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Dean (6925 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 10, 2019 (Updated Oct 10, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Joaquin Phoenix (2 more)
Great cinematography
A realistic origin story
Send in the Clowns
I've been looking forward to this since seeing the Trailers a while ago. Also the fact that it appears to be a dark, gritty more realistic origin story. Looking and feeling more like a film set in our society, rather than Gotham city. There are enough hints and elements to the film to give it the DC universe setting. It was nice to see these touches in the film.
This film won't be for everyone. It is a slow burner, character driven piece with little action to speak of. It does showcase Joaquin Phoenix talents though in a performance that must make him the favourite for the Best Actor Oscar. It's a dark film, showing his descent into madness, not coping with his mental illness with a bleak look at his past as well. Set against a backdrop of civil unrest in the city. There are obvious comparisons with @Taxi Driver (1976) which had similar themes. It's also quite violent in places but I think compared to many other films it's no worse than you would expect.
Overall I think this could be a modern classic and definitely deserves high praise for the cinematography, which is very artistically shot and the acting. It's Phoenix's portrayal of Joker that this film will be remembered for.
The Ruin Season
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
136 of 235
The Ruin Season
By Kristopher Triana

Jake Leonard has more than his share of troubles. He’s close to 40 now and suffers from bipolar disorder and the painful memories of the psychotic episodes that derailed his life.
Living in the rural south, Jake spends his days breaking horses and his nights training dogs in solitude. His 19-year-old girlfriend, Nikki, is the daughter of the local sheriff, and she’s just getting worse with drugs and alcohol. Jake does his best to persuade her to ease up on them, but things go from bad to worse when Nikki has a breakdown and gets involved in heroin and low-budget porn.
After a friend’s funeral, Jake reconnects with his ex-wife Michelle. He’s never stopped loving her, but she’s remarried with a young daughter.
Soon, chaos unfolds like a pocketknife, and as Jake’s dark history is revealed, he finds himself spinning toward the inner demons he’s worked so hard to escape.

This was one of those that you have to keep reading a lot of it got home bipolar is such a horrible illness. It was a whole rollercoaster of how life can change so quickly and our decisions have a dramatic effect, especially those made when not of a clear mind.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Tick Tock in Books

Aug 21, 2022  
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Simon Mayo | 2022 | Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have read one of Mr Mayo's previous outings, Knife Edge, before and although I thought the middle was a bit of a miss for me, the start and end were great so it didn't put me off reading more of his work and I'm pleased it didn't, as I enjoyed this one.

Having survived the Covid pandemic and things are returning to 'normal', another illness strikes that could prove just as deadly. Kit, his daughter Rose and partner Lilly find themselves right in the centre as the new pandemic emerges and starts to spread.

There is a very strong sense of tension from the start which grows as Kit and Rose try to evade what you feel is inevitable infection whilst Lilly uncovers a possible family connection and secret Government research and dubious testing practices.

The characters are strong and are believable, the plot is current (maybe a little too current!) and the pacing is good. There is quite a bit of scientific speak which I felt was a bit too much and, I think, wasn't particularly necessary or added to the story that much.

Overall, a decent thriller which kept me engaged and my thanks to Random House UK, Transworld Publishers and NetGalley for enabling me to read Tick Tock and share my views.

Louise (64 KP) rated Furiously Happy in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Furiously Happy
Furiously Happy
Jenny Lawson | 2016 | Biography
8.7 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
So! where do I start! hmmmm....

This a non-fiction memoir about a woman, Jenny Lawson who suffers from mental illness, but not just one she has a whole mixed bag of mental health problems, Jenny suffers from depression, anxiety, insomnia, ADD and others.

This is her memoir of how she copes with mental health and what is like to live with these debilitating illnesses. The book is told in several short stories of Jenny's life, there are also pictures added in several of the chapters.(proof that these things really happened).

Her husband Victor is a saint that's all I can say, Jenny is crazy but in a good way crazy, she just talks about the most random things ever, but this a symptom of anxiety you over think things and you can tell by her writing.

This book is very funny, and Jenny isn't bothered about the stigma that is still attached to mental health, she is just being herself which is so refreshing.

I never heard of Jenny Lawson when I requested this book, I was more drawn to the synopsis and the amazing raccoon on the front cover. Jenny is a taxidermist's daughter and has a lot of love for stuffed animals which is clear in the book and shown with pictures.

I really could relate to Jenny as I suffer from depression and anxiety, I knew where she was coming from and when she was explaining they symptoms, I was like yes, I get that too! The book is very funny in places, but there are parts which I think are just silly!

