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John Carpenter's Vampires (1998)
John Carpenter's Vampires (1998)
1998 | Horror
6.7 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A group of eccentric vampire hunters lead by the rugged and cold-hearted Jack Crow (James Woods) never really stop working. Taking great pride in the fruits of their labor, they work hard and play even harder as their celebrations after a job well done consist of alcohol flowing freely and plenty of women to take their minds off of work. But this particular job didn't go exactly as planned and it's weighing heavily on the mind of Jack Crow. Even after killing what's referred to as a "nest" of nine vampires, the master was no where to be found. Hardly a reason to celebrate in Jack's eyes. Unfortunately, his gut instinct was right as things get a hell of a lot worse for Jack's team when the master shows up to their little shindig. But this master is different from the others; stronger, more powerful, and why does he know Jack's name? There's something more elaborate going on and Jack Crow is going to find out exactly what it is while eradicating as many vampires as he possibly can along the way.

Judging by the ratings this film has (34% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, 5.8/10 on IMDb), I guess it's safe to say that this could be a guilty pleasure of mine. I love most of John Carpenter's work and I really enjoyed his take on vampires. Jack Crow is certainly reason alone to sit through this and although the character originated in John Steakley's novel, I feel Crow is just as strong of a character in Carpenter's world as Snake Plissken from Escape From New York. Even though he's basically a mean spirited SOB, you can't help but sympathize with the character as the film moves on. Considering all that's happened to him in his lifetime, he seems to be a decent guy deep down underneath that extremely thick and rough exterior. His dialogue was also a lot of fun. Gems such as him asking Father Adam Guiteau if he had wood after the fight they just had or when he's explaining the true mythos behind vampires and to "forget whatever you've seen in the movies" was just classic.

Other than Jack Crow, I actually really enjoyed the storyline which seemed to be a breaking point for a lot of people. A vampire seeking a black cross to finish a reverse exorcism, so he can walk in daylight without turning to dust. Only Carpenter could pull something like that off. Their methods of killing vampires were also a bit more original and unorthodox compared to other vampire films of the past. Jack Crow would shoot an arrow from a crossbow, which would be attached to a wire on the bottom of a jeep that would be reeled in by Daniel Baldwin's Anthony Montoya that would drag the vampire into the sunlight where their body would burst into flames. Maybe it's considered cheesy to some, but it was refreshing to see something different for a change. As big of a horror fan that I am, I don't really think of myself as a fan of vampires. I'm not sure if it's because I'm picky or because it seems like everything is being recycled when it comes to storylines in horror films these days, but I like to think when a vampire film does make an impact on me that it says more than the average horror film containing vampires.

John Carpenter, the master of horror, delivers a refreshing and interesting take on vampires with the aptly named Vampires. It also dawns another strong lead character in a Carpenter film in the form of Jack Crow and contains some of the most witty and enjoyable dialogue of any horror film from the late '90s. The storyline is also magnificently peculiar, which is a definite plus in my book. This would definitely make my list of favorite vampire films, if I ever decided to make one. If you're a fan of John Carpenter and haven't seen this gem, I highly recommend doing so. Or if you have, maybe it's time to dust it off and give it another watch.
The Thing (1982)
The Thing (1982)
1982 | Horror, Sci-Fi
In my many years of enjoying movies, I've yet to come across anything quite like John Carpenter's The Thing.
It's quite simply, a horror masterpiece!

The imagery and monsters bought to the screen feel like they're straight out of hell. All these years later, and The Thing, and it's many disturbing forms, remains arguably the most terrifying movie monster out there.
The incredible use of practical effects ensures that the films visceral and horrible imagery still remains to this day, and is a testament to the amazing work put by the art and make up crews.
The isolated and snowy setting is almost iconic as the titular alien, and adds an eery atmosphere from the opening scene.

Kurt Russell is a fine lead, as his character McCready drives the narrative forward at a fast and manic pace. The story if one dripping with paranoia and tension, and the whole cast do a great job at conveying this.
The plots conclusion is different from what you might expect of the genre at the time, and it's lack of a 'final girl' shows that The Thing was not afraid to go against the grain when it came to horror.

It's probably my top horror movie of all time, with the original Halloween coming a close second. Long live John Carpenter.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Gorgo (1961) in Movies

Feb 12, 2018  
Gorgo (1961)
Gorgo (1961)
1961 | Adventure
5.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The poster tagline 'Like nothing you've ever seen before' is really pushing it a bit considering this British suitamation movie is composed almost entirely of bits from other, better-known films. Generations of British people have grown up believing they've seen a proper Godzilla film when in fact they were just exposed to this in their childhood. On the other hand, Eugene Lourie also directed The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, one of the original Godzilla's main inspirations, so you could say he's just repeating himself rather than actually being derivative.

