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First Snow (Northbound #2)
First Snow (Northbound #2)
Saga Nansen | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If Arttu has to get on his knees for a murderer, so be it.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Northbound series, but it can be read as a stand alone. There is a minor on-going story arc that can be quickly picked, with most being recapped in this book.

I loved book one, Midnight Sun, and while I really REALLY enjoyed this one, it doesn't quite meet up to book one's grab-you-and-not-let-go kinda vibe, and it pains me, deeply, to say so!

I liked Arttu, I really did. He wants to find out what happened to his friend in London and if he has to get on his knees for a murderer, so be it. But Jareth is so much than the skin he wears. Yes, he has killed beings and people that break the rules, but never in cold blood. He is Half-Fae, a Lord of his people, and as such wears a glamour most of the time. When Arttu finally sees Jareth true form, he isn't quite sure what he is seeing, but he knows he needs Jareth, in any form.

Jareth, not so much. I don't know why, but my overwhelming feeling about Jareth is "I don't like you!" That said, I did like how drawn he was to Arttu. He knows Arttu is keeping secrets, he is a master at that himself, but still. He wants Arttu in a way he never wanted anyone before.

I liked that Jamie and Finn pop up (from book one) I liked the supporting cast, both the support for Arttu and Jareth is great in very different ways.

I'm still not sure quite what happened with Lord Briar and his wife though!

And I thank you, Saga Nansen, for the glossary at the end!! I found in immensely helpful!

I'm sorry I couldn't love it as much as Midnight Sun, but I did thoroughly enjoy it.

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Glow (Pleasure Seekers #3)
Glow (Pleasure Seekers #3)
Kristian Parker | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
There are sparks flying, right from that first meeting in the men's locker room!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Pleasure Seekers trilogy, but it can be read as a stand alone. BUT, people?? READ the other books, OK?? Cos they set the scene for Scott to be the last man standing, and that man falls fast and hard and he never saw it coming!

Scott is looking for love, but his latest date was another washout. He really feels left out now Tyler and Eddie are loved up. A theft at work brings him face to face with Prin, from the IT department. Then Scott must stay focussed or he might not see the one thing he has been looking for, is right under his nose.

I loved Thrill, and I really liked Kicks, but I think Scott and Prin might be my favourite couple!

There are sparks flying, right from that first meeting in the men's locker room, and they fly through the whole book, even when Scott messes up (accidentally!) and puts Prin in a difficult position. This is really the only drama between these two, and that's why I tagged it low angst.

There is a good deal of other drama though! The theft and who is doing it, Prin's friend Colin and what's happening to him, and we also get to catch up with Tyler and Eddie and their other halves. At this point, they are all just about living together in the shared flat, so it's hard not to catch up with them!

But I loved what happens at the end. Prin gets some closure with his family. He needed that, he really did.

It's always sad to see a series end, especially one I've thoroughly loved. But hey, maybe Parker will write a follow up, kind of an epilogue in a whole book, just so we can see how the guys are getting on!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Cruising Right into Love
Cruising Right into Love
JP Sayle | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this, cannot fault it!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Sometimes, Ms Sayle writes incredibly dark tales, sometimes they are just plain weird (fingerlings, come to mind) and then there are these kinda books: just a beautifully told tale of two men doing something about the attraction between them, and letting it all happen, while on a cruise.

I loved this book, I cannot fault it!

Victor comes to Sweet Haven to recover and heal after breaking up with his abusive partner. That last scene with them two together is the start of this book. It was not easy reading, what he did to Vic, but I think it was needed to get the full horro of what he had suffered. Very well written, but hard reading. Getting a job with Leeson and Garrett (from the book Sweet Haven, I had to look!) gives him time to heal. It helps that Denton is easy on the eye, but taken. Then Denton isn't and then they are sharing a room on the cruise, and all bets are off!

What I loved about this most, was that, apart from that first chapter, and some reference to Vic's history, there is very little about that history. Sometimes, reliving past trauma takes up a lot of book, but it's been 2 years and Vic is far more confident now about a lot of things. And it shows when dealing with Mr Polished who takes a shine to Denton on the crusie and Vic is "he's MINE"!

