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Chronicles of Crime: 2400
Chronicles of Crime: 2400
2021 | Adventure, Deduction, Murder & Mystery, Science Fiction
I have reviewed and previewed the base Chronicles of Crime, and each of the entries in the Millennium Series (1400, 1900, and now 2400). I have the Noir expansion coming in my next order from an online retailer once another title gets off the pre-order list, and will most likely be ordering Welcome to Redvale soon as well. To say I am a fan of the series is a massive understatement. The system is just so unique and I love exploring the games inside. Now, I definitely prefer 1400 to 1900, but where does this newest entry fall in the pecking order? I bet you’re… dying… to find out!

Chronicles of Crime: 2400 (which I shall shorten to 2400 for the duration of this preview) is an app-assisted campaign, murder-infested, cooperative storytelling game for one to four players. If you are familiar with the original Chronicles of Crime, you already mostly know how to play 2400 (there are a few new mechanics here). However, should ye be of the uninitiated, allow me to set the stage for this incredible gaming experience.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided an advance retail copy of this game for the purposes of this preview. These are retail copy components, so they should be exactly what you would receive in your copy. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, as there are just too many. You are invited to download the rulebook, purchase directly from the publisher, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, place the Evidence Board in the middle of the table and the Home Location Board near. Keep all the decks of cards nearby (shuffled or unshuffled, whatever is your liking) as well as the alphabetically-labeled, double-sided Location Boards. Place out the Implant Board and the Raven card within reach (new to 2400). Fire up the Chronicles of Crime app, choose “2400,” and then choose the case you would like to play. The app will walk players through the additional setup steps for the case being played. For this solo preview the photos represent happenings in the Tutorial scenario. Also, to be completely upfront I got a perfect 100/100 for a final score… for the introductory Tutorial. Autographs can be purchased at the end of the preview.
Each of the cases will involve players traveling to different Location Boards and meeting Characters at these locations. Many cases will be involving several Special Items and, new for the 2400 version, augments to the main character, Kalia Lavel, and her cybernetically-enhanced pet Raven. The Raven (unnamed in the game) acts as a portable computer, able to access information across the web and provide insight into certain aspects of the case being solved.

By using the app and scanning the QR codes on the boards and cards players will be learning about the case, viewing the scene of the crime(s), inspecting items, chatting up locals for information, and also new for 2400: visiting new Cyberspace Locations (a la The Oasis in Ready Player One)! With so many new additions to the CoC series here in the 2400 chapter, seasoned vets will find something for which they can be excited.

Play will continue not so much in “rounds” but until the players have enough evidence and a good handle on the situation enough to return Home to recharge, or visiting HQ to divulge case information by scanning answers to their questions about the case. The app then assesses the accuracy of the answers and outputs a score. For reference, though I did receive 100/100 on my first play of 2400 I did only receive a 70/100 on my first runthrough of the original Chronicles of Crime, so playing this style of game several times seems to improve how one plays.
Components. As most items in the box of the game are card or cardboard-based, and all really great quality, I will speak on other component items. Firstly, the art and art style throughout the game is simply stunning. I mean look at those Location cards and character art! This art really speaks to me and it says, “I’m gorgeous.” As a side note, I think I will be contacting Lucky Duck Games to get my hands on the font used on the Evidence Category cards. It’s just a perfect choice in this setting.

The app. I have only great things to say about the app. It’s the same app that you would use for all Chronicles of Crime games, and operates the exact same way. For me it has been flawless to use and just a joy to bring technology into the gaming world, especially for a game set in the year 2400. I am obviously no purist game enthusiast, as I enjoy these hybrid model games. Once you play with the app you will see how ingenious a system it really is. The app coupled with the nondescript cards and other components in the game make for infinite storytelling possibilities that can only be limited by creativity and time constraints. I love the components in the box AND the marvelous app.