Soundly scripted with a decent twist and pretty good performances, and the devastation of London by Gorgo's mum in the final reel is well-staged. Persistent rumour suggests that a young John Carpenter made an unofficial sequel, Gorgo Vs Godzilla, but no-one seems to know for sure if this even exists - shame, as on the strength of this outing Gorgo and his mum had potential for their own series. Only really of interest to fans of vintage monster movies, but a distinctive and rather distinguished entry to this genre.
Prince of Darkness (1987)
Prince of Darkness (1987)
1987 | Horror
7.3 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
John Carpenter is rightly considered a master of his craft, especially in the horror genre, and Prince of Darkness is yet another prime example of why.

The overall tone of PoD is one of constant dread, thanks in no small part to Carpenters' fantastic score work (probably my favourite film music of his), and also his directing style. It's a portfolio of wonderful shots, plenty of them are creepy as hell, and there's an air of mystery to compliment it all. The narrative is never clear cut, even by then end. The viewer has a solid idea of what if happening, but it's not a handled in a hand holding way, and leaves a load of questions in its wake, well still being satisfying in its conclusion.

It has a decent cast headed by Halloween alumni Donald Pleasence, and features the talents of Lisa Blout and era fixture Victor Wong, and an engaging screenplay. The dialogue is plentiful here, but none of it comes across like dead weight, and the finished product is a competent and unsettling religious horror.
In Search of Darkness (2019)
In Search of Darkness (2019)
2019 | Documentary, Horror
The 80's Were The Best
In Search of Darkness- is a excellent horror documentary that goes through the 80's and takes about horror movies that were released each year and how their impacted today's horror. In this 4hr and 30min documentary it takes its time which each year and the movies that their talked about. I got to mention the interviews. Horror Icons like: Tom Atkins, John Carpenter, Doug Bradley, Jeffrey Combs, Joe Dante, Kane Hodder, Tom Holland, Heather Langenkamp, Don Mancini, Bill Moseley and more. I love the interviews and the movies that their talk about, their have the love for them, even though some were bad their still liked them. Thanks to these horror movies we have these modern horror movies. The 80's inspered these modern horror films. And you can tell by just watching a mordern horror film. The 80's were the best times for horror films. Their was so much that came out in 80's. I highly recordmend watching this documentary.
Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982)
1982 | Horror, Sci-Fi
6.3 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Please stop underrating this!
Tom Atkins stars as Daniel Challis, he's investigating a murder along with the victims' daughter, Ellie Grimbridge (Stacey Nelkin), their investigation leads them to Silver Shamrock, a Halloween goods manufactoring company with a dark secret.

I'm sure this was a strange movie to watch when it came out what with it being titled Halloween III, yet it had no connection to the first two. But nowadays, this should be considered a fun Halloween-time classic.

Director Tommy Lee Wallace learned from watching John Carpenter. In turn Halloween III benefits from a good score, if the main song isn't stuck in your head by the end, it'll be a miracle.
The tone is overall good, it is a bit cheesy but it maintains it, it comes across more as a fun B-movie.
Visually the film packs lots of Halloween-time images. It might not fit the franchise, but it nails the setting.

You definitely can't take it very seriously.
Halloween III: Season of the Witch is like going through a haunted funhouse. Expect genuine scares and you'll be sorely disappointed. Expect to just have fun, and you'll get plenty of it. I recommend it.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Halloween (1978) in Movies

Oct 30, 2020  
Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror
John Carpenter's landmark horror movie; not the first slasher movie, but pretty much the textbook example of the genre. A homicidal maniac (and, just possibly, vessel of pure evil) breaks out of an institution and returns to his home town, where he murdered his sister at the age of six. Obsessive doctor Donald Pleasence is in hot pursuit, but Jamie Lee Curtis (in her debut) is about to find that babysitting really deserves danger money...

Always interesting to watch these classic horror films back on the big screen: as usual, there was a lot of nervous sniggering at some of the technical shortcomings of a low-budget production (plus Halloween has been so extensively ripped off and parodied it's the kind of film you feel you've seen before, even if you haven't). However, there were yelps and screams in the appropriate places as the film got going: Carpenter handles the jump scares with consummate technical skill, but it works as well as it does because of the atmosphere he creates, helped mainly by Pleasance. A film that really sets out to do only one thing, and for the most part achieves that brilliantly.