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Cat Tale: The Wild, Weird Battle to Save the Florida Panther
Cat Tale: The Wild, Weird Battle to Save the Florida Panther
Craig Pittman | 2020 | History & Politics, Natural World, Science & Mathematics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I ran across Cat Tale on the New Books shelf at my library. I had no real interest in the subject prior to seeing the cute picture on the cover, along with the bright color scheme. I was also drawn to the word, "Weird," in the title. I flipped the book over, and read the praised reviews on the back, so I decided to give the book a try. I'm so glad that I did! Number one, I live in Florida, but am a transplant from the north. So I see a lot of names on counties, streets, schools, etc., and know them from that, but not from what any of the people or places were involved with in their day. So I did get a little basic name history while reading, which was an added bonus.

The book, itself, reads like a fiction novel. Plus, it's pretty funny throughout, which made it that much more enjoyable! I kept looking names and events up to make sure that they were real when the book seemed too fictional. (They were real.) It's amazing how messed up the whole process got while trying to save the species, and how such a small number of people can end up being so detrimental to any project. There were some unforgettable characters (again, real people!) that assisted Florida during this process. I quickly was drawn to the story and information. To me, it ended up being wildly interesting. Without ruining the details for you, I realize that any non-fiction account needs to be taken with an open mind and a grain of salt at times. However, everything that I questioned was information that could be found easily. I wish more non-fiction books were written for smooth reading like Cat Tale was. Craig Pittman took a potentially dry, possibly boring subject, and made it very engaging all the way through. It's definitely worth reading, if you're even the least bit curious. (Or, if you simply like the cover picture and color scheme!)
Our Little Cruelties
Our Little Cruelties
Liz Nugent | 2020 | Thriller
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
William, Brian, and Luke Drumm--three boys each born a year apart. William becomes a successful movie producer. Luke, a famous singer. And Brian, the steady middle brother, watches over careers, money, and their mother. But none of the brothers are as successful and happy as they appear--scarred by their traumatic childhood and their constant attempts to gain the attention of their mother. Now, the brothers are gathered together again: but only two are alive.

"All three of the Drumm brothers were at the funeral. But only one of them was in the coffin."

I made a lot of mistakes with this book. First, I thought I loved Liz Nugent, but then I realized I had her confused with another writer, and that I've never read any of her books. Next, I thought this would be more of a true, suspenseful mystery. It is not.

I feel bad, but this book was not for me. It started out slowly and just never got better. The plot drags on and on. While it is somewhat a mystery about a dead brother (which Drumm has died?), it's mostly a character-driven tale about three awful brothers. Because these three men are terrible and despicable, and I found it nearly impossible to become interested in them or their stories.

The book is told in chunks--from the perspective of each brother. Within their parts, their stories go back and forth in time. It's hard to keep track of the passing of time, especially as the book progresses.

This novel could provide in-depth perspective on mental illness and the impact our parents can have on our lives, but so much of that nuance gets lost in our characters and their abject hatefulness. There is little redemption to be had here. I had twinges of sympathies for the brothers, but, at times, I wasn't sure I would care if they were dead. They are truly evil sometimes.

Overall, this book just didn't work for me. I wasn't interested in the characters, and I wanted this to be a different type of story. Many others found this much more captivating and enjoyed the character driven style, so it may work better for you. 2 stars.
Ticket to Ride
Ticket to Ride
2004 | Transportation, Travel
I am one of the remaining few who reviewers who haven’t put in their two cents on Ticket to Ride. Why? Is it bad? No. Am I lazy? No. It’s really because I don’t think I have anything new to say about it that hasn’t already been said a hundred times. So this review on this game will be a little different from me. Instead of going over the rules and such (however truncated they typically are from me) I will question how well this game has aged for me.

Ticket to Ride is one of those games that has really hit it big in the mass market. You can find it all over in big box stores, in FLGS, online, secondary market, just everywhere. But why? And for this long? Ticket to Ride (TTR) came out in 2004. A mere 15 years ago. While that doesn’t really sound like a long time, in contrast to today’s game industry it is an eternity. With thousands upon thousands of games being released into the market through direct publish, Kickstarter/crowd funding, and big releases at conventions it’s hard to believe that you can still find this hanging with the exciting, fresh new games.

