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ClareR (5603 KP) rated After the Flood in Books

Oct 25, 2021  
After the Flood
After the Flood
Kassandra Montag | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
After the Flood is set in a world after the sea levels have risen as a result of Climate Change.

Myra and her daughter Pearl, live on a boat, a precarious life, reliant on the fish they catch. When Myra discovers that her eldest daughter, the daughter that her husband took with him when he left her, may still be alive, she is determined to find her.

This is a pretty bleak book: people live in fear of illness, starvation, storms and pirates. These pirates kill for people’s possessions, take slaves, run ‘breeding ships’ - and they want to build their own territories on dry land.

This is reminiscent of the film Water World in some places - the promise of a better, dry place to live, the strong preying on the weak. It’s also a book about sacrifice and the lengths a mother will go to to protect her children.

This won’t be the book for you if you like a happy ending, but if you enjoy a book that’s beautifully descriptive, both in emotion and seascape, you’ll love this.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Burntcoat in Books

Feb 13, 2022  
Sarah Hall | 2021 | Contemporary, Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novella really packs a punch - as all good novellas do!
It’s set in a world that we all know a little about. A Covid-19-type virus, except far more severe, breaks out and social panic ensues. Society goes ion to lockdown, hospitals are unable to cope with the sheer volume of cases, and the army is drafted in to keep order. Shops are looted, food is rationed, people die horrifically.

Edith Harkness looks back on her life as she prepares to enter the last stages of Long-Nonovirus. It’s a much more serious version of Long-Covid, where the affected person dies. Edith looks back on her life, from her childhood where she lives with her brain-damaged mother, to her years of study and consequent art prizes, and then her time in lockdown with her lover, a Bulgarian Turk.

It’s a book about love, sex, desire, illness, caring, family and grief. Those are some big topics for a slim book, but it’s beautifully told.
Now I need to read some more Sarah Hall books.

Mothergamer (1521 KP) rated Locke and Key in TV

Nov 17, 2021 (Updated Nov 18, 2021)  
Locke and Key
Locke and Key
2020 | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Honestly the comic is better with telling the story and the children are more likeable too. It feels like they missed the mark with the show and didn't explain a lot and just kind of throws you in. The kids are so unlikeable with the exception of Tyler and they constantly make foolish decisions. I get that they're kids and kids make mistakes, but it's just constantly one bad decision after another. The adults are completely clueless and it gets so frustrating at points. The different magic keys are interesting, but the show is definitely missing something and it's disappointing that they missed the mark with this because it could have been a lot better. I also feel they did a horrible disservice in regards to mental illness with Sam who has Borderline Personality Disorder adding to the stigma of mental health and using it as a plot point for murder in the story. It is deeply disappointing and for those of us who struggle with our mental health, we deserve better.

Karla Dee (6 KP) rated Do you follow in Books

Jan 11, 2022  
Do you follow
Do you follow
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I truly enjoyed reading "Do You Follow" because I have a set of twins in my family. I am intrigued by the concept of Alexa and Beth who have both has psychiatric problems. I am a believer in twins having telepathic connections so this was a new twist. All readers will enjoy reading about the twins and their fascinating relationship.

There is a mental illness aspect of the story which can be taboo to talk about but I think it should become less taboo and more so spoke about so I liked that they addressed this aspect in the reading.

The characters were detailed and I glad to have found a connection with them. I enjoyed learning more about them, and their back-stories, as the novel progressed. Every time it's like getting to know a new mary kate and ashley, but there are always new surprises in a twin tale. Even though I guessed some of the plots and twists, there were still plenty of surprises.

Definitely recommend 9/10

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Insomnia in Books

Jan 15, 2024  
Sarah Pinborough | 2022 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Insomnia wasn’t at all what I expected - and that’s a good thing!
Emma is terrified that she will end up like her mother on her 40th birthday: which is only 12 days away. At the same age, her mother became paranoid and tried to kill Emma’s sister. She ends up in a psychiatric hospital for the rest of her life - but not before predicting that Emma will end up the same way.

Emma isn’t sleeping. Is the insomnia an understandable result of the worry and trauma caused by her mother, or is she really going to end up with the same mental illness?

Ooh, this was a twisty-turny one! When Emma starts ‘losing’ parts of her day, even I thought she was heading down the same path as her mother. Trying to keep her disturbed past and her successful present completely separate seems an impossible task, and really piles the tension on.

