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The Northman (2022)
The Northman (2022)
2022 | History, Thriller
7.9 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So, The Northman.

Been quite a bit of hype for it over here in Northern Ireland (perhaps because some of it was filmed here), which might explain why the showing I went to was absolutely jam packed - the most people I've seen in a screen since even before Covid times.

Unfortunately, and for me, the film also fell rather 'flat': I actually spent more time scanning the background to see if I could spot any familiar faces (and locations) than concentrating on the (slow, plodding) action unfolding in the foreground.

It's no secret that the plot owes much to the Icelandic sagas that inspired 'Hamlet' (or, in more modern terms, 'The Lion King'), with Alexander Skarsgard Viking protagonist on a mission of revenge against his uncle, who killed his father and stole his mother.

Perhaps that is why I (and most of those I saw this with) weren't all that impressed: basically, we've all seen it before! Well, that, and the fact the the finale felt like something out of 'Revenge of the Sith' ...

(We were also all in agreement that it would have been better if the more supernatural elements of the story had been toned down).

All this is not to say that it's a bad film, per se: just not at all what we were expecting or had been sold on by the trailers.
Gunshots & Goalposts: The Story of Northern Irish Football
Gunshots & Goalposts: The Story of Northern Irish Football
Benjamin Roberts | 2017 | History & Politics, Sport & Leisure
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Review can also be found on:

For the lovers of football and history - this book will be of your interest. If you happen to have any connecting with Northern Ireland as well - this book is made for you!

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I don’t think I fit in the description above. I love watching football - but I am not a football maniac, that knows who plays where, the club’s managers and who is on top of the Champion’s League this year. I love me some good sports matches, and I know a lot of players by name or face, but that’s about it.

Now - Gunshots & Goalposts: The Story of Northern Irish Football - the book that covers the stories of many football players in the past century in Northern Ireland.
While it covers so many stories, I wasn’t able to connect to any of the characters, and I choose to blame this on the way the book was written.

Which - is not a bad thing at all. Why? Because, this book is not meant to make you fall in love with the characters. It is instead, meant to show you the real picture of their lives, the politics that were ongoing in that time, and give you a brief history lesson of what you happened to miss in high school. All related to football, of course.

For me, it was very useful to learn a bit about the politics and history. Before I started the book, I knew NOTHING about Northern Ireland’s history. I knew NOTHING about their football history. This was a great first book for me to dive into the waters of the history of Northern Ireland's football.

The author, Benjamin Roberts, has done a wonderful job in the description and research. It covers a lot of the history period from the First and Second World War, the protestants vs catholics, the unionists vs nationalists, the east vs the west.

This book reminds me a lot of a movie that has been made in the country where I was born - Macedonia. The movie was called ‘’The Third Half’’ and deals with Macedonian Football during World War II, and the deportation of Jews from Macedonia. It reminded me a bit of this, even though in this book we don’t connect with the characters, or dive into their stories too much.

This is a three-star book for me - for the sole reason that this is not a book that I would usually read, and I wouldn’t read books similar to this one either. I enjoyed it, at times, but wouldn’t re-read it. However, I would definitely recommend it to people that love both football and history. I just prefer books where I connect with the characters.

LucyB (47 KP) rated The Good People in Books

Jul 23, 2017  
The Good People
The Good People
Hannah Kent | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Superb writing style, wonderful exploration of superstition (0 more)
An engrossing exploration of rural Ireland and folklore.
The Good People gets off to a gripping start. A man is found dead and his wife (Nora) is left alone, with the burden of caring for her dead daughter's child, who happens to be heavily disabled.

From early on, the clash between ancient superstition and Catholic values is established. Nance, the local healing woman, is called upon for funeral 'keening' and resolving various medical problems. However, the village is divided - and people are starting to turn against her.

Nora hires a girl, Mary, to assist with looking after her grandson, who she can scarcely bear to be around. As time passes, Nora becomes convinced that the child is a 'changeling' and together with Nance, goes to drastic measures to expel the fairy from their lives.

