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Tag (2018)
Tag (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Ed helms (0 more)
Its a silly predictable movie it has its moments funny in places ed helms is always good even jeremy renner would i watch again probably on blu ray

Kevin Phillipson (9955 KP) rated Hawkeye in TV

Dec 16, 2021  
2021 | Action, Drama
7.6 (9 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Hailee steinfeld (3 more)
Jeremy renner
Pizza dog
Alaqua cox
Just finished watching episode five what can I say wow just wow without giving any spoilers for those haven't seen hawkeye yet things are about to get very interesting for the last episode also loving the show highly enjoyable

Chris Klein recommended The Hurt Locker (2009) in Movies (curated)

The Hurt Locker (2009)
The Hurt Locker (2009)
2009 | Drama, Thriller, War

"I’m taking you in a slightly different direction now, and I’m going to throw down Kathryn Bigelow’s The Hurt Locker. To me, as an actor, and as a lover and proponent of independent film, what Kathryn Bigelow and Jeremy Renner were able to do on a budget… The storytelling in this movie is sublime. I would have a hard time putting any performance by a male actor above the beautifully nuanced, incredibly layered performance that Jeremy Renner gives in this movie. Yes, he was nominated; I still don’t think he gets enough credit for this performance. Maybe it’s my place in life, maybe it’s the age I was when I saw the film, maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been frustrated with the lack of war films coming out at a time when America was at war and these stories needed to be told. I still feel like they need to be told and aren’t necessarily being told the right way. The Hurt Locker, to me, is as perfect a film as you can make. And Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty — those three characters, gosh… That movie blows me away."

S.W.A.T. (2003)
S.W.A.T. (2003)
2003 | Action, Mystery
Surprisingly Thrilling
I'm honestly surprised at how much I liked this film. I think the cast is phenomenal - I'm partial to anything Michelle Rodriguez is in - and I love Samual L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, L.L Cool J, Colin Farrell, they were all great.

I think what surprised me the most was the dynamic between all the characters. It felt very effortless and natural, I don't think it was hard for them to get along, at least it didn't seem like it. And I think that they played friends to enemies to disappointed counterparts really well - specifically Renner and Farrell. They're both really strong actors and the subtleties they provided both their characters was really phenomenal.

I also loved seeing Jeremy in a different kind of role. I feel like we're partial to seeing him as Hawkeye, the Avenger, the hero, and this movie allowed him to be seen as something different. Granted it came out before the Avengers was ever probably a concept, but the point still stands. Also, the earrings. Loved those on him. But that's a minor detail.

Anyways! I really liked this film. Definitely worth the watch and not just a generic action film.
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (2011)
Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery
7.8 (28 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This one has been my favorite so far! I know that there isn't as much action in this film in comparison to the others, but I found myself hanging on more to this movie than any other one. There were several times I gasped so loud because I wasn't sure what was going to happen and I got scared! Not in a bad way, in the best way! I also think this movie had the best storyline. I also love Jeremy Renner. He's incredible.

This one is definitely my favorite and I'm excited to finish the last two!
Kill the Messenger (2014)
Kill the Messenger (2014)
2014 | Drama, Mystery
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
For those of you who don’t know the true story behind Kill the Messenger I won’t spoil anything for you in this review. I will just review the movie in general terms and talk about the performances.

The very basic premise that you pick up from seeing any trailers for this movie is that Kill the Messenger is about a reporter from a San Jose news paper that breaks a huge story that puts him in the national spot light and possibly in danger.

Jeremy Renner who plays the main character is fantastic in his role and really carries the movie as he has proven being very capable of in other great movies. He is so believable in his role. You really care about his character almost from the beginning and from then on out you are totally bought in. Renner has that “it” factor that makes you root so hard for him no matter what role he is playing in. He’s just a really likable guy.

The story is real and I knew the basics, so there really were no shocking moments but the movie still does a great job of telling a compelling tale. The pacing is good but still has the dramatic pauses and uncomfortable moments that all dramas need. The movie runs about 2 hours and it feels perfect, not too long or short.

For the most part the supporting actors fade away around Renner, but Rosemarie DeWitt who plays the spouse of the main character put in a solid performance. There are some miss steps such as watching Andy Garcia trying way to hard to act and a small part for Ray Liotta in the only underacted role in his entire career. Liotta is typically a scene stealer and even he wasn’t able to take the shine off of Renner.

Ultimately this isn’t the best drama this season, but its a great story that deserved the true Hollywood treatment and it got what it deserved with this film. I never looked at my watch during the entire movie. I just sat back, had a cold drink and a bag of popcorn and really enjoyed watching the story unfold.

Well told story, solid acting, good pacing, Jeremy Renner, go see it.
Marvel Studios: Expanding the Universe (2019)
Marvel Studios: Expanding the Universe (2019)
2019 | Documentary
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This 12 minute documentary was essentially a long trailer for the upcoming MCU Disney+ shows. It consisted of the announcements and information that came from SDCC and D23 this past year. There wasn't any new info on the Ms. Marvel, Moonknight, and She-Hulk series. The only new footage was some behind the scenes stuff. And hey, I'll look at Tom Hiddleston's profile for an extra 10 seconds.

What struck me as interesting was the amount of time spent on the Hawkeye show, considering the drama with Jeremy Renner. I guess that means they're not planning on firing him? I'm assuming that they'll probably minimize his role in the show, if anything.
The Bourne Legacy (2012)
The Bourne Legacy (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery
6.3 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
With the franchise torch passing from Matt Damon to Jeremy Renner, “The Bourne Legacy” shows that there is still plenty of life in the franchise.

The events of the film take place during and after the events in The Bourne Ultimatum”and portrays the effects and consequences of the actions taken by Jason Bourne in the first three movies. Now that Bourne has made Treadstone/Blackbriar public and began to seek some measure of justice for lives that were destroyed by the program, the government attempts to cover-up their operations and discredit Bourne and his associate CIA deputy director Pamela Landy who is facing a myriad of charges.

Enter Stacy Keach and Ed Norton who ooze a chilling creepiness as shadowy government figures who will stop at nothing to cover up the growing scandal, including wholesale murder.

Bourne and his program were, in the words of one character, “the tip of the iceberg” and as such, just another program the government ran, which had the same goals of Operation Treadstone but used different methods to create and train their agents, becomes the focus of the film.

Alex Cross (Renner), finds himself the lone survivor of a purge that has eliminated all the living members of his program, this includes the very scientists who helped created the enhanced agents. As a creation who needs special medications to function, Cross races to Washington in an attempt to reach Dr. Marta Shearing (Rachel Weisz), who has been a medical contact for Cross for years. Shearing herself is a survivor of numerous dangers and attempted assassinations, thanks to the timely arrival of Cross.

In an attempt to escape the government manhunt lead by Agent Eric Byer (Edward Norton), As these events are unfolding, the actions of Jason Bourne and Pam Landy in the final moments of ‘The Bourne Ultimatum’ are beginning to unravel which forces Cross and Marta to flee to Manila to get Cross a shot at being able to function at his elite level with the need for medications.

With locales that include the wilderness of Alaska, the alleys of Chicago, America’s east coast, and the streets of Manila, “The Bourne Legacy” breathes new life into the franchise. While the first hour of the film moved at a slow pace and lacked much action, the last thirty minutes kicked into high gear and included a fantastic chase and action sequence through Manila.

Renner does not try to be Bourne, and instead plays Cross as a kind but efficient warrior. We are given some insight into his backstory and motivations for entering the program, and Renner goes all out for a demanding and physical role while earning the audience’s sympathy for the plight of Cross.

Director Tony Gilroy (Who also had a hand in the script), knows the franchise well as he had a hand in writing the previous three films and directed one. It is clear that he is steering the franchise to a very likely fifth film, perhaps one where Renner and Damon will cross paths which would be to the fans’ delight. Should that not happen, the series is in great hands with Renner.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Arrival (2016) in Movies

Mar 13, 2018  
Arrival (2016)
Arrival (2016)
2016 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
SF movie that dares to attempt to be a serious, thoughtful drama; almost feels like a Christopher Nolan pastiche. Linguistics expert Amy Adams is recruited to try and make contact when enigmatic giant squid-things appear in vast spacecraft scattered across the planet.

Well, as a language-teaching professional, I have to say that Adams' approach to teaching the squid English is deeply suspect, but in all other respects this is an impressive film that is not afraid to credit its audience with intelligence. Possibly the only film featuring both the US army and Jeremy Renner in which he does not play some sort of special-forces sharpshooter. Perhaps a little bit too slow, chilly, and cerebral to really succeed as an entertainment, but still well worth watching, even if it is ultimately easier to admire than to like.
Tag (2018)
Tag (2018)
2018 | Comedy
When you imagine yourself in certain scenarios there's a big difference between how you see it going and how reality lets it play out. The prime example is this film... we all want to be the Jerry (Jeremy Renner), but it's much more likely that we're one of the other four guys. Less precise and strategic, more haphazard and crazed. If I'm being really honest, I'd probably turn into an Anna in this situation.

I really enjoyed this one, laughter is great therapy. Some of the humour is a little dark at times, but it just gave an extra layer to the flow of the story, and made the ending that much more... intriguing..?

There isn't a great deal to say about this one in all honesty. It does what it says on the tin. It's a very entertaining game of tag that had me laughing out loud. A very good way to pass the time.