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The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
2010 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
The beautiful people of Forks, Washington, are back in the latest installment of the Twilight saga. This time around there’s a little bit more story and a lot more action. Still, not nearly enough of either to make this movie compelling for anyone but diehard fans. Oh, I’m sorry..Twi-hard fans.

Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swann (Kirsten Stewart) are reunited and still very much in love, to the brokenhearted dismay of Jacob Black (Tayor Lautner). As Edward and Bella prepare for graduation and contemplate marriage, Victoria, a vengeful vampire now played by Brice Howard, is creating an army to destroy Bella and the Cullen family. Because of this, the Cullen and the werewolves form an uneasy alliance to keep Bella from harm. Bella finds herself struggling with her desire to be with Edward and have him “change” her and her feelings for Jacob. Not your typical teenage angst, but in Bella’s world of vampires and werewolves, these are actually the least of her worries.

Directed by David Slade, of Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night, Eclipse at least makes attempts to flesh out the supporting characters, which helped keep the movie interesting because, honestly, if it just focused on the love triangle of Edward, Bella and Jacob, it would have felt interminably slower. While Pattinson, Stewart and Lautner play tortured, awkward and earnest well, they play it too much. Thank goodness for Chief Swan, portrayed with perfect unease by Billy Burke and the stories of Jasper (Jackson Rathbone) and Rosalie (Nikki Reed) and the first Quileute werewolves.

When there was action, it was fast and furious and and when there was humor it was usually when Jacob was around, but I’m sure there were a couple of funny lines that were missed because of the collective sighs and moans the predominantly female audience emitted every time Jacob graced the screen in all his shirtless splendor. A slowly paced tale that picks up speed towards the end, Eclipse is definitely easier to watch than the previous two movies. While no true Twi-hard will care what critics say about the movie, if you’re on the fence about watching this movie, stay on it, especially if you haven’t read the series or watched the previoius two.
Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3)
Intelligence Check (Dungeons and Dating #3)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
my fav of the three!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Dungeons and Dating series. While it can totally be read as a stand-alone, I really think you should read books one and 2 first. It will give you a better, bigger picture of this group of co-workers and friends but also because I said to! Bloody good books, both of them!

Mason and Hunter work at the game cafe, and have crushed on each other for a long time. There are so many miscommunicated moments between these two, it made for painful reading!

Hunter likes how Mason makes him feel, but knows someone like Mase won't ever want him. Mase, in turn, can't understand why Hunter pushed them away a year ago. When Hunter tells them WHY? Oh, I fell in love with Hunter, just a little bit more. Mase too, when they finally let Hunter in.

These two are perfect for each other, but neither thinks they are good enough for the other. Once they actually talk, things become clearer as to why they both think that.

It's not as steamy as the other two books, I thought, but it is HEAVY on the emotions. I loved that Hunter makes a point to ask Mase about their preferences, what they like to do in the smexy department, given that Mase is non-binary. I will admit it took a little getting used to the they/their/them pronouns, but it soon faded to the background. I hated what happened to Mason's sister and how that all came out. And then what happened to Hunter when he was young, you could see why Mason pushed Hunter away for a time.

The others pop up, and I again implore Ms McIntyre to write a story for Jasper! He's starting to hurt, a little, that his friends are pairing up and he can't find his person. You feel for Kelly here. But I think there is a whole LOT we don't know about her relationship with Nat. There are clues, if you know what to look for, that things weren't as clear cut as they seemed. That all comes out in the next book, though.

I loved this book, more so than books 1 and 2 and I loved them too!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Here Come the Warm Jets by Brian Eno
Here Come the Warm Jets by Brian Eno
1974 | Rock
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Blank Frank by Brian Eno

(0 Ratings)


"Blank Frank’ is a song that manages to be super-modern and futuristic even though it’s about forty years old now. It’s from Here Come The Warm Jets, which is one of my favourite records of all time and I got into it when I was about fourteen or fifteen. It was very challenging, it was quite arty and some of it’s abrasive, but because I loved Roxy Music I was into investing some time in it and forty odd years later it’s definitely a Desert Island Disc for me. It’s partly because it’s so full of ideas, but also because it could only have come out of the UK. “I think all great art represents its environment; Jasper Johns is an obvious one because he used a flag, but if you look at the Pop Art movement it feels like Manhattan in the 60s’, the LA 60s’ art scene doesn’t look anything like the East Coast art scene. You could say exactly the same thing for Hip Hop, I think anything that’s informed by its environment is interesting and is usually pretty good. “Here Come The Warm Jets would be really quite an interesting record if it came out now, the vocals are very, very British. You know the word ‘arch’? I think arch is something that Americans don’t really do and I’m not saying that with any sense of nationalism, I think that for good and bad arch is a particularly British trait, it’s kind of intellectual, it’s remote and it’s not earnest. People often think that’s a bad thing and that music - and singing in particular - has got to be from the heart, or else it’s not authentic. “The X-Factor and talent shows have done so much damage to singing and the art of songwriting, because the basic premise is the more emotive a thing is the more quality it’s got and that’s complete nonsense. Siouxsie Sioux isn’t about that and ‘Blank Frank’ totally exemplifies it, it’s still a great rocking track but its arch and arty, it’s quite intellectual but it’s still engaging. “One of the reasons I picked a lot of these songs is because they were part of my formative years and a theme running through this is the UK in the 70s’. The idea of it being this sea of beige and brown with terrible haircuts and power cuts was a little part of it, but when you put all these records together, particularly Brian Eno and Roxy Music, it tells a completely different story."

Jasper Jones (2016)
Jasper Jones (2016)
2016 | International, Drama, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Charlie Bucktin is the teenager that is in the middle of the mystery about the death of the girl in the town. He befriends the one person everyone thinks it is as he must see the prejudice that the non-locals deal with being in the town. Ruth is Charlie’s mother that is always worrying about Charlie when he keeps breaking the curfew. Eliza is the sister of the dead girl, she becomes friends with Charlie as she needs someone to keep her feeling the right mind set during the wait. Jasper Jones is the outcast of the town who is easily the suspect the town will blame for the murder.

Performances – Levi Miller is good in the leading role, we have seen him in other movies and he has been making a reputation with this type of role. Toni Collette shines as we know she always will, she is such an incredible actress. Angourie Rice after The Nice Guys is an actress we want to see where she went next, here she is good and shows her potential. The rest of the stars are good for what they need to do.

Story – The story follows the mystery surrounding the death of a young woman and the mystery about who was the one responsible. We get secrets which help with the mystery as well as dealing with racial behaviour of the town’s people towards the ones that aren’t Australian. We do touch on other important subjects which come from the ending of the film, so won’t be spoiling them. This feels like a story that should have such a big impact though we don’t get enough time to process each moment to its full effect, this only disappoints because you do need to process large parts of this film.

Mystery – The mystery in this film comes from just wondering who was behind the death of the girl, even though this isn’t the only major talking point in the film as we end up seeing other subjects getting dealt with.

Settings – The small town setting in one that works for the film, it shows you could never know everything about your neighbours and you will need to be friends when things go wrong.

Scene of the Movie – The truth about the body.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – So many serious subjects, not enough time to process.

Final Thoughts – This does feel like a massively powerful movie that just doesn’t give us the time to process all the major talking points within the movie, this needed to be longer or a television show.


Overall: Too much to process at times.
Wisdom Check (Dungeons and Dating #2)
Wisdom Check (Dungeons and Dating #2)
Katherine McIntyre | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved that we are past the getting to know you stage!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Dungeons and Dating series, but it can be read as a stand-alone. I would say read book one, Strength Check, as a personal recommendation though! I loved that book!

As I did this one!

We hear about Caleb's divorce in book one, and here, it's all signed on the dotted line, and Sarah has moved out. He has Kaylee, his 2 year old daughter for a week at a time. Julian has crushed on Cal since the very beginning, calling him handsome. But Cal is hurting, and Jules is carrying the weight of his family on his shoulders.

I loved this, I really did.

Jules and Cal have been friends for a year, so there was none of the getting to know you stuff and I really liked that! The story jumps straight in.

Jules has lusted over Cal for all that time, but its really only NOW that Cal is noticing Jules, and I loved that he does wait. Granted. it isn't long after his divorce that he and Jules start something, but he does wait.

Jules carries a lot of weight on his shoulders. You can feel the weight of it pressing him down. It takes a health scare for his youngest brother for Jules to finally break down and get it all out: what he feels for his deceased mother, and his feelings for having to wait to fulfil his own dreams.

I loved that both Jules and Cal thought that this​ could be something big between them, but both of them had been hurt before.

I did NOT like Cal's ex-wife and how nasty she gets! But she really does get it back, once Cal and Jules get their act together!

Loved that Rox and Mel play a part here, and I loved all the supporting cast too.

Mason and Hunter are next and I look forward to reading their story, especially after the clues that are thrown about here!

But does Jasper get a story, Ms McIntyre?? Does he?? Puleeeeeeeeze say he does! Given as he professes to be a serial one-night-stand-er, it would be fun watching him fall, cos that boy will fall hard, I can just see it!

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Defenders, Sons of Olympia Reverse HaremSeries
Defenders, Sons of Olympia Reverse HaremSeries
Helen J. Perry | 2018 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
love these!
I was asked to read this book, that I write a review was not required.

However! When a book pulls you in and grabs you so much so you nearly missed your time stamp at work, you really should say a few words, shouldn't you??

This is book 2 in the Sons of Olympia trilogy, but you don't NEED to have read book one, Ravens, first. You SHOULD, because I said so, but not necessary. Both stand alones, but Brenna does pop in this one, on her own journey.

Lauren finds herself tied to a tree, in the middle of the woods, by the local high school bullies. That they aren't in high school anymore doesn't matter to them. Faced with spending her last days as such, Lauren doesn't expect to be rescued, not least by THREE guys who seem to know her! She doesn't feel afraid in their company, these men who tell her they know her SOUL from years gone by. Jasper, Zander and Greg are Spartan, of the 3oo warriors of legend. And since time began, they have loved Lauren, or a version of her, until one day she did not come home. And now, they really don't want to let her go.

Different from book one, in that, once Lauren is told who the guys are, and what they mean to her, and what she means to them, she does NOT run. She seeks them out, each time going to the woods by herself and her newly arrived puppy. She looks for their gifts each day, knowing that accepting them brings her closer to the men who are creeping their way into her heart. She faces a big decision, when her aunt and uncle tell her their news, but really, it's not a difficult decision, not when she knows who she wants.

I gave Ravens 5 stars cos it was hot hot HOT. While this one is also a 5 star read, I did find it not as explicit as book one. Sexy, yes, hot, yes, but quite as much as book one. Not a bad thing, not at all, just needed to mention it! I'm still harbouring some jealousy that these ladies can find THREE guys when I can't even bag one!

The Ravens are mentioned, when Lauren goes to talk to Jade about local legends, and the Brenna is having problems with them, but they play no part here. Also not a bad thing! The Ravens are also different in that they shift, the Spartans here do not.

Again I read this straight through without stopping and it didn't seem as long as Ravens, and when checking there is some hundred page difference.

I am assuming that book three, Architects, will be Jade's story. I hope so. I hope I get to read it, to see if she embraces those legends her grandma used to tell her.

Thank you, Ms Perry, for my copy.

5 full and shiny stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Jordan Binkerd (567 KP) rated American Vampire, Vol. 6 in Books

Jul 21, 2019 (Updated Jul 21, 2019)  
Good variety of stories and art (0 more)
Not all the art works (for me) (1 more)
Adult content.... but if you made it this far in the series, that's not a surprise
Filler Anthology, but still fun...
Note: this review is transposted from my personal review blog, and so was originally written several years ago.

So, it has come to this. The sixth and latest collection of American Vampire comics. Now it’s not just my library’s slow acquisition policies holding me back, but the fact that there haven’t been any more published yet! Apparently the creators put the book on hiatus for a while, but they’ve at least started publishing again. I just have to wait for it to hit the collections….This particular collection is a couple of one-shots they put out in the meantime to keep our appetites whetted–one from the main American Vampire team, one with them letting a whole bunch of other comics creators play in their sandbox. Obviously, this review could spoil events from the previous collections.

First off, we have THE LONG ROAD TO HELL. Snyder and Albuquerque set out the story for this one together, with Albuquerque taking over to script and draw the story. Billy Bob and Jo are the Bonnie and Clyde of petty thieves, picking pockets by night to add to their stash. They’re hoping to have enough soon to cover the cost of renting a chapel, but one fateful encounter with a vampire coven recruitment team and everything changes…not for the better, I’m afraid. Jasper Miller is a young orphan, favorite target of a group of bullies. It seems that young Jasper is a very insightful young man, and some of what he knows makes these bullies very nervous, and he decides that the open road would be safer for him than the old orphanage. Vampire hunter Travis Kidd we’ve already met back in Vol. IV, and it’s good to see that he survived the ambush he willingly dove into at the end of that book. Seems to have picked up a katana somewhere in the interim too, which is always cool. Fate has these four on a collision course, and blood will be spilled by the time they reach the end of the road….

Moving on to the American Vampire Anthology, we open with the frame story by Snyder and Albuquerque. THE MAN COMES AROUND is set in 1967 as Skinner Sweet hides out in the middle of nowhere, hoping to avoid the major events he can sense just over the horizon. Seems there’s always someone trying to kill him, though…. Jason Aaron and Declan Shalvey then enlighten us as to what really happened on Roanoke Island in THE LOST COLONY. Here’s a hint, vampires were involved. We then move on to BLEEDING KANSAS, where Albuquerque puts down his pencil and takes a shot at writing the story, leaving the art to Ivo Milazzo. Set against that tumultuous time and place, Albuquerque and Milazzo set down for us a tale of what I can only assume are Henry Jones’ grandparents. Next up, Jeff Lemire and Ray Fawkes serve up a tale of terror in the frozen north with CANADIAN VAMPIRE as ex-Mountie-turned-bounty-hunter Jack Warhammer is hired to find out what happened to a German fur trading expedition missing in the wild. Becky Cloonan handles both the writing and art for GREED, starring Skinner Sweet and featuring his first encounter with those crazy folks who hail from a place called “Hollywood….” Francesco Francavilla then pulls the same trick for THE PRODUCERS, detailing the birth of a star as he makes a shady deal in exchange for fame and fortune. Gail Simone and Tula Lotay treat us to Hattie Hargrove’s origin story in ESSENCE OF LIFE, showing us just what happened to her that made her willing to screw over her best friend in the world. Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon share both the writing and artist credits for LAST NIGHT, as a lounge singer describes to a reporter the events leading up to the previous evening’s massacre at the club. Finally, Greg Rucka and JP Leon tell the tale of a dying drunk and the lowlifes who try and shanghai him in PORTLAND, 1940.

On the whole, I really enjoyed this as per the usual for this series. The writing was stellar, and the anthology format really served well for the world being depicted. As with any comics anthology, there’s a wide variety of artistic styles represented, and some of those styles I’m not really a fan of, but that’s largely a matter of taste. I could sit here and tell you that I really wasn’t a fan of Ivo Milazzo’s art on BLEEDING KANSAS (which is true), but the next guy might have loved it. I could laud Tula Lotay’s work on ESSENCE OF LIFE (also true), but the next guy may not have been a fan. That’s kind of how it works–peoples’ tastes are pretty subjective. I did enjoy getting into Hattie’s head a bit more than we were able to back when she was introduced, and Skinner Sweet’s adventures are always fun–I’ve mentioned before my weakness for antiheroes. As a historian, Roanoke’s lost colony is always a fascinating topic, and a number of the plot twists contained here were very satisfying if not always surprising. I really can’t wait for the next volume to come out so I can see the payoff to some of the plot threads being set up both here and in the teaser from the end of volume V….