What I truly believe is magical about this game is its simplicity. “You have two main options: take some cards or play some cards.” When you can start a teach of a game by saying that, your players are invested right away because they know you aren’t going to bog them down with rules upon rules. “If you decide to take cards you can take these colored train cards or you can take new route ticket cards.” So now players have two choices from gaining cards. “If you decide to play cards you need to play cards of a color and number matching whichever route between two connecting cities on the map you like.” Done. The game is explained. Yeah, you can fight me about the endgame scoring stuff like longest route and whatnot, but for new gamers, you have explained this classic in three sentences. It’s so beautiful when a game allows you to teach it so quickly.

But that surely means that this is an easy game, right? With so few rules and such. Well, no. It’s not really “easy” at all. While your main rules are light, the strategy and tactics during play can cause feelings of joy and delight as well as frustration and concern as you see someone claim the route you need to connect to two cities on the map. Of course, you can’t explain that to your new players right away. You want them to experience these feelings organically and fully. It’s what makes TTR a really great game: having your well-laid plans just shot to smithereens by the guy who can’t tell the difference between the white train cars and the wild rainbow train cars.

DISCLAIMER: I play with the 1910 expansion, which is a MUST. The larger cards are way easier to play with. See photo below with comparisons from base game on bottom with the larger 1910 cards above. YMMV, but I will always play using this expansion. -T

Components. Let’s compare components to some current or newer games. The game board is laid out really well, and the artwork is sparse and not over-busy on the board. This is a HUGE plus for me. I like nothing more than for the board to offer thematic elements and feeling without pelting my eyes with too much distraction. The cards were a bad choice. Not because the art or the quality on them is bad – because that’s not what I am saying. The size of the cards was a poor choice. I did purchase the 1910 expansion and simply will not play my copy without it. I recently played TTR for GenCan’t 2019 at my FLGS with OG base cards and found myself dreaming of the 1910 cards. The score tracker discs are of industry-standard quality for scoring discs. The plastic train car pieces are still just as wonderful to handle and play with as are many other more modern components. Seriously just as good. TTR components (and really, most of the time Days of Wonder components in general) are really great.

So do I still enjoy playing it? You betcha, don’tcha know. I still love seeing the board in front of me, agonizing over the route tickets I am dealt, and trying to decide if I should go for the New York to Los Angeles, or keep it simple with multiple routes along the Mississippi River. I still love the panic that ensues when I see people hoarding train cards, just knowing that they will soon be on the attack and their train car collection will dwindle to almost endgame levels in too few rounds for me to complete my masterpiece. I guess I still really love it.

Is Ticket to Ride my favorite game? No. But I’ll tell you what. I hadn’t played it in a couple years, and after this weekend’s play, it has moved up on my list by several spaces. It still holds a special place in my heart, and also the hearts of my team. That’s why Purple Phoenix Games gives Ticket to Ride a retrospective 20 / 24. It’s still great!
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
Crazy Rich Asians (2018)
2018 | Comedy
I was treated to this as an Unlimited Screening at Cineworld, mixing it up with a Saturday night viewing. Just a pre-warning, there is a very minor spoiler below, it's really more of a notice to watch out for something in the film, but if you want to avoid it then you can go over to Letterboxd (link can be found in the left hand menu) and read the review with that omitted.

We have been needing this film for quite some time. It is everything a classic rom-com should be and it feels like we haven't had one of this caliber in quite a while. It has all the ups and downs you want, the emotion and the humour, the serious and the down right ridiculous.

I did wonder if I would feel slightly more disconnected from the film because of the cultural differences... which at the time was mainly because I hadn't really heard much about the film... but the story is that eternal struggle of love that you can just connect with straight away.

The only reason this didn't get the fill five is because of the wacky Goh family. I'm not particularly a fan of Awkwafina or Ken Jeong's characters in it. While funny, I feel that their jokes/situations went on a bit too long taking it from funny to a little irritating.

Despite my issues with the way some of the characters went there's no denying that all of the cast did an amazing job. I particularly loved Gemma Chan as Astrid. The pinnacle of understated grace and kindness but with the side that no one sees apart from Rachel. Her performance was excellent a always and one of the most heartbreaking parts of the movie.