This was a very tense read, and I was completely hooked - this is one of those books that you won’t want to put down.
Before I Let Go
Before I Let Go
Marieke Nijkamp | 2018 | Mystery, Young Adult (YA)
6.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Easy to read (1 more)
Honest portrayal of mental illness
Lacks full character development (1 more)
Difficult to discern full point
Quick read that falls a little short
When Corey gets the call that her best friend, Kyra, has passed away--falling under the ice in their frigid hometown of Lost Creek, Alaska--she is devastated. Corey has been gone from Lost, as it's known, away at boarding school, corresponding with Kyra only via letters. She was due to visit in a few days and now her best friend is gone. Lost always shunned Kyra because she was bipolar and had maniac episodes. The small, insulated town couldn't understand Kyra's highs and lows. She stood out too much in a place where being different was wrong. But the seven months that Corey's been away has been long enough for the town of Lost to turn on her and now deem her an outsider. Since Corey's departure, Lost has suddenly embraced Kyra, though Corey isn't sure why. Even worse, they are calling Kyra's death meant to be, her time. They've rallied around in her death and they want nothing to do with Corey. Kyra always said she would wait for Corey to return: why didn't she?

I definitely have some mixed feelings about this one. It's billed as a YA mystery, and I can see its drama appealing more to teens, perhaps, but I could never really fully tell what the book was truly about or what it was trying to be. It has weird unexplained mystical elements thrown in--think Carol Goodman or Jennifer McMahon, but they aren't fully fleshed out or well-explained. I believe the intent is to slowly build up suspense and creep you out, but they don't slowly build up (they sort of start out full force and stay there, or almost trickle away... it's hard to explain) and they never really seem to have a purpose. So it's just one element of the book that leaves you hanging. The ending, too, leaves you with little closure.

The novel is told mainly from Corey's perspective, but we also get weird snippets told as if in a play format (like we're hearing from the town), but those aren't fully formed either. It's very strange. I liked Corey, but she comes in angry at her town and we don't get a lot of explanation into her character or real background into her friendship with Kyra, despite being assured that they were best friends up until Corey left.

It's sad, because I was really drawn to the character of Kyra (you get flashbacks to the girls' friendship and life before Kyra's death). I thought the book did a fairly good job of portraying mental illness and honestly Kyra--despite her death--seemed to be the most fully formed character in many ways. She implores Corey not to fix her, that she's not a puzzle to solve, and she discusses her manic spells in a very mature and very thoughtful way. It's one of the reasons that I'm keeping a three-star rating for this one; I'm hoping the portrayal of her illness can help and inform others.

There are also a variety of relationships portrayed in the novel--albeit, I thought, rather superficially--lesbian, pansexual, asexual, gay, etc. I wouldn't say any relationship is at all fully delved into, but I appreciate that Nijkamp at least wanted to try to be representative with her characters.

The other thing is that Nijkamp's books are just so darn easy to read. I remember that about This Is Where It Ends, too. I read almost this entire novel in one setting. Her writing draws you in so easily, even if you don't always agree with what you're reading, or if you wish for more character development. You could pick this up and fly through it in a day.

In the end, this certainly wasn't what I expected. The strange mystical elements seemed out of place and they, along with most of the characters, weren't really fleshed out. I was a fan of how easy the story was to read and the mental illness portrayal, though, as well as how easy the story was to read. I was drawn to the character of Kyra and wished I could have learned even more about her. The story was compelling and Nijkamp did an excellent job making you feel the cold of the Alaskan setting and the similar coldness of the townspeople. At the same time, while I could certainly see a small town being incredibly close-minded (and they were), some of the other plot points seemed a little overboard. A quick read, especially for teens.
Whistle In The Dark
Whistle In The Dark
Emma Healey | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jen Maddox is on holiday with her fifteen-year-old daughter, Lana, when Lana disappears. But, somehow, Lana is found four days later: confused and bloody, but in one piece. Jen and her husband, Hugh, are beyond relieved, but Jen cannot shake the fear plaguing her. Lana has struggled with depression these past few years. What happened over those four days? Why can't her daughter remember anything? Jen knows she should welcome Lana back with welcome arms, but she cannot rest until she knows what happened to her daughter.

This was a complicated read, which made me feel and think all sorts of feelings. I have to definitely point out that there are triggers for self-harm and suicide in this one. The book hit home for me, as I lost a dear cousin-who was more like a sister to me-to suicide. She was a little older than Lana when she died, but I saw a lot of similarity between the two, and I could understand some of Jen's frustration and sadness with her daughter because of it. Because, honestly, a lot of this book is just sad and depressing.

It's written in short snippets, not long chapters, each with a title, and they are all told from Jen's perspective. I would have liked to have heard from Lana sometimes. Because this is Emma Healey, many of these little pieces and insights are brilliant, truly. But, also, I won't lie, some of this book is a slog. It mirrors living with someone with depression--it's slow, painful, and tough. I wouldn't call this a fun read, even though I could definitely enjoy some of the breakthroughs and beautiful moments Lana and Jen did share.

