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Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Taron Egerton Jamie Bell (0 more)
More of a musical than a biopic (0 more)
Anyone expecting a biopic in the same way bohemian rhapsody was will be somewhat disappointed.This is more of a musical with elements of Elton's life thrown inbetween each musical number.

This film was never gonna reach the same heights as b.r did but does contain some very strong performances by egerton and bell as john and bernie taupin.The relationship (or lack of) between the young elton and his parents could have been explored in a bit more detail instead of just portraying them as the cold and unloving people they seemed to be.

This film wont win any Oscar's but is still enjoyable and worthy of watching.

The Craggus (360 KP) rated Demolition Man (1993) in Movies

Nov 13, 2018 (Updated Nov 13, 2018)  
Demolition Man (1993)
Demolition Man (1993)
1993 | Action, Comedy, Drama
If you’ve never seen Demolition Man, you are fined one credit for a violation of the Awesome Nineties Movie Statute: 25th Anniversary Review
It’s been a quarter of a century since “Demolition Man” first blew us on screen, licking our ass and matching our meet with its blend of high-octane action and surprisingly prescient sci-fi. With only 14 years to go until Simon Phoenix and John Spartan are thawed out, it’s time to celebrate the movies 25th anniversary, so I’d like to invite you to join me, at Taco Bell!

The Book
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a> towards the end of December).

The Book by Jessica Bell is a book that I've been wanting to read for awhile. The synopsis really intrigued me. I was thrilled when I won a copy of The Book. Luckily, this book didn't disappoint.

Bonnie is a 5 year old girl. While her mother Penny is pregnant with Bonnie, John, Bonnie's dad, starts a journal (referred to as the book) where he writes his thoughts and wishes for Bonnie. However, Penny is the one who starts writing in it more than John. However, things don't go as planned. When John and Penny split up, the book becomes Penny's release for her feelings. Bonnie notices that her mom always cries when writing in the book, so she thinks the book is what is causing Penny's sadness. Bonnie sees her mom and her mom's boyfriend, Ted, fighting over the book, so Bonnie just wants to get rid of the book. Little do all the adults know how their actions will affect Bonnie.

I love the title! It's super mysterious but such a fitting tile. I think Ms. Bell did a fantastic job at picking this title.

I'm also a fan of the cover. I like the shadow of the child, which I believe to be Bonnie, with words written over it. I also like the pink (my favorite color) and the font.

Jessica Bell does a fantastic job with the world building. I felt like she creates the world of a 5 year old almost perfectly. I did find it strange that Bonnie's parents refer to themselves by their first name instead of mom and dad when writing things to Bonnie, but that's just me.

The pacing starts off a little slow, but before I realized it, it had really grabbed me and pulled me into the story. After that, the pace never slows down nor does it speed up where I didn't know what was going on.

The plot was very original which made for a refreshing read. It was interesting to read everyone's thoughts through journal entries (Penny and John) and through Bonnie's point of view. I also would've never predicted the ending of The Book!

The characters were all well written and rounded. I felt for Penny when she was torn between two men and doing what was best for Bonnie. I felt for John who wanted to be there for his daughter yet his hands were tied. I felt for Ted who was oblivious to what was going on around him through no fault of his own. I mostly felt for Bonnie who, due to her age, didn't know why everyone was acting the way they were over this book. Bell captures the emotion of each character perfectly!

Bell writes like a 5 year old would think when it came time for Bonnie's point of view. I found this annoying sometimes, but I understand why it needed to be done. It needed to be done to really capture the essence of Bonnie. There were times when I felt that Bonnie was acting or thinking like that of an older child, but this could've just been a personal thing as all children develop at different levels. Other then that, I found the dialogue to be very interesting. It also flows very smoothly and never feels rushed.

Overall, The Book is a fantastic and emotional read. It has an original plot line with memorable characters and fantastic dialogue.

I'd recommend this book to those aged 18+ who are after a read with an original story with a lesson to be learned.

I'd give The Book by Jessica Bell a 4.5 out of 5.
Jigsaw (2017)
Jigsaw (2017)
2017 | Crime, Horror
Tobin Bell (0 more)
Everything Else (0 more)
The Disappointment
Saw - The Start
Saw II - The Clock
Saw III - The Consquence's
Saw IV - The Games
Saw V - The Detective
Saw VI - The Legacy
Saw VII - The Finale

This one - The Disappointment

Let Me Explain- so it toke seven whole years for the studio to come up with a good enough story, so that it can be released to theaters. I mean thats good, isnt. Not in this case. Seven years for a overall disappointing movie, Seven whole years and what did come up with as the result/outcome, this movie. This movie was weird, it was strange, to me it didnt feel like a saw movie, i mean it had some of the elements of a saw movie, but overall to me it didnt seem like one. More of lets try our best to make a reboot of the saw franchise and see how that works out. It didnt work. Now have to wait until May of all months for the next instellment of the saw franchise.

The Plot: After a series of murders bearing all the markings of the Jigsaw killer, law enforcement officials find themselves chasing the ghost of a man who has been dead for over a decade, and they become embroiled in a new game that's only just begun. Is John Kramer back from the dead to remind the world to be grateful for the gift of life? Or is this a trap set by a killer with designs of his own?

The only good thing about this movie was the return of Tobin Bell as John Kramer/Jigsaw.

Hopefully Chris Rock of all people can save the Saw Franchise and Darren Lynn Bousman returns which is a plus. Well have to wait until May to find out.
Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
I knew before watching this that it wasn’t your average biopic but that still didn’t prepare me for how truly wacky and wonderful it was. But then when you think of Elton John, would you really expect anything less flamboyant?

This is more like an Elton John musical complete with rather strange fantasy elements, and I have to admit that the fantasy is mostly the bit I didn’t like. Singing with younger versions of himself were fine, but the rest I just found a little too odd and ill fitting. However despite this, it’s still a rather good musical. All of the songs that you’d expect are in here and it was a struggle not to sing along. I do think that the general sound on the music in this didn’t seem quite as good as Bohemian Rhapsody, it didn’t feel quite as immersive and concert like and it was in the same screen!

Taron Egerton does a wonderful job, I’ve said before that he’s a marvellous actor and he proves it yet again here. Whilst he doesn’t look exactly like Elton John i can’t imagine anyone else playing this role and there were some moments later on in the film that I had to do a double take as he looked so like him! There are other great performances too, namely Richard Madden as the smarmy John Reid and Jamie Bell as Bernie Taupin. There are some scenes with Bernie and Elton that almost have me in tears. I know fairly little about Elton’s earlier life so for me this was rather an informative and fascinating film too, and I was beyond glad at the end to hear that Bernie is still going. I couldn’t have coped if he wasn’t!

This film isn’t faultless and I felt like it was rather drawn out, but it’s still a rather good musical biopic and definitely one I’d like to see again and sing along too. Indeed, wouldn’t this be marvellous as a musical stage show?

Lee (2222 KP) May 29, 2019

Yeah I didn't feel this was really a sing along kind of movie, in the way Bohemian Rhapsody was


Nicky Wire recommended Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon in Music (curated)

Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon
Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The drum sound! The greatest bass sound ever! The rawness of it. ‘Isolation’ I absolutely love, and obviously we covered ‘Working Class Hero’. It’s really tight but there’s something about it that feels like they haven’t rehearsed much either - you see the film and they’re all coming in on the hoof. There’s some kind of bluesy nastiness - and I’m not a fan of the blues either - but there’s something about it, John Lennon’s guitar is really good on it, I think his guitaring was underrated actually. There’s so much savage bitterness there, ‘Mother’, just to start with the fucking bell chiming. I love that savageness. He’s having a go at McCartney, but he does it with so much wit, he can always glide over the top of it. I wish I had that ability, not to always drag it down with pure pettiness. “I don't believe in Elvis. I don't believe in Zimmerman/ I don't believe in Beatles” - I don’t think he could get “The Beatles” in, so it’s just “don’t believe in Beatles”. I love that album. There was a lot of that on [Wire’s solo album] I Killed The Zeitgeist actually, and there’s a lot on this album. I tried to learn that critical self-examination. I think John was a lot more psychoanalytical, he could use what he considered help, where as I was fucking on my own."

Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
Interesting premise (2 more)
Fantastic visuals
Director Joon-ho Bong brings us his vision of a post-apocalyptic world where most of humanity has been destroyed and the remaining humans are left to circle the globe in a relentless train called the Snowpiercer.

The cast is led by Chris Evans, but also features Kang-ho Song, Ed Harris, John Hurt, Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer and Jamie Bell.

Humanity has evolved similar to what I have read about the Titanic, meaning, the lower classes at the back of the train suffering to survive and the upper classes more forward living in luxury.

There is an uprising within the squalor and the inhabitants attempt to ascertain their situation by taking the cars ahead one-by-one. The story is very interesting and the people and situations the rebels meet along their way to the engine keep you surprised.

The engine also contains an interesting character who is eluded to within the beginning of the film.

The ending was somewhat controversial when the movie was first released; however, I find it more than satisfactory to tie up the story.

Check it out for yourself.

