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Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of LEGO Marvel's Avengers in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
LEGO Marvel's Avengers
LEGO Marvel's Avengers
In case you have not been paying attention, superhero movies have become all the rage at the box office the last several years in an unprecedented run of success. While the gaming based exploits of superhero franchises have not fared as well as their celluloid brethren there is still have been plenty of great offerings for fans to enjoy. Warner Bros. and Lego have created Lego Marvel Avengers which allows fans to not only re-create some of the best moments of the two avengers films, but explore beyond the films with over 100 Marevl based characters.


The game opens where “The Avengers: Age of Ultron”, began with the heroic forces attacking the evil Hydra in the snow-covered locales of a Hydra base. Hawkeye, Black Widow, The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America all came and play early in the game with players having the ability to move between characters based on their situational needs. For example, should you need to fly over an object a flight based character is definitely your way to go whereas the Hulk would be ideal for brute strength and whatever tactics would require a battering ram against the enemy.


It can take a little bit to get used to each character’s abilities as while the controls are for the most part universal; figuring out which combination can unleash which functions from the various characters may take a bit of patience. That is why I highly recommend if at all possible playing the game with a partner as a co-op mode does make the game much more enjoyable.


If you are not familiar with the Lego game, you will want to make sure to have a bit of patience as often figuring out the correct way to manipulate or destroy an object is key to being able to advance and only certain characters are functional in various situations. Iron Man’s lasers do a much better job sealing a control panel then would Hawkeye’s arrows or Black Widow’s pistols. It is discovering which character is needed when and which ability to use that really makes for a fun challenge.


No should players not want to take the campaign on; there is a free roam ability that allows players to have a great time going through several iconic locales. The real joy here is that you can unlock new characters as you go and according to an interview we did with the game designers at San Diego Comic Con, more characters will be made available in the future via DLC.


The game has solid graphics and for the most part smooth gameplay although there have been reports of some freeze ups occurring with the PS3 and other versions of the game. I played the game on the PS4 and aside from some frustrations with some puzzles and learning character controls; we had a very smooth and enjoyable experience throughout.


The combat system is much better than just repetitive button pressing although as I mentioned earlier you do need to get accustomed to what buttons to use for which characters and their abilities as with 100+ options patience is going to be required.


For those thinking the game is just a rehash of the two Avenger movies, your behalf you know that there are locales from other Marvel films including the two prior Captain America films and the trademark humor that is been the staple of the Lego series of games.


What I find most appealing about the game is that it works so well for gamers of all ages and abilities as well as those who want something they can play with their children and still be actively engaged in the game.


As such Lego Marvel Avengers is a solid effort that should appease fans both new and old of Marvel by giving them a fun, action-packed, and diverse gaming experience with a new level of immersion in the Marvel Universe.
Venom (2018)
Venom (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
I went into the screen with wildly low expectations for Venom, nothing in the trailer had me on the edge of my seat. In the run up to me going there were more and more reviews appearing saying that it was bad, not that I read any of them. So many people just felt the need to put it right in the title... yes, yes, but much more obvious than mine!!

But you know what? It wasn't bad. That's not to say it was good, but it wasn't bad. I didn't laugh anywhere near as much as everyone else did, but it did have some funny bits in it. I'm sorry though, "blowing like a turd in the wind"? Not funny. Wasn't funny in the trailer, not funny in the film.

Full disclosure, I've booked to see this again. Not because I enjoyed it so much but because the people who were watching it in the screen with me were the noisiest people on the planet.

I understand that they couldn't accurately do Venom's origin story as it invilves Spider-man but I'm not sure how I felt about this version of events. Also, if a super nerd out there could help me out... I thought that Venom was the name for the combined host and symbiote, but in the film the symbiote is called Venom... which way is correct?

There are some great bits between Eddie and Venom. Venom obviously thinks Eddie is a bit of a wimp and doesn't mind pointing it out. He's embarrassed by him putting his hands up in surrender and by him being unwilling to jump out of an upper floor window. Both bring amusing exchanges.

When we see the duo fighting and evading the tac team in the early part of the film all I could think was how reminiscent of Upgrade it was when he was being controlled by Venom. I also got flashes of other Marvel offerings, specifically Hulk. Venom tossing people around by their feet, then witnessing him fight Riot gave me flashbacks of Hulk and The Abomination. The latter was a lot easier to watch than the fight between this new pair though. It was way too chaotic, and almost impossible to figure out exactly what was happening.

In general I'm not a fan of the CGI symbiotes, they look a lot more cartoony and feel slightly unfinished, like there's a layer missing to make them more realistic. I also wasn't overly keen on much of the acting, I found Tom Hardy to be lacking and didn't find Eddie Brock to be very dynamic for an investigative journalist.

The first of the credit scenes lines us up with a potential sequel with a quick appearence by Woody Harrelson as Cletus Kasady who historically was the original host for Carnage. Harrelson has grown on me immensely in recent years with his acting and it would be a shame not to see him given this serial killers' role in the Universe... but with a film that feels like it fits more in the Maguire era of Spider-man movies I personally can't see a sequel from Venom doing him justice.

