and beautiful. Listen to Natasha's advice at the front of the book.
Sausage Party (2016)
Sausage Party (2016)
2016 | Animation, Comedy
5.8 (37 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I knew a bit about this movie going in to it but what i knew was the tip of the iceberg. I thought this was just going to be an animated adventure with food and sex. There is more to this movie than that. The movie talks about a big day. WHITE RED AND BLUE DAY so from that July the 4th. So from that you can gather it takes place in the USA. Different cultures are represented by food or products. Without giving any spoilers here is what my take on it is. In a land of many cultures, religions and more we all have to unit and work as one to protect our freedoms. If we dont work together there is no hope. Saying that there is sex in this animation. It is ment for ADULT

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Bug (2006) in Movies

Dec 3, 2019 (Updated Dec 4, 2019)  
Bug (2006)
Bug (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Dont Let The Bed Bugs Bite.
This is such a underrated horror jem. It will make you more afarid of bugs. Bugs are scary, bugs are terrorfying, bugs are horrorfying and this movie will make you afarid of bugs. Those bed bugs though, those bed begs are nasty.

Both Ashley Judd and Micharl Shannon do a excellent job in this movie.

The Plot: At a rundown desert motel, Agnes (Ashley Judd) begins a tentative relationship with a newcomer named Peter (Michael Shannon). He has a strange charisma, one that offers fearful and unstable Agnes a flicker of hope. When Peter reveals that the military deliberately infected him with a bug and that he has tiny insects crawling under his skin, paranoia begins to envelop the desperate pair.

Paranoia, suspense, creepy, terrorfying and overall a underratee horror jem.