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Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) rated Omens (Cainsville, #1) in Books

Aug 18, 2019 (Updated Jun 15, 2021)  
Omens (Cainsville, #1)
Omens (Cainsville, #1)
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved it
Contains spoilers, click to show
Twenty-four-year-old Olivia Taylor Jones has the perfect life. The only daughter of a wealthy, prominent Chicago family, she has an Ivy League education, pursues volunteerism and philanthropy, and is engaged to a handsome young tech firm CEO with political ambitions.

But Olivia’s world is shattered when she learns that she’s adopted. Her real parents? Todd and Pamela Larsen, notorious serial killers serving a life sentence. When the news brings a maelstrom of unwanted publicity to her adopted family and fiancé, Olivia decides to find out the truth about the Larsens.

Olivia ends up in the small town of Cainsville, Illinois, an old and cloistered community that takes a particular interest in both Olivia and her efforts to uncover her birth parents’ past.

Aided by her mother’s former lawyer, Gabriel Walsh, Olivia focuses on the Larsens’ last crime, the one her birth mother swears will prove their innocence. But as she and Gabriel start investigating the case, Olivia finds herself drawing on abilities that have remained hidden since her childhood, gifts that make her both a valuable addition to Cainsville and deeply vulnerable to unknown enemies. Because there are darker secrets behind her new home and powers lurking in the shadows that have their own plans for her.

This is a reread for me I first read this a couple of years ago. Kelley Armstrong is one of my favourite authors and I've read pretty much everything she has written! So I decided to start Cainsville from the beginning.
I remember how I was rooting for Gabrielle from his first appearance. Although Ricky is so hot Gabe has always held my heart. The beginning of their relationship was so rocky but I just loved reliving how great they are working together.


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The Lost and the Chosen (The Lost Sentinel, #1)
The Lost and the Chosen (The Lost Sentinel, #1)
Ivy Asher | 2018 | Paranormal
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
21 of 220
The Lost & the chosen ( Book 1)
By Ivy Asher

My name is Vinna, and I’ve been keeping a lot of secrets.

You would too if you'd experienced some of the weird shit I have: red-eyed monsters chasing me, markings on my body appearing out of nowhere, a strange power that crackles colorfully over my skin from time to time, and don't get me started on the weapons I can conjure up almost out of nowhere.

Lucky for me, I have yet to meet someone whose ass I couldn't kick, inside the ring or out. I put that to the test when I run headfirst into a fight that brings all my secrets, and reality as I know it, crashing down around me.

Now, I'm looking for answers and trying to piece together what the hell is going on. Paranormal is my new way of life. It's not going to be easy, and I'm not exactly welcome.

That is, until I meet the boys, and trust me, they are anything but boyish.

I'm up against elders who think I’m too powerful, a family who views me as a threat, and something lurking in the shadows that's been coming for me my whole life.

There’s not a chance in hell I’m going down without a fight. I’m not lost anymore, and I'm about to show this world exactly what I can do.

For some reason I didn’t finish this the first time round and I don’t know why! This was really good I enjoyed every minute of it! There were a few rocky patches but I really liked it. The story , the characters and setting is just different. Definitely looking forward to more.
Take Me for Granted (Take Me, #1)
Take Me for Granted (Take Me, #1)
K.A. Linde | 2014 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
For someone who doesn’t like reading bad boy/good girl tropes, I seem to be reading a lot of them lately. I don’t even know why I picked up a copy of Take Me for Granted. The synopsis was one I have read a thousand times and the cover was nothing eye catching.

But let me tell you I am sure glad I did. If downloading it was whim then I don’t even know what opening it up was. I was hooked from the very first page though. I identified with Ari more than most female leads. While I didn’t grow up in a rich family nor do I attend an Ivy League school, I care more about schoolwork than I do most people. Reading Ari’s inner monologues and thoughts had me laughing because I understood. It’s so easy to push people away, create a cold demeanor, and escape into school work. School doesn’t hurt you the way people can.

Grant was also absolutely charming. He reminds me so much of my own fiancé in ways and I loved listening to him banter with Ari. At first, his pushiness rubbed me the wrong way. Having been in an abusive relationship, I wanted so much to just scream no in his face over and over again until he understood. However, he wasn't actually harmful in his pushiness, just persistent, and, honestly, had the patience of saint when it came to Ari considering how wishy washy she was at times.

I really enjoyed the story. Linde has a lovely, easy style and is a fantastic storyteller. I especially liked being able to read from both Grant's and Ari's POVs. The cliffhanger nearly destroyed me though, so you better believe I am going to continue the series. Somehow Linde’s characters crawled their way beneath my skin, and I won’t be content until I know they received a happy ending.