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Dean (6921 KP) rated Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) in Movies

Apr 2, 2022 (Updated Apr 2, 2022)  
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Animation
Good cast (1 more)
I feel the need for...
Well I still remember getting my Sega Megadrive in the early 90's and Sonic the Hedgehog came with it. It was a truly fast, fun colourful game. Not exactly the type of game you'd expect a live action film version of. Glad they redesigned the look of Sonic to suit the game more.
It's a pretty fun, light family action film. The friendship between Sonic and Doughnut Lord (James Marsden) was done nicely. It's fairly amusing at times and even has some big budget effects that look cool. Jim Carrey was made for this type of role of Dr Robotnik.
Whether you played the games back in the day or just need a fun family film this is one everyone should enjoy. The sequel out soon looks pretty good as well.
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
1969 | Action, Mystery, Romance
Characters – James Bond is back, he is still a womaniser only now he doesn’t have the same spark of charisma that he had been showing in previous films, he still must go head to head with Blofeld, but he just doesn’t feel right this time around. Tracey is the Bond girl this time around, she isn’t as easy as the previous one showing a higher intelligence to stay ahead of Bond and not following the traditions that her father wants. Blofeld returns and for some reason doesn’t recognise Bond even after meeting him in the last film, so that is strange. He has a masterplan to take over the world or at least put money in his pocket, well bank account. Draco is the connection to locate Blofeld with him being Tracy’s father it also helps with the locating as part of a deal.

Performances – George Lazenby doesn’t have the same level of charisma or charm that Sean Connery brings, this only disappoints and takes us away from the film in places. Diana Rigg does bring class the to Bond girl role, showing more commitment to this role that Lazenby. Telly Savalas struggles to step into Donald Pleasence’s shoes in the Blofeld role almost being a parody of the character.

Story – The story here takes James on his latest mission which is to capture Blofeld after his escape last time out, this takes him in a new direction away from the tropical islands and into the snow-covered mountain ranges as Blofeld is working on his next plan to become rich. The story is a way too long compared to previous films and does drag at times, the fact Blofeld doesn’t remember James is a big issue for me because them coming face to face was a big moment in You Only Live Twice. The highlight of the story comes from the fact we get a surprise ending which does show us that we are ready to continue the battle.

Action/Adventure – The action is a complete mixed bag because certain fights are good, but then the horrible green screen moments just don’t work. The adventure takes James to a new location which is all we want at times.

Settings – We are set in the Swiss Alps on top of one of the mountains which shows us a base that isn’t easy to escape from and away from the bikinis we have been seeing too often.

Scene of the Movie – Ski escape.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Blofeld not remember Bond.

Final Thoughts – This is the weakest in the series to date, we just don’t get drawn in like before and the attempted new technology use only hinders the film.


Overall: Weakest Bond film to date.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated The Purge (2013) in Movies

Apr 14, 2020 (Updated Apr 18, 2020)  
The Purge (2013)
The Purge (2013)
2013 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Would You Participate
The pruge- the idea of which all criminal activity including murders is legal for 12 hours is really intesting. Like whould happen, if this really happen. I mean, its kinda of happen, but with tolet paper, paper towels, napkins and food. That their is nothing left, and if their is people are rushing to the stories just to get it. Survival of the finest thats the saying. Surviving just to see anethor day/tomorrow. I like ethan hawke, i think he is a underrated actor and he is really good in this. The bad guy is soo laughable, thats hes good but bad.

The plot: In an America ravaged by crime and overcrowded prisons, the government sanctions an annual 12-hour period during which all criminal activity -- including murder -- is legal. James Sandin (Ethan Hawke) and his family face the ultimate test when an intruder drags the vicious outside world into their home. James, Mary (Lena Headey) and their two children struggle to survive the night while trying not to turn into monsters like the ones they are striving to avoid. Also this takes place in the year 2022, so maybe it still might happen, who knows.

