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Our House
Our House
Louise Candlish | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clever narrative that flips through different mediums (0 more)
So. Much. Talking. Ending was blah. (0 more)
Started great - fell flat quick.
What sh*tshow these people's lives are!! I cannot even start to fathom the choices some of these characters made, but hey - it makes for a great story! What would you do if you came home one day and people were moving into your house? All your stuff is gone (including your estranged husband - totally missing) and the moving truck is backed up to your front door and unloading someone else's stuff??? Bonkers. Totally bonkers.

Safe to sat Fiona Lawson is about to lose her mind. Who are these strangers and how on Earth did they find, purchase, and move into her house when she was just away for the weekend! And um... where the F are her kids?!?! Her missing husband may or may not have something to do with it. And the secrets! They just come spewing out from every side, every angle, and everyone!

SUCH an interesting way to tell a story, too! I really enjoyed the back and forth, and different mediums used - though normal narrative - past and present, podcasts (with listener comments and hashtags too!) and even a suicide note... so crazy! This was shaping up to be a definite 5 star read for sure.. but meh. The end was SO abrupt. I was like, "um... did someone remove some pages in the back of my book? Did the printer run out of ink?" OK, OK I get that it's one of those, 'whats gonna happen?' type endings maybe? But too much unanswered for me, too much left up in the air, that I almost felt like there was no direction or solution to things so let's just STOP. Eh, no. I was all-in until the last few chapters - and then totally bummed.

Overall, a really cool story, great narrative, clever twists - but the abruptness of that ending just made feel like someone got a bit lazy.

Britt Daniel recommended To Bring You My Love by PJ Harvey in Music (curated)

To Bring You My Love by PJ Harvey
To Bring You My Love by PJ Harvey
1995 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"To Bring You My Love is my favorite PJ Harvey record, I was definitely obsessed with her at that point. She was doing something with the blues that not a lot of artists that I was interested in were doing, sort of making it contemporary. That record had a very natural sound, but it also had a real style to it. It was produced. I still reference To Bring You My Love when we make records. I had really come around to Wire and Talking Heads around this time too, and I started to like that kind of abstract lyrical imagery more than literal story telling. It made it easier to write lyrics, because it was easier to hide behind. At that point, when I was writing lyrics it was all about: What can I sing that won’t embarrass me standing up there onstage? And if you could latch onto something that had a cool meaning to it, that was a bonus. But it wasn’t the primary concern. Sometimes that can lead to a lot of really bad lyrics. And a lot of it is about taste: I didn’t know a lot about what Stephen Malkmus was singing about, but it fucking worked. This is when Spoon’s first album, Telephono, came out, on Matador. In the early ’90s I started noticing that a lot of the records I liked had this Matador logo on the back: Guided by Voices, Pavement, Yo La Tengo, Liz Phair. They were the coolest label. To be able to be in the same company as those people was unreal. So, for a brief time, it was amazing—and then the record came out and nobody cared."


Alanna (227 KP) rated Kingdom Hearts III in Video Games

Feb 19, 2019 (Updated Feb 19, 2019)  
Kingdom Hearts III
Kingdom Hearts III
2018 | Action, Role-Playing
Story (1 more)
Worlds feel bigger
Kingdom Hearts 2 was better imo (3 more)
The theme park mechanic is not very interesting
Too many/Too long cutscenes
No Final Fantasy characters
As someone who has played 3 of the previous games I was isanely excited to play this game. Unfortunately, I was quite disappointed. The game does not hold a candle to the second game.

One aspect that made the previous game great is that each enemy had timed reaction attacks that made each and every battle special. For example waiting for one if the organisation's weapon to drop so that you could use it. In this version it felt like a lot more button mashing or using the triangle reactions (which were given out too often) made this an easy game to finish. I only ever found one boss that needed more strategy.

I get that it's a game for all ages, new fans and old but I became annoyed at the cutscenes repeating the information from the last games when there is a theatre in the main menu telling you about the previous games. I found myself becoming impatient during the cutscenes wishing that they would hurry up with the new plot.

I feel like the voicing acting or the pacing of the scenes was slow and unnatural. I really disliked it this time around.

This is more of a personal issue but I was quite upset that they got rid of the final fantasy characters as well. I wouldn't have minded that they were not in any of the cutscenes but at least let them walk around their respective worlds

Otherwise, it is a visually stunning game and I have to applaud Square Enix for their Pirates of the Caribbean world which is my favourite.

If it's your first KH game then I would definitely recommend playing but I believe that KH 2 is better.
The Murder of King Tut
The Murder of King Tut
James Patterson | 2009 | History & Politics
4.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE MURDER OF KING TUT—THE PLOT TO KILL THE CHILD KING (Audio Book) by James Patterson and Martin Dugard, read by Joe Barrett
Genre: non-fiction thriller
Rating: 4.5/5

Summary: James Patterson tells a story in three parts—one part, the mysterious death of King Tut, the second part the discovery of his tomb by Carter, and the third part his writing, own exploration, research, and discovery of the elusive history of the boy king.

Thoughts: This is one of the best James Patterson books I’ve ever read (listened too). JP has taken an age old mystery and solved it. Yes, it appears as though the mystery of Tut is mystery no more. This book is very alive, even though the plot revolves around a murder. I felt like I was standing right there, watching it all take place. At times, I felt like the characters themselves. This was an amazing escape from reality.

Characters (5/5): Characters should be relatable for a book to be enjoyable, and the characters in Tut’s world were wonderful. They were highly developed right away, and were the kind that either you routed for or hated with a passion.

Writing (4/5/5): James is an awesome writer. I always love reading his work because it’s so lyric. His words flow smoothly and he doesn’t overuse too many phrases (though several “waves” of various things did “wash over” many people).

Content (4/5): There was barely any language in this book, which was a nice change of JP’s work. It wasn’t necessary, either. It just goes to show that the point can be made—and made well—without filthy language. There was a little bit of sex but it wasn’t too graphic, nor was it frequent.

Reader (4/5): I really liked the voice of the reader for this book. I’ve heard some pretty awful ones before, I’ll say that much right now! But Joe’s voice was perfect for this book. The only thing I didn’t like were the voices he put with the characters—the accents were pretty lousy, and when he put on a “fake” voice for the child characters, it just sounded a little silly. I was glad when Tut got old enough that he didn’t have to do that anymore!

Recommendation: Ages 16+ to lovers of fiction, history, nonfiction, thrillers, mystery, or to any James-Patterson-addict.
Peaky Blinders - Season 4
Peaky Blinders - Season 4
2017 | Drama
Back on form
After the rather bonkers and confusing Russian madness in series 3, I’m very pleased to say that series 4 does not follow in 3’s footsteps and is instead a rather welcome return to form.

The threat faced in this series seems very real, and it brings an entirely sinister feeling to the entire show. The Shelbys have always come across as being bulletproof and able to overcome any obstacles or gangsters in their way, but this series shows an entirely different vulnerable side which is good to watch. As always, there are some wonderful performances in this and some great twists and turns in the plot. I felt like Adrien Brody’s Luca Changretta was a little too stereotypical and over the top, but I’m guessing that was how Italian gangsters were (or perceived to be) during those times, so I won’t hold it against him too much. I do sometimes think that some of the twists and turns get to be a little too much but overall this is a rather wonderful series as a great return to form.
Made You Up
Made You Up
Francesca Zappia | 2015 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm big into books that deal with mental illnesses. When I heard about Made You Up by Francesca Zappia, I knew it was a book that was right up my alley. I was not left feeling disappointed.

The plot and world building felt very realistic although I'm not Schizophrenic nor do I know anyone who is. I could not tell what was real and what was a delusion by Alex. Kudos to Zappia for giving us a brief glimpse into how a Schizophrenic would feel. I kept second guessing myself throughout Made You Up. Sometimes it would be obvious that Alex was hallucinating, but there were many times everything felt too real to be a hallucination. I would be wrong, and something realistic would be a hallucination. As you can imagine, there were many plot twists throughout this book. There was one major plot twist which I had predicted towards the beginning which turned out to be true thanks to subtle hints the author would throw in, so be sure to be attention to every word on the page to try to grasp what is Alex's reality and what is not. I did feel like the main storyline of Made You Up was whether or not Miles, the boy Alex met briefly when she was a young child, was actually real or not since she meets him again her senior year of high school. It was fun trying to guess if Miles was real or not and if he was the same boy Alex met as a child.

All of the characters in Made You Up had a lot of depth to them. They were all easy for me to imagine as real people instead of characters in a book. I enjoyed reading about Alex and her thought process and what all she had to go through all the time due to her Schizophrenia. Alex, like all the characters in this book, was a very likable character. Miles was interesting. I didn't really know what to make of him throughout the book (mainly because I was trying to figure out if he was real or imaginary). I did enjoy him, and I was definitely intrigued by his back story. It was great learning about him. I loved little Charlie and how much she seemed to love her big sister, Alex. Alex loved Charlie so much as well, and I loved reading about the tight sisterly bond between them.

Trigger warnings for Made You Up include some profanity, some violence, death, minor gore, some child abuse, mental illness, a minor sexual situation, bullying, references to Nazis, attempted murder, and death.

All in all, Made You Up is a very interesting read with a fantastic plot and well developed characters. It's obvious the author did her homework before writing this novel. I would definitely recommend Made You Up by Francesca Zappia to those aged 16+ who are seeking a book full of twists and turns. Just be warned that this book will have you second guessing almost everything (which isn't a bad thing).
Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer
Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer
2019 | Crime, Documentary
This is a story that I have to admit I know nothing about. Most likely because I couldn't handle the tales of animal cruelty. However I watched this because I was whole heartedly assured that you don't actually see any animal cruelty.

For anyone out there worried about watching this, i can confirm you don't see the whole of the animal cruelty videos. It's still not pleasant hearing about them, and this is one of my bigger issues with this documentary as it gets a little too uncomfortable at times. That said, this is still a fascinating series to watch and almost incredible that these internet sleuths have manage to uncover the killers identity. This has obviously been Hollywood-ised and very overdramatised, but this doesn't make it any less enjoyable. There are some irritations with the internet sleuths, especially when they start sticking their noses into the police investigation after the suspect is identified, and the monologuing at the end is hilariously cheesy.

The story behind this though and the killer's motives are almost like something out of a film, and makes for an almost unbelievable story. There are some holes in the story too which make for interesting pondering afterwards.
No Shouts No Calls by Electrelane
No Shouts No Calls by Electrelane
2007 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

To the East by Electrelane

(0 Ratings)


"I'm just realising as we're going through them - so many of these songs are about loss aren't they? ‘To the East’ isn’t just straight-up melancholy, it’s a song of hope as well; it might be completely redundant, impotent hope, but there is still hope in there. “She's singing to somebody to come back and that the East could be home, but the whole time you're listening to it you suspect the truth of the situation is that those words will never actually be said. Or maybe that's just the way I'm feeling it, I don't know. Again though, it's a very easy song to empathise with; I really believe the voice that's singing it to me. I don't know whether it's about a personal experience or if they're just imagined characters and to be honest, I don't care. I'm right there with them - I'm feeling it too. “I think either our first or second ever show outside of Britain - I can't remember which - was with Electrelane, in Barcelona at that club, Razzmatazz. It was quite the thrill, to be leaving the country to open up for this band we loved. I was really sad when they split up - again, another loss. I wish they were still performing. I think the last time I saw them was at Field Day in 2011 and they were still so great. They did a cover of 'I'm on Fire' by Bruce Springsteen and it was really something else. “They're one of those bands where you only need to hear a few seconds of any given song to know it's them, which means they've also got that trick of being able to make a cover sound like they wrote it themselves.”"

Meet Me at the Top
Meet Me at the Top
S.H. Pratt | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a wonderful short read!
Oh this book? Its so good, but too short! I need more, I really do! I do hope Alicce and Sam get a follow up, I really do!

Alice's parents treat her to a trip of a lifetime, to see all the places in her favourite movie, Sleepless In Seattle. She bumps into Sam, quite literally, and he gives her an unofficial guided tour. It's clear they get along, and the few days they spend together are the best either have had in a long time, but Alice lives clear across the country. Can they make it work?

What I loved most about this book, was what's missing in my usual reads: there is none of that explicit sex I usually like. Now, don't get me wrong, a good sex scene works in the right place in all manner of books, but this one? Does NOT need it. At. All. I really did love that all that was not here.

Sam and Alice are well suited, both carrying some baggage and both not really looking for anything, but finding each other at this time and in this place really was the right thing.

Like I said at the beginning, it's only short, and I really hope Ms Pratt will find time for a follow up, cos I want to know, no, I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED to know, that Alice and Sam really do make it work. So PULEEEEEEEZE???

Oh, and I really should comment on the cover of this book. I loves it, for almost the same reason as I loves the book: lack of nekkid man on the cover. So please, don't ever change your covers, I love them all.

5 warm and fuzzy, too stinking cute, far too short stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
I felt that this story was exactly like the cover: a beautiful mess. You look at it, and, at first, it is interesting. But when you get down to it, it’s actually just messy and chaotic.

I actually had a problem with this novel for a couple reasons. The first was that there were multiple instances where something would happen, i.e. a character would say or do something, and it didn’t make sense. I did not understand why the character did/said it and the author never disclosed why either. I felt that the author may have assumed the reader would understand what was going on, but I sure didn’t. It was very confusing. At points, I felt like I was reading about people with multiple personalities because of how random and off some of their actions/words were.

The second reason is because I didn’t like any of the characters. I felt the heroine was a doormat with no personality and the hero was just a hot mess. His children were obnoxious too. I understand that children do not articulate as well as adults, but not every word they say sounds like a curse word. And that is how the children in this story were. They couldn’t say a single sentence without it sounding like they were cursing. Once may have been humorous, but repetitively just became old and annoying.

I wish I could have liked this novel. The synopsis should have tipped me off, however. It is confusing and doesn’t really say anything so I didn’t know I was getting into. Overall, I felt that nothing happened plot-wise beyond the hero being an ignorant jerk and hurting the heroine’s feelings and the heroine just let everyone walk all over her. It was a frustrating read to say the least.

The only part I did enjoy was reading the riddles strewn throughout, especially since they had the answers attached.

_ Arec
<a href="">Rainy Thursdays</a>