I'd read Burial Rites a while back, so was familiar with Kent's style of writing, which is wonderfully authentic, well-paced and engrossing. However, The Good People felt quite different - almost like a theatrical script, with strong dialogue and excellent characterisation throughout.

It was also ambiguous, and throughout, I felt my sympathies flit from character to character. Although the book concluded with a murder, the nasty deed raised lots of questions - namely who exactly was to blame?

A very enjoyable read (I got through it in about three days, which shows how good it was) - I'd definitely recommend.
Hy Brazil (The Elven Wars, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Edward Harry has improved his lot in life, and he finds himself a position as secretary to a famous poet. Because of this, he is included when his employer travels, as he is to write down any and every thought Edmund Spenser has surrounding the beauty and majesty of the surrounding world. They make their way to Ireland, where Edward makes a friend in Calvagh, and together they choose to explore their surroundings. This leads them onto a journey neither thought possible, and they land in the Elven world of Hy Brazil, smack in the middle of civil unrest. Will they make it back to their own world? Or will they be stuck there forever, never to go home again?

I must start by saying the cover is absolutely beautiful, and that beauty continues within the words of the novel. The description and imagery used, especially once the duo makes it to Hy Brazil, is so rich it makes you believer you're actually seeing it with your own eyes. This story is a very interesting one, set back in the late 1500s, and the language used deftly sets you in that time period. All around, this story is one which sucks you in, and I definitely couldn't put it down once the pair crossed into the Elven realm.

4 1/2 stars
Shattered Pack
Shattered Pack
Aileen Erin | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So Tessa has Dastien, Claudia has Lucas and Meredith has Dovavan... They have all had their own book except Meredith and Dovavan and now it's time for that...

Dovavan is one of the seven. He is also Alpha of the Irish pack. His true mate is Meredith and things are starting to go wrong in his pack.

Since he became one of the seven he stopped visiting his pack due to being busy with council business. His pack is in pieces and his second in command is killed. His third in command is a mad wolf but he needs evidence about her madness in order to call a Tribunal.

Meredith is going with him to Ireland to help sort out his pack. But the problem is the Irish pack is known to be ruthless, nasty and unwelcoming.

In this book we see Donovan and Meredith completely and utterly in love. We see how much Meredith means to Dovavan and how he needs to her in order to gain control over his pack, deal with the death of his second and everything else that is going on.

Meredith goes from being a cursed girl who can't access her wolf. To finding her true mate in one of the strongest Alpha's alive. She now has to face the Irish pack and survive.

This book I have to say is my favourite by a long shot.
Boy, was that violent - if this was a movie, it would probably be given an '18' (or 'R'estricted, for those Americans out there) rating, not just for the blood, guts and gore, but also for the - occassional - nudity, and the not-so-occassional language.

Actually a collection of 5 different short stories, I can't say how true to history these are as I'm not a Norse scholar. I also found the vernacular a bit off-putting (were swear-words the same in the early Medieval Period as they are now? Really??), with the art-style (and plot) in some of the stories were better than in others. Talking of stories, this contains the following:

[b]Lindisfarne[/b]: depicting an early Viking raid on the monastery of the same name
[b]The Shield Maidens[/b]: in which three Viking women hold off hordes of the Saxons
[b]Sven the Returned[/b]: in which Sven returns to his homeland to claim his inheritance, having previously run away and joined the Byzantine Varangian Guard
[b]Thor's daughter[/b]: in which a clan leader is murdered and his land sold to a rival leader but his 14 year old daughter takes up his mantle and leads an army against the encroaching Vikings
[b]The Cross & The Hammer[/b]: Set in Ireland, this is more-or-less a murder mystery in which the central character is trying to track down the person(s) responsible for a spate of killings.

Rob Halford recommended Revolver by The Beatles in Music (curated)

Revolver by The Beatles
Revolver by The Beatles
1966 | Pop, Psychedelic, Rock

"It's just the way that they manage to get so much done in such a short space of time. It's three minutes. Change. Two minutes. Change. But they manage to get all of these beautiful things to happen, and I think you can sense that something amazing is about to happen. With the transition in British pop music at the time, it was losing a lot of the peace and love and starting to get quite moody. It reflected a lot of things that were happening, or at least on the horizon, at the time. The economy, the Vietnam war, the Troubles in Ireland, all of these different things. You could sense that something was happening to The Beatles on Revolver. It was exciting for me as well, because the stuff on this album is a long way off from 'She Loves You'. It was all quite mature and sophisticated. From day one I was a Beatles fan though. Those tunes are infectious and it's impossible not to like them. There's just something about their instant communication that I really love. I still listen to them now, and I find their music very inspiring. They were a direct influence on 'Breaking The Law' and 'Living After Midnight'. Those two songs are straight out of the Beatles songbook as far as simplicity and getting to the point goes. Short, little songs that sail away in a short space of time and are packed with hooks, melody and riffs."

6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The cover grabbed my attention straight away when I saw&nbsp;this in the Netgalley catalogue. You should know by now that I like a good cover.
Then comes the story... Well. I read books for the romance aspect and it took a little too long,&nbsp;in&nbsp;my opinion, for anything even slightly romantic to happen. Yeah, I get she&#039;s on a mission to save the world and everything but surely she&#039;s allowed a little fun? Nevertheless, when it did happen. Phew! It was scorching. The attraction between Alana and&nbsp;Gaelen was hot from the very first meeting...and his eyes! The only problem with their attraction is that they don&#039;t particularly like or trust each other so they fight it, which results in some hot scenes.
There was a lot of description, which I will honestly say bores me to death sometimes and I skip over large areas. In this I scanned it, looking for important stuff that I might need to know.
It had a fair share of location changes; going from London to Wales to Italy to Ireland, as Alana hunted for the items and the information&nbsp;she needed to stop the demons from coming through the rift.
Not really for me, but if you like Urban Fantasy, lots of description, or some steamy sex scenes and attraction then this is probably for you.
Mrs. Claus and the Halloween Homicide
Mrs. Claus and the Halloween Homicide
Liz Ireland | 2021 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Introducing Halloween Has Consequences
April Claus is beginning her second year as the North Pole’s new Mrs. Claus, and she’s decided it would be fun to introduce Halloween to the residents of Santaland. Unfortunately, not everyone is on board, as evidenced by the threatening messages someone is leaving and the attack on the pumpkins one of the elves is growing. However, when things escalate to murder, April takes matters into her own hands to try to figure out what is going on. Can she keep the holiday from being ruined for everyone?

I absolutely loved the first book in this series, so I was anxious to return to the world that author Liz Ireland is creating. This book was fabulous as well. The murder takes place a little later in the story, but there is plenty going on to keep us entertained, and it only gets stronger as it goes along. The climax is wonderful. I did think there was a timeline issue at one point, but I think the fault is just a scene that is written unclearly. The little details of the world are guaranteed to make you smile; I just love them! While not all the characters are human, they are all completely real and we come to care for them quickly, which is key to getting us to believe in this world. If you are looking for a cozy mystery with a dash of fantasy, you’ll love this book.
The House of Ashes
The House of Ashes
Stuart Neville | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am ashamed to say that I haven't read anything by Stuart Neville for years ... I have no excuse other than I must have had my head stuck in the sand or developed short-term amnesia because I forgot how much I enjoyed reading his words.

This is a sad and tragic story told from the perspective of two women, Sara and Mary, and from two timelines, the present and sixty years ago, with all 'action' taking place on an isolated farm in Northern Ireland.

This is not a story full of joy or happiness but rather there is an overwhelming sense of darkness and sadness with a foreboding undertone from start to finish that is intense and certainly keeps you on edge. Having said that, it is also a story of strength, survival and hope amidst a backdrop of abuse, control and gaslighting.

I admit this isn't a story for everyone and I can't say I enjoyed it given the nature of its content, however, it was an excellent read that had me hooked and took me through so many emotions that many books don't do nowadays that I can only recommend it to others who enjoy dark, psychological thrillers with a little of the supernatural thrown in to enhance the overall feel of the book.

Thank you to Bonnier Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.