For me, i perfer the 2nd and 3rd one, but this one was a good start, to a good horror franchise.
In Due Time (Time #2)
In Due Time (Time #2)
B.L. Dawn | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IN DUE TIME is the second book in the Times series and we continue with Tatum as she tries to sort out the world and its problems! You probably could read this as a standalone but I think it is definitely worth reading book one first as it will give you smaller details that help make this story so good.

This book helps to bring further elements of the paranormal world into the story, including human shapeshifters, vampires, and witches. Leo acts like a jerk but claims ignorance (pfft, I sort of get it, but still…) Oliver also finds his true mate (which I loved) and James and Nat have rocky times (because James lost his path.) As much as Tatum sorts something out, something else comes along to cause her worry and stress. We also find out more about Tatum and her past, and her connection with Oliver's true mate, which was great! Can I just add, I loved the bit with Lexly!

A thoroughly enjoyable addition to the series and I look forward to reading Adina's story.

Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 19, 2023
Carry On Girls (1973)
Carry On Girls (1973)
1973 | Comedy
Couldn't watch that film about angry feminists sabotaging Miss World as the cinemas are all shut, so I settled for this as it has basically the same plot. Moneygrubbing lecher Sid organises a beauty contest in the seaside town of Fircombe (dearie, dearie me); various hijinks ensue.

I know it's not very acceptable to like the Carry On films nowadays, but some of them are still consistently and irresistibly funny. Not this one, however. Most of the A-team hasn't turned up (no Kenneth Williams, no Charles Hawtrey, no Hattie Jacques, no Jim Dale) and most of the actors who are present are unable to lift the duff script they've been given. A heroic performance from Sid James does draw some laughs, but these films shouldn't be a one-man show. The consistent chauvinism and clumsy salaciousness becomes genuinely wearing as well. Grisly stuff, and quite hard going.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)
1982 | Action, Sci-Fi
The crew (1 more)
Coninunity error (0 more)
Way better than the motion picture that came before it one of the best from the original crew. taking Khan from the episode space seed and expanding it into a movie and it works ricardo montalban is perfect as Khan reprising the role from the TV show. One problem just a small one but there's a slight continuity mistake between checkov and Khan but I will let it go thumbs up updated review watched at my local cineworld and boy it looks amazing for a film that’s 40 years old the restoration work done transferring it to 4k is nothing but amazing even James horners score sounds just as good as it did 40 years ago still in my opinion one of the best Star Trek made just a shame it took so long to see it at the cinema

Nicky Wire recommended What's Going On by Marvin Gaye in Music (curated)

What's Going On by Marvin Gaye
What's Going On by Marvin Gaye
1971 | Rhythm And Blues
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Me and James were obsessed with the NME ‘100 Best Albums Of All Time’ in the mid 80s, so we started buying as many as we could - Marquee Moon, Blonde On Blonde, The Clash... some of them we had anyway, but then there were things like Pet Sounds, which was really high, and when you’re 14 you think of the Beach Boys as fucking idiots going “doo wop”, don’t you? We both got What’s Going On and I think it’s the first time I realised, in an exotic way, that politics could translate. Through colour, through country - you could still feel the desperation of someone else even though it was your first exposure to music like that. Obviously my Mum and Dad had tons of records, but the intimacy of playing that in your bedroom and being transported to another world of the same anger you were feeling, but then in such a graceful way. ‘Inner City Blues’, the title track, ‘Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)’. There’s lot’s of brackets - lot’s of songs with brackets. I love that idea of brackets. I love the cover. You can still put it on today, and obviously in the studio we have lots of vinyl and a record player - you put that one in particular and it drifts, it seduces you but it also stimulates."

Everything I Never Told You
Everything I Never Told You
Celeste Ng | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
I forget where I saw a recommendation for this book (who am I kidding, probably <i>People</i> or <i>Entertainment Weekly</i>, about the extent of my "literary" reading these days), but it wasn't quite what I expected. Less mystery surrounding a disappearance/death and more "human interest" about a-- truth be told-- rather unlikable family.

The novel chronicles the Lee family, who wakes up one day to find their eldest daughter/sister, Lydia, missing. Eventually Lydia's body is found in the local lake, and the family is turned upside down.
It goes without saying, but it's really a rather depressing book. Lydia's parents, Marilyn and James, are just awful, and not just because they are grieving. I found very little to like in them. Lydia's siblings, Nath and Hannah, aren't nearly as bad (Hannah is truly the redeeming one in the family), but still. It's hard to root for a family that you don't much care for. There are also some strange side plots involving the siblings that never really seem resolved.

As a parent, I found aspects of the book interesting -- the way Lydia's mom pushes her so much to attain a dream that really belonged to Marilyn. In addition, the family is still reeling from Marilyn's brief disappearance before Hannah was even born. Ng does do a good job of showing how much this impacts the family, especially the kids. It's a little frightening, really, as the sinking realization of how every little thing you do can follow your children, even 10 years later (though in Marilyn's case, she really does some damaging things).

Still, those redeeming moments couldn't salvage the whole book for me. I liked it well enough, but I was left at the end feeling a little depressed and annoyed and wishing more loose ends were tied up.
Giant (1956)
Giant (1956)
1956 | Classics, Drama, Western
"𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘭𝘭."
Out with the old, in with the new - for good and ill. Just a phenomenal epic in every way, doesn't feel a second of its gargantuan 201 minute runtime and honestly I wouldn't have minded another 201 minutes. Might very well be the best of its kind - a towering masterclass in K.O. acting (everyone is staggeringly great of course but James Dean gives what might unquestionably be the best performance of the 1950s), compelling characters, a laundry list of weighty (and still timely) themes (including but not limited to culture shock, classism, racial bigotry, sexism, toxic masculinity, parental selfishness, the intrinsic oppression that comes with capital or the lack thereof, and how we cope with the never-ending passage of time) handled with an uncommon sensitivity for the time, stunning cinematography, one hell of a grouping of period atmospheres, and no shortage of subversion. Just chock full of countless memorable quotes and damn good scenes one fired right after the other for almost three and a half hours. Comes temptingly close but not quite seamless, my biggest gripe is that with all this time we still never really get to see any of these couples *fall* in love - some of course had to be that way, sure (i.e. Hudson and Taylor as they reconcile with the trials of a whirlwind romance) but what about any of the others? Also has a couple arguably problematic tidbits, but honestly they're still far trumped by its sheer amount of nuance and perceptiveness - its willingness to confront itself, and the way it depicts time as an anomaly - stagnant one moment then stealthy the next. The only thing more fearsome than the years is yourself.
The Lost Kings: Lancaster, York and Tudor
The Lost Kings: Lancaster, York and Tudor
Amy Licence | 2017 | Biography
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ummmm, the paper quality was nice...... (0 more)
Errors, Errors, Errors (0 more)
Riddled with Errors - Drove me to Despair!
The Lost Kings of Lancaster, York & Tudor by Amy Licence might be better as The Lost Copy Editor. There were so many mistakes it was just laughable. You're trying to read something and stopping really frequently as brain is telling you something doesn't add up. I got so frustrated that even in the first chapter I started writing in amendments with a pencil! In fact the first chapter is itself a massive blunder - it's entitled Edmund, Duke (Sic) of Rutland! How could the son of James I die in 1598 when Elizabeth I was still on the English throne and he wasn't James I? Well, he didn't die until 1612, as I ascertained within seconds - if only someone here had done the same!

The stuff about attitudes towards death and the impact of the deaths of these individuals was fairly interesting, but a lot of it was trying to squeeze complicated history into a relatively short space, which didn't do it justice. There are also rather large assumptions made without any particular evidence of reasoning. She goes on and on about Edward V being murdered, when in fact there isn't any evidence that would stand up in a court of law that he was killed by anyone. She apparently thinks that the Tyrell smothering story is 'most likely'. If she really believes that, there's a bridge I'd like to sell her......