My favourite part of the book has to be when she is trying to convinve Victor to get another cat so she can call it the 'President', her ideas are very witty and weird - i mean who thinks of stuff like this.

Whilst this book was good and funny, I was wanting her to be a bit more serious in some parts. I wanted to know how she really felt without trying to make it humorous. And yeah I know it's a serious topic and she is trying to make it light-hearted but I feel that maybe she is still holding back on what she really wants to say.

There is a trigger warning for this book, it does discuss self harm and suicide, so if you are easily offended I would not suggest it for you. Also there is a lot of swearing/cussing.

This is Jenny's second book, first being Let's pretend this never happened and also she has her own blog called the bloggess which I will be following.

I would recommend this book for anyone suffering from mental illness or has a family member/friends that does.

I rated this book 3.5 stars out of 5.

For more of my reviews please check out
Burying the Honeysuckle Girls
Burying the Honeysuckle Girls
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Althea Bell returns home after (another) stint in rehab to find her father further stricken by Alzheimer's and her older brother--who is running for political office--fully entrenched in the seat of power in the family. Wynn doesn't want Althea and her sketchy past to ruin his chances at political fame and fortune. Even worse, Althea is shocked when she learns that the women in her family have a history of mental illness, which seems to come on around age 30--and Althea is just a few weeks away from her own birthday. Althea's mother passed away at that age, and Althea is determined to discover what happened to her. But doing so will dredge up family secrets that it seems Wynn wants hidden--and he'll do anything to keep Althea from shaming the family name

This won't be a very long review, because I listened to this book on audiobook (technically the audio that comes with my Kindle Unlimited subscription), and I couldn't take any notes or do any highlighting as I listened, as I was in the car. But I do want to point out that this is the *first ever* audiobook that I've ever listened to from start to finish! I'm not very good with verbal listening--even in college lectures, I had to take copious notes to retain the information, and I could just never keep up with audiobooks: my brain always wandered off. But I was commuting a lot for work and gave this one a try. It stuck!

This book felt a little slow in places, but now I'll never know if it was because it was an audiobook or what. I felt bad for Althea, who really seems to have received a bum rap: mother dies when she's a kid, a pretty awful brother, drug addiction, and more. She's a rather compelling narrator, and her family's backstory is interesting. The whole "I'm going to go crazy when I'm 30" thing seemed a little overblown and histrionic at times--seriously, you can't truly think the moment you turn 30, everything changes. But, I still found myself caught up in Althea's story, and I really loved hearing about her grandmother and her own struggles in the '30s. There were pieces of this book that were really touching and heartbreaking and the last half, especially, really got to me.

Overall, it was fun to explore an audiobook. It sure made my two-hour (each way) commute more palatable, and I found myself fascinated that one-person could do the voices of so many people. I found this story pretty compelling and liked the fact that it spanned several generations. The points it made about mental illness--especially the way women were treated in the past (and even now, really)--were very illuminating and well-done. 3.5 stars.
A Note of Madness (Flynn Laukonen, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tabitha Suzuma is quickly becoming one of my favourite authors.

I didn't realise this was the first of two books, but it reads fine as a standalone novel anyway. I hadn't intended to read on, but I just love Suzuma's writing too much. I've reserved the next novel at the library.

I found this quite similar to Hurt in a couple of ways; firstly, the protagonist is a young male who is experiencing something very unpleasant but important to talk about. Instead of rape, as in Hurt, this time the topic is mental health. Flynn's got the whole world at his feet, but suddenly he's up all night composing or drowning himself in alcohol and aspirin. Everything feels wrong and he doesn't know why. His flatmate, Harry, calls Flynn's brother in to help. He's a doctor and soon realises Flynn needs proper help. After one incorrect diagnosis and several relapses, Flynn finally feels the world go back to normal.

Although the ending is typically "hopeful" (which you can only expect, really - it's not gonna be very helpful for kids to read stories where you never recover from your mental illness) it still manages to be realistic rather than overly positive and optimistic. For example, Flynn is offered a couple of amazing experiences in this book, the first of which he is determined to take. But he doesn't, because his health declines so much. I can tell you how horrible it is when you have your heart set on something but your mental health holds you back... Sometimes you just can't do it. Flynn's health gets so bad that his brother takes him away on the eve of his big concert (he's a music uni student).

There's also a romance line through this, which I gather will be furthered in the next book. Flynn doesn't pay much attention to it - doesn't even notice it - due to his condition, until it's too late and he's messed it up. Jennah is an old crush of his, recently parted from her boyfriend for a mysterious "other guy". Flynn just doesn't put 2 and 2 together, though, and assumes she could never love him because he's so hopeless and talentless and depressed. Things really get bad when they argue about it during one of Flynn's relapses, and she goes missing for the night. I must admit that I immediately feared the worst after what happened in Hurt, but it was eventually resolved. I am very interested in reading how Flynn's mental illness impacts his relationship in the future.

