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BookInspector (124 KP) rated Zero in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
Marc Elsberg | 2014 | Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Living with a complete geek, I learned to love technology. It is kind of mesmerizing how technology is taking over our lives, that is why I was very intrigued by the blurb of this book. After reading the book, I am kind of petrified of how much of our personal data is actually collected without our knowledge… Or maybe because of our ignorance?

The protagonist in this novel is Cynthia, a single mother and investigative journalist, who lives in London. I really liked, how realistic the main character was, she is kind of old-fashioned when it comes to technology, and all the new findings really leave her confused. Also, I liked Cynthia’s personality, I think she was really curious, brave and adventurous. The Author offers a huge variety of characters in this book, representing different sectors and different perspectives, and in some places, I found it difficult to identify who belongs where, but to my luck, there was a handy list of characters at the back of the novel, which helped me.

The narrative was really thought-provoking. Elsberg highlights many aspects of data collection and usage, which really got me thinking. The story is told from multiple perspectives, and that kind of kept my interest going. To enjoy this book, you have to like technology, there is a ton of terms and IT processes being discussed, so if you not into computers, this book will not make sense to you. 🙂 I loved that author chose different settings in this book, incorporating his native town – Vienna. Also, I think, that the author used his knowledge of advertising and influencing people very smartly, and I bet, that the search for smart glasses will increase after reading this book. 😀 (Because I am definitely going to search 😀 )

I enjoyed author’s writing style, for me, it was understandable, action-filled and constantly changing. The whole book was fitted into eight chapters, and for me, they were really long. Even though every chapter shared multiple events, it still kind of dragged to me a sometimes… 😦 (I love my short chapters!) The ending rounded up the story very nicely, but there are so many unanswered questions, that it is kind of bugging me. 😀 I really liked The Circle, and I think with a good director, this book could be a superb movie.

So, to conclude, It is a very well crafted story, which feels kind of futuristic, but when you think about it, most of the things are already happening in one form or another. It is filled with smart characters, plenty of action, and I think it is kind of a wake-up call for all of the people, who are glued to their gadgets and the internet. So, “Hey, parents – do you know what your child is up to? “ Do read this book to find out why, and I hope you will enjoy it. 🙂
Ignite (Midnight Fire, #1)
Ignite (Midnight Fire, #1)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kira Dawson has the power to burn vampires to a crisp. The problem is, she doesn't know it yet. The even bigger problem is, she's dating one.

When Kira Dawson moves to South Carolina, she meets Luke, a blond goofball who quickly becomes her best friend, and Tristan, a mysterious bad boy who sends shivers down her spine. Kira knows they're keeping secrets, but when she discovers Tristan's lust for blood and her own dormant mystical powers, Kira is forced to fight for her life and make the heart-breaking decision between the familiar comfort of friendship and the fiery passion of love.

Ignite was another book from Tea's Wishlist challenge. I did enjoy this book, even though I found it slow at first. We have a familiar setting of a girl that moves to a new place, makes friends and enemies right away, and discovers secrets. And, it turns out the boy she loves is a vampire.

The first though I have in the first chapters, and I believe you did too, was - Twilight much? But, no. Once you get to read further into the book, you realise that Kira is nothing like Bella. And Tristan is nothing like Edward either...

This book is so different, and somewhat refreshing from all vampire books I have read so far. It isn't even a book about vampires. It's a book about this girl that can mirror the sun's light and heat from her hands, and is able to hurt only vampires. With her friend, Luke, Kira will discover that she has this ability, and so much more, she will discover secrets about her past that will change her life forever, and she will have to choose between her best friend or the love of her life.

I thought that this book might have used more action, as I felt a bit bored, especially at the beginning, and sometimes during some parts of the book.

I loved Kira's character - she is the typical girl that moves and tries her best to fit in.
I loved Tristan - he proves that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and sometimes people aren't what everyone thinks they are, and your environment doesn't define you as a person.
I didn't like Luke - I know he was there with a mission to tell Kira her secrets and protect her - but what friend would make you feel guilty about every single choice you have to make in your life. He is like, the very attached and overprotective boyfriend, that isn't her boyfriend.