The second credit scene felt a little like a cheat to me as it wasn't anything to do with the film. It was entertaining despite that though. A little lighthearted humour but it felt completely out of place, it was much more like a short you would watch before the main event. Perhaps it would have been better as a "feature length" trailer than a credit scene.

What should you do?

You should probably see it. In my opinion it doesn't compare to any of the other "super" movies, and he isn't going to become my favourite anti-hero, but it is a reasonable diversion and the humour that's there isn't that bad.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

If I could have a symbiote that won't kill be and wouldn't look so crazy then I think I'd probably see where it took me.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
To infinity and beyond
#avengersinfinitywar is an intense, fast, slick & fun ride that pulls its viewers along at such a thrilling pace that you rarely have time to breathe. Im #happy to report #infitywar is a solid, well made & a very entertaining #film (it is however by no means perfect but it does come out overall as one of the best films that marvel has produced). From the start you can instantly tell production is high here, costumes & makeup ooze detail as do sets, the score is #beautiful & extremely epic & cgi its stellar (minus a few scenes where it looked a bit soft). This is a film that clearly has had not only alot of money but a lot of love put into it. Fight scenes are weighty, fluid & pack a sometimes brutal punch to them & they come thick & fast but never out stay their welcome. Set pieces are #gorgeous too with great camera work ranging from tight claustrophobic combat to huge dizzying establishing shots giving the film great scale. Acting is great all round with #joshbrolin as #thanos being the standout here, hes constantly intimidating visually & vocally with so much unpredictability & power his presence alone instantly made me #anxious. Story wise it keeps it interesting & everyone's motives are clear but i do feel that with so many characters to juggle you loose that connection & emotional impact from time to time. Also its a darker film but peril is quite void here & at times I felt no one was really in that much danger of being fataly hurt. Themes of sacrificing the things you #love for a greater purpose & the effects/impact power can have in different hands were interesting but id need to watch it again to see what its deeper over all message was. Lastly the ending is so clever, perfect, beautifully done & shocking that it left most of my screening breathlessly glued to our seats. Comedy works well here too with most jokes hitting without being to cringe. Overall its a damn good time & watching it with a big excited audience reminded me of what going to the cinema is all about 'Escapism' & 'fun' & #avengers really does provide both. #comicon #superhero #marvel #disney #guardiansofthegalaxy #thor #hulk #captainamerica #spiderman #groot #ironman #marvelcomics #mcu
    Disney Magic Timer by Oral-B

    Disney Magic Timer by Oral-B

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    • 98% of kids brush longer with the Disney Magic Timer app by Oral-B • Featured as “Best new...


Erika (17788 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

Apr 27, 2018 (Updated Apr 28, 2018)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Predictable (1 more)
Some shoddy SFX
Contains spoilers, click to show
So, it's finally here, Happy Infinity War day!
Now, I'm even going to enter down. Seriously, don't read any further if you want the movie unspoiled.

Yes, I'm calling the film predictable, because it was. It's not necessarily a bad thing, there just wasn't anything that honestly surprised me.

For one, I completely guessed the first two people to bite the dust, based solely on the end credit scene in Ragnarok. Heimdall dies first, but not before conveniently getting Hulk out of there.
Loki dies next, but not before you think they're completely going to reverse the story arc from Ragnarok. Whew, but they didn't. Hiddles did a really fantastic job in the whole 5-10 min he was in the film.
Thanos looked pretty good, they seemed to have fixed the color on him from the whack neon purple in that first trailer. His minions were a bit weak, and overall I don't even know what their names were, however, I don't think I was supposed to care.
I think the Guardians of the Galaxy were given way too much screentime. I'm so over them. I also got a Gamora backstory that I didn't want nor need. I'm hoping she's one of the for sure dead.
I was so happy they finally addressed Red Skull, of course he was alive! My only question is, yall couldn't shell out enough money to get Hugo Weaving back in the makeup? Come on Disney.
The only characters I for sure believe are dead and gone, are Vision, Loki, and Heimdall. Gamora is up for debate. Everyone else...come on, it's a comic book movie. I do wish they'd have had the balls to let Tony Stark die.
So, at the end, we're left with the OG Avengers. Hawkeye and Ant Man are with their fams, and Thanos got what he wanted. There's also the Captain Marvel paging scene after the credits. Of course it needed to be in there.
ALSO, set up for Venom?? That was such a good idea! At least, I believe it was supposed to be a set up...
Ah right, the shoddy SFX... there are a few scenes towards the end, especially with Thor that looked so cheap. It was strange.
Anyway, I can't give it a 10 because of those shoddy graphics, and there was too much GotG.

Ross (3282 KP) Apr 30, 2018

I didn't previously think "too much GotG" could be a thing, but I totally agree now. Given all the uber-powerful supes in the film, and the amount of plot to cram in, giving so much screentime to a group of wisecracking knuckleheads seems bizarre.


Erika (17788 KP) Apr 30, 2018

It was almost a GotG featuring the Avengers movie. Quill was also a dummy who messed up twice. It was really strange to me, I'm guessing it was that way because GotG are the group kids love the most? Regardless, I was completely irritated. Maybe my mind will change when I go see it again today. But, prob not.