CONTENT: R-rated language. Brutal, bloody vampire violence–these aren’t sparkly, angst-ridden pretty boys, these are monsters through and through. Some explicit and implicit sexual content, including what more or less constitutes a rape. No real occult content, as there isn’t a spiritual element to this version of vampirism.

Original review link:
Road House (1989)
Road House (1989)
1989 | Action, Mystery
7.6 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Very underrated
Contains spoilers, click to show
So what kind of film do you get when you have great one liners, bar fights, guns, knives, egos, strippers, blues music, a polar bear and a monster truck? You get one of the most enjoyable and entertaining films of the late 80's, Road House. The film follows James Dalton (Patrick Swayze) a cooler (bouncer) and the best in the business, as he takes employment with Frank Tilghman (Kevin Tighe) the owner of the Double Deuce in Jasper, Missouri. The bar is the roughest in town and he needs Dalton to clean it up. However corrupt business man and crime boss Brad Wesley (Ben Gazzara) stands in his way. After the classic "chick flick" Dirty Dancing, Patrick Swayze was Hollywood gold. Women loved him and men wanted to be him. The film was full of romance. Then along came Road House, a complete opposite to Dirty Dancing, a little romance and loads of action. The film has a great cast including Patrick Swayze, Kevin Tighe, Ben Gazzara, Kelly Lynch, Marshall R. Teague, Red West, Kathleen Wilhoite, John William Young, John Doe, Kurt James Stefka, Keith David & Terry Funk. The cast works well together and it is full of great performances. Naturally Patrick Swayze at the height of his career stands miles apart from the rest of the cast as Dalton. A character that can hurt you with his words just as much as his fists. Tragically, 20 years later Swayze had his life cut short by cancer. His death is still a major loss to the entertainment industry, but his legacy will live on in the great performances and memorable characters he played. The film also a features a great performance by the late great blues guitarist Jeff Healey as Cody. It's the music in the film that goes a long way to achieving the right feel for the film. Everything works well from the characters, the music to the setting. Set in a rural area the scenery is breath-taking and it is used to great effect. But it's the fight choreography that stands out from many other films. Great bar fights are pretty much a thing of the past, but here they are full of action and humour just like the classic westerns. The one on one fights are brutal, mainly for the realism they portray. The script is awesome and full of classic lines mainly from Dalton and although many are cheesy, when he says it, it feels right. The director surprisingly hasn't made many films but the ones I have seen of his I really like and I know I am in the minority. See my review of Gladiator (1992) for more by this director. This is truly a great film, although very underrated. It is also one of my personal all-time favourites. There are a couple of versions of this so ensure that you see the USA or UK version released after 2002 as these are the uncut editions. So grab a few beers and a few friends, but this on a big screen and turn the sound way up for a really great movie experience.
Beautiful Boy (2018)
Beautiful Boy (2018)
2018 | Drama
Trying to climb a slippery pole.
As John Lennon’s lyrics go:

“‘Cause it’s a long way to go,
A hard row to hoe
Yes, it’s a long way to go“

And so it proves for young Nic Sheff (Timothée Chalamet). For – based on a true story – Nic has progressively worked through the encyclopaedia of drugs until he has arrived at “C for Crystal Meth” where he is working through a recurring nightmare of addiction and attempted rehab.

What’s harder… being the victim of drugs or being the caring onlookers desperately hoping that this attempt to climb the slippery pole to recovery will be a successful one? This is reflected as a key aspect of the film, and as a parent it makes for a very hard watch. The ‘caring onlookers’ in this case are Nic’s father David (Steve Carell), his girlfriend Karen Barbour (Maura Tierney), the couple’s natural children Jasper (Christian Convery) and Daisy (Oakley Bull), and David’s ex-wife and Nic’s mother Vicki (Amy Ryan).

This is only the 2nd English-language film from director Felix van Groeningen (after 2012’s ” The Broken Circle Breakdown”) and the film has its fair share of impressive directorial flourishes such that Felix might need to get added to that elusive list of “famous Belgians”! Not least among them is the use of flashbacks. The film starts with a 12 month flashback, but then throughout the story David flashes back to scenes of his boy’s childhood. Many of these reflect the regret in perhaps failing to identify ways he could have done things differently to avoid the current crisis.