Overall, it was a great refreshing read, and I look forward to reading the rest of the series. If you love vampire high-school stories, women that discover they have powers, a lot of forbidden love and paranormal fantasy - you will really enjoy this book. Solid 4 stars from me!

Elli H Burton (1288 KP) rated My Daughter, My Mother in Books

Jun 16, 2019 (Updated Jun 16, 2019)  
My Daughter, My Mother
My Daughter, My Mother
Annie Murray | 2019 | History & Politics, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The way the two stories are told is great, flitting back and forth with ease - not forced. (0 more)
Unrealistic writing. (0 more)
Hard to get into but easy to finish
I usually go for books set a lot earlier that 1984 so when I picked this up I was full of anticipating I would immediately hate it and stop reading. Luckily that wasn't the case!
It jumps back and forth from past to present and includes real life issues going on in the world at that time. I personally love to see a story include real life problems as it feels like it actually happened and makes it so much more interesting to read. Don't worry, I know these people don't actually exist!!

It took me a few chapters to get into it but once I did I began to love it. Although the actual plot on both sides if good, it feels rushed to get the story out and some bits are quite difficult to grasp.
There is a family in the book that are sikh which despite my religious education at school I don't know much about so to an extent this book taught me something about sikhs. This is also hard because there are certain aspects to the writing i found hard to understand.
I like to see the good in every story so I'd say have a read of it yourself and see what you think.
Unforgotten (Forgiven #2)
Unforgotten (Forgiven #2)
Garrett Leigh | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
UNFORGOTTEN is the second book in the Forgiven series, and this time, the focus is on the brothers - Luke's brother, Billy, and Mia's brother, Gus. They both had a moment in the past, and neither of them has forgotten about it. So what will happen when they start sharing a house and working together?

This is what I would call a high-angst book. There is not a page where there isn't some form of trouble, whether it's between Luke and Billy, Gus and Mia, Luke and Mia, or Billy and Gus! And, oh, for the love of god, will someone please explain how a conversation works to these people?

As with book one, I found this to be brilliantly written, but I was just unable to connect with the characters as I wanted to. Mia still annoys me. I can feel my teeth grinding whenever she is in a scene. I think there was only one where she behaved in a more compassionate way.

I feel this book was better than book one, but I still prefer other books by this author. If you are after a contemporary romance with high angst, then I can definitely recommend this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Amber (Red Hot Love #1)
Amber (Red Hot Love #1)
Elle Casey | 2018
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've read a handful of Elle Casey's books and have found that more often than not, I really enjoy them.

This one started off a little crazy with a lawyer visiting Amber and her families farm to tell them that their dads want to meet them in New York. Amber appears to have never left the farm before to visit big cities and is wowed by some things and horrified by others in the Big Apple.

Amber and Ty certainly rubbed each other the wrong way to start but you could see a tentative connection between them from pretty early on. I actually really liked Ty, and Amber's intuitiveness; the way she picked up on little things and tried to solve problems was great. It was a very good plotline and I loved that part of the story.

And the romance, of course. It was very sweet. I was "aaahh"ing and smiling like a loon with the gentleness of it all. Super cute. Not what I was expecting but I really liked it.

Now I've finished the story, I still find the beginning and that part of the story with the hippie compound a little strange/out there but the rest of the story? I liked it, though I would have liked more band stuff included.

I can't help wondering if Red Hot's story will continue through Emerald and Rose's romances which I will buy and read at some point in the future.
I Am David
I Am David
Anne Holm | 2004 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<b><i>"You can't change others, but you can do something about a fault in yourself."</i></b>

I Am David by Anne Holm is a very interesting and emotionally powerful story about a young boy. David was born and raised in a prison when one day, he is given a backpack and a few instructions to escape and find his way to Denmark. 

