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Awix (3310 KP) rated I, Claudius in TV

Aug 27, 2019 (Updated Aug 27, 2019)  
I, Claudius
I, Claudius
1976 | Biography, Comedy, Drama, History
It is entirely possible some modern viewers may take issue with this hugely acclaimed and influential drama simply because it was made entirely on videotape in TV studios, and some of the 1970s old-age make-up has not, well, aged well. I can't help but feel a bit sorry for these people, for this is one of the great TV treats of all time: the aged Emperor Claudius sits down to retell his family history, a horrifying tale of jealousy, lust, treachery, sexual perversion, murder, and insanity (quite how much of it is actually true is another issue).

A very unusual story by any standards: the main character isn't even born until well into the first episode, and the main villain dies of old age halfway through. Best to ignore the odd structure and enjoy the vicious black comedy the tale is dripping with, with an extraordinary cast making the most of a set of witty, sophisticated scripts. Hard to choose who shines the most: Brian Blessed is restrained as Augustus, Sian Phillips chilling as the psychopathic Livia, John Hurt hilarious and terrifying at the same time as the lunatic Caligula. Derek Jacobi carries the whole thing with warmth, wit and pathos. One of the masterpieces of TV drama.
Nobody (2021)
Nobody (2021)
2021 | Action, Comedy, Crime
7.8 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Choreography (1 more)
Bob Odenkirk
Nobody knows what it's like...
If you’ve seen the trailers for Nobody, then you already know exactly the type of movie that you are in for. That is not a slight against the movie, it is just to say that there are no great twists here or subversion of audience expectations. The question in looking at Nobody for review is; does it fulfil its purpose and deliver on that intention? Thankfully, the answer is hell yes, it does!

If like me you are a Better Call Saul fan, then you will have a pre-conceived notion of who Bob Odenkirk is as an actor at this stage in his career. That was my one main concern going into this film; can Odenkirk pull off being a believable badass at this stage in his life? Again, the answer is hell yes, he can!

Odenkirk is phenomenal as Hutch Mansell in this movie, he delivers in both the role of a washed up nobody leading an unfulfilled life and as an unrelenting killing machine. He really looks the part after the two years he spent training for this role and although a stuntman was used in a few brief instances, Odenkirk does nearly all of his own stunt work in the film. After seeing some of the stunts performed in the movie, this fact is extremely impressive for a guy pushing 60.

Derek Kolstad’s writing in Nobody is also huge factor in what makes this film great. Kolstad also wrote the John Wick movies, so we already know that the guy knows how to write action. What I really appreciated though was the pacing of the action and the pacing of the movie overall. There is enough set-up to the character of Hutch that we are invested in him by the time that the first punch is thrown. I also enjoyed the tongue-in-cheek nature present in a lot of the film’s scenes.

The action choreography is as intense and exhilarating throughout the movie as you would expect. Something that I did really like though was how brutal and gritty the fight sequences were. In the John Wick movies, although the action is exciting to watch, it sometimes feels a bit too clean and smooth, whereas here it is a lot rougher and more visceral.

Check out the rest of my review here -
Something's Alive on the Titanic
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Something's Alive on the Titanic has a bit of a split story line, with one part of the book taking place in 1975, and the other part taking place in 1995. Written by the late Robert Serling, who is, in fact, Rod Serling's older brother, Something's Alive on the Titanic plays off of the idea that Dr. Robert Ballard was not the first one to discover the final resting place of the Titanic. Instead, a team led by John Hawke, at the behest of code-breaker Derek Montague, departs on an expedition to retrieve treasure from the Titanic's watery grave after Montague discovers that a shipment from a smuggling ring under the guise of a salvage company by the name of Sovereign Metals.

A true product of its time, and remaining faithful to the time-period in which the story is set, one of the few things of note to make in regards to its characters is the absolute lack of a strong female presence. The two women that are present, especially Chaney in the 1975 portion of the book, are Mary Sue-esque and, without a doubt, sexualized. Another note to be made comes in the form of the male characters: they are portrayed as stereotypical, stubborn men that, despite being superstitious, are also skeptics. This manner of male character is more prominent in the second part of the book than the first.

The plot, on the other hand, was pretty stellar. In 1975, the expedition lacks the proper equipment to dive down into the depths of the Atlantic and explore the ship for extended periods of time. They make the most of what they do have, however. Intent on claiming the lost treasure, most of John Hawke's crew show little regard for the fact that they are desecrating a grave: greed is, after all, the heart of all evil. While the Atlantic Ocean treats the crew well, the Titanic is anything but forgiving: the decrepit ship plays host to more than the relics of the souls that once stood upon its deck. Whatever that thing is, it doesn't play nicely. In 1995, the US Navy gathers a crew to find out what exactly happened in 1975, and to complete the earlier expedition's salvage mission.

Given the presence of a female in a heavily male dominated field, it goes without saying that there's a bit of teasing and a bit of romance. That subplot is fairly minor and serves mostly to remind readers of a certain character's penchant for being a total asshole and little more. There is also sex, briefly, but I'll leave that to someone else.

Serling's knowledge of the Titanic is actually pretty accurate, down to the fact that the fourth funnel on the ship was a fake, there was a shortage of lifeboats, and most of the lifeboats were dropped before they were filled.

It isn't very often that a book really draws me in, but that could be attributed to the fact that I no longer read as I used to. Serling's prose kept me on the edge of my seat and at times, it even raised my heart rate a little. Rather than paint us an entire picture of the supernatural phenomena that takes place, he begins with little bits and pieces, crumbs if you will, until finally, you begin to question the sanity of the characters involved, whilst simultaneously hoping for the best.