Saw II (2005)
Saw II (2005)
2005 | Horror, Mystery
The best of the Saw sequels and the only one I went to the cinema to see.
The original Saw is fantastic and the twist you dont see coming ending is one of, if not the best I have ever seen.
Saw 2 is nearly as good. The main house trap is a stroke of genius and the solo traps for each of the victims are so well planned and just look so devilious.
Darren Lynn Bousman directs (as he will the new Saw reboot involving Chris Rock) as Tobin Bell, with that amazing voice, retruns to play John Krammer/Jigsaw and he is hunted down by Mark Whalbergs detective Eric Matthews.
This leads to a tense standoff in Jigsaws lair as Matthews discovers his son, Daniel is one of the participants in the house trap. A house slowly filling with nerve gas.
Also returning is Shawnee Smith as Amanda who is also playing the game again in the house.
As the film twists towards its shocking ending you realise all you have to do is follow the rules to win the game.

Game Over

Andy Bell recommended Definitely Maybe by Oasis in Music (curated)

Definitely Maybe by Oasis
Definitely Maybe by Oasis
1994 | Pop, Rock
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Oasis definitely did change my life when I first heard them! [Bell later played bass and rhythm guitar in Oasis, 1999-2009.] They were like a breath of fresh air. To put it into context, Ride were working on the third album, Carnival Of Light, and we were taking a bit of a break. We were starting to get a bit frayed at the edges and we were starting to pull in different directions musically, too. “We were really shooting for a kind of West Coast Byrdsy California sound mixed with a little bit of Led Zeppelin and a little bit of classic rock. I think we were also subconsciously trying to make a cleaner record, because we’d stopped getting played on the radio… but then along comes Oasis sounding like the Jesus And Mary Chain meets the Sex Pistols and just completely blew everything out of the water! “As we’re talking about guitars, I should just say that I think Noel’s really underrated as a lead guitar player. His playing is like a John Squire-y thing, but there’s a lot more muscle behind it. He kind of trademarked his own style, which has become something that everyone uses now – that massively overdriven sound with quite a lot of delay on it. [His playing] just sounded epic."

Rocketman (2019)
Rocketman (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Strong Lead Performance
I have to admit, I thought the Freddy Mercury bio-pic BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY was just "meh" and that Rami Malek was "just o'k" as the Queen frontman (personally, I would have given the Oscar to Christian Bale for his portrayal of Dick Cheney in VICE) so I was not rushing to the multi-plex to check out the Elton John musical film ROCKETMAN. And the fact that the release of this film was "buried" in the summer and not right before "Oscar Season" gave me room to pause.

And...I would be wrong...for ROCKETMAN is a fun, fantastical fantasy musical depicting the rise and fall (by drug and alcohol abuse) of one of rock's most flamboyant showman of the 1970's.

Following the "Jukebox Musical" blueprint of something like JERSEY BOYS, Rocketman follows a young Reggie Dwight as he discovers his musical talent and grows into the Global Superstar known as Elton John.

I was happy that the filmmakers went this route (vs the bio-pic route that BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY went) for they were able to use the vast catalog of Elton John/Bernie Taupin tunes to their fullest advantage, when it made sense to drive the narrative forward - or to give the storytelling a shot of adrenaline.

This film had Elton John's blessings and he was not kind to a few people in his life - most notably his mother (an almost unrecognizable Bryce Dallas Howard in a strong turn), his father (Steve Mackintosh, who I had never seen before) and his Manager, John Reid (Game of Throne's Richard Madden). All 3 are pretty one-dimensional villains that help contribute to Elton's drug and alcohol abuse.

On the other side of the coin is his writing partner, Bernie Taupin (Jamie Bell, the original BILLY ELLIOT in a performance that I think is the best of his career) and his Grandmother, Ivy (good ol' Gemma Jones BRIDGET JONES DIARY and Madam Pomfrey in the Harry Potter films). Both of these characters are generally positive influences on Elton's life, trying to understand and support our hero on his journey.

As for our hero, Taran Egerton (the KINGSMAN films) embodies Elton with panache and zeal while showing an underlying shyness and insecurity that helps lead to his abuse issues. Egerton is EXCELLENT in this role - both in acting and singing. He doesn't so much imitate Elton John but embodies the essence of Sir Elton and his performance is quite effective. If Rami Malek deserved his Oscar for playing Freddy Mercury in BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY then Taran Egerton better be in the Oscar conversation this year.

The film was Directed by Dexter Fletcher (who was brought on to finish BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY once Bryan Singer was fired from that film for his on-set behavior), so he puts to good use his experience on the Queen movie, keeping the action moving fast, the characterizations simple (but satisfying) enough while showcasing just enough music to fill a "Best of" Album.

While BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY was a "meh" movie with a buffo ending (the recreation of the LIVE AID concert was amazing), ROCKETMAN suffers from just the opposite problem. Starting off strong and growing weaker until it ends in "meh" fashion. The fact that this film musical fantasy decided to end with a faithful recreation of the I'M STILL STANDING music video is at the heart of the issue. I understand the implied underlying meaning of this song selection, but it just doesn't pack the punch that a live concert appearance would have.

Come for the music, stay for Egerton's performance and you'll be glad you did.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)