I loved that while Denton was spoken for, nothing happened between them. I loved that Denton's ex is Vic friend, but they were able to get past the breakup and still be friends. I loved how fast things moved for these two. But it's been two years that they have lusted over each other, so things were not going to go at a snail's pace!

It's steamy and smexy. It's emotional and it's fun. It's beauitfully written and delivered. I cannot fault it!

I loved it, so bloody much, so it can only get:

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Magic Always Sings (Magic Series #2)
Magic Always Sings (Magic Series #2)
Erin M. Leaf | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved what the magic did!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I wrote in a review for the first book I read of this author: First I've read of this author, I'd like to read a longer book, with more to get my teeth into. And this book delivers, big time!

This is the second book in the Magic Sings series, and I have not read book one, Magic Never Lies. I didn't feel I was missing anything, and I will go back, at some point, and read that book. Not because I need to, but because I want to.

Rowan is a rock star who cannot write songs, hasn't for some time. He NEEDS to, or he will be in trouble. Having someone else's songs shoved at him, and his magic goes haywire. Rowan loves these songs. Meeting Jesse sends him into a tailspin: he knows Jesse but can't recall from when. Once the penny drops, Rowan goes all out to settle his magic. But Rowan isn't out, and doesn't want to come out, not yet. Can they make this work?

What this is, right, is a wonderful tale of being true to yourself. Jesse has loved Rowan for a long time, and he will take him anyway he can get him, but Jesse knows Rowan is not being true to himself, regardless of what he said all those years ago. It's quite difficult reading, when Rowan tells Jesse why he won't come out, but the magic inside Rowan will not be denied.

I loved the magic thing, I really did. It just is, you know? You don't need a long winded explanation about it. Some people have it, and some don't, and I loved what the magic did to them both. Makes them kinda face their feelings, really!

I didn't think it overly explicit, but I liked that here, for these two. It's more about admitting your feelings, and letting them all out. Fairly low on the angst scale too.

A thoroughly enjoyable longer book by this author, and my to-read list is somewhat longer now too!

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Witch's Knight (The Bloodline Chronicles, #1)
Witch's Knight (The Bloodline Chronicles, #1)
Evelyn Silver | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
quite dark in places, but I do think it is needed!
Independent reviewer for archaeolibrarain, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Here's the thing, right? I DNF'ed this book, 2 years ago, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why!

I really REALLY liked this book! It starts off with a zombie mouse, and then runs away with itself!

Sarai is a witch, with dual power. She is in hiding from her father. When vigilanties hunting both vampire and witch find her, she is saved by a vampire. Marcelle is second in command to the vampire king, Setanta. Who wants to use Sarai to form an alliance to fight said vigilanties.

This is wonderfully written, starting off fast and furious and not letting up. Mostly from Sarai's point of view, with Marcelle having the other voice, it really was a great read. It is quite dark in some places, with a slightly deranged witch doing despicable things to Marcelle that is on page, but I do feel that it is needed.

The smexy times between Marcelle and Sarai are not explicit, but they are steamy.

But the thing is: I can't see where this is going, nor how it's going to end. And it's frustrating! Sarai and Marcelle have a relationship here, and Marcelle (along with most vampires, if not all) are NOT monogamous, but the relationship between Marcelle and Setanta takes a back seat to Sarai and Marcelle. I think I would have liked a bit more of Setanta, either as a voice or with Marcelle. He's an interesting character! So, I've no idea if Sarai will end up with Marcelle, or someone else, or no one, because her father might get her!

So, the book ends on a bit of a cliff hanger, with Sarai being confined to the vampire stronghold. Not quite a kindle-throwing cliff hanger but nearly!

I have book 2, Midnight Fear to read next, which is the conclusion of this storyline.

4 very VERY good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Little & Lethal (Little Paws Haven #2)
Little & Lethal (Little Paws Haven #2)
JP Sayle, Layla Dorine | 2024 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved that Cosmo pushed, just to get punished.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Little Paws Haven series. I don't think it totally necessary to have read book one, Little Treasure He Hides, before this one. I loved that book.

And while I really enjoyed this one, I found this one a bit...disconnected.

Oh don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it, I just found some bits went off and I lost my concentration.

