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The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (2018)
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (2018)
2018 | Drama, History, Romance
7.0 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A little dull and lacking
I didn’t particularly think much of the book for this, it was a little too sickly sweet. The film however appears to ignore most of the sickly sweet fluffiness and at least embraces the serious side of the story about the war. However that doesn’t mean it’s any better. Instead it comes across as rather dull and the plot itself is entirely predictable. It has a great cast, with Lily James, Michiel Huisman and Matthew Goode notably standing out, so at least they make it watchable. It’s just a shame that the story has had most of the detail and heart taken out of it - it seems like a very long film yet isn’t particularly detailed. Another one to add to the ‘read the book instead’ pile.
The Favourite (2018)
The Favourite (2018)
2018 | Biography, History
Costumes (2 more)
Olivia Colman
Rachel Wiesz
This is definitely not the typical period piece, but I really enjoyed every minute of it. It was a little crude and a bit off in some places, but it was all effective. The costumes were all beautiful, and the wigs on the men were so outrageous but period accurate.
The devious little plots were hilarious to watch play out, though, I have to admit, I was rooting for Sarah (Wiesz) the whole time. As soon as Abigail (Stone) messed with the bunny, she was dead to me. I really felt for Queen Anne (Colman), she was all over the place, but it was understandable due to the emotional trauma she'd suffered. Overall, it showed an interesting dichotomy of female friendship, and it was fun to watch on screen.

Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 29, 2018

Spot on. I loved the cat-fighting between Emma and Rachel. What a great film!

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller
The story (3 more)
The choices
Breaking the 4th wall
Funny moments!
Different and engaging!
I really enjoy black mirror. I like the dystopian feel to the episodes, and the realistic moments that come with that. So when I heard about Bandersnatch, I knew I had to watch it (play it?).

I love choose your own adventure stories and games, so bringing that to a movie was such an interesting idea.

The system was very smooth and didn't lag. It was wonderful and drew me in.

I see some people complaining about it being repetitive.. .but it's a choose your own adventure story, so that kind of goes with it. You need to replay it to get the different endings, and if you mess up, you get sent back. That's part of the joy, in my opinion.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Cube 2: Hypercube (2002) in Movies

Jan 6, 2020 (Updated Jan 8, 2020)  
Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
2002 | Sci-Fi
5.1 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Whats Reality
Cube 2- Hypercube- is wired and you probley have to watch it multiplte times to fully understand it. Im going to watch it again, just because i need to understand it more.

The Plot: Without remembering how they got there, several strangers awaken in a prison of cubic cells, some of them booby-trapped. There's onetime cop Quentin (Maurice Dean Wint), scientist Holloway (Nicky Guadagni), young math genius Leaven (Nicole de Boer), master of escapes Rennes (Wayne Robson), autistic savant Kazan (Andrew Miller) and architect Worth (David Hewlett), who might have more information on the maze than he lets on. The prisoners must use their combined skills if they are to escape.

Its good horror movie, but you have to watch it multiplte times to fully understand it.
Brave New World
Brave New World
Aldous Huxley | 1932 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (44 Ratings)
Book Rating
It makes you question the preconditions beliefs you hold with out knowing. It rips the glasses off your face and forces you to see a new paradigm. Audio book voice very soothing. (0 more)
Moments where it felt a little too over the top but worth it for the desired effect. Ending not at great a I was expecting but ch 9 thru 18 is just gold. (0 more)
A books from a century ago that still holds weight today
What a fantastic book. It's one of the classics that truly earns its title of being timeless. Written just about a century ago it still has weight today. It forces you to question your ethics and morals and leaves you questioning the world around you. I've read a few classics and this is by far my favorite.

Graham Lewis recommended Roxy Music by Roxy Music in Music (curated)

Roxy Music by Roxy Music
Roxy Music by Roxy Music
1972 | Electronic, Rock
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Magic. Weird, wilful. They obviously didn't know quite what they were doing. It's splendid. I saw them twice in '72, once when they first came on tour and it was dark, the audience didn't even applaud until the DJ put 'Virginia Plain' on at the end, it was astonishing. The second time with the whole outfits, the choreography and a celebration of success. Fantastic record, great lyrics. All of these things have great lyrics, of course... apart from 'Hallogallo'. When Wire supported Roxy Music later it wasn't quite what we thought we'd signed up to. I loved what they did with Eno, it was the combination, the clash... the power of Paul Thompson, all of it, the imagination. It's understanding, and putting it into practice. It's so wilful, it's quite sexy really."

Velvet Underground by The Velvet Underground
Velvet Underground by The Velvet Underground
1969 | Experimental
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love Banana to bits, but the third one is my favourite, it’s the one that I play more. I don’t know exactly what it is about it. I bought their albums in order, but there was something about ‘Candy Says’ and ‘Jesus’ – maybe because I’d just got the White Light/White Heat album I wanted proper songs, and he delivered big time on this one. Even ‘Murder Mystery’ I like. I’m not the biggest John Cale fan, his voice gets on my wick. It was just at the time that Ziggy ended, it almost broke my heart. I had these magical split-second things – it was like being in love, but with someone from Venus, and then Lou came along and I knew he would get me through it."


Geoffrey Rush recommended War and Peace (1956) in Movies (curated)

War and Peace (1956)
War and Peace (1956)
1956 | International, Classics, Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’d probably have to throw in the Sergei Bondarchuk War and Peace from the ’60s. I remember seeing that with my step-dad when I was about 15. The scale of it and the kind of dramatic style of old, expressionistic use of the camera, that led me then to look at things like Ivan the Terrible. I just thought they were amazing. No one’s quite touched it since. When you look at it, the only thing that’s dated is probably the font they used for the titles — it sort of says it’s a bit ’60s, but the rest of it you just go, “Wow, this guy played Pierre as well as directing it.” And there’s not one CGI soldier, you know: they’ve literally got 50,000 troops in the back of shot."

A Room With a View (1985)
A Room With a View (1985)
1985 | Classics, Comedy, International
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"That to me is the most romantic film of all time, and it makes me cry whenever I watch it. I think that I can credit that film for my hairstyle on Seinfeld back in the day, because I thought Helena Bonham Carter was so exquisite – because she was. And those costumes and that love story, which was so restrained, which made it feel so much more romantic. It’s a very moving story about the love between two people, and I just adored it. And Daniel Day-Lewis gave the most remarkably comedic performance. If you go back and watch that film, which I encourage you to do because it truly holds up – I watched it recently and I was bawling my eyes out – but Daniel Day-Lewis is so f–king funny."


"On Christmas of 1994, I was fifteen and had just come out to my family. I was also an aspiring writer who adored Virginia Woolf. I put Chloe Plus Olivia on my Christmas list, not expecting anyone to actually seek out an anthology of lesbian literature and buy it for me. But my dad did: he made a special trip to the University Bookstore in Seattle; he wrapped it and put it under the tree for me. I devoured the book, took it to college with me years later, then moved into my first apartment with it when I was twenty. It’s long gone now (lost in another move), but I still remember it fondly as a formative literary text, and as a sign that my dad loved and supported me without hesitation."
