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The Gift (2015)
The Gift (2015)
2015 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Great cast (6 more)
Brilliant thriller
Great acting
Build up of tension
Amazing third act
Genuine character build up
Phenomenal writing and directing
Nothing (0 more)
Fantastic movie
I was looking forward to The Gift for many reasons, including I love Joel Edgerton and believe he is anot extremely underrated actor. I love Jason Bateman, I love horror and more specifically thriller movies, and I love it when smaller movies get great critical success.
So when I was watching this I instantly fell in love with it as it is just a fantastic and beautiful piece of filmmaking. More people need to see this and appreciate it. The thriller aspects are executed to perfection and there really isn't anything I don't like about this movie. The 3rd act is one of my favourite endings to a movie ever and I strongly believe it deserves much more credit than it already has. Joel Egerton not only directs and writes this but he stars in it too which is just brilliant so please go and check this movie out
The Great Gatsby (2013)
The Great Gatsby (2013)
2013 | Drama, Romance
waste. of. time.
I cannot believe I sat through two and a half hours of nothingness. Of bad characters, bad plot, bad music. The best part about this film was the color that they used. They had such vibrant shades and beautiful sets - that's the only positive. DiCaprio is a great actor, I've loved him in most all his films. This one is just not it. I had no clue Tobey Maguire was in this film and I think he was just as bad. I thought Joel Edgerton was fine.

The movie is as pointless as the book, if not more so. Nothing happened for an hour and a half. It's a 200-page book and they made a 2 and a half hour movie. I don't understand. This film is so bad. SO boring. Not worth the time or energy to keep your eyes open.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Gift (2015) in Movies

Jul 12, 2020  
The Gift (2015)
The Gift (2015)
2015 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
An average thriller
I recall watching this at the cinema when this was first released and thought it was alright, and watching it again 5 years later my view hasn't really changed.

This has a good cast, I always love Jason Bateman and it's nice to see Joel Edgerton directing and acting and I think he does a good job in both. The plot itself seems very similar to other stalker/obsessive/revenge films but it's still quite entertaining and fortunately not overly long. The problem is I wouldnt say this is particularly thrilling or tense. The ending is a little surprising but it feels rather lacklustre in general as a psychological thriller. I also found character motivations and actions to be a little unusual and unexplainable, to the point it makes the film even more unbelievable than it is to begin with.

Overall it's an average watchable psychological drama which is sadly ultimately forgettable.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Bright (2017) in Movies

Feb 8, 2018 (Updated Feb 8, 2018)  
Bright (2017)
Bright (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Orcz in da Hood
Fantasy-cop movie mash-up which probably sounded cool at the pitch meeting but doesn't really work as a full movie. Will Smith plays a careworn LA street cop saddled with an Orc (Joel Edgerton) as his partner, as this is a world where humans and fantasy creatures co-exist. The two of them end up contending with the anti-Orc racism of the LAPD and a cult of evil Elves seeking to use a magic wand to bring about the end of the world (Noomi Rapace and her cheekbones are well-cast as the baddie).

David Ayer seems much more comfortable handling the cop movie angle than the fantasy, but then at least this bit of the script actually makes a degree of sense. The movie no offers no clues as to how a world with Dark Lords and dragons and near-omnipotent magic wands ended up so closely resembling our own, with roughly the same history, countries, and cities (they even have Uber, for God's sake). And you have to wonder what kind of social commentary writer Max Landis is intent on when he implicitly draws parallels between Orcs (strong, dim, violent) and real-world ethnic groups.

Looking on the (wait for it) bright side, there is some snappy dialogue and good performances from Smith and (particularly) Edgerton, and most of the action is well-staged. One of those movies that works better if you just don't think about it, but let it wash over you; apparently a sequel is in the works and maybe they will address some of these issues there. David Ayer should definitely stick to writing his own scripts in future, though.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Gringo (2018) in Movies

Mar 23, 2018 (Updated Mar 23, 2018)  
Gringo (2018)
Gringo (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy, Drama
The cast are fantastic (0 more)
Not really the movie that the trailers sold (0 more)
Not Quite What I Expected
Gringo is an action comedy movie directed by Nash Edgerton. It stars his brother Joel Edgerton, as a sleazeball business man who is trying to sell a brand new weed pill called Cannabax. His business partner is played by the always brilliant Charlize Theron. The two of them send their 'colleague,' Harold to Mexico to deliver the pill. This leads to Sharlto Copley's character getting involved and him and Harold going on a romp across Mexico where they get mixed up with the Cartel.

The movie isn't bad, in fact it's pretty good, but it is nothing like what the trailers showed it to be. The trailers made this out to be an outrageous comedy, but the film itself is actually a lot more serious than you we were lead to expect. Don't get me wrong, there are some funny scenes in the movie, but I had seen every one of them beforehand in the film's various trailers, so the only surprises that the movie had were more sombre and heavy handed.

It's not quite Training Day, but it isn't 21 Jump Street either. Instead, it's tone falls somewhere inbetween the two, which gives the movie a confused sense of identity and totally threw me as an audience member when I saw how the film was playing out. Maybe if I knew that the film wasn't going to be an out and out comedy going in, I would have been more prepared for the movie's mixed tone and enjoyed it a bit more than what I did upon first viewing.

Overall, there are some entertaining moments in this, just as long as you don't go in expecting to be splitting your sides laughing like I did and like the trailers made out that you would. I knew that this was going to be an action comedy, but I thought that there would be far more emphasis on the comedy element than there actually ended up being.
Red Sparrow (2018)
Red Sparrow (2018)
2018 | Mystery, Thriller
Quite a good adaptation
I've read a lot of negative reviews of this film, so i was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be quite good.

As an adaptation of the book, it sticks fairly faithfully to the original plot although choose to condense a few plot points to fit it into an already overly long running time. The ending for me was the biggest and best surprise, as it differs from the book and I thought actually made for a much better ending. They also managed to turn a very slow burning plot into something still very intriguing.

Jennifer Lawrence does okay, although her accent seems patchy at times and her fake hair is a little irritating. Joel Edgerton sadly isn't given much to go on as his character is very underdeveloped, however Jeremy Irons does well as per usual.

The main problem is that this is taken from a very detailed book which sadly can't be included completely in the film. This ended up with a few matters not being explained or elaborated on properly and it felt a like it was missing something. Not too bad for readers of the book like me, but my other half was left a tad confused!
Zero Dark Thirty (2013)
Zero Dark Thirty (2013)
2013 | Drama
So I have been putting off seeing this movie since it was released. Well, not really. I just never made it a priority. There was always something else to watch or capture my time. I wish I wouldn't have waited so long to see it.

I was under the false impression that Joel Edgerton and Chris Pratt would be primary characters in the story line. They played their roles, but the true ownership of the script has to go to Jessica Chastain (whom I have a newfound respect for) with a side of Jason Clarke. To be honest, I hadn't read much about the movie either. Mainly just had an idea of it being about the assault on Bin Laden.

There is a level of mental anguish during the movie that I didn't expect. You come to terms with the reality that these people are living trying to fulfill their duty while being able to sleep at night and having a need to protect their families and loved ones.

Zero Dark Thirty isn't an outright action movie as expected. There are some action sequences and those are done well, but the real strength of the movie is the mental gymnastics endured by all involved.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Kinky Boots (2006) in Movies

Sep 4, 2018 (Updated Sep 4, 2018)  
Kinky Boots (2006)
Kinky Boots (2006)
2006 | Comedy, Drama
This is such a quintessentially British film that it’s hard not to love it. It’s full of humour, laughs, drama and is so heartwarming and entertaining. Whilst judgemental Northerners (well north of London) or backwards small British towns/locales in a film isn’t unusual, this film is a fun take on a slightly different true story.

Joel Edgerton is great as Charlie. I wasn’t expecting him to be, but he did very well and his accent was flawless. I actually spent the entire film doubting myself that he was Australian, because he did that well. The star of this film though is undoubtedly Chiwetel Ejiofor. He is an absolute riot as Lola and brings such joy to every scene that he’s in, from the musical numbers to the factory scenes. He seems to be channeling Tim Curry in parts (which isn’t a bad thing) and he’s such a hoot. I don’t think there are many that could pull off Lola quite as well as he has.

I do have a few minor criticisms though. The story itself is pretty predictable, but then would anyone expect any less from such a premise? The film though for me was for a change a little too short. I would’ve happily watched a lot more of this without getting bored.

I’m going to watch the musical of this in the theatre in a few months, and this has really got me excited. Just a shame Chiwetel Ejiofor isn’t appearing in the theatre version, I’d love to see that!
Midnight Special (2016)
Midnight Special (2016)
2016 | Drama, Sci-Fi
7.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great Performances (0 more)
A Modern Sci-Fi Classic
This movie really impressed me. Michael Shannon is, as always, fantastic in his performance and he showed a side of character here that we don’t normally get to see from him. He plays a compassionate and loving father on a mission and he will stop at nothing to succeed. Joel Edgerton is also typically brilliant in the film. He plays an old fried of Shannon’s character helping him on his quest and again is different here to any other role we have seen him in so far. Frankly I think these two actors are two of the best working in Hollywood today and this movie showcases their diversity, talent and ability to totally vanish into a role and sell their performance effortlessly. However, the real star of the show is the young actor Jaeden Lieberher, who plays Alton Meyer, the extraordinary boy that the plot revolves around. When I first saw his performance I thought he was extremely good for a child actor, but reflecting on it again, it is just a fantastic performance regardless of his age. His chemistry with the other actors was spot on and he carried this movie flawlessly, which left me very impressed. Kirsten Dunst also makes an appearance as Alton’s mother and again gives a stellar performance, she is tired of having to constantly be on the run and although she sometimes doubts her husband’s plan, she sticks by him until their mission is complete. Adam Driver is the scientist working for the government who are after Alton and he puts in a decent performance as the pseudo antagonist of the movie. I should really stop here though as you are better going into this movie with as little previous knowledge as possible. In summary, this is the movie that Super 8 wishes it was, essentially it’s ET for grown ups and it is definitely worth your time and money.