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Movie 43 (2013)
Movie 43 (2013)
2013 | Comedy
I just finishes watching this with my friend, he would gave it a 8 if he was on here. Me i give it a strong 5. I am a fan of short film and this is a collection of short film. This has a cast of major starts but i am not a fan of movies that just try to shock you. I found the short films very predictable so maybe that is why i was not shocked. if you want a ztupid movie to kill time and maybe be grossed out with this might be the one to watch. If i had the chance to rewatch it i would say NO!
You're (Not) the One
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved, LOVED this book! As soon as I finished I found myself wishing I had other books by Alexandra Potter that I could read. She has such an easy-going, entertaining writing style. I literally could not put this book down!
It tells the story of Lucy & Nate, 2 teenagers studying in Venice who meet & share an amazing summer. Of course they move back to the real world on separate continents thinking that they are meant to be together forever. I don't want to say anymore than that because I don't want to spoil the fantastic arc of the story! If you want to know more, I guess you'll just have to read the book yourself! I promise you will NOT be disappointed!!!!
The Boy From The Woods
The Boy From The Woods
Harlan Coben | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh dear, I am sad to say that once again, I am in the minority with this one as it has received many 4 and 5* reviews but not for me unfortunately.

I have to say that I am a fan of Harlen's work so this one won't put me off reading more in the future but after starting off really well, it struggled to keep my attention and I found myself skimming large sections which is never a good sign. I was unable to get into the story as I found it fragmented and the characters just didn't do it for me at all; Wilde is interesting and Hester has some great one-liners but that's about it.

My mum always says "you can't please everyone all of the time" so don't take my word for it and give it a go.

Thank you to Random House UK, Cornerstone and NetGalley for my advance copy in return for an honest review.
My Monticello
My Monticello
Jocelyn Nicole Johnson | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you buy one book in October, it should be this one. MY MONTICELLO is a collection of short stories and a novella that explore race, identity, and more. Beautifully written, nuanced, and insightful, they each make you think. My introverted self found myself wishing for a book club so I could discuss these stories with others.

The eponymous novella is set in Virginia, where I live, and features a group of townspeople who must flee to Monticello after racial attacks and climate change. I wish I could describe how unsettling and good it is, but you just need to read it. It’s already been optioned for Netflix, which is awesome.

I cannot stop thinking about this book, and I also cannot recommend it enough.

I won this book in a Goodreads giveaway -- thank you to Goodreads and Henry Holt for my copy.
Smoke & Gold (Darker Desires #1)
Smoke & Gold (Darker Desires #1)
Tesla Storm | 2021 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vivianna Sky is an addict, but not in the way you think. She must fight her addiction and demons to save herself and her Mama. Unsure of whether she will be able to she gets a helping hand from an unlikely source!

When I first started reading the story I found myself annoyed with Vivianna with her being an addict then I found out what she was an addict too.

A story that is quite full of action battling demons both physically and mentally but a rewarding fight.

There are a couple of sex scenes but they aren't crudely written quite gentle in all honesty.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and can see me really getting stuck into the series.

A definite recommendation from me for you to read
Bears vs Babies
Bears vs Babies
2017 | Animals, Card Game, Comic Book / Strip, Humor
This game is... okay
You strategically build a monster to attack a baby army. The kids (ages 9 and 12) love it, but I found it pretty boring. Maybe getting the nsfw deck would make it more interesting for adults? It just didn't hold my interest.
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
The review system (3 more)
Making Friends
The chance to talk to your favourite authors
The book lists of similar books so you can find something else in the genre you've just found
The App just isn't the same as the desktop website (1 more)
You can't add novel length FanFiction stories on there to count towards your reading goal.
I love Goodreads. I can keep track of what I've read, find books I want to read, meet new people and join groups, talk to authors, even set yourself a reading challenge for the year. Love that you can review your books, comment other people's reviews, add your Facebook friends and find out what they are reading too! I've found so many new books because of Goodreads. Can even let Goodreads into your kindle account and it will add what books you have bought or got samples of so you can add them into your "To Read" list.
A Very Fatal Murder
A Very Fatal Murder
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Funny (0 more)
Short Episodes (0 more)
Short and Satirical
I really enjoyed this podcast from the Onion. In this, we are listening to "OPR" which styled itself very much like something you would hear on NPR, complete with a fake pledge break about halfway through. I found it by mistake when I looking for a new True Crime podcast to listen to. I was glad I did. The satirical tones were pretty good, and while I generally believe you can't take satire too far, this did have some gags that were a bit much or seemed to drag on to me. Overall, it was well done and very much worth a listen!
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake
Aimee Bender | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved the concept of this books and as soon as I heard about it I was intrigued and wanted to read it. I read The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake in a couple of days, which with 3 children rarely happens, so I continued to find it intriguing and compelling throughout.

However, I found the narrative elusive and shadowy which was often frustrating. Whilst I understand that Bender was creating a narrative largely written from the perspective of a child, from whom many things were hidden and secret, I still found that as a reader you were constantly trying to grasp what she was describing and failing. I found this made the book less plausible and destroyed the intrigue turning it into annoying gameplay.

I have read other novels with narratives from the perspective of a child such as The Earth Hums in B Flat, The Book Thief, Mister Pip, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, Room etc and found these all to be written far more skillfully than Bender manages here. It is an art to realistically write through the eyes of a child but reveal things to an adult reader through the child's naive perspective of the world. If this is failed to be achieved it can leave the reader feeling frustrated and disillusioned through being led on a journey that is over-constructed and inauthentic.
You Should Have Left (2020)
You Should Have Left (2020)
2020 | Horror, Mystery
You Should Have Left...this movie alone. Not sure whether I found this movie or it found me, but thankfully I made my way out of it. Was a little hard to get into at first, but about halfway through it got turned around on itself just like Kevin Bacon's character in the movie and started to feel very promising. It was all a lie though, and just like many of the hallways in the house it went nowhere and just didn't pan out. You Should Have Left was like a polaroid shot taken at the right angle, but you're left shaking the picture in your hand and it never develops.