During this time, we follow David's adventure and his thoughts. He is programmed to not trust anyone and to escape as soon as he smells any danger coming his way. Throughout his journey, we can see that David goes through a lot of hardship and he meets many people, even though he fails to connect with them or entrust them with anything. Good people are somehow always there to help him, and I have to be honest and mention that I found this to be incredibly convenient to the story and in no way believable.

Besides this fact, we get to see David be his true self at all times, which is something I enjoyed about this book. There are instances where he has to make choices that require him to pretend and be something he is not, and he chooses to stay true to himself. Some times, these choices mean he has to give up the comforts of his new-found life, a bed to sleep in and food that is always on the table. 

<b><i>"And if you never allow other people to influence what you're really like, then you've something no one can take from you - not even they."</i></b>

David's adventure will teach him many things.

Some of these traits he already knew of by seeing them in others, but now he will learn to possess them himself. Honesty, bravery, kindness. But there is one thing David never knew before: true happiness. 

<b><i>"Joy passed, but happiness never completely disappeared: a touch of it remain to remind one it had been there."</i></b>

Even though I loved this book for all the right reasons, I couldn't help but notice the red flags. The parents in this book seemed to believe David's ridiculous story about the circus. They also invited him into his home without any doubts. And the most important part - David was a manipulator. Getting close to the little girl, as well as he showed open hatred towards one of the boys. And the parents were aware of all this, and still didn't seem that concerned. I understand where David came from - the way he behaved was all he's ever known. What I cannot understand was how the parents were portrayed in the book.

The ending seemed quite fast paced, even rushed. The outcome was predictable. I still manage to find the whole story unbelievable though. I recommend it to children, for the lesson of being yourself. However, I don't think that as an adult you would enjoy it. 
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
2006 | Drama
8.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
If I'm being honest, I didn't expect to like this film. Everyone in the past twelve years since its release that has recommended it to me can only talk about how sad and downright heartbreaking it can be at times. Why would I want watch a film like that? After sitting through The Pursuit of Happyness, I have my answer.

Chris Gardner (Will Smith) is just trying to make money and take care of his family. After investing his entire life savings in a company that goes nowhere, he decides to risk it all and go out for an unpaid internship with a stockbroking company. The message here is extremely powerful, a message he delivers to his son about halfway through the film: If you want something, go get it. And, in the process of getting it, don't let anyone tell you that you can't have it.

The film revolves Gardner's struggle to work for no pay and still manage to take care of his son. You can't help but admire his hustle. Despite numerous shortcomings and failed attempts, he continues to push toward his vision. It's inspiration at its finest. And, just as people warned me, it's also heartbreaking to watch. I mean, the guy can't seem to catch a break. Ever. He takes a step forward then eight back. I appreciated the film being delivered in this fashion because of how real it felt. I never got the sense of sugarcoating. This man was broken, yet he found a way to piece himself back together.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention Jaden Smith's performance as Chris jr. He carries the innocence and sadness of a kid that's a victim of a situation he doesn't seem to fully understand. While it's heartbreaking to see them struggle, it's heartwarming to watch them struggle together.

My one complaint would be the movie ending a bit too abruptly for my taste. Other than that, what a great film! I give it a 92.
Instinct (Werewolf Academy #3)
Instinct (Werewolf Academy #3)
Cheree Alsop | 2014 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Instinct is the third book in the series, and this should definitely be read in order. In fact, to get the best from this series, I would highly recommend you read the Silver series but then that is a favourite of mine so I may be slightly biased!

Alex is still targeted although now it's by the General as the Packs have Drogan. He is going out more with Jaze and the others which seems to help the broken pieces inside of him. If he can help others, he feels useful. It is on one such mission that he is buried alive for a while; trapped in the dark with a young werewolf who is in danger of dying. Alex keeps her alive until they are rescued. It is during this time that he realises Kalia is not The One for him but she is still a very good friend. Now he just has to find a way to let her know without hurting her too much.

I've been wondering when this would happen as it was obvious from his confusion, even before Siale came along, that Kalia wasn't for him. Cassie has found happiness with Tennison so she is able to understand and try to help. I love the lessons from the Professors but I love it even more when Alex goes along on their missions. Only now, it's not just Alex but some of the others too, which makes it even better.

I am loving the overall story arc that I am following and the individual stories within each book. There are new characters to meet, new situations, and new lessons for Alex. One thing I would say, is to make sure you have the next book ready before you finish reading as you will absolutely NEED to continue with the story.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Bite Me  (Kitchen Gods #1)
Bite Me (Kitchen Gods #1)
Beth Bolden | 2018 | Food & Drink, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a great, easy read, with some food porn thrown in!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is, as far as I can see, the first I've read of Bolden's work, I sure hope it isn't the last! She has a way of not giving you the full picture about something and you aren't quite sure if you missed that bit, or it wasn't mentioned yet, or what?? And I really LOVED that!

Evan and Miles butt heads, right from the start, but equally, they have attraction, powerful attraction. And I loved watching them both ( because we hear from both guys) fight that attraction. Right til they both realize that their jobs are on the line, and they could lose each other too. THEN??? All bets are off and these guys give in to the inevitable.

It's amazing watching Evan come out of himself, watching Miles peel back the layers of Evan's outer casing, to the man inside.

It's not a complicated plot line, nor is it a difficult read. It's very well written and flows beautifully from the butting heads to the get the picture. It's not very explicit though, and I really REALLY liked that it wasn't. There is no break up/make up. It's just a really great read!

Back to that not getting the full picture thing. It's about a certain thing that Miles does when he is drunk. Which I found hilarious, but when we get the full story of what was contained within?? You understand why the hints are there, you put the pieces together. Can't say anything else, cos of spoilers, but I really did enjoy not having the full picture thrown at me all at once!

Oh! You'll probably put on about ten pounds just reading this, cos, food porn or what! Miles is, after all, a pastry chef! But, love that the recipes in the book are give as links at the end. Might have to make myself some alcoholic macaroons!

This is billed as book one in the Kitchen Gods series. But some characters pop up who already had their stories written. I'd like to both go back, and forward, with these guys. I love the way Bolden spins her yarns.

so, a perfect Sunday morning read, that kept me fully engaged and I read it in one sitting.

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
First Snow (Northbound #2)
First Snow (Northbound #2)
Saga Nansen | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If Arttu has to get on his knees for a murderer, so be it.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Northbound series, but it can be read as a stand alone. There is a minor on-going story arc that can be quickly picked, with most being recapped in this book.

I loved book one, Midnight Sun, and while I really REALLY enjoyed this one, it doesn't quite meet up to book one's grab-you-and-not-let-go kinda vibe, and it pains me, deeply, to say so!

I liked Arttu, I really did. He wants to find out what happened to his friend in London and if he has to get on his knees for a murderer, so be it. But Jareth is so much than the skin he wears. Yes, he has killed beings and people that break the rules, but never in cold blood. He is Half-Fae, a Lord of his people, and as such wears a glamour most of the time. When Arttu finally sees Jareth true form, he isn't quite sure what he is seeing, but he knows he needs Jareth, in any form.

Jareth, not so much. I don't know why, but my overwhelming feeling about Jareth is "I don't like you!" That said, I did like how drawn he was to Arttu. He knows Arttu is keeping secrets, he is a master at that himself, but still. He wants Arttu in a way he never wanted anyone before.

I liked that Jamie and Finn pop up (from book one) I liked the supporting cast, both the support for Arttu and Jareth is great in very different ways.

I'm still not sure quite what happened with Lord Briar and his wife though!

And I thank you, Saga Nansen, for the glossary at the end!! I found in immensely helpful!

I'm sorry I couldn't love it as much as Midnight Sun, but I did thoroughly enjoy it.

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere