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Rose is still a bit of a bore, but overall this comic is improving, with a well-written Jack and Doctor. Hope the upswing continues... For more see
A fun pair of stories set with the Ninth Doctor, Rose and Jack. The first may be the best Slitheen story told to date, and that's saying something about the reviled monsters from Raxacoricofallapatorius. The second has some nice moments with a future Micky not wanting to deal with No. 9, in a misfire about Rose gaining superpowers. For our full review...
Hunting Prince Dracula
Hunting Prince Dracula
Kerri Maniscalco | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kerri has done it again! Something about her writing is so addictive, I hated interrupting my reading time for work. I think I liked Hunting Prince Dracula more than I liked Stalking Jack the Ripper, which is great, because sometimes a series tends to go downhill instead of getting better. Honestly, I'm not sure which I'm enjoying more: solving mysteries with Miss Audrey Rose or watching her relationship with Thomas unfold, at an infuriatingly slow pace. I look forward to seeing what's in store for these two!
Hunting Prince Dracula
Hunting Prince Dracula
Kerri Maniscalco | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunting Prince Dracula is the second book in the Stalking Jack the Ripper series, which is a fantastic Victorian-era forensics mystery that takes its readers on a harrowing journey with its main characters. In Hunting, Audrey Rose and Thomas travel to Romania to study at one of Europe's foremost schools on forensic science. Although they expected to examine cadavers, they never thought the bodies would belong to victims of a killer in the midst of their spree.

I found the plot of Hunting Prince Dracula to be more enjoyable than its predecessor, Stalking Jack the Ripper. There was a new cast of supporting characters which brought a depth to the storyline that wasn't as prevalent previously. There were more characters that had been introduced and developed that you formed bonds with or questioned their intentions - could they be the killer or the next victim?

By far my favourite aspect of the series was the Holmes/Watson-esque relationship between Thomas and Audrey Rose. Thomas' quips and barbs were the most enjoyable parts of the book, despite his sometimes rakish manner. He was my favourite character in both the first and second book. It was nice to see his emotional development over the course of the novel as he had previously been hiding that aspect of himself.

Audrey Rose continues to monologue incessantly in her head, both chastizing herself profusely for her feelings and reliving the events of Stalking Jack the Ripper. It is clear that she is suffering from a traumatic event, but is unable to determine how to deal with it. It was interesting to see her attempting to cope, yet sometimes falling prey to fits of her imagination as she was unable to process the events completely. Stalking pushed Audrey Rose in ways that she was not equipped to deal with and her struggle throughout the book feels authentic.

I felt that the mystery was very well done and the culprit wasn't obvious from the first few pages, rather you questioned everything up until the very end. Our heroes conclude the story with the news that they will be traveling once more and Escaping from Houdini in the third book in this series.
Titanic (1997)
Titanic (1997)
1997 | Drama, Romance
I love all things Titanic related. This movie is what started the obsession so it will always have a special place in my heart.
I think the movie's casting was perfect. The drama was perfect, the storyline really draws you in and even though you know how the story ends you still find yourself wishing the ship would just miss the iceberg, just this once.
The special effects are quite good for the year the movie was made.
I love that although Jack and Rose are made up characters that there are some historical figures featured in the movie also. It really gives the movie a more authentic feel.

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) created a question about Dunkirk (2017) in Movies

Dec 16, 2020  
This looks like an epic film and I'd love to see it. However, I am highly claustrophobic and have seen trailers that show men trapped in planes underwater (drowning is another one of my phobias) so I don't know if I can handle watching it. The first time I saw Titanic, I had pressure in my chest from a rising panic attack that was so severe it felt as if I was in chest-deep water like Jack and Rose. I still have trouble getting through the scene when he's handcuffed in the purser's office (or wherever.) So, are there many scenes in Dunkirk that show underwater or claustrophobic situations, or do you think I can get through the movie without freaking out?

Erika (17788 KP) Dec 17, 2020

I would say that if you have an issue watching drowning, you probably wouldn't be able to make it through the film. A lot of it is filmed to purposely make you feel claustrophobic and like you're in the situation with the characters.

Seduce (Beautiful Rose, #1)
Seduce (Beautiful Rose, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can't say I felt anything towards the characters in this. Jack was a man-whore and Belle was...experienced. I didn't get attached to anyone of them really, and the sex scenes were starting to annoy me (that's becoming a habit in some of these NA stories, lately)

I wasn't quite expected the ending, well, the bit near the end anyway. I thought that A Beautiful Rose would have continued their story but obviously I was wrong.

As a Brit, there were a few things that didn't ring true:
One thing I didn't get was how if they were all British, they didn't know the legal ages for sex. In my experience, everyone knows it. And considering what a man-whore Jack is/was how did he not know? I'm sure he had a posh schooling but even then I'm sure he started early, so by rights, he should have known. And another is Belle saying she was in her last year of college; in Britain it would have made her seventeen, not twenty-one, unless she'd had to do several extra years.
A Night to Remember (1958)
A Night to Remember (1958)
1958 | Action, Classics, Drama
Remarkable film!
I never realized how many parts of James Cameron's Titanic in 1997 were actually taken from this film or at least from accounts of what happened on the Titanic. Obviously, the basic story is about the same without the Jack/Rose melodrama.

Compelling doesn't even describe the emotions captured on screen when the crew of the Titanic realizes the imminent peril they are now in and how do they get passengers to safety without enough lifeboats?

The Carpathia agrees to come and help the quickly sinking ship, but they are over 4 hours away. Despite using signal flares and SOS, they cannot seem to get the closest ship to them to come to their aid which may have saves countless more lives.

Really enjoyed this film.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Doctor Sleep (2019) in Movies

Nov 11, 2019 (Updated Nov 12, 2019)  
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
2019 | Horror
39 Years Later: Redrum aka Murder
Doctor Sleep- if you dont know is the sequel to the shining. I have been waiting for this movie to come out ever since it got announced. I read the book over two years again and i loved it. I didnt even know their was a sequel to the shining until i read the book. The book is phenomenal, it is acutally my first stephen king novel that i read and finshed, so to say at less, i was hyped and very anticpated, so what did i think. I thought it was good. I liked it alot.

Ewan McGregor was a perfect cast for Danny Torrance and Rebecca Ferguson was excellent as Rose The Hat and newcomer actress Kyliegh Curran was great as Abra Stone. Mike Flanagan was amazing choice for the dirctor. I liked his other movies that he directed and also loved The Haunting of Hill House which he created and directed.

The Recreated sences from the oringal film was intresting, i liked it not to bad. The hotel looks the same, old, crooked, haunted, scary, horrorfying and terrorfying. The replacements for Dick Hallorann, young Danny, Wendy and Llyod/Jack were intresting. I really liked the actress who played Wendy. As for Dick, i liked the actor who played him. As for young Danny he was good and Llyod/Jack the actor who played him was okay/bad, he just did a impression of Jack Nichoslon and looked like a young Jack Nicolson.

This is intresting, i just found this out: Danny Lloyd, who played Danny Torrance in The Shining, makes a cameo appearance as Bradley Trevor's father. Lloyd had been retired from acting for roughly 38 years, and was direct-messaged on Twitter by Flanagan to appear in the film. Producer Trevor Macy said of Lloyd's involvement, "[Lloyd] was excited to do [the cameo]. He hadn't acted since [the original]. He's a schoolteacher, and a very successful one at that, [who] like[s] making the world better. He came back for a day, and we were thrilled to have him." When pressed as to why the filmmakers did not extend the same offer to Jack Nicholson, Macy responded, "With Jack, I knew that they approached him for Ready Player One, and that he seems to be very serious about being retired. I had known that he was supportive [of the sequel] but retired." Flanagan admitted, "I didn't know how that would really work. Even if he were to come back, if he were appearing as a different character, I thought that would set people's hair on fire. He was absolutely a presence on set, though, whether he knew it or not."

So thats intresting. I would of loved to see Jack Nichloson come out of retirement and play old Jack Torrance.

Doctor Sleep was a great/excellent sequel to the shining and what Mike Flanagan did was perfect he toke elements from Stanley Kubrick's film and made it his own. The cast is great, the story is great, the hotel is great.

If you havent seen the shining than watch it and read it. If you havent seen this movie, than go watch it and read it.
Ready to Rumble (2000)
Ready to Rumble (2000)
2000 | Action, Comedy
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Wrestlings not fake!
Before jack black did Nacho Libre
Before john Cena did Legend
Before Mickey Rourke did the wrestler and before the Release of paiges career movie fighting with my family, there was READY TO RUMBLE.
The story follows Sewage workers Gordie and Sean who are huge wrestling fans, as they watch their hero, WCW World Heavyweight Champion Jimmy King cheated out of the title, Jimmy quickly spirals down and hits Rock Bottom (see what I did there)
The boy's decide to embark on a quest to restore their icon's glory.

The road trip includes meeting jimmys estranged (ex?) Wife & son, barnyard wrestling tryouts, wrestling and OAP & a 3 cages of hell match, not to mention all the toilet humour- Literally.

Starring Goldberg, sting, ddp, Booker T, billy kidman, bam bam bigelow and many more
Also starring David Arquette, sean caan, Rose McGowan and Oliver platt.