There are so many things to enjoy in this movie. I particularly liked the flashback at the beginning, so well done and really amusing. My second pick of highlights goes to a scene that I'm only partially sure happened. All the way through the film the audience and I seemed to be on the same wave length, laughing and reacting at the same time... but then... I laughed and no one else did. Was I the only one that saw it?! On the boat during the bachelor party when Bernard fires the rocket launcher... did no one else see that model go flying backwards?! Like seriously... why was no one else laughing??

What should you do?

You should definitely go and see this one. Great for a girls night out, and good for a date night too.

You should also probably read the book, it's the first in the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy by Kevin Kwan. Kwan was on board with the film so if the author approves you know you won't be finding massive differences between the two.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Difficult to say what I'd want from this one. There were some lovely cars, but I think I'd still be happier with an Eleanor over any of these ones. It's probably got to be one of the lavish apartments with the stunning views instead.

Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Trials Fusion in Video Games

Jul 10, 2018  
Trials Fusion
Trials Fusion
Super addictive (3 more)
A lot of fun with friends
Hundreds of tracks
You will never get bored
Almost impossible for completionests (1 more)
Would get headaches and become achy from time to time
Addicting platforming racer!
I had brought this over a year ago but never found the motivation to play it until it became free on ps plus and all my friends got it.

We played a few races together and I instantly became addicted. I was always last but I gradually got better at the game which makes it more fun and it convinced me to play the career mode which I will get more into later.

Starting with multiplayer, all the tracks and bikes are open to you. No need to unlock them. All the tracks from the career mode which there are so many as well as hundreds of user created which are excelllent, fun and sometimes weird. I played 1 where your bike turns into a squirrel and a fun track where everything is moving and messes with your head. There's always something new with these game. Even the extreme tracks where I can't even get past the first obstacle (I'm looking at you inferno) is frustratingly fun and to this day I have not got past that first bit.

There are 6 dlc packs with the season pass (not including the unicorn dlc) and all the tracks from these packs become available in multiplayer too. So if your with a group and only you have the packs, as long as your hosting, they will also be able to play them which is insane.

The career mode has so much to offer too. About 8 sections, each with about 7 tracks. Each track makes you want to go back again and again thanks to medals and leaderboards. I'm constantly wanting to go back to beat my friends scores which I've never been into before.

Extreme tracks are so difficult to get gold medals so if your a completionest it may be difficult but the game is a lot of fun yet frustrating. I find myself getting headaches if a track is too annoying or my body starts moving in awkward psoitions to the point I feel so achy.

Best played with friends in my opinion but as fun to play solo and try to beat those times for bragging rights. Even the costumes you can wear are fun. I have the PS4 version so Im not sure if it's the same everywhere else but you can unlock Rayman, Aiden from watchdogs and an assassin from the creed games. There's also many more from hazmat suits to rhino helmets.

I can recommend this easily for anyone wanted to just mess around.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated I Found You in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
I Found You
I Found You
Lisa Jewell | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Alice Lake is a frazzled single mother of three children. One day she spots a man on the beach; he is alone and getting drenched in the rain. Despite her better judgement, Alice goes to talk to him. He has no memory of who he is or where he came from. Alice is drawn to him, and she invites him to stay in the shed on her property. Her young daughter dubs him "Frank." Meanwhile, in Surrey, Lily reports her husband missing. Married for less than a month, Lily cannot believe that her husband would simply abandon her: they are madly in love. She hasn't been in the country for long, though, and soon Lily learns that the name on her husband's passport was fake: he never truly existed. Cut to more than twenty years ago: teenagers Gray and Kirsty are (reluctantly) on vacation with their parents. While on the beach, they meet a young man who clearly has eyes for fifteen-year-old Kirsty. He charms their parents, but quickly rubs Gray the wrong way. Together, these characters combine for Jewell's latest.

<i>This was a rather spellbinding novel for me, even if it requires you to sort of check your rational thought at the front door when beginning it.</i> Alice is a bit of an odd duck--a loner mom with three children by three different fathers who doesn't really play by the rules. The fact that she so easily invites a complete stranger, with no history or backstory, to stay with her family is rather bizarre. As is everyone's reluctance to not just report Frank missing (found?), to say, the police. But we're led to believe that this is rather par for the course for the eccentric Alice and if you can just go along with that, the story falls into place fairly easily. This novel probably came along at a good point for me: I'd just finished a big project at work and needed something for a quick escape. I FOUND YOU is perfect for that: I blew through it in about 24 hours and while I basically had things figured out, it kept me guessing the entire time, wondering if I was right.

I was never truly attached to any of Jewell's characters - Alice is a bit flighty, Lily a tad remote, and Gray and Kirsty a little young. If anything, I was almost more drawn to "Frank" and his predicament. Still, I enjoyed how the story unfolded in bits and pieces, slowly letting the reader in on the past, while still giving us points of view from Lily, Alice, and Frank in the present. As I said, I was never quite sure if I was on the right track with the story, which kept me compulsively reading. Many of the characters' decisions are a bit bizarre, but I still found this to be a fun, quick read for a bit of an escape. Overall, 3.5+ stars. Great for a vacation or an airplane ride.

You can read my reviews of two of Jewell's previous novels here: <a href="">THE GIRLS IN THE GARDEN</a> and <a href="">THE THIRD WIFE</a>.

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Johnny Marr recommended Idiot by Iggy Pop in Music (curated)

Idiot by Iggy Pop
Idiot by Iggy Pop
1977 | Rock
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"""As I already had Raw Power and knew what The Stooges were about, it was big news that Iggy Pop was putting out his first solo record under his own name. The generation before me who were forming bands - people like Siouxsie and Lydon - had all been Iggy freaks from hearing about him via David Bowie's patronage. As was the case in the 70s, David Bowie was the provider of all the cultural information that moulded the decade. You found out about Burroughs through Bowie, you found out about Kraftwerk through Bowie and it was the same with Iggy Pop. There were rumours in the music press that David Bowie had been working on this record and when it came out it was a big deal. And it was amazing. Nothing sounded like it before and I don't think anything has quite managed to sound like it since. There is so much written about the Berlin period that there is no point in me going on about it, but I think of all the records of that time, this is the one that is most Berlin-like to me. I now know Berlin and have spent time there before it changed, and The Idiot does convey the atmosphere of being on the Berlin streets at 3.30 in the morning having been to various insalubrious establishments and looking for more action. Songs like 'Baby', 'Nightclubbing' and 'Dum Dum Boys' really capture that drunken, woozy, underground European atmosphere. It's a perfect record."""



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Murder from Scratch
Murder from Scratch
Leslie Karst | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
8.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder From Scratch
By: Leslie Karst
Crooked Lane Books
320 Pages
Pub Date 9 April 2019
#MurderFromScratch #NetGalley
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="10 Book Reviews" title="10 Book Reviews"/>
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>

I enjoyed this book. I love me a good cozy mystery story. This book also has the recipes in the back of the book. This is a mystery so I will not go into too much detail.
The story is a about a woman who is found dead by her blind daughter. Evelyn is her name. She insists that her mom wouldn't take her life and there are clues to support her. Her cousin, Sally owns a restaurant that left to her by her deceased Aunt but before that she was an attorney. She helps her cousin but researching the clues and doing a little bit of investigating on her own. She actually helped the police with her Aunts murder in a previous book. This is the same aunt whom left her the restaurant. There is some interesting turns in this story and like I said I enjoyed myself. I was able to figure out who did it but it wasn't until 2/3's into the story. I would recommend this book for you to read if you like cozy mysteries.
While there was nothing about this book that made it special and I found the "Seven Deadly Sins" theme cliche, it was a pleasure to read. This is the kind of romance novel that makes you sigh with happiness when you finish the last page, the type of novel that is truly a delight to fans of romance. The couple doesn't argue the entire time. In fact, the only arguing was the female protagonist's, Ivy's, arguing with herself and her emotions. This is quite refreshing among the endless stream of novels where the couples are always butting heads and arguing to the point that I want to rip my hair out.

The only problem I had was Ivy's behavior. I have read so many historical novels where the women act as free as the women today. It's irritating. If those women really acted that way, then they would be complete outcasts of society no matter what their status or money. I am also sure that the menfolk would simply not allow such behavior.

The male protagonist, Dominic Sheridan, stole my heart away. He was sweet and endearing to Ivy, that it grabbed my heart strings. At first, it was amusing to watch the two's playful banter, and then watch how their behavior changed so subtly when the two began to fall in love. It was cute.

I actually liked the light-hearted feel of this novel so much, I rented the other two currently published.