Nomad and Harley have been mated for 20 years. Harley, though, is certain they should have a third. Meeting Cosmo, and all three of them knew they were mates but Cosmo was not letting them have it easy. Getting up close and personal with another Dom in the club, just to rile Nomad and Harley up. But Cosmo is more than a Little. He is deadly. And not incapable of looking after himself. Nomad and Harley need to get with the programme. Cosmo also needs to get with it, but he struggles. Having only himself to rely on for so long, it takes him time to let Nomad and Harley in.

I liked that all three men have a say. I loved that Cosmo gave the other two a run for their money. I loved that Cosmo, once settled into the relationship, pushed all the boundaries and then some, JUST so he could take the punishment.

I found the issue with The Council a bit confusing as to what was really going on, so reading about those bits, I kinda switched off. It all comes clear, I just took twice as long to get it!

Gabai and Asher from book one take part, but you don't need to have read their book to follow this one. The next book is laid here, well, I mean I hope it is! Looking forward to reading about hippos!

I liked this well enough, but something didn't quite click for me.

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
An Unrivaled Off Season (Hockey Ever After #3.5)
An Unrivaled Off Season (Hockey Ever After #3.5)
Morgan James, Ashlyn Kane | 2024 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
perfect for these two!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3.5 in the Hockey Ever After series, and you MUST read book 3, Unrivaled, before you read this one. This is a continuation of Max and Grady's story. The other books are not necessary though, but they are all 4 and 5 star reads.

What this is, is an immediate pick up from Unrivaled and the summer that Max and Grady spent at Max's home in New Bruinswick. (I have no clue where that is, in relation to Florida or California, but I know its north and colder that those two places!)

Both men are wanting to ask THE QUESTION, but neither man can figure out how best to do it and what follows is a wonderful 100 odd pages of them getting up the courage and spitting the darn question out. But things keep happening and the question comes, finally, at the most perfect time!

These guys love each other, and they make no bones about it! I loved that the smexy times is again fade to grey, maybe even to black, but hey! I don't care! Yes I usually like the smexier times, but I'm big enough and ugly enough to admit that it's not always necessary and these guys do fade to grey perfectly!

I loved the way these two integrated into each others lives, homes, and hearts. They are quite devious in gettting what they want, and I loved that neither one really realsied what the other was doing!

It's got laugh out loud moments (or in my case, a croak cos I have a raging sore throat!) It's got so much love. It's got guys from book 1, Gabe and Dante, playing a huge part. It's got some emotional bits, mostly when Max and Grady are having the internal conversations with themselves about asking the question, but it's not heavy. It's a lighthearted read and it was the perfect way to spend a lazy Sunday morning.

I don't ususally give such short reads 5 stars, since I almost ALWAY want more, but this one??

5 full and shiny stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
A Thousand Glittering Lights
A Thousand Glittering Lights
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2024 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
absolutely stunning book!
Independent reviewer for BookSirens, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jennie Lynn Roberts has become a firm favourite, her first book blew me away and I'm still struggling to catch my breath! But those books were fantasy/paranormal, and this is a contemporary romance and I wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about this book.

I need not have worried! I loved this book, massively!

It has some many layers and subplots, or at least I thought they were subplots, until everything start to merge together and things become much MUCH clearer! I wasn't confused, not really, just at times I felt I was reading those subplots as multiple books. Once things started to come together, however, those subplots made much more sense.

I loved how I just let myelf fall into this, along with those plots, and didn't really try to figure it out as I went. I usually do, trying to put 2 and 2 together to get 4, but for some reason, I let myself flow with the book. And I am so glad I did, because I didn't see it taking that route! Ok, so maybe I did try, but only a little.

I loved that we heard not just from Ellie, but alos from the male MC and some others. I wasn't WHY we were hearing from them, as I was reading, but I have to say, they were absolutely needed for those plots to come together. Roberts NAILED how Victoria (Ellie's best friend) was dealing with things, she absolutely did.

I can't go too much into what I loved most about this book, for spoilers, but know this: I loved this book and the way it went! I cried a lot, and cheered a lot. It's deeply emotional, not just for Ellie, but for out male MC. Because :

All he knows is darkness… and Ellie.

And never has there been a more perfect tag line!

I can't fault this book, I really can't. I'd love to be able to give it more, but I can't so...

5 full and glittering stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere