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The Woman in the Window
The Woman in the Window
A.J. Finn | 2018 | Thriller
8.0 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Woman in the Window ended on a high and unexpected note. The surprise ending pushed it from a 2.5 to a 3, really. On and off, the story became boring, then interesting, so on and so forth. It took me quite a while to read it because of this switch off, but the moments it became interesting kept me going all the way until the end - and I'm glad I persevered. Anna was dealing with so many things: the separation from her husband, agoraphobia, multiple medications, and alcoholism. As I berated her for swallowing another glass of wine, I also felt bad for her and the unimaginable situation she lived in. Every part of me empathized with her as each introduced character found a way to discredit what she believed she had seen; I was continuously wagging a figurative finger at the empty bottles of wine in her kitchen. I waited for her to realize just how much damage the alcohol was causing, how mixing it with her medications (especially the one with hallucinations as a side effect) was causing her to spiral out of control. Even still, I wanted to believe her - she was so adamant, so sure of herself, you can't help but wish she weren't drunk and doped on meds all the time. It was fun watching each piece of the puzzle shift, fitting in multiple places or not fitting in at all, to suddenly adding up to a whole picture. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I would look forward to seeing this one on the big screen, if it were to happen.
Remind Me (Mystic Beach Fantasy Rockstar Romances, #4)
Remind Me (Mystic Beach Fantasy Rockstar Romances, #4)
Aislinn Archer | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Totally invested with every word!
REMIND ME is the fifth book in the Mystic Beach series and it's time for Dicklan's story! And, oh boy, it's a good 'un. Remember that egotistical jerk, who loved all the groupies, and didn't ever think of anyone but himself? Remember him? Well, he's about to disappear for good as Declan reappears.

This is a long book, which I love. Aislinn Archer's stories always take me to places unknown, with a group of people who are their own found family. I love being the fly on the wall and seeing what happens behind the scenes with them. And Declan and Callie's story was no different. Both of them hurting for the same-but different-reasons.

There are mysteries in here. There are stories not yet told hinted at. There is literally something to keep you turning over every page and totally invested in the story. And one thing I need to add is the amount of research that has been put into all the different dishes. Either that or Ms Archer is a world-renowned chef in her own right!

I loved every word of this story. I love how the other stories intermingle and yet never take the spotlight off our leading couple. And I love the hints of what is to come. Absolutely brilliant, once again, and HIGHLY recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Threats of Sky and Sea (Threats of Sky and Sea #1)
Threats of Sky and Sea (Threats of Sky and Sea #1)
Jennifer Ellision | 2014 | Religion, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love Young Adult/Coming of Age Fantasy and this one ticked all my boxes. It tells the story of Bree, a young girl, daughter to the local innkeeper. It starts off in her home of Abeline but moves to the capital city, indeed to the royal 'palace' itself.

With secrets, mysteries and double-crossing every step of the way, Bree finds herself adrift in a new world; unable to trust anyone, even her own father. She still loves him and will defend him to anyone, but Bree now admits that he hasn't been honest with her and that shakes her to her very foundations.

It is excellent when the mere mention of a character makes you shudder, and that is exactly what happened to me every time the King makes an appearance. He is thoroughly loathsome and yet I can't wait to read more about him.

There is a hint of romance in this book, between the four main (young) characters. It is enough to keep the tension going, without overshadowing the main story.

Exceptionally well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I found (although I will admit to being swept away with the story so I wasn't really on the lookout for them either!). This is an excellent start to a Fantasy series that I will definitely be continuing. Highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 16, 2016
X-Men: Supernovas
X-Men: Supernovas
Mike Carey | 2007
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Holy cow!! I read this back when it originally when it was published, back in '04. Or rather, I didn't read it, as it was at a time where I was starting to tire of the post-MESSIAH COMPLEX/SECOND COMING X-Men world. I felt Utopia was a good idea, but it never truly gelled in the same way that as the Mutant Nation that is Krakoa in Hickman's "Dawn of X". And dear God, I can stand most things to some degree, but I still <u>can not</u> accept Namor as a mutant! So, long story short (really?? now?? after all that??), re-visiting X-MEN: SUPERNOVA was a good read!

