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O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2001)
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2001)
2001 | Comedy, Drama
Humor (5 more)
Small Moments
The Soggy Bottom Boys
the epic adventure that ensues
John Tuturro
The Soundtrack.
An epic rambling cinematic adventure and a gem that is filled with humor and amazing moments... my favorite Coen brothers film.
I just love this movie.... George Clooney as the smooth and fast talking pretty boy... and John Turturro and Tim Blake Nelson. I don't think there is a performance that falls short of excellent from the entire cast. Even the blind Radio Station Man. The soundtrack alone gets played a lot on my iPod. I love the old timey feel and the great rhythm. It's so damn catchy. The whole thing feels like an epic goofy journey and it's inspired by Homer, so you know it's good. For added goodness, here's some alternate movie posters...