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Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
OK, I now have a new bar set for complete over the top ridiculousness in this spin off from the Fast and Furious movies (as an aside, I remember when they actually used to be about illegal street racing).

Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham (Hobbs and Shaw respectively) reprise their roles from the later F&F films, here reluctantly teaming up in a plot that also involves Idris Elba's cyborg soldier (who even goes so far as to call himself a Black Superman at one point) and Shaw's sister Hattie, who has been framed for stealing a deadly virus.

Over the top? Absolutely.

(but the cast all seem to be having great fun)
Hummingbird (aka Redemption, Crazy Joe) (2013)
Hummingbird (aka Redemption, Crazy Joe) (2013)
2013 | Action, Drama
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well, if anyone was going to play an ex-special forces homeless man who interferes romantically with a nun and turns up to a knife fight carrying a spoon, it was going to be Jason Statham. The plot of this one honestly feels a bit like a mix-tape of the best bits from the great man's back catalogue (Chinese gangsters, people trafficking, mob enforcement, improbable threats) but it's put together with skill and conviction.

It does have that slightly crazy quality you often get in J-Stat films, but for me this is the source of much of their charm, and this one also manages to address some slightly deeper topics than usual and even ends up with a bit of gravitas and emotional depth. It almost feels like a drama as much as an action film, and you genuinely do care for the characters by the end of it. Definitely one of the better Statham vehicles, although one has to wonder about the film's fairly blatant attempts to position him as a gay icon - is J-Stat on board with this? Has anyone even thought to tell him? Good fun either way.
Death Race (2008)
Death Race (2008)
2008 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.1 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In Death Race, a loose remake (sort of prequel?) to 1975's Death Race 2000, our lord and saviour Paul W.S. Anderson takes all of the things that made his Resident Evil films so mind numbingly shit, and applies them to a car racing movie. You know the drill - seizure inducing quick edits, with a liberal smattering of slow-mo for good measure, plenty of quippy douchebags, and the odd explosion of invasive "cool" guitar riffs.
However - it actually kind of works with the plot template and Death Race is easily one of Anderson's better films.
Jason Statham being in the driver's seat is always going to be a plus. He's being so very Statham as per, but if it ain't broke and all that. I can always appreciate the likes of Joan Allen and Ian McShane, and the action and story is well paced to ensure that it's entertaining as hell from start to finish.

Death Race is the epitome of fast food cinema. It's hot trash, but it's a pretty good time all things considered. A solid 6 angry Stathams out of 10.
The Bank Job (2008)
The Bank Job (2008)
2008 | Drama, Mystery
Cracking Thriller
A very good heist/crime thriller with a very good cast of mainly British actors on show. A role that seems to fit Jason Statham like a glove, playing a cockney East London gangster. He has the chance to pull one last big Bank Job but that is where all his troubles begin. This is a very good entertaining film, that is slick, stylish and a tad raunchy too. It stays very truthful to the 70's period in all manner of ways, which is good to see. This isn't just a good heist film though as the story involves all sorts of double crosses, making it a very good crime thriller to. Make sure you see it.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019) in Movies

Aug 2, 2019 (Updated Aug 2, 2019)  
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Head-bangingly silly action movie, but knowingly so; Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham squabble, drive very quickly and crossly, and crack heads all over the world while trying to stop Idris Elba from getting his hands on an apocalyptic McGuffin. Tip-top action choreography and a knowing sense of its own ridiculousness keep proceedings very engaging.

The subtext and character bits are perhaps a bit too perfunctory for the film to really fly, and there's a laborious comic relief turn from Kevin Hart which feels rather crow-barred in, but this ticks all the action and buddy movie boxes in lavish style. Features a cameo from Helen Mirren and Idris Elba being head-butted in slow motion, so surely there's something for everyone here.
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
2017 | Action
This 8th entry in the Fast & Furious series is a bit of a mixed bag. On the one hand, it's half a boring movie with a annoyingly cringey villain (not bashing Charlize Theron, but her character writing and direction is just awful), but on the other hand, it's more of the same stupid action that is laughably far away from the original at this point (not a bad thing). The entire last hour is ridiculous and so horrifically entertaining. Jason Statham taking out waves of thugs on an aeroplane with a gun in one hand, and a baby in the other, is definitely a series highlight. This franchise has essentially turned into that Tugg Speedman trailer from Tropic Thunder, and I'm ok with that.
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
2017 | Action
Somebody please tell me, at what point did a movie series about illegal street racing become a large, dumb, action blockbuster?

Because that's what this film is.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoy large, dumb, action block-busters!

Known in the UK as simply Fast and Furious 8, this one sees Dim - for reasons - turning against his former crew, leading to multiple car chases, explosions, fights, gunplay, muscle flexing and good cop/bad cop buddy buddy repartee between several of its core cast - the latter most noticeably between The Rock and Jason Statham, who now have their own spin-off movie - finally culminating in a long (20 minutes?) set piece across the frozen ice as they try to stop a stolen nuclear submarine from escaping to sea.
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
2017 | Action
Loud, dumb, eye pleasing action (2 more)
Jason Statham and a baby
The Rock coaching girls' soccer
RIP Paul Walker (2 more)
We want Han Seoul-Oh back
10-year-old autonomous cars?
Over the Top and a Little Too Far
Contains spoilers, click to show
I put up with the endless runway (was it a Möbius strip?) in Fast 6. That alone should prove I have a very high tolerance for movies that really put the concept of "suspension of disbelief" to the test. The Fate of the Furious, however, had more than a few moments that left me unable to suspend my disbelief. A movie about cars should not have a whole scene showing 10-year-old cars being controlled autonomously (I specifically remember seeing 2005-ish Volkswagen Jetta in a World War Z zombie swarm of driverless cars). Even most cars being produced in 2017 would not have this capability. Also, why would Jeep/Chrysler want their cars prominently featured in a scene involving a hacker taking control of cars in order to create mass destruction and chaos? Just a thought, and I digress. There are more unbelievable moments in the movie, nothing out of the ordinary for a Fast and Furious movie though (winning a race in reverse, anyone?). It's great dumb fun, as always, and if you don't care about all the physics and reality breaking nonsense it's a wild ride. For me though, it feels as if the Fast and the Furious franchise has finally jumped the shark, or should I say submarine? I will say this though, this one scene near the end of the movie involving Jason Statham and a baby was worth the price of admission alone.