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Small Town Murder
Small Town Murder
Comedy, Society & Culture
7.9 (10 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
Great research (2 more)
The hosts are amazing
They put a funny spin on a serious topic
Humor about murder - who would have thought.
This podcast may not be for the faint of heart but I love it. James Pietragallo and Jimmie Whisman are the hosts of this show. The two comedians lend their wit and humor to a serious topic and it works. They are upfront with the fact that they are in no way making fun of the victims but they are going to be humorous in their discussion of the topic.

Now, when they say Small Town, they are not kidding, they are legit talking about tiny towns with weird murders, lots of murders or somewhere in between.

This is a podcast that you need to give a shot. Give it the 3 episode challenge and see if this long-form podcast doesn't find a place on your playlist.
The Playing Card Killer
The Playing Card Killer
Russell James | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Fantastic, Creepy Thriller!
Well, I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of this cracking crime/thriller!

I loved that, straight-away, Russell James introduces Brian Sheridan, who is currently on medication for anxiety-related problems. Brian decides to stop taking his medication as he thinks that he is living life through fog and haze which he hates. As a result, he is tormented by dreams of women being strangled, then left with a playing card tucked in their corpse. When he sees an apparent victim on the news, dead, Brian fears he may be the unwitting killer. Detective Eric Weissbard thinks the same thing and starts to build a case to get Brian convicted. But there's so much more to these murders…

Brian discovers that he has a brother, Tyler, with a penchant for murder. Tyler is willing to frame Brian for the crimes unless Brian wants to join Team Playing Card Killer.

Russell James’ sympathetic portrayal of the immensely likeable Brian was wonderful to read as his neuroses and delusions were laid bare and there was no hidden side to him. Brian is a troubled young man with an adoptive family with whom he barely has any sort of relationship. His girlfriend, Daniela, by contrast, is confident, and self -assured and she delivers Brian an ultimatum - either he continues with his medication or she will leave him.

I also liked Russell James’ fantastic character portrayal of Detective Weissbard who is talented, analytical and operates mostly and very successfully on gut instinct. However, he is disrespected by his colleagues and is assigned to chasing all the non-eventful leads and red herrings. That is until a jittery young guy arrives at the station, claiming to have detailed knowledge of the investigation that hasn’t been revealed.

For me, THE PLAYING CARD KILLER explores some freaky imaginings and is full of creepy vibes. It's a fantastic thriller that surprised me with a mystery that borders on a grim horror novel. I was never quite sure exactly how far off the rails Brian had gone or where the author was going next with this disturbing but exciting story. The suspense was so great that I was on the edge of my seat because I was so absorbed with Brian and Detective Weissbard.

THE PLAYING CARD KILLER held my interest from start to finish and the way in which Russell James brought everything to a conclusion was just fabulous. I loved it and it has left me eager to read more from this author. I would recommend THE PLAYING CARD KILLER to anyone who likes this genre.

[Thank you to NetGalley, Flame Tree Press and Russell James for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.]
Raise the Titanic (1980)
Raise the Titanic (1980)
1980 | Thriller
4.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Turgid, non-thrilling thriller based on a book by Clive Cussler (who hated the adaptation). US defence agencies invent a new missile defence system, but the minerals needed to make it work are all in a safe on the Titanic, which is at the bottom of the Atlantic (as you may have heard). Maverick action-man and salvage expert Dirk Pitts (Jordan) is put in charge of undoing all James Cameron's hard work and refloating the thing.

One of those movies which mistakes a diverting idea for a viable plot - the whys, hows and wherefores of the operation are not that interesting or credible and the film is sluggish and low on action. Most of the special effects and modelwork are also very poor (a long way sub-Gerry Anderson). Half-decent twist at the end, but hardly enough to make up for the fact that most of it is very limp and boring.
The Conjuring (2013)
The Conjuring (2013)
2013 | Horror
I can't believe it took me 7 years to watch this film.
The story of Ed and Lorraine Warren who are demnologists that investigate supernatural and paranormal phenomena. In an opening we are also introduced to Annabelle (more of her to come) a possessed doll and how the Warren's dealt with her.
The film depicts the events from the Perron family haunting. A family who bought an old farm house only to find they may not be alone.
This is beautifully shot, the dark looks so good, cinematography is amazing as is the use of sound. From the score to the use of voices and creaks that populate the house the feeling of "something " been there is constant.
James Wan shows he is a master of his craft the film delivers on all the ghost story/haunted house/ possession vibe it's going for.
Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga are very likeable leads as the Warren's

Who would think clapping is scary?
Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Rush Hour 3 (2007)
2007 | Action, Comedy
6.8 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Foreign detective's in Paris
At the time of its announcement I was very sceptical and was 50/50 upon its release.

Plot - Inspector Lee and LAPD detective James Carter travel to Paris to protect a French witness from the attacks of the Chinese triads. The two battle it out against the world's most deadly criminals.

The threequel received very mixed reviews from both critics and movie goers.
Although not the worst movie ever and was still packed with its usual high octane and action packed movie scenes and fight sequences, the plot itself felt recycled which was a shame as a new setting was a great idea but wasn't enough to carry it.

Still a fun film to watch that sits nicely with its predecessors, a forth installment is said to be in the works, so with any luck we may have some of that 90s magic back.. Even if its for one last run.
Dead Simple (Roy Grace book 1)
Dead Simple (Roy Grace book 1)
Peter James | 2006 | Crime
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
66 of 235
Dead Simple ( Roy Grace 1)
By Peter James

It was meant to be a harmless stag night prank. A few hours later four of his best friends are dead, and Michael Harrison has disappeared. With only three days to the wedding, Detective Superintendent Grace - a man haunted by the shadow of his own missing wife - is contacted by Michael's beautiful, distraught fiancee, Ashley Harper. Grace discovers that the one man who ought to know Michael Harrison's whereabouts is saying nothing. But then he has a lot to gain - more than anyone realizes. For one man's disaster is another man's fortune ...

I really enjoyed this and didn’t take long at all! A gritty crime and a few bits that had me feeling claustrophobic! Grace is an easy character to like too!
It may have been a bit to easy to work out the who done it though.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (2023)
2023 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
7.8 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I remember going to see Guardians of the Galaxy in 2014.

I had no clue what to expect, and did wonder how the space-faring sheenanigans would fit into the (then) relatively grounded MCU.

Groot stole to show.

Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol 2, in 2017?

That belonged to Yondu "he may be your father, kid, but he certainly wasn't your daddy".

Both of those films largely revolved around Chris Pratt's Star-Lord and Zoe Saldana's Gamora.

Volume 3 - again helmed by James Gunn, after a period where he was in Disney's black book due to some old, now deleted, tweets - moves away from that (although it does form one of the sub-plots, following the events of Endgame), instead focusing more on Bradley Cooper's Rocket Raccoon, exploring his (somewhat harrowing) origins as a disposable experiment by the so-called High Evolutionary.

This, IMO, is quite possibly the best Marvel movie since "No Way Home".
Videodrome (1983)
Videodrome (1983)
1983 | Horror, Sci-Fi
First It Controls Your Mind Than It Destorys Your Body
Holy shit this movie is good. The effects, the psychological espect, the sci-fi, the horror, the suspense, the mystery and James Woods.

The Plot: As the president of a trashy TV channel, Max Renn (James Woods) is desperate for new programming to attract viewers. When he happens upon "Videodrome," a TV show dedicated to gratuitous torture and punishment, Max sees a potential hit and broadcasts the show on his channel. However, after his girlfriend (Deborah Harry) auditions for the show and never returns, Max investigates the truth behind Videodrome and discovers that the graphic violence may not be as fake as he thought.

Distributed by Universal Pictures, Videodrome was the first film by Cronenberg to gain backing from any major Hollywood studio. With the highest budget of any of his films to date, the film was a box-office bomb, recouping only $2.1 million from a $5.9 million budget.

Now considered a cult classic, the film has been cited as one of Cronenberg's best, and a key example of the body horror and science fiction horror genres.

The basis for the film came from David Cronenberg's childhood. Cronenberg used to pick up television signals from Buffalo, New York, late at night after Canadian stations had gone off the air, and worry he might see something disturbing not meant for public consumption.

After the box office success of Scanners, Cronenberg turned down the chance of directing Return of the Jedi, having had no desire to direct material produced by other filmmakers.

When it came to casting the character of Max Renn, Cronenberg chose James Woods, who was a fan of Rabid and Scanners and met with the actor in Beverly Hills to offer him the part, and liked the fact that Woods was very articulate in terms of delivery.

Its a excellent movie and a must see, same with david cronenberg's early horror films.
The Black Book
The Black Book
James Patterson | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
7.9 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Detective Billy Harney comes from a family of cops. His dad is a cop, the head of detectives and his twin sister is a cop. Billy likes to play by the rules, he's a good cop. When he takes down a brothel in the middle of Chicago filled with the city's most prominent people, the mayor, the arch bishop, etc., he is faced with a few difficult situations to get him through this arrest and trial. With the help from Goldie, a family friend and the head of Internal Affairs, Billy will get to the bottom of this case one way or another. But then those involved in the case end up dead, including himself, briefly, and his memory leading up to the trial is erased. Will he be able to find his memory before he is charged with the deaths?

James Patterson has long been on of my go-to authors. His books may be long(100+ chapters), but they are always a quick read. I've been making my way through his standalone books this year and I have to say that his is one of the best he's written in a long time as well as one of the best I've read this year.

This book had me on the edge of my seat and as soon as I though I knew who did what, I quickly found out I was wrong. The end was unpredictable and enjoyable.

I hope James Patterson continues to give us books like this.
Aliens (1986)
Aliens (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
An absolute screamer of a sequel
Aliens may very well be the best sequel of all time, if not it's certainly up there!
The original Alien is about as perfect as sci-fi horror can get, so it was a smart move on James Cameron's part to not recycle that again, and take Alien in a different direction.
The slow burning, claustrophobic high tension of the original is replaced here with all out war.
The simple idea of multiple Xenomorphs is effective and terrifying, and packs the runtime of Aliens with top tier action.

Sigourney Weaver returns as Ellen Ripley, and whilst she was a tough yet vulnerable survivor first time around, here we get to see her vulnerability crumble away. By the time the final act kicks in and Ripley is decked out in a mech...she just a badass from here on out.
She's is joined by a group of gun toting, 80s as fuck mercenaries, including the likes of Michael Biehn (fresh from the recently released, first Terminator movie), Bill Paxton, Al Matthews, Jenette Goldstein, and of course Lance Henriksen as Android, Bishop. It's a fantastic cast, who all end up mattering one way or another, even the ones who don't last very long.

The Xenomorphs themselves look as horrifying as ever, still practically achieved, and have an urgent sense of visceral danger whenever they're on screen.
Aliens is also the debut if the Alien Queen, a classic staple of the series since.

No matter how much time goes by, Aliens never fails to be entertaining, and still looks great. It's James Cameron at the top of his game.