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Eminent Domain: Microcosm
Eminent Domain: Microcosm
2014 | Card Game, Civilization, Print & Play, Science Fiction, Space
Quick (2 more)
Surprisingly complex
Some planet iconography is a bit hard to tell at a glance (0 more)
A quick little game where you take a card from either the supply or the deck, then you either play a card or take your discard pile into your hand. Surprisingly complex with the scoring as each card has its own scoring conditions, so it pays to focus and understand what you need. Plays quick and tactics do matter. Hard for an overall strategy due to its speed and small package. Overall a good game for quick jaunts, but not one to play over and over again
2016 | Animals
Tiles have good iconography (1 more)
Art is appropriate
instructions are short but less clear then we would like. (0 more)
Very interesting Tile Capture system, then you have to place them in your park and each tile is scored by what's around it.
what woulda crocodile need, lots of water and a rocky area to bask... therefore the croc tile needs 3 water tiles and a rocky tile near it. it makes sense an yet is hard to accomplish based on the market system which is challenging and interesting. I like this game, and really want to play it again.