This is a great topic to address, especially in males. The episodes may be a little exaggerated but then I suppose that is how some people experience it. It's different for everyone. I really appreciate the age chosen, too, because people often forget that mental illnesses don't only develop when you're twelve or thirteen. 5 stars; a fantastic book and a fantastic author.
Too Close: A new kind of thriller that will leave you breathless
Too Close: A new kind of thriller that will leave you breathless
Natalie Daniels | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
How close is too close?
Connie and Ness met in the park while their children played. As they talked, they realised they were neighbours. Perhaps it was only natural that they and their families would become entirely inseparable.
But when Ness’s marriage ends in a bitter divorce, she is suddenly at Connie’s house all the time. Connie doesn’t have a moment to herself, no time alone with her husband, not a second to chat to her kids.
It’s all too much. Something has to give.
Connie has woken up in a psychiatric hospital. They say she committed a terrible crime but she says she can’t remember a thing.

This novel is gripping and absorbing that you won't be able to put this down. I found the pace just right and the dark story well told .
I found myself crying with some of the parts and in others laughing out loud at some of the things said. There are so many emotions covered in this story including mental illness.
I loved the characters development, the plot of the story and oh my that surprising ending you don't see coming.
I don't want to say anymore as I don't want to spoil it for anyone!

I received this debut novel via NetGalley in return for an honest review but I still turned around an purchased this as I truly am astounded with this novel.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Finding Eva in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
Finding Eva
Finding Eva
J.A. Baker | 2019
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finding Eva is a cleverly written story about one woman’s search for her birth parents and the trouble it stirs up among others.

In this thrilling psychological tale of friends and family connections, told by J.A. Baker, we discover there’s much more to Eva’s relationship with both her best friend Celia and her recently dumped boyfriend Gareth than we are first lead to believe. But who’s the liar and just what secrets have they been keeping?

Gareth can’t get Eva out of his mind. He want’s to track her down and make her pay for ruining his life. But what has she done to him?

Celia only wants to make sure Eva’s safe, but when Eva ups and leaves without telling her, she makes it her business to find out what is going on. She wants answers and will do anything to get them. But in order to do this she must find Eva first.

I loved the ‘family drama’ theme which plays on how some secrets should stay dead and buried, but once unearthed there can be no going back. With Finding Eva we delve into tricky topics such as mental illness, fraught childhoods and that feeling of not quite fitting in with society. We also uncover the secrets of a feisty heroine who’s more than a match for her adversaries. A fun read with a wicked twist at the end!
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mental Health Issues (3 more)
It ended (0 more)
John Green Does It Again
I will start off by saying that I love John Green. His books have always been a favorite of mine. Looking For Alaska is a book I will gravitate towards over and over again. He has such a great writing style with the most beautiful quotes. I can't get over it if we're being honest.
Mental health is a big and important topic. With something so big comes a lot of responsibility when writing about it. John Green nails it. The way he talks about Aza's OCD and how he describes her thought processes is amazing. You really start to bond with the character and feel for her. BUT, not only do you feel for her, you get frustrated with her because you start to get invested. The way that she navigates her life, her thoughts, her relationships, her everything is so well thought out by John.
I think this book has started a lot of really important conversations. People are talking about OCD. How to cope with someone who has OCD. How to cope with having it yourself. How to seek help and know that there ARE great resources out there that people don't know about. Best of all, it's helping to take away the awful stigma that seems to be attached to mental illness and mental health.
Thank you, John Green. Your books bring me peace.
Disclaimer: I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Elaine and her mother have a special relationship, the kind every parent and child strive for. They have their ups and downs, but they both know the love and support of the other is there. That comes into play in a slow crawl towards dementia for Elaine's mother, Betty. First, it's the little things, but it slowly gets worse as time goes by, and Elaine has chronicled that journey, both for her mother as well as herself, in this wonderful book.

I used to work for a Neurology clinic where we saw many patients with Dementia, and while I could recognize the signs and symptoms because of that, it's understandable how someone so close to the person could miss them, or push them aside as something else. To see how Elaine and the rest of her family coped with this illness, and for her to share such a personal story in such a public way, is very awe-inspiring, and I wish both her and the rest of her family all the best. I feel as though this book could help open someone's eyes to what a family member or friend might be experiencing, and while it's a very emotional read, I would recommend everyone I know to give it a shot for that very reason.

5 stars