Gameplay for me is also just glorious. I love being able to sit down, setup the game, and let the app tell me what’s going on. So what should I do first? Oh, let’s mosey on down here to this Location Board and drum up some information. Ooh I found an Item! I should have the Raven scan it for any historical information. Hmm, it registers as being hot? Okay, time to go back to that location and speak with the other person who was in there. OH CRAP, I wasted too much (in game) time and now that other person is gone?! Uh oh, I better stop messing around here…

It’s just amazing, and I love this family of games. I am so stoked to delve more into 2400 and discover more shenanigans happening in futuristic Paris. My implants (no jokes here please), Raven, and I are out to solve all the cases and beg for more. If you are looking for a game that uses a hybrid board game/app model, are a fan of this setting, or just want to have a really great experience playing a game, I urge you to consider Chronicles of Crime: 2400. It has everything I love in a unique game and I just can’t get enough! Oh, and for me, this is the best one of the bunch. I don’t know what it is exactly that I love so much, but it adds the right amount of extra stuff to CoC that I just feel like playing these scenarios endlessly. That is, until I have run out of scenarios and have to cry to LDG or fans to create more and more. If only I were more creative.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Pet Sematary (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Pet Sematary (2019)
Pet Sematary (2019)
2019 | Horror
Yes, I'm a scared cat and bailed out on the Unlimited Screening of this. Those of you on Twitter know that I prefer my horrors to be brightly lit with ample opportunity to scream at the idiots on the screen who are quite clearly going to get themselves killed. That being said, I did decide to see it after reading some general comments after the screening. I believe the phrase I used was "Suck it up, Emma. You can do this."

Pet Sematary is obviously a remake but as I understand it they've made a fair few tweaks to give viewers something a bit different. The premise is still the same though.

After the Creeds move into their new home they discover that the woods on their property are home to a pet cemetery that has quite a local tradition. When their cat, Church, dies on the road outside their house the neighbour overs to help Louis find a spot to bury him. Jud realises that Ellie will be devastated at the loss and leads Louis out to a remote and unusual spot to bury Church. What he doesn't tell him is that Church won't stay buried for long.

Jason Clarke is getting some great screen time this year what with The Aftermath and Serenity (which I hope to catch sometime soon). I liked how he managed to play the sceptic in this, he's a man of science which has a set of rules but the longer he spends in their new surrounds the more he becomes changed by them. He's also a great contrast with his wife and watching them trying to explain death to their daughter was captured in a very interesting way.

Amy Seimetz as Rachel felt a little underwhelming as a character, the backstory she has is odd on its own but having it pop up sporadically through the film felt confusing. I don't know whether it's the same storyline as was in the book but something a little less bizarre felt like it would have worked better and left you with less unanswered questions.

John Lithgow is always a favourite of mine and this performance was no exception. Sort of like the old man shovelling snow in Home Alone he comes across as scary until you realise he's not so bad after all. I'm intrigued by his character though, Jud should surely be much less friendly and changed because of his experiences with the woods, and yet he's fairly normal. The only thing that I was a little disappointed with was that his backstory was very obvious... and to be honest given all the trouble he's had you'd think he'd be a little more cautious.

Our little leading lady certainly has a flair for the demonic and I actually found her to be a much better offering after her unfortunate incident. From what I understand it's her little brother that dies in the original, but in my head I can't see that working very well. They do try and bring him into the story with a slightly supernatural ability to see the dead but it felt a little forced and perhaps it would have been better to just bypass it completely.

If you read my reviews every so often I'm sure you're aware of my dislike for cameras that move erratically. I was aware that we felt to be constantly on the move and it made for a challenging watch. Pet Sematary also featured my least favourite of all the shots, the overhead pan that sets off my motion sickness. Opening the film with a sweeping shot of the forest nearly had me passed out on the floor, and to my joy we also get a brief reprise of this towards the end.

Apart from the camera work that wasn't to my liking there wasn't a lot that I found out of place with the production itself apart from one moment that jumped out at me. When that monstrous little bastard of a cat lured Ellie out into the road we get what is a surprisingly well thought out scene, I was onboard and engrossed and then there were some terrible digital effects involving the truck that stuck out like a sore thumb.

Stephen King and I have a very patchy history with adaptations. I often feel like he writes a fantastic story and then realises he hasn't worked out how to end it and just goe "Boom! Aliens!" I'm looking hard at Under The Dome here, nearly 40 hours of my life... for aliens! Needless to say I was quite pleased that there was some "reasonable" explanation for everything that was happening. Not a single alien in sight and the ending wrapped with a nice ominous vibe that made me glad they hadn't gone with a happily ever after scenario.

