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Kevin Phillipson (9973 KP) rated Monday nitro in TV

Nov 11, 2019 (Updated Nov 11, 2019)  
Monday nitro
Monday nitro
1995 | Sport
7.8 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
NWO (4 more)
Monday night wars
Bobby the brain heenan
Got too silly (1 more)
Ended too soon
Where the big boys come to play
Watching reruns on the WWE network WWE main rival during the Monday night wars when wcw nitro was beating raw every Monday night due to the popularity of the new world order and Hollywood Hulk Hogan but over time it got stale and repetitive and silly due to stars egos eventually wcw was brought up by WWE and no more nitro which was a shame. Still classic 90s wrestling nwo for life
    CKN Toys

    CKN Toys

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    Welcome to CKN Toys channel.This is a family and children friendly channel reviewing kids toys and...

    Kid Studio

    Kid Studio

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    Funtime Media Corp. JSC was founded in 2017 to make quality children’s content, with the intent of...

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
An extremely amazing film with an ending they tell you is gonna happen from the beginning, yet you don't believe it. Characters that get the most development are Thor, Vision, Scarlett Witch, Doctor Strange, Gamorra, Thanos, and the Hulk, which, when you think about it, is still quite a lot.

The ending makes you really feel like something has changed in the world. The acting is great. The special effects are really good. This is the first time I have ever noticed the score in a Marvel film. Go see it as soon as possible in theaters. This is an actual cultural event.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Character Development further fleshing out Thor (0 more)
Bruce Banner being stuck as Hulk with no real reason as to why and no exploring of solutions (0 more)
Thor Ragnarok
Out of all the Thor movies released to date, Ragnarok is my favorite. Before Thor just was either simply annoying to me or wasnt able to hold my attention. Ragnarok begins fleshing out of his character. He may be a god, but his flaws and foibles make him more realistic and relatable. We get to see his struggles. We get to see facets of his sense of humor. Oh, and he makes fight scenes EPIC.

JT (287 KP) rated The Avengers (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
As the dust settles on a film that has seriously ‘hulk smashed’ the box office its clear to see why this film has been met with such high acclaim from critics and fans alike. There is no getting away from the fact that this is one hell of a blockbuster, with more superheroes than you can cram into a S.H.I.E.L.D. meeting room and a villain that almost stole the whole show, it had pretty much everything.

The film opens as S.H.I.E.L.D. is mid evacuation after The Tesseract, an energy source of unknown potential, has activated. Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has plans to take over the world with a strong army and have everyone kneel before him, he’s cunning but “lacks conviction” as is pointed out by cult fan favourite Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg).

So, Nick Fury activates the Avengers initiative, pulling resource from Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye and of course Bruce Banner in order to stop the impending attack. The good thing about the Avengers is that no time needs to be spent setting the characters up, as given the previous films we know all about them and their powers. However, this gives more time for them to decipher each others egos.

Tony Stark feels like the team’s unofficial leader, brash and bold he has to contend with a number of personalities, remember he doesn’t play well with others. A great scene sees Thor, Captain America and Iron Man all come to blows but its hard to say if there was any clear winner.

Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow and Clint ‘Hawkeye’ Barton who have popped up in previous films but neither had their own title struggle at times to fit in, but they are integral to the group and plot. However if there were not part of the assemble you wouldn’t miss them too much.

As for Bruce Banner, Weadon’s Hulk is probably the most realistic CGI transformation to date. Ang Lee’s looked ridiculous and Louis Leterrier’s Hulk looked liked he’d been pumped full of steroids as opposed to gamma radiation.

Weadon though achieved a great balance and with Mark Ruffalo stepping in as the green monster the Hulk had a lot of charisma in this, even having time for some humour. T.V. original big man Lou Ferrigno provided the voice so it all seemed like the Hulk was back.

The perfect villain – Loki
Hiddleston for me though was the stand-out here, as comic book villains go he brought so much to the role. It was a dark, composed and at times sinister portrayal of a man desperate for revenge and to be worshipped like the god he feels he deserves to be.

The films action sequences are second to none, with everything from the initial opening evacuation at S.H.I.E.L.D. to the climactic ending all choreographed to perfection. The only gripe is that it boarder lines on Transformers styled destruction, in which some parts are drawn out. I mean just how many Chitauri can one group of superheroes fend off?

Another post credits scene certainly would pave the way for a sequel, and given the film’s massive haul which is well in excess of $450m no one would stand in the way. It should pretty much be a forgone conclusion that the team will at some point reunite.

Sharpie0499 (114 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Best Marvel film yet (2 more)
Thanos and Black Order were the most terrifying villains yet
Ended on cliffhanger so am excited for Part 2
Felt a bit slow in some parts (0 more)
Best Marvel Film Yet!!!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Overall, Infinity War was the most powerful Marvel film to date; not just because of the powerful superheroes, but because it was able to fill you with adrenaline during fight scenes, fill you with hope when seeing lovers reunited, and wrench at your heartstrings during those difficult to watch, depressing scenes all in one movie. The casting was brilliantly done: Ebony Maw had me internally reeling just at the sight of him, and don't even get me started on Thanos. When seeing Thanos in previous Marvel films, it was obvious he was a threat to humanity but I never really felt afraid of him. But in the first scene when Hulk is beating up Thanos, you think, 'Yes, Hulk! Smash!' But then Thanos decides to turn it around, causing Hulk to be so afraid of Thanos throughout the entire film that he won't let Bruce turn into him. This is because Hulk knows Thanos can beat him, possibly even kill him. When I was sitting in the cinema, watching Scarlet Witch see Thanos for the first time at the end of the film and seeing her genuine terror just at the sight of him (though she could probably sense his powers with her magic) it got me thinking of what I would do in their situation. And I know humanity would have no chance against him, even without the infinity stones, and that he would just destroy us. Anyway, on a happier note, I was thrilled to see Scarlet Witch and Vision together when they were in Scotland. But then Marvel had to go and crush our hearts by having Thanos kill Vision. What really broke my heart was how Vision told Scarlet Witch, 'I love you,' just before he died and then Scarlet Witch's face when she turned into dust or sand or whatever the hell that was. It looked like she was almost relieved to become nothing after Vision's death (I'm probably just reading into that). What also nearly killed me was Rocket's reaction to Groot turning into dust/sand; and the scene on Titan when Spiderman turns into dust/sand. Anyway, this Marvel film beats all others out of the park with the more intense fight choreography, the terrifying villains, and the superheroes banding together and joining forces to beat a common enemy. I'm excited to see a certain new superhero join the team (Captain Marvel) and am counting down the days till May 2019 so I can see the conclusion to Infinity War!