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TheDefunctDiva (304 KP) created a post

Jun 7, 2019  
Was interviewed by Bloomberg news reporter today concerning high cost of OCD med. I will let you all know if any of my stuff gets included in final piece. He found me through my mental illness blog. I have an orb on here about mental illness as well if any of you want to check it out. Yay! Mental health FTW!!!
Tibetan Yogas of Sleep and Dream
Tibetan Yogas of Sleep and Dream
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche | 1998 | Religion
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This book is a practical manual, following esoteric Tibetan practices, to attain lucidity in dream and even dreamless sleep. I followed the instructions for a time, and found they worked. My dreams opened up and I started to gain lucidity. If you follow these techniques out to their furthest extreme, you will realize the dreamlike nature of reality and attain enlightenment."

Successful Coaching
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a very helpful textbook that I used for a coaching class to get a certification in coaching from the American Sport Education Program. A lot of the information was common sense, but there was some information that I found to be interesting. I enjoyed being able to discuss this with the class. I strongly recommend this if you are clueless about coaching a sport, otherwise I'm not sure how much you would really benefit from it.

Koumori (1 KP) rated The Night Circus in Books

Jan 29, 2018  
The Night Circus
The Night Circus
Erin Morgenstern | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (106 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot (1 more)
Writing Style
Beautiful Immersive Story
Found this book particularly easy to dive into, I think due to the use of present tense. It made the story more immersive as you felt add though you were experiencing it alongside the characters. Some beautiful description and an interesting, unusual story.
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
How you can choose the scenario yourself by your TV remote (1 more)
It's weird that you arnt quite sure what's going on all the time
That I didnt figure out I could use my remote to make the main character choose differently (0 more)
Quite odd, but entertaining
Contains spoilers, click to show
It's quite a strangely entertaining film, it took me over half the film to figure out I could make the choices for the main character so that was really interesting when you can choose differently. There is supposed to be a secret ending but I havnt found it yet
The Guest List
The Guest List
Lucy Foley | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.5 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Had all the intentions of a good plot (0 more)
Found I only liked one characters the rest was just unlikeable for me (0 more)
This is a classic who dun it type of book, I loved the different perspectives. This was a slow book to read which you will have to have in mind, I must admit while reading this I did want it get going , which it eventually did at the end but if you love slow burn books this is definitely a book for you , dont think slow burn books is my kinda thing
I can sum this up as a if you enjoyed the Wheel of Time series with it's multitude of characters and in-depth lands then this is for you. You may need a notebook to keep everything straight though as there is a lot.

I enjoyed the plot and the massive world building but for me it was too much to keep straight and I found myself going back to remember who was who and how they go into the bigger story.
If you like dogs you will like this book. This book has detailed instructions on each fold needed to make each of the 30 dogs in this book. I tried my hand at a few and was able to it.....but mine were not as beautiful as the ones in the book. I have always been curious about origami, this is my first time trying it though. Overall I enjoyed this book and I think I found a new hobby. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from Netgalley.
Double Negative
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Xpresso Book Tours as part of their blog tour, in return for a fair and honest review.

Wow, this book packs a punch in more ways than one. It is tough and gritty and doesn't spare your feelings as you read through. You will be neck deep in teenage angst, abuse, drugs, body issues, bullying but also friendships, teamwork and mentorship. This book covers it all and in such a way that you won't be able to stop turning the pages. You will need to read "just a little bit more."

One thing I will say is that I actually found it quite hard to read at the beginning before I got used to Hutch's 'voice'. I actually found it quite painful which is funny when you're not actually reading it. I was very pleased with him as he started to correct his grammar!

As he changes his attitude and takes up 'swimming', I found the book progressed in a wonderful and heartwarming way. His relationship with Maggie in particular brought a tear to my eye on more than one occasion.

I thought the whole book dealt with subjects usually swept under the carpet and in a rough, in your face, dignified and respectful manner. Does that sentence not make sense to you? Read Double Negative and it will make perfect sense!
Star Project Chiro, Volume 1
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of the more ridiculous manga that I have read. In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have requested it, but after a break up, what better to read than some bubbly manga to cheer you up? The only reason I gave it such a high rating was the art work, and even of that I have seen better.

The plot was thin and the characters psychotic. Any stereotypical elements that are found in most mangas can be found in this book. Except cross dressing....

I seriously don't know how this manga received such high ratings. Maybe it was because I was raised on Cowboy Bebop, Gundam Wing, and Blue Sub. No. 6 that I expect more out of mangas.