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    The Room Two

    The Room Two


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    Cuba Casa Directory

    Cuba Casa Directory

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    King of Dragon Pass

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Christmas Mountain
Christmas Mountain
Garrett Leigh | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I blooody loved this book!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Ok So!

I'm not usually one for Christmas books, I'm really not, but something about the blurb pulled at me, and O>M>G I'm so freaking glad it did!

Rami and Fen work together in HMP Manchester. There is much flirting and then Fen makes a move. But life gets in the way and 18months later, Rami is driving up the mountain to see his sister with his 2-year-old nephew in the car. In a snow storm. Ill-prepared. And his car wrecks. And the Good Lord above sees fits to send an angel by the name of Fen to rescue him and Charlie who goes by the name of Fen.

What this is, right, is a beautifully written second chance at love story, it really is. I read it in one sitting and its 200 odd pages long.

Both Fen and Rami are smitten with each other, and they dance around each other for some time before life gets in the way and things happen and then Fen is gone. Rami never did know why. But finding him on his sister's mountain, is a gift sent at just the right time of year. The problem is, both Fen and Rami are carrying a huge amount of emotional and physical baggage.

It takes time for both men to fully get their stories out, and I really did like being made to wait for the full pictures to become clear. I don't like for everything to be thrown at me in one go.

I also loved being made to wait for Fen and Rami to finally, FINALLY have their moment, you know? I mean its full of emotions and steamy bits, but that's all they are for a long time: bits. But once they commit to each other, their relationship and being together, the steam level doesn't rack up too much, it just takes a slide into something more. Something deeper for these two.

I loved the connection to Rami and his sister, that Fen had and they didn't know. I LOVED the sister and her family!

I loved this book, I really did. I could rant and rave and go on and on and on and on andonandonandonandon.....but I won't cos spoilers do not a good review make.

So! For a Christmas book, with the L word bandied about quite early (something else I'm not a fan of!) I'm a big fan of this book!

5 full and shiny stars

same worded review will appear elsewhere​
DNA Demons N Angels
DNA Demons N Angels
Katie Zaber | 2021 | Contemporary, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
well written but hard work in places
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

There comes along from time to time, a book that really pushes my ability to write a coherent review. This is such a book.

I could not see, or I had a picture in my mind that turned out to be so very wrong, where this was going for a long time. As I neared the end, it became clear that it would end round about when Evie gave birth. And I wasn't sure HOW it was gonna end, not til I ran out of book.

And herein lies my problem with this book.

I read it, I finished it. At NO point did I feel the need to dump it, even when it became clear only Evie is given a voice, it's her story after all. I enjoyed reading it, I really did. And then it finished! And I'm left kind of "well how do I write a review?!"

I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a very well written book. Hard work in places, but very good. It's original, I can honestly say I've never read such a book. It has many twists, some I saw coming, and some not so much. It led me on a merry dance across the States, and across the whole supporting cast, some of whom held my interest a little more than Evie in places.

Evie did well to fully grasp her situation, once Lucas told her what he was. Lucas was, in my opinion, a little too much too fast and I wanted to punch him a time or two! (please don't hate me, but I did!)

I just didn't get the whole point of it! A lot of things, actually, made me think, once I'd finished it. Made me question why that bit was even in the story. I'm not going to say which bits, because that's spoilers, though.

So, for originality and great writing, I'm giving it 4 stars, but taking one off, because I really would liked to have heard from Lucas, and maybe Melisa and maybe even Ken, when he's doing his research.

I think this will probably be one of "THOSE" books, you know? One that have a gazillion 5-star reviews, but you can't see what the fuss was about, and I'm sorry for that, because it was well written.

3 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Wisdom Check (Dungeons and Dating #2)
Wisdom Check (Dungeons and Dating #2)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved that we are past the getting to know you stage!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Dungeons and Dating series, but it can be read as a stand-alone. I would say read book one, Strength Check, as a personal recommendation though! I loved that book!

As I did this one!

We hear about Caleb's divorce in book one, and here, it's all signed on the dotted line, and Sarah has moved out. He has Kaylee, his 2 year old daughter for a week at a time. Julian has crushed on Cal since the very beginning, calling him handsome. But Cal is hurting, and Jules is carrying the weight of his family on his shoulders.

I loved this, I really did.

Jules and Cal have been friends for a year, so there was none of the getting to know you stuff and I really liked that! The story jumps straight in.

Jules has lusted over Cal for all that time, but its really only NOW that Cal is noticing Jules, and I loved that he does wait. Granted. it isn't long after his divorce that he and Jules start something, but he does wait.

Jules carries a lot of weight on his shoulders. You can feel the weight of it pressing him down. It takes a health scare for his youngest brother for Jules to finally break down and get it all out: what he feels for his deceased mother, and his feelings for having to wait to fulfil his own dreams.

I loved that both Jules and Cal thought that this​ could be something big between them, but both of them had been hurt before.

I did NOT like Cal's ex-wife and how nasty she gets! But she really does get it back, once Cal and Jules get their act together!

Loved that Rox and Mel play a part here, and I loved all the supporting cast too.

Mason and Hunter are next and I look forward to reading their story, especially after the clues that are thrown about here!

But does Jasper get a story, Ms McIntyre?? Does he?? Puleeeeeeeeze say he does! Given as he professes to be a serial one-night-stand-er, it would be fun watching him fall, cos that boy will fall hard, I can just see it!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere