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Shadow Child
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Objectively, I feel the book deserves 4 stars, but gr ratings are supposed to be based on your enjoyment, which was a 1 or 2 for me.

I’ve read other books featuring mental illness, the aftermath of atomic bombs, self harm, abuse. I don’t know why I felt so repulsed by this one, but I did. It isn’t a bad book-it’s very good actually, but I hated it.

This was an ARC I received in a giveaway. (Not via goodreads)
Postcards from the Edge (1990)
Postcards from the Edge (1990)
1990 | Comedy, Drama

"My brother and his family were in town and my sister-in-law’s never seen it. I’m like, “How have you not?” She’s five years older than me. I’m like, “How have you not seen that?” I read the books. You feel like you’re bipolar when you read it. I think that’s as close as anyone who does not suffer from that illness, that you can understand it. It’s the way [Carrie Fisher] writes that. What a talent and what a loss."


"People have been trying to get me to read this book my entire life. My mom, various friends and partners, but I hate when people think I will like something. Especially when that thing is about trauma and mental illness. But I finally read it at the beginning of this year, and I can’t believe I made it this far without it. It is sort of traumatizing in itself, but it inspired me to finally set up a session with a good therapist."