While the premise of this book is finding out what happened to Lana, much of it is just Jen and Lana's daily life--trying to find themselves after Lana's disappearance. You see the guilt Jen feels about her daughter's mental illness and the complications of motherhood--how hard it can be. Jen's older daughter Meg and her husband, Hugh, are more supporting characters to the Jen and Lana show. There definitely are some humorous pieces among the sad parts--Jen and her husband struggling to raise a teen, Jen's interactions with her mom stand out. And Lana, as she comes across through her mom's eyes, is an interesting and dynamic character. Her grim sense of humor is enjoyable, too.

I found this novel to be very driven by emotions and to be a deep look at a family who is torn apart not only by Lana's disappearance, but by mental illness. I think, too, overall it does a very good job portraying what mental illness can do to a family. Even Lana's descriptions of what her depression feels like are quite well-done. So much of the book actually made me feel tense on Jen's behalf, and you just can't help but feel so sad and scared for both Jen and Lana. The little snippets of the book really do a good job of capturing moments--that is life, after all. A series of moments that add up.

I wish that Jen had been less obsessed with figuring out what had happened to Lana, but I think I can understand where it came from (her fear). For a little bit, I wasn't sure I could push through the book, but I was also motivated to figure out where Lana had been for those four days, and I was attached to Lana (and even Jen), I won't lie. The end of the book also redeemed it for me. There was something about it that made it all work.

This book isn't for everyone, and in some ways, I even have trouble recommending it for those who have struggled with mental illness, because it can be really triggering. Still, I think the author treated the topic very respectfully. I couldn't help but feel for Jen and I really found myself wanting to help Lana, to reach out to her. Healey really does know how to create nuanced characters. Still, if this is your first time reading her, I can't help but recommend the amazing Elizabeth Is Missing, which I just adore. Still, it has its lovely moments and is certainly well-written, if not a slow read.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
72 Hour Hold
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Your daughter has just turned 18 and recently diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. After being placed on a 72-hour hold she is released from the hospital. When you go to pick her up, she is gone and there is nothing you can do about it. She's technically an adult, so she is free to go about her business. Meanwhile, you worry, where is she, what is she doing, is someone hurting her, is she hurting herself. What measures would you go through to protect your child, even though she is an "adult". How can you help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Would you take drastic measures to insure that your daughter gets all the help she needs. Her father is in denial and the support group just says, "Hang in there!" After the 3rd or 4th 72-hour hold for her daughter, Trina, Keri tries some extreme measures to help her daughter with her mental illness. Going through her own struggles in trying to help her daughter, Keri finds out a lot about her lie and the life of her daughter, and exactly how to help them both.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: a Novel
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: a Novel
Ken Kesey | 1962 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read this book, and have also watched the movie - the movie has NOTHING on this book, so, please do yourself a favor and read the book even if you've seen it on the big screen. Don't get me wrong, the movie is great - if you've already read the book, it's amazing to see it come to life. And, yes, I know Jack Nicholson is pretty, but STILL! Read the book, too!

The book crafts these incredibly vivid images of despair, torture, and sadness that you FEEL as if you are watching a film. It's an incredible story of mental illness, friendship and the camaraderie between these patients and the strength of the human spirit. I laughed out loud several times, and I cried even more.

Set in a mental asylum in the ’60s, McMurphy, our "anti-hero" is sent to stay, because he wants to avoid prison. He is not "crazy" - and it becomes a power struggle between him and "the system" (and in particular, an extremely power hungry nurse). There are so many layers to this story, and I hungrily peeled through them all and am sure if I read this again, I'd find many more layers.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Dreamers in Books

Nov 6, 2018  
The Dreamers
The Dreamers
Karen Thompson Walker | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
You may be nervous about going to sleep after reading this!
I've had to give this a day to sink in before writing about it. It has stayed with me, and I think it's because of the dreamlike style that it's written in. Which is apt, because this is a story of an illness, a virus, that causes those who contract it to fall asleep and stay asleep for days, weeks or months. There are even those who die whilst asleep.
This story is told from multiple perspectives, which I really liked: the dreamers are all affected in different ways, even if the result is the same.
I can honestly say that I found this impossible to put down. It's one of those books that you have to keep reading because you don't want to miss anything (yes, this really is a 'thing' with me, and yes, I know it's not likely to happen). It has been compared to Station Eleven (one of my favourite books), and whilst it's not the same, I can see where they're coming from. Either way, I really enjoyed it.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.