First thing I enjoyed was the fact that this was where the Children of the Vault first come into play! Such a cool-assed concept, so cool that, sixteen years later (oh come on, dear man, time doesn't even apply the Children of the Vault!), Jonathan Hickman brought them back in X-MEN #4! Brilliant!! And, seriously? I don't a number of X-fans really <b>abhor</b> the whole concept of the Children of the Vault and any appearances/re-appearances they show up in!

While I was not as much of a fan of Carey's X-Men contributions as I wanted to be (another reason I dropped X-Men in '04), I quite loved this collection, as the first half of the book is the 6-part "Supernovas" story, while the remainder was the next few issues in that run of Carey's that seemed to have nothing whatsoever to do with the Children of the Vault or anything <i>Supernova</i>ish! Yeah, sorry to anyone expecting this review to be about the whole book, but I checked out as soon as "Supernova" ended.

One of the things that really drew me back to this was how tight Chris Bachalo's art was for the "Supernova" story arc! He's one of those artists that I have found people either like or definitely <b>not</b> like his style! Me? I've liked him since his days during GENERATION X (man, I still love the way he drew Emma Frost!!) in the 90's!

I've seen some of his recent work, and while I don't love all of it, I still share a fondness for unique way he draws! And, as I said, I feel that this was some of his best! From his tricked out as hell action scenes to his capturing of the oddness and otherworldliness of the Children of the Vault, these pages do <u>not</u> disappoint visually!

Overall, a good read that was not bogged down by being set in and around Utopia or any of the usual bickering and <i>hot mess</i> was any of the X-books written at that time! Heck, you may enjoy the story in the second half of the book! And best case scenario, if you see it on sale (whether digitally or in print), pick it up for Bachalo's amazingly awesome art!

Ok, gang, Imma done! We can resume the craziness and hard-to-believe-it's-actually-happening that is the COVID-19 pandemic! Oh, and you're welcome for the distraction I provided..! :)
Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot
Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot
Bill O'Reilly, Martin Dugard | 2013 | Biography
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will be the first to admit that I am not a big fan of Bill O'Reilly's views on many things, but there is no arguing that he can write an excellent book. This is the second of his "Killing" series that I've read, the first being Killing Jesus. They were both wonderful & so easy to lose yourself in.
This particular book made me forget that I was reading about actual events. I was so immersed in the story. JFK & Jackie are fascinating people & their life together makes them all the more intriguing. This book isn't just about the assassination, but the years, months, & days leading up to that fateful day in November. Both for the Kennedy family & the Oswalds. I found myself at times, thinking, "No don't do that." Or, "Yes, listen to your gut & your advisors & cancel that trip." Almost hoping that somehow it would turn out differently, but knowing full well how it was going to end.
Despite knowing the end before even cracking the book open, I was hooked from the very first word. It is rare to read a non-fiction book that reads like a spy novel & political thriller. That's what makes the reader forget that the events really happened. It doesn't falter into all the conspiracy theories or speculation on the events leading up to it. It is remarkably well researched & based on the countless records, videos, transcripts, & documents from the era. This is a must read for anyone, even if you aren't fascinated with the Kennedys as I was.
Inside Out (Insider, #1)
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having not read many dystopian or post-apocalyptic books, I went into this book with fresh eyes. Although the plot and setting are both very interesting, they could have been more clearly described; yet they still are good enough to set the stage for the characters and events. Trella, the main character, is the type who always interests me; she's a loner, doesn't trust easily, is independent, and is "street" smart, so to speak. Yes, she can be slightly abrasive, but only to others in the book, and I found her sympathetic and understandable; even when she was being difficult in one aspect or the other. The book moves at a nice and swift pace, which made it easy to read since I was eager to find out what happens at the end. Even though the book isn't very surprising overall, it's a pretty light-weight book, it's entertaining and well-thought-out; I truly had fun reading INSIDE OUT. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think the book could have benefited from having an extra fifty pages to fill it out more. The ending is a little too pat, but not terrible by any means, and it sets the stage for the sequel. I'm anxious to read what that might include, who's involved, and what or who the main antagonist will be the next go-'round. I heartily recommend this if you like sci-fi, dystopian societies, or just a darn good read that's on the lighter side.
Forged Contracts (Tribal Spirits #3)
Forged Contracts (Tribal Spirits #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2019 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Forged Contracts (Tribal Spirits #3) by Katherine McIntyre
Forged Contracts is the third book in the Tribal Spirits series, and I would definitely recommend you read this as a series, rather than a set of standalones.

After reading the second book, I was invested in knowing more about Raven, and I found out! Her and Jer have watched each other from afar for way too long, but now it seems their time is on hand. The pack also faces a threat from the Coalition, whilst Raven faces a threat from her past. It's not all plain sailing for Jer either, as he is off his meds for his bipolar, and is struggling.

There is plenty of action in this book, and a couple of steamy times for Raven and Jer, but they add to the storyline, rather than detract it. It was brilliant to see how these two damaged people helped to heal each other, rather than cause more injury.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed, and the world and characters continue to grow. Although we didn't hear from Finn and Navi, we do get an update from Sierra and Dax (obviously, considering they are heading the pack!). Thoroughly enjoyed every word, and I have no hesitation in recommending this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jack of Spades
Jack of Spades
Joyce Carol Oates | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was certainly a page turner and a quick read, although I really just wanted it to be over. Andrew J. Rush is a successful mystery author -- married with a wife and three grown children. He also secretly (not even known to his wife and children) writes under the pseudonym Jack of Spades - and these books are dark, violent thrillers.

The book starts with Rush receiving a court summons that a woman in nearby locale is accusing him of stealing - basically plagiarism. He feels threatened and slowly, the unbidden Jack of Spades within Rush starts coming out.

The book is peppered with Stephen King references and I don't typically read King's more dark novels, so I can't say if there's a comparison here. Overall, I didn't find the book scary, or even that psychologically interesting, but a bit stupid. While a character in a novel like this shouldn't be likeable, per se, you should have some sort of admiration for their cunning. Instead, I just found Rush annoying and stupid.

Oates provides us with a back-story that is supposed to explain Rush's pathology, but it seems thinly constructed. The whole premise just seems off. I can't imagine someone not picking up on this guy and his behavior, his wife not just walking out, his kids not just taking their mother away, etc. It was just not my cup of tea.

(Note: I received an advance ebook copy of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.)
First off, once again this is an older book that uses the term Asperger's throughout. The book was originally published in 1999, but a few more chapters were added and it was republished in 2014.

Honestly I found it a little hard to get through. Unlike Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate, it was pretty much entirely memoir, and didn't really speak to the reader as if trying to have a conversation at all. It just told Willey's story. Which is fine, it just wasn't what I was expecting after reading Nerdy. The appendices are the only place that have tips and tricks for dealing with the neurotypical world as an autistic person, but there wasn't really anything new or unique there.

I also just don't think I like her writing style as much as I did the writing style in Nerdy, but that's such a personal thing. It's hard to make a recommendation based on that. Autistic people vary so widely in where their strengths and weaknesses are that it's difficult to say which books will be useful to which people, in general.

So - it's worth reading for yet another viewpoint on being autistic, and there are several parts on parenting as an autistic woman, so autistic parents might get more use out of the book than I did, as a childless spouse of an autistic man. But I personally did not like it nearly as much as Nerdy or The Journal of Best Practices.

You can find all my reviews (including for the two other books mentioned) at
Well I became aware of this book after a mutual follow via Twitter and I thought I'd give it a go when the author described it as romantic suspense.

I'm not sure I'd class as that, though, now I've finished it. It's more contemporary romance with a bad guy in it, but I guess the ending itself was kinda suspenseful slash intrigue-mystery since it left you wondering what's going to happen next.

The beginning (prologue) left me a little confused as I was unable to figure out what it had to do with the rest of the story but since I'm aware the book is in two parts I'm assuming it will all make sense after reading that one.

The characters, for me, were okay. Craig has to be my favourite. Think it was the bum wiggle in the fire-station as he was making a meal that caused that to happen. And then he was just a nice guy all the way through. As for Emma, she did my head in a little concerning the vision. She just seemed a little blind to the good thing she had going on with Craig and I felt like slapping a little sense into her. But it all worked out in the end-ish.

For a first story, it's pretty good but I found it a little stilted in places and the transitions between chapters were a little strange. I felt the previous chapters never had proper endings, they just seemed to stop. And apart from a few minor wording/punctuation errors its good.