Apart from the camera work and the cheap ass jumping scares this wasn't such a bad film. If you ignore the things that don't make sense, like why are parents letting their creepy children give their dead pets a procession through another person's property... or why does the "pet sematary" actually have nothing to do with the resurrections... or why do they walk through about five miles of Star Wars-esque forest and swamp to a random mountain to do the ritual... yeah, if you ignore those things it isn't too bad.

What you should do

It's not a bad horror to watch and if you aren't a big ol' chicken like me then you might want to see it on the big screen.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

What I would like is something very specific, like genie wish specific, I want Church... but I want him in his curly looking death state... without the death. No smell, no blood, no guts, no demonic hell beast, just the regular cat type of hell beast.
King of Thieves (2018)
King of Thieves (2018)
2018 | Action, Crime, Drama
A Surprisingly Disappointing Heist Film
Upon seeing King of Thieves listed as a Limitless preview screening, I immediately snapped up the opportunity to see it because I had been looking forward to it since the first trailer I saw. With a well-known cast, an iconic real life heist story, and a classic ‘British crime’ aura, I was anticipating something great. I really can’t understand how they managed to mess that combo up, but here we are. Out of all the reviews I’ve ever written, this one is probably the hardest because of how disappointed I feel. As a film fan it’s difficult when you get yourself hyped up, only to be let down by the finished result.

For me, King of Thieves started off promising then rapidly declined into a bit of a mess. If it weren’t for a few redeeming features, I would’ve rated it even lower. One of the positives to come out of this film is the performances; it’s no surprise to any of you that these are actors at the top of their game, and I believe they worked as hard as they could with what they had. I don’t have a problem with any of the actors, my main problem lies with how utterly awful and cringe-worthy the screenplay was. They had an opportunity to work with some brilliant talent, but even they couldn’t save this film.

I appreciate the script was trying to encapsulate the ‘tough, working class London’ stereotype through these characters, but for me there was too much swearing and casual racism/homophobia than actual exposition. We learn barely anything about these characters, with the exception of Michael Caine’s, so all we see for almost two hours is a bunch of old men arguing and swearing constantly. We aren’t encouraged to connect or sympathise with any of them, none of them are particularly three dimensional, so you find yourself hating everyone on screen. Even a little emotional moment here and there would’ve been nice. With no chemistry between characters, the heist becomes very dull indeed.

If the weak script wasn’t bad enough, I wasn’t impressed with the cinematography either. The film seems confused throughout, not really sure what visual styles it wants to settle on so it jumps about here and there. As a result, this is very jarring and I found it hard to watch. The camera is all over the place, it doesn’t seem to have any fixed techniques, and it becomes a nuisance more than anything. That being said, the heist scenes themselves were very well-shot which is even more frustrating for me. How can you shoot certain things brilliantly, then mess up others? It doesn’t make any sense. If anything, it’s proven that the people involved did have the potential to create something great, but somehow managed to throw it all away.

King of Thieves feels a lot like a straight-to-DVD crime film that you might watch on a lazy Sunday afternoon when you’re a bit tired or hungover. It’s certainly not the kind of cinematic, high-quality film I would expect to see on the big screen. It’s mildly entertaining and delivered a few laughs, but ultimately it’s forgettable. My advice for this film would be: don’t let them rob you of a ticket, catch it on TV instead.
My Heart and Soul
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Randall has done something scary and risky: She has taken her interior monologue, her thoughts, her hopes and dreams, insecurities, fears, loves and hates, and written them out into long picturesque poems for the world to see. I know I could never expose myself the way she has… It was encouraging to read her works, to get inside her head. It was uplifting to see the trust and the security she has in God, and encouraging to know that there are people out there who feel like you do. She wrote about painful subjects like cancer, doubt, death, but also had some more touchy subjects like fear of never being loved again, racism, and sex—though she did it all in a way that doesn't feel uncomfortable.

I greatly enjoyed these poems, and have found myself flipping through the pages on several occasions, just re-experiencing the things she has to say and the experiences she has to share. My Heart and Soul is well worth the buy.
Prose and Cons (Magical Bookshop, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s time for the annual Food and Wine festival in town, and this year Violet Waverly is adding a Poe-try reading at Charming Books to the week’s line up. However, when one of the readers is found dead at the bottom of the shop’s steep stairs during the event, things take a tragic turn. The police quickly decide it was murder and start looking at Violet’s friend Sadie. An Violet prove her friend is innocent?

I absolutely love the bookstore in this series, a shop where the perfect book finds you. That’s really the only bit of magic in the series, and Violet is left to use old fashion methods to sift through clues and motives to find the killer. I did feel some of the characters could be stronger, but the mystery is strong with plenty of red herrings before things fall into place at the end.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Killer Cocktail
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nic and Nigel have recently discovered some home movies from the production of A Winter’s Night, a huge movie from 20 years ago famous not only for the wonderful story but the behind the scenes drama, including the death of the original star. They are the talk of the Oscars, but a break in convince the couple that there is someone on those tapes someone doesn’t want seen. Can they figure out what that is?

This is a second delightful romp with a modern day homage to The Thin Man, not that you need to be familiar with the original to enjoy this book. The book includes portions of the tapes that have been found, and since they introduce us to the suspects and motives, they are important. I thought I had things figured out early on, but I turned out to be wrong. The characters are a lot of fun, and the banter kept me grinning if not laughing outright.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Charley (64 KP) rated The Mermaid in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
The Mermaid
The Mermaid
Christina Henry | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unusual and left you wanting more
This author is truly amazing. She is able to take well know tales/ folk lores and turn them into gripping novels. This book is no different. I found this enchanting tale after reading her Chronicles of Alice series of books.
She has taken the story of Bo Burnham and the little mermaid and amalgamated them into what is an amazing read.
In short the story is about a mermaid who wants to see the world. She is taken in by Burnham with a promise of money to show the world her mermaid tricks. Safe to say that like all of Christina Henry's other books it takes a dark and twisted turn however seems to work out well in the end.
There are definitely some moments in the book where i was worried to read on as i thought something really bad was going to happen.
It kept me on the edge of my seat through out and was a wonderful tale of the darkness of men and magic.

Chloe (514 KP) Jan 28, 2019

Woo that sounds so interesting and scary ?? I may have to read this even if it does ruin my childhood lol


Charley (64 KP) Jan 28, 2019

its brilliant and very thought provoking

Mean Girls 2 (2011)
Mean Girls 2 (2011)
2011 | Comedy
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After moving schools twice a year for 8 years, Jo finally starts in her last school before going to university and of course it wouldn't be a mean girls movie without a new set of plastics tormenting anyone who gets in their way. The plastics main target is a girl named a by who has no friends, when they find out that new girl Jo has befriended abby (after being bribed to by abbys father) they set Jo as their new target and you know this isn't going to end well.
I found the plastics in this movie more petty than mean and I half expected at least a mention of anything from the original mean girls but there wasn't. Literally all we get is the plastics name which was disappointing especially as its the same principle, they could have given us at least something not even a cady mention!
The movie isn't too bad but I do feel it would have been better off as a standalone movie as there was nothing mean girls about it.
A Fairy Godmother&#039;s Redemption (The Magicals #4)
A Fairy Godmother's Redemption (The Magicals #4)
Maya Tyler | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A pleasure to read from start to finish.

For a young adult plus audience as there are sexual scenes.

Faye is relatable, she's sensitive, has a need to help others and like the rest of us, feels she could/should have done better. I think she more than redeems herself with the help she's able to give to Drew.
    Eighteen year old Drew hasn't had the easiest of lives and it's about to get a whole lot more complicated. He's a lovely character that I found quite endearing, I had my fingers crossed for a happy ending for him.

Enter Seraphina, eighteen year old pop princess with her own troubles. Beautiful, talented and a sweetheart, with her own Fairy Godmother lending a helping bibbity bobbity boo.

A Fairy Godmother's Redemption is fun, cheeky and has its sad moments. I'm thrilled to say it's part of a series though it could easily be read as a standalone.....but you wouldn't want to miss out!!