While many of these flashbacks are sudden and unexpected, I didn’t find them confusing to follow although I can see how they might annoy some viewers who prefer a more ‘linear’ storytelling approach.

The turns
Above all, it is the acting performances that make this film, and the four key cast members all turn in memorable turns. It’s excruciating watching Carell’s parental anguish and then (like a blast of light) his realization of a truth he’d been avoiding for a long time. It’s Chalamet though who truly shines, delivering fully on the realization of the tortured and self-torturing Nic. Already nominated for a Golden Globe, I would have thought another Oscar nomination is assured for this.

ER’s Maura Tierney also excels in a quieter supporting role: something that generally seems to be her niche at the movies.

Part of the curriculum
This is most definitely a “Father Ted” film…. it’s a gruelling movie from beginning to end and as such it feels a lot longer than it’s 2 hour running time suggests. But it is well worth the effort. A drama that really delivers on its message: “just say no”.

It rather frustrates me that the film is a UK 15 certificate. Not that I’m criticising the BBFC here, since with graphic drug taking, a lot of choice language and one (not overly graphic) sex scene, the rating is appropriate. However this would seem to me to be required viewing by every 13 year old, since if Chalomet’s performance can’t drill the message home to not climb onto that pole in the first place, then noone can.

Charlie Cobra Reviews (1840 KP) rated Cruella (2021) in Movies

Jun 2, 2021 (Updated Jun 3, 2021)  
Cruella (2021)
Cruella (2021)
2021 | Comedy, Crime
8.0 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Acting- great performances by both Emma Stone and Emma Thompson (2 more)
The costume designs and wardrobe were amazing to see
The soundtrack was phenomenal - great music
Original cartoon Cruella vs this Cruella (1 more)
The pacing was sparratic and movie ran a little too long
Part Devil Wears Prada, Part The Joker, Surprisingly Splendid

I have to say this movie really wasn't on the top of my list for "must watch" movies as much as I like Disney movies and Emma Stone as an actress (loved her in Superbad as Jules, lol) but I really liked this movie and it was really good. Emma Stone was fantastic as Estella/Cruella and this movie really came off as a mix of Devil Wears Prada and The Joker in my opinion. I wasn't sure if I was going to like it in the beginning because I was weary of the concept of them trying to turn this villain into a good guy or giving them a compelling reason for their "villainy" ways but I'm a sucker for revenge movies. I have to say it had me right away with what happens to her mother and It was "hook, line and sinker" for me and I was along for the ride. I like how the movie kept the characters of Jasper and Horace which if I remember correctly were the name of her two helpers the skinny and fat one from the cartoons who helped her steal all those puppies so that was pretty cool as well. I really can't say how much I loved the soundtrack for this movie, it was just hit after hit, song after song the whole way through the film. Lots of great oldie music from around the times that they movie was supposed to be set in which was 1970's. There were some issues that I had with the movie like how it portrays Cruella when she's so horrible in the cartoons, how the plot turns into a whole heist situation, and how it takes until the end of the movie to answer a lot of the questions that were building up the whole movie. The movie did have good things too, such as the acting being great, especially the performances by Emma Stone and Emma Thompson, the setting and time period fitting the story in 1970's London and the clothes and the fashion, not to mention the soundtrack that knocked it out of the park. I give this movie a 7/10, unfortunately it doesn't get my "must see" seal of approval and I wouldn't suggest shelling out $30 on top of your Disney Plus subscription to see this movie by yourself. However, if you plan on watching as a family it is definitely worth it to watch it in the comfort of your own home and not worry about movie theater etiquette or prices especially if you have young ones. If your not in a rush to watch it, I would wait until it becomes free to watch on Disney Plus which has been announced as Friday August 27th, so around 3 months. If you want to hear more of what I thought about the movie stick around for the spoiler section review.

Spoiler Section Review:

I guess my spoiler section review ran a little long so if your interested in what else I had to say check out the full review on my website or check out my spoiler section video on YouTube.