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Victor (Tangled Tentacles #2)
Victor (Tangled Tentacles #2)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a lot darker than book one, but I think the love level is so much higher.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I ws gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Tangled Tentacles series. It would help, but not totally necessary, to read book 1, Alexi, before this one. This picks up immediately from the end of that one, and the on-going story arc continues here. Actually, I take that back, you probably SHOULD read Alexi first!

I gave 4 stars to Alexi and Danik's story but this one far surpasses that! And I'm still left with questions and I don't freaking care!

Victor finds Azim at the end of book 1, half dead, and he knows straight away, that Azim is two things: a vampire and his mate. And Victor will do anything for his mate, except bond with him, while Azim cannot say yes. Victor is a little too focussed on waiting for Azim to consent, that he doesn't quite put two and two together and get pen and paper to Azim but hey, the Kraken is besotted! But I did love that, that Victor waited.

It takes time for Azim to be fully aware and awake but he knows Victor, deep in his soul and he knows Victor will save him. Azim suffered badly at the hands of a madman, and it takes time for those injuries to heal, with the help of the pool at the bottom of their building and those little snails!

We find out just what Todd was smirking at Alexi and Danik about, but given what that was, Danik was right to punch Alexi! What happens later in the pool though, was both slightly weird and beautiful at the same time. Not saying what but you'll figure it out!

It's a lot darker than book one, given where he was found and what condition Azim was in, but I think the love level is so much higher. Not just the smexy times, I mean the emotional times. Azim and Victor take the time to get to know each other as Azim heals and a lot comes out. Loved that. Smexy times are there, but more on a back burner, I think.

Hints to Markov (another brother) and Cassius (who leads the group looking for the missing shifters) are front and centre, but he is not next. Todd, the only omega and the youngest in the group of 5 brothers, is up next and his story, I think, might knock this off the favourite perch for two reasons: Todd gets 2 mates, and they are dragons!

Still with the questions though, but I'm trying really hard to shut my question asking book brain down, when reading Sayle books, the woman is a master at wrecking my head!

5 dark and deadly, but so much lovely, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Level Up (Reigns Brothers #2)
Level Up (Reigns Brothers #2)
Kindle Alexander | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
its sweet and delicious and all kinds of warm and fuzzies!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is the second book in the Reigns Brothers series and it can be read as a stand alone book. However, personally, to get the full force that is Chad's dad and the one that is Ducky's brother, I recommend you read Secret and then Breakaway before this one. It will give you context to some things that are referenced here.

Gotta be honest here, cos reviewing is all about being honest. I went into this with a bit of hesitation. I was . . .disappointed I think is the best word . . in a follow up book by another Alexander and I didn't want to be let down again. However, I need not have worried.

Because this?? Bloody LOVED this!!

It's delicious and sweet and all kinds of warm and fuzzies that just blew my socks off!

Chad has lusted over his best friend for years, but never MET Ducky face to face. When Ducky ghosts Chad, he takes matters into his own hands. What follows is a wonderful tale of seeing what's right in front of you, and taking it.

Both young men are struggling with their place in their respective worlds. Neither mentioned it to the other, or they might not have struggled so much. And it takes a trip to Hawaii for them to find themselves.

There are some issues along the way, but these are not of the guys making, more the bane of our modern life that is social media and the general angst level is low, which I needed right now.

I loved that I was made to wait a long ass time for the guys to finally, FINALLY see each other in the way they did, and while that scene is smoking hawt, the smexy level is lower than other books by Alexander. Again, I loved that!

I loved that Dallas and Greer (Breakaway) and Tristan and Dylan (Secret) play a huge part here. It was great to catch up with them. Tristan has taken to his step dad role brilliantly!

I mentioned in my review for Breakaway that mum to Dallas and Ducky does something amazing, but thinking about it, she isn't mentioned here. Neither is dad. Eldest brother Donny is, though, and he's spouting his vitriol now that he's found 'religion'.

But it makes me wonder. This is the Reigns brothers series, and there are 3 brothers. So, will Donny see the error of his ways, and get a book? That would be an interesting read, for sure, given how he's acted with Dallas and Ducky coming out.

An absolutely wonderful follow up to Breakaway, and I loved it, and as such, it can only get. . . .

5 full and shiny stars.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Luke (Learning to Love #3)
Luke (Learning to Love #3)
Con Riley | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Whatever happens, no matter how bad it gets, the sun ALWAYS rises.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Learning To Love series and can be read as a stand alone. I have read book 1, Charles but somehow missed book 2, Sol and now I want to go back and read it! Because I loved Charles, and I'm gutted to missed Sol, not because I NEED to, just because I want to.

Luke is the head master at Glynn Harber and is doing his best to save the school. His friends-with-benefits comes to school to talk about his career path. But Luke needs to end it, and tells Nathan no more casual. Nathan agrees. But Nathan is hiding a lot of pain, and it takes a glance at a business card for everything to come tumbling down around his ears.

I loved Charles, I really did but Luke?? oh my days! Luke broke my heart, he really did. But equally, so did Nathan.

Luke loves Nathan, but he can't do the no strings anymore. Its clear from the start that it was never gonna happen, a clean break, hell, ANY sort of break was not happening, but Luke tries. Its also clear that even though he agrees to the no casual with Luke, that Nathan loves him too, HAS loved him for a long time.

And it's this that broke me. Both men loved each other, even if they didn't admit it to themselves, and were perfect for each other. But neither had been fully truthful with the other, even after their very long friendship/relationship. And when it all comes out, from both Luke and Nathan? Oh I cried, I really did.

And I gotta say, had Nathan been given a voice, I think that would have been too much pain in a single book, I really do. Because, as with Charles, only Luke is given a voice. Ordinarily, I would have said I wanted to hear from Nathan, and at points, I really did. Ordinarily, I would have possibly knocked a mark off for the single point of view. But Nathan delivers some serious romance to Luke in this book, when he talks about what he likes about Luke and I can't take that star off, I really can't.

And then Riley delivers the most devastatingly emotional line, when Luke takes to kids leaving school to the top of the tor. (I'm paraphrasing, cos I didn't highlight it! and I'm getting emotional writing the damn review!)

Whatever happens, no matter how bad it gets, the sun ALWAYS rises.

And THEN?? That bloody epilogue!! OH!!

So now I need Sol, and Riley with have systematically destroyed me, in 3 books. But then, Austin is next and you get glimspes of him here, and he gonna break me too, I just know it!

I can't give it any less than:

5 full and shiny stars
Yours Everlasting (Enchanted Folklore #2)
Yours Everlasting (Enchanted Folklore #2)
Beth Bolden | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
 sometimes, you need to be made to wait, and the result is such a sweet, sweet thing.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Enchanted Folklore series. While it can be read as a stand alone book, to get the full impact of this book, you should read Yours Forever After first. It will give you a better view of Evrard, and just what he means to this world.

As the Guardian of Secrets, he is called Evander. Banished for wanting to keep people safe from power hungry sorcerers, he becomes Rhys, and then Evrard, the King of the Unicorns. Marcos watched from afar for so long, so VERY long but now things have changed and they both need to reveal themselves, and quite possibly save the world from those who were tasked with keeping it safe.

In book one, he is Evrard and then Rhys. Here, we get Evander, as he was in the beginning. And it is very important, that beginning, and it shapes him, for all those years to come.

What I especially loved about this book was the time involved! I mean, Evander has been on the surface for a thousand years, and Marcos has loved for that long, longer in fact. Marcos watched Evander when Evander didn't even see Marcos, from before his banishment. That Evander, as Guardian of Secrets, didn't know that, was surprising!

There is a huge amount of emotion in this book. Evander has been alone for a long time. Gray and Rory helped but Evander is lonely. Marcos is patient, has been a long time wanting Evander, but now things need to move forward, so he makes himself known to Evander.

As things move along, Evander joins the dots, putting it all together, and is surprised by Marcos, many times. Marcos is also surprised when Evander reveals some things he had not noticed after all this time.

There is love, even if Evander doesn't think himself capable of such feeling. Betrayal too, and Evander has to deal with the aftermath of that.

Gray and Rory from book 1 play a huge part, and it was fun to catch up with them and their own surprise at the end.

It's beautifully written, from Evander and Marcos point of view. It takes a long time for everything to come together, including Marcos and Evander, and I love that I had to wait. Because sometimes, you need to be made to wait, and the result is such a sweet, sweet thing.

Are there more? Will there be? I'd love to catch up with Evander, Marcos, Gray and Rory but also, there was clearly something between two other Guardians, and I'd like more on that.

I gave book 1 four stars but I found this a much more engaging read, so beautifully told, a story of everlasting love.

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Ascendant (The Made Ones Sage #3) by Vicki Stiefel
Ascendant (The Made Ones Sage #3) by Vicki Stiefel
Vicki Stiefel | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
a fitting end, the best one!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in The Made Ones Saga and cannot be read as a stand alone book. You NEED to read book one, Changed, and book 2, Altered, before this one. Not only will it give you Kit and Bree’s stories, it will fill in the questions to the answers that are given here!

Sybi is the third sister and her story is a little different, having been kept in stasis for some time. Kestrel knows she is his, but given his genetic make up, and what happened to him before, he is reluctant to fully bond with Sybi. But he has to, to get them out of a pickle!

Kestrel’s full story isn’t made clear for quite some time, and I wanted it sooner cos I’m greedy like that! Also, Sybi’s is quite drawn out, and I got a little frustrated at times with Mother Tree and her cryptic clues!

Kes and Sybi’s relationship kinda gets lost in the plans for the battle to bring the Alchemists down, though, and I really wanted more of them two, dealing with their feelings for the other and what it all means.

That said, I really thought this was a fitting ending and I bloody loved it! Best of the three!

I loved how all three sisters knew that they had to defy their mates, but also that said mates KNEW that they would. I loved that the entire planet comes together to stop Fukkes and thwart his plans to take over Earth.

It’s dark in places, when they discover to what extent Fukkes has been experimenting on the people of Eleutia. It’s emotional, when the three sisters are fully reunited. It’s a bit amusing: the sisters way they defy their mates made me giggle a time or two! There is some smexy times between Sybi and Kes, but it does get a bit lost.

I do feel, though, (and ya’ll know I’m ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL about the book feelings) that this is NOT the end. Yes, they’ve saved Eleutia from Fukkes, and the Overseers have apologised for not keeping a tighter reign on him, and the Clans have come together, and the female birth rate is already increasing, but Mother Tree is growing, and Marie grows, and what the chuffing heck does that mean! Marie was the youngest sister who died when she was ten ( I think!) on Earth so how can she be growing??? Questions, people! I’m left with unanswered questions!

So, do I gotta beg for another visit to this world and the people in it? Cos I will, you know! I’ll get down on my knees if needed (might need a lift back up though!)

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Markov (Tangled Tentacles #4)
Markov (Tangled Tentacles #4)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
thoroughly enjoying this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book for in the Tangled Tentacles series, and you really do need to read the other three, Alexi, Victor and Todd, before you read this one. There is an on-going story arc that is not really fully recapped here.

The first three books were fab, great and I really loved and enjoyed them. While I did enjoy this one, though, I found it missing. . . .something!

When I sat down to write this, I knew something was off, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but now I'm here, I have had a bit of a light bulb moment and I will come back to it in a mo!

We knew Markov had issues with Cassius, and that they were mates and Cassius had rejected him, so poor Cassius was not seen in a good light up to this point. But when we find out just WHY Cassius did what he did, you fully understand. Markov does too, and that's the most important thing. Once Markov knows the full story, he lets Cassius in, and it really was wonderful to read, them getting to be open with their feelings for each other. How THAT all resolved itself was amazing though.

We find out more about the missing shifters and what's been happening to them. Markov got first-hand experience of that. It does something, though, to his kraken and the result is both amusing and powerful, and both Markov AND Cassius benefit from that.

The other brothers all take part, and we get a lead into what is the final book . . .maybe. . . in this series. Given what happens here, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, makes me wonder! It's clear from previous books that Kelvin, the last brother, and the F-B-freaking-I-guy who has got him all a-fluster will get together, but I wonder why they didn't get that message before now!

Back to what I felt was missing, and it really did just hit me as I started to type! Markov is a kraken and Cassius is a Hammerhead shark. They do get their smexy times in the sea, but what I really missed, and I've no idea WHY I felt it should be here, but, book feelings, people, was there was no time in the pool at the bottom of the Thalassa building and I missed that! There were no beautiful descriptions of singing from the kraken either. Oh, don't get me, he gets himself HEARD loud and clear, in more ways than one, but in the other books, pool time involves kraken singing and I don't get that here.

Still a very good read, and I am thoroughly enjoying watching these brothers fall one by one. Can't wait for Kelvin and what's gonna happen there!

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Winging It (Hockey Ever After #1)
Winging It (Hockey Ever After #1)
Morgan James, Ashlyn Kane | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so glad I gave this a go!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I will admit, hockey themed books tend to be a bit and miss for me, depending on the level of detailed descriptions about the actual playing of hockey. I have no interest in hockey, and it's not a very popular sport in the UK. So, when a blurb grabs me, about a hockey book, I walk into it with an open mind and give it a good go.

I was VERY pleased I took this on!

Gabe is far in the closet and has no plans to be out. Dante is not, in the closet nor out of it but a door opening at the wrong time, gets Dante a glance at Gabe in a man's arms. Dante's mind then goes into overdrive. Gabe is all, aside from hockey, he thinks about. When gabe is outed by an ex, Dante stands by his man. Cos Gabe is his, he just doesn't know it yet.

What I especially liked about this, was how things crept up on Dante. Gabe, for his part, liked Dante, and he played a part in Gabe's dreams, but Dante was a ladies man, before Gabe and that does throw him a little bit. Once he gets his head round it, Dante is happy to admit he is bi. And Dante goes all out to get Gabe in his bed and his heart.

Gabe is more cautious, and rightly so. He's been hurt before and doesn't want to be again, but sometimes, fate has a way of stuffing your plans out the window!

I loved the guys on the team, all of them even Kitty. He does a bad thing here, but he does redeem himself, beautifully! And the way they all pull together to help Tom was amazing. They saw he was off, and pulled a bit of an intervention to get to the bottom of it and then they all helped. Loved that.

I found the level of hockey descriptions just enough for me. Some may say there isn't enough, but fo ME, they were just detailed enough for me not to skip them, which is good, cos I would have missed some important bits had I skipped!

The level of steam is fairly high, but not ever so explicit and I liked that here. This is more about seeing what's in front of you, dealing with your past and planning for the future.

Book 2 has a different set of leads, so I'm wondering if that book follows this one, given what is said in the blurb, and given what happens here. I do hope we can catch up with Gabe and Dante though.

First I've read of either of this pair of authors, I will read more!

A very enjoyable 4 star read.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Game (Charleston Condors #2)
The Game (Charleston Condors #2)
Beth Bolden | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved Beck and Micah!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Charleston Condors, The Star is book one. While I don't think it's strictly necessary that you read that book first, it will probably help you see what Beck was like, before Micah came back into his life. I gave that book 4 stars.

But this one?? I LOVED this book!

We don't get what happened to Beck and Micah a couple of years ago, but you get clues and hints in The Star. And I put those clues and hints together in the wrong way and was way off base.

What DID happen was heartbreaking for Beck, but for Micah too. But it takes time for Micah to tell Beck what happened fully, and it made me cry when he eventually gets it all out.

What I loved the most about this, was how forgiving Beck was, right at the start. Yes, Micah had hurt him and both men were still hurting from that but Beck could see Micah needed a FRIEND more than anything else. And offering Micah that olive branch was the best thing he ever did.

Loved the whole Vegas thing! Granted they were drunk but not so that they didn't know what they were doing. Granted they BOTH thought on waking that they did NOT want to undo what they did. It takes them time to settle into the husband thing but they really do love each other and want to make it work.

I found myself falling out with Beck's mum at one point, but given the outcome of that, she redeemed herself.

I said in my review for the Star that I really linked that there was very little drama. While the history of Beck and Micah is full of drama, once they get back together, there isn't much here either! And I'm loving that.

I also said in The Star that I didn't like the long descriptive passages about the football games. Now, whether it is because I knew they were coming, or not, I don't know, but I found them less difficult to read here. I'm still not a fan, (and will never be!) and I still didn't understand half of those passages, but I didn't find them as many or as difficult.

There were some characters that helped Micah while he and Beck were apart, I'd like to go back and read about Scott and Asa. And Carter (Beck and Micah's team mate) gets the next book. I'm really REALLY looking forward to reading his story. He's a character here, but I have a strong feeling it's all a freaking front and the man is falling apart underneath.

Beck and Micah really are perfect for each other, and I loved their story.

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
The Deception (The Secret Tales #2)
The Deception (The Secret Tales #2)
Sanna Brand | 2024 | Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Patrick and Charlotte are perfect for each other!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in The Secret Tales series, but can totally be read as a stand alone. I would say, as a personal point, that you will get a better understanding of the ladies of this time, and what they have to do to stay safe. It's also a stunning 5 star read, so you know, get to it!

I loved The Bond, and I loved this one too, for very different reasons!

The Bond is a slow burn, low steam book. Very much a fade to black book. And this one? Not so much! It's a tad steamier, but not explicit, at all. Patrick and Charlotte are perfect for each other, even if they were never meant to be. And I loved that difference about the two books, I really did.

I loved how Patrick deals with his injury: by not letting it get the better of him. Being confined to a wheelchair after a life at sea would be hard for anyone to deal with, but Patrick and his family set out to make his life easier, but not limiting. I gather from reading this, that injuries of this sort at that time were far more devastating than they are in this time. But once Patrick got his head round what HE needed, he got to it, and devised his new wheelchair, adapted his house to accomodate his chair. I love that his sister devised a new saddle for him to continue to ride his horse.

Lottie's forging her father's work is their only real stumbling block, but once Patrick knows WHY she does it, he understands, but makes sure Lottie knows it cannot continue once they are married. But that takes a nasty turn, and I really did not see that coming at me!

I had to giggle though, out loud! It was so funny, reading about what Lottie thought was going to happen on her wedding night. She really had no clue and it was Rose who educated her. Proper made me laugh! I loved that Rose and Rhys (since Rhys is Patrick's brother) play a huge part here, it was so lovely to catch up with them.

I wrote at the end of my review for The Bond that I thought one of Rose's sisters was the second book, but I cannot remember which one! However, Lottie is not one of Rose's sisters and one of LOTTIE'S sisters has the next book.

I love this group of ladies, and the men who fall for them and I really look forward to catching up with the supporting cast in future books, cos there are some interesting side characters!

Loved it, so it can only get:

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere