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Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook
Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook
Martha Stewart | 2006 | Home & Garden, Reference, Technical
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It contains EVERYTHING (0 more)
The essential homekeeping encyclopedia
So first off, this is NOT a read-cover-to-cover kind of book. This is an encyclopedia. This is a you-spilled-red-wine-and-barbecue-sauce-on-Grandma’s-handmade-lace-doily-tablecloth-and-need-to-know-how-to-get-the-stain-out kind of book. And it’s AMAZING. If you have a question about homekeeping, the answer is in here.

How to take care of 12 different possible kinds of countertop materials? It’s in here.

What is this weird shaped scrub brush and what is it used for? In here.

Components of a staircase, pros and cons of carpeting a staircase, and how to do it if you choose to? In here.

How to read a Consumer Confidence Report provided by your water supplier? Different kinds of heating and cooling systems, and how to maintain them? Need to know all sixteen types of spoons? How to clean and maintain most small (and large) kitchen appliances? All in here, along with so much more.

It’s a huge book, with an incredible amount of information. It also features lots of pictures, charts, and the occasional inspirational quote. I checked this book out from the library once and immediately put it on my wish list to own, because I wanted a reference copy in the house! (I finally bought my copy almost a year ago.) If you have a passion for housekeeping (or even if you don’t but it’s still a responsibility of yours) this is a fantastic book to have in your arsenal. Yes, you can find most of this information through Google – but it can be hard to decide how reliable that information is. Martha’s not going to lie to you! You know she’s tested this stuff.

There’s more than just cleaning and maintenance – there’s also suggestions for home layout, how to make a house more convenient and comfortable for everyone living in it, hints for storage and workflow. This book really has everything.

I 100% recommend this book for homeowners, and renters can get a lot out of it, too.

You can find all my reviews at
We all have struggles and challenges in life. Whether they are of our own making or not, things don’t always work out. Sometimes, we just give up on our dreams and goals. But it doesn’t have to be that way! God is a God of new beginnings, and throughout the entire Bible, we read about people who were stuck, disappointed, and faced impossible situations—people God freed. Rosalinda Torres Rivera challenges us to Dare to Begin Again. Using stories from her own life, other people, and biblical times, Rosalinda offers inspirational, down-to-earth advice on beginning again. Each chapter tackles a different issue where you may be “stuck”—such as an inability to forgive, trust, or hope—and examples of people who overcame similar challenges. Practical tasks at the end of each chapter walk you through a DARE challenge (Decide, Allow, Rise, Enjoy) to help you move closer to a fresh start. Rosalinda is the daughter of Victor Torres, an ex-gang member from Brooklyn, New York, and his wife, Carmen, founders of the New Life For Youth ministry. She has seen more than twenty thousand people get out of tough situations and turn their lives around. “They’re people whose tales of transformation prove God is still at work,” she says. “He’s written and re-written their life’s chapters—and He’s willing to do the same for you.” It takes a commitment, but with the help of God, inspiring, true stories, and practical applications, you can Dare to Begin Again.

My Thoughts: Everyone struggles with life. It doesn't matter if you're coming out of addiction, a bad marriage, or just coping with change. Maybe you are having difficulty making a dream come alive; stuck in a rut. This book is full of encouragement! The author Rosalinda Torres Rivera, takes a real-life example and then examines a similar situation through the Bible, on topics such as hope, forgiveness, sacrifice to name a few. The reader learns to let go and to rely on God to help them through the struggle.

Such a well written and useful book, that I think every reader could use at some point in their lives or know someone who does.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
As real as a donut
once upon a timeinhollywood is slow paced, tight methodical, uplifting & intricately woven look into the life of a hollywood star in the late 60s. I have to say im not overly a big Tarantino fan (with Inglorious bastards & the hateful eight being my favourites of his) so I wasnt really that excited about seeing this but once I stopped being on edge waiting for something bad to happen & finally sat back letting the film pull me in I knew this wasnt the usual Tarantino movie & I found that strangely compelling. While slow 90% of the run time the film never drags or ever stops being interesting & fascinating. Characters just drip cool are all likeable well fleshed out & distinguishable with every performance absolutely killing it even people that arnt in it much. It just all feels very human, relatable, down to earth & real. Sets are crafted with such perfection & filled with so much painstaking detail that you would swear the film was actually shot in the 60s creating an atmosphere & believability like no other. Accompany that with a smooth soundtrack you have a movie that just pops with style constantly. While everyone does a fantastic job its brad pitt that owns the film, his character is so deep, inspirational & the true hero of the film. Overall I saw this film as a more chill ed out & about how every day life for us all most of the time is way more exciting, thrilling, full of drama & strange events day to day making our lives just as exciting & as watchable as going to the movies & if we all just stopped worrying/stressing for just a second about technology, love, being successful etc life would fall into place, be stress free, we would be healthier & happier. Masterfully filmed, inteligent, mature & well executed this is not only a true love letter to the art of film making but a tribute to movies & how inspiring they can be in general. So sit back enter the decade & relax it may all seem very anti violence at first but the violence does come with time & when it finally hits its shocking & nasty but it feels earned & perfectly timed.

ClareR (5596 KP) rated My Name is Why in Books

Oct 29, 2019  
My Name is Why
My Name is Why
Lemn Sissay | 2019 | Biography
If you can read this book and NOT get angry whilst doing so, then you’re a better person than me. My Name is Why is Lemn Sissay’s true story of his life in the English Care system. His Ethiopian mother handed her son into the care of Social Services whilst she finished her nursing course, only to have him permanently taken away and put in to long term foster care. She wrote letters begging for his return from after his birth, all to no avail. This was the start of a catalogue of failures for Lemn. The way his foster parents treated him after they basically abandoned him at the age of 12, putting him in to the care system and a series of unsuitable group homes, frustrated me to the point of tears. What was most upsetting was the complete lack of emotional support. He wasn’t treated as a child, a child who needed affection and emotional support, but as a problem to be solved. It seemed to me that his childhood was just a countdown until social services could get rid of him from off their books.

I’m so glad that Lemn wrote this book, because I’m sure that it speaks for all those children and adults who experienced life in care. And I hope that the right people read this: those who take care of all of those children. I’m full of admiration for Lemn Sissay and all of the work that he does: his poetry, his broadcasting, and the work that he does for care leavers at his Christmas dinners. I will have been to watch Lemn three times: heard him read his poetry, his one man play, and the third time will be when I see him talk about this book at my local library/ theatre/ cinema (Storyhouse in Chester, UK). And to be quite honest, he always inspires me whenever I see him. This is an inspirational book too - against the odds, Lemn has made something (quite a big something actually) of his life.
This is a wonderful book that I’d recommend all human beings to read.
Tell Me a Secret
Tell Me a Secret
Jane Fallon | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this story is Holly, a woman in her forties, who got promoted in her job on a TV show. I really like that the author utilizes her knowledge of the film industry throughout her books. I really like reading about “behind the scenes” of film making. This story was a little different than the previous books I read, first of all, there is no man involved in this story, and secondly, it is told from a single (Holly’s) perspective. Even though a single perspective was sufficient to get into the novel, I always liked that Jane Fallon incorporated rivals thoughts as well.

I liked the way the author chose her characters, they were different, interesting and in a way, mysterious. I really liked that the reader can get to know them better throughout the book. Holly was a sweet character, sharing her life story as well as the present events, but she lacked the “revenge” spirit. There were so many juicy discoveries, but Holly didn’t use them, and that was a shame. I loved the twists and turns in this novel, the pages just fly by while reading this book. One thing that truly surprises me is the number of alcoholic drinks the characters consume. How can they even function after downing bottles of wine? The topic discussed in this book is “being a single mother when you get pregnant at a very young age”. Holly’s story is inspirational and I liked that the author outlined the difficulties it can bring.

As I mentioned before, Jane Fallon is a master of what she does, and she definitely knows how to keep a reader “glued” to her book. The language used is easy to understand and the decent chapter length made this novel a very enjoyable read. The ending rounded up the novel very nicely and left me satisfied with an outcome. So, to conclude, Jane Fallon always provides intriguing stories with clever and believable characters, and the plot is filled with office rivalry as well as unexpected discoveries. I really enjoyed this book, and I will definitely recommend it to everybody. Enjoy!
I found Start Here to be very inspirational. The Harris’ get down to the point quickly and concisely.

Start Here is a light easy read, but then how can a Christian living book be light? They talk about pride and sin and giving glory to God, they talk about peer pressure and stress and fears and the Father of Lies. But they also encourage teenagers to get out of the box that our society has put them in. It’s light and easy in that it’s an easily understood page-turner.

The Harris’ first book, Do Hard Things, was about encouraging teens to do just that—to do hard things—for God. In Start Here, they talk about how to go about doing those hard things, what to do when you encounter fear, press, or peer pressure, and answer all the tough questions.

One of the points that they make is that your hard thing may not be to sail around the world at age sixteen or to make a movie or to start a nonprofit organization or anything else big. Your hard thing might be what some people consider a small thing, and it may be something that nobody even knows about. But God wants you to do that hard thing because in the long run, it changes your heart for the better. At the back of Start Here is a list of 100 things that people have contributed too, and I want to share a few with you:

Sold all the clothes I didn’t need and gave the money to charity
worked up to 100 pushups in four weeks
saved my first kiss for my wedding day
read a book out loud to my younger siblings
let my brother win an argument
Babysat for a single mom who could not pay me much
Set a budget and stuck with it.
Maybe these people aren’t going to be front page news… but their hard things are pretty important.

Start Here will encourage, inspire, and help you through whatever it is that God has for you, whether you know about it right now or not. Consider it a handbook, and use it side by side with your main instruction manual (The Bible).

Recommendation: Ages 11+ Adults do hard things, too! They also will benefit from this book.

(book provided for review by publisher)
Yarn Bombing—the art of crochet and knit graffiti by Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain
Genre: craft/art
Rating: 4/5

Yarn Bombing is an extremely inspirational and creative book. It got my knitting juices flowing and made my hands itch for the needles when I saw pictures of colorful yarn knit into… beautiful graffiti?

Yes, yarn graffiti. Yarn Bombing is a rather large thing in big cities and even other countries where knitting is prominent, especially Sweden (see links below).

Yarn Bombing has many fantastic pictures, ideas for bombing, some basics for getting started, points and tips, advice on what to say if you get caught in the act (either by passer-bys or police), interviews with yarn bombers, and some patterns.

Here is my favorite pattern:
this pattern is for chain-link fence weave:
1. Cast On 12.
2. Open a bottle of wine.
3. Knit every row until sober.
4. Bind off
5. Repeat 1-4 seven more times…

I find this hilarious, though some people who aren’t knitters may not. By the way, the real pattern for the chain link fence weave is written in the book right under that ;)

There are patterns in the book for knitting items for yourself, such as arm warmers, hoods that cover your whole face except your eyes (so you can be a ninja-yarn-bomber!) sweaters, and some other stuff. Some of the bombing patterns include treesweaters, knit tulips and mushrooms, Knit sneakers to hang over wires, Bolo balls, Elf Stockings, and more.

I give it a 4/5 because, considering that graffiti is illegal and I’m perusing Criminology… let’s just say that I’m being gracious.(and I’m actually considering giving this a try… I’ll keep you posted on that one ;). Also, it was laid out a little odd and it was a bit hard to find some things. Lastly it didn’t have quite as many patterns as I expected. But, all in all, it was an awesome craft book!

Recommendation: knitters and Crocheters of any age, anyone interested in graffiti or contemporary art.

Here are some links to some yarn-bombers that you should check out, there are tons more! Follow the links you find on their blogs and explore the yarn-bombing community.
The Sound Of Glass
The Sound Of Glass
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Merritt Heyward has just inherited the home of her deceased husband's grandmother. A grandmother she never knew existed. Now she is packing her whole life and moving from her home in Maine to Beaufort, South Carolina. What secrets will she uncover about her husband and about herself?
Edith Heyward's whole world is turned upside down in July 1955 when on the same night, a plane explodes over small town Beaufort and her husband is killed in a car crash from watching the explosion. How will these events change her life.
These women have a very strong connection to one another. One that involves more than just Cal Heyward(Merritt's Husband). They both share a secret that they don't want the world to know.

I so enjoyed this book. This is the second book by Karen White I have read. The first being The Beach Trees. In this book, you were on the edge of your seat to see the way secrets were going to unfold. When I first started reading this book, I thought what a bitch Merritt was. But as the story unfolds you get to see what a sheltered person she is who has had to hide her emotions for so long, she's not sure how to act.
At the same time Merritt is moving to South Carolina, her step-mother and half brother are moving there as well from Georgia. Merritt has never met her brother,Owen and does not have a relationship with her step-mother, Loralee. But when they show up at her front door in a town where she is new to as well, walls start to come down and friendship and love is born.
Trying to find her way in a new town, find out who her husband was and why he kept so many secrets, and get to know family members she had no desire to know in the first place; Merritt is destined to learn more about the South, conquer her fears and become the woman she has always wanted to be.

This is an amazing novel with strong characters. You will find yourself, looking for a journal to write down all of the inspirational quotes and sayings. I highly recommend this book to all of my female friends.
T.I.M.E by Kelvyn Boy
T.I.M.E by Kelvyn Boy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Kelvyn Boy is a fast-rising artist from Accra, Ghana. Not too long ago, he released a music video for his “Mea” single featuring Joey B.

Kelvyn Boy – “Mea” featuring Joey B

“‘Mea’ is a big tune for me and one of the EP’s highlights I’d say. It has a Highlife flair which I love. It came together really quickly in the studio. When I heard my producer playing something he’d been working on, I was like, ‘I love that beat, let’s put some guitar on this and start working on it’. So we put some guitar lines down and I just started to freestyle over the beat. My producer said, ‘Yo we need to record this now!’ So we put down the vocal there and then. I just needed someone who can rap and sing at the same to finish it off, so I had Joey B in mind. We sent him the song and he linked us and the next day we finished it in the studio.” – Kelvyn Boy

‘Mea’ contains a relatable storyline, harmonious vocals, and melodic instrumentation flavored with tropical, afrobeat, and afro-dance elements.

The likable tune tells an interesting tale of a young guy who adores a special woman in his life. Apparently, she’s a boss in the bedroom and she possesses a Coca-Cola shaped body.

‘Mea’ is featured on Kelvyn Boy’s debut EP, entitled, “T.I.M.E”.

Kelvyn – “T.I.M.E” EP

“‘T.I.M.E’, my debut EP, is an abbreviation for The Inspirational Moment Ever. From the production to lyrics, it’s strictly Afro-beats. I wanted to represent this sound and Ghana’s sound to a global market.” – Kelvyn Boy

The 8-track project features Medikal, Joey B, and Stonebwoy. Also, it incorporates other musical genres such as reggae, dancehall, and highlife.
Kelvyn Boy
Kelvyn Boy award photo
In the Summer of 2018, Kelvyn Boy accompanied his mentor Stonebwoy on a 9-city European Tour. They graced stages at Reggae Geel (Belgium), Summer Jam (Germany), Enter The Dancehall (Switzerland) and many more.

Later that year, Kelvyn won the Unsung Artiste of the Year and was later nominated as Best New Artiste of the Year at the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (2019).

This summer, he will embark on a European tour which includes Bomboclat Festival in Belgium (other dates tbc).

365Flicks (235 KP) rated Tri (2016) in Movies

Nov 20, 2019  
Tri (2016)
Tri (2016)
2016 |
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
An Inspirational Piece Showing Us that Even in The Face of Adversity, Who are We to not Achieve Greatness??
After having recently watched and reviewed the great Sports Documentary Ice Guardians (See previous posts). When Tri dropped into my lap it felt like the right time to give it a go and boy am I glad I did…

Where do I start with Tri?? Okay. First off this is not so much a documentary as it is a scripted carefully and accurately portrayed story of a Triathletes journey from start to finish. On paper you have to wonder what is there to keep you in this flick, well I am here to tell you fine people, A LOT.

We open the movie with Natalie played by Award Winning Actress Jensen Jacobs. Natalie is an Ultrasound Technician and after an appointment with a cancer suffering patient she is Inspired to sign up for a Triathlon. We find she is met by some hesitance from her friends and family as Natalie has trouble finishing just about everything she stajensen-jacobs-bike-300x157rts. The difference here though is that she signs up with a cast of great characters who all have there own inspiring stories to tell. Natalie is introduced to a world she was not prepared for and must look deep inside herself to get to the end of this journey.

Of course while this is primarily Natalie’s story we have a colorful set of team members for her to rely on. Each member of this team bringing a depth to this movie that… I wont lie to you… not only surprised me at points by moved me at others. This movie starts out as one thing and hits you with a one two punch of Sentiment and Inspiration. Leaving you wondering “who am I to feel sorry for myself? When people can show this kind of strength.”

I am not going to delve any further into this plot wise, because I really want you guys to support this movie and give it your attention. In my humble opinion I can honestly say that I believe this movie should be seen. Not only is this a well made and carefully told story but the acting talent on display is on point and its truly no wonder this movie is a hit with the critics and winning a boat load of awards.