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The Limehouse Golem (2016)
The Limehouse Golem (2016)
2016 | Horror, International, Mystery
The community of Limehouse in Victorian London have been rocked by a series of murders. They have called the mudered the Golem, as only such a creature could have done these heinous acts.

Elizabeth Cree, the music hall star, has been arrested for the poisoning of her husband John Cree on the same night as the last Golem murder. But when evidence is found by Inspector John Kildare that links John Cree to the murders, he sets about trying to solve both cases so that he might save Elizabeth from hanging for her crime.

Their investigation leads them to an exclusive reading room at the library, and a book on the art of murder. Within its pages are hand written notes chronicling the Golem murders to date. Only four men entered the reading room when the last entry was made; Dan Leno, Karl Marx, George Gissing and John Cree. Can the inspector eliminate the other three men and prove Cree is the Golem in order to save Elizabeth?

I was looking forward to this one. Some top actors were involved, and I love a bit of Victorian era murder. The film itself was good throughout, I can't fault it for the scenery and acting.


Those of you that know me, know that I don't think about films. I'm sure I keep saying this. I watch them to have some fun, to escape reality, so what's the point in picking apart something that's made as a fiction to entertain you?

Even with me suspending my brain function for the duration of the film, I paused and thought... oh, this is what's going to happen... and it did. It felt a bit cliche, like the twist had been overused in every film like this that I'd seen. I don't think it was designed that way though. There was a clear moment in the film where they want you to know what is happening, but the realisation of the ending cam much earlier than this. And it was disappointing. I was enjoying the film a lot until I realised what was coming. Talking to my movie buddy I discovered that I wasn't the only one who had this feeling. It's such a shame, but the twist felt so obvious to me that I was suddenly very disappointed.

I have taken to looking at Rotten Tomatoes after seeing a film, and this one is currently sitting at 77% with critics and 61% with the audience. I'd say that's about right. I've left the major spoiler out of here, but if you're familiar with this sort of story then I don't think you'd be hard pressed to work it out. It is an excellent film in it's genre, but it was let down, for me, by the obvious direction it went in.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Saw (2004) in Movies

Dec 17, 2019 (Updated Jan 8, 2020)  
Saw (2004)
Saw (2004)
2004 | Horror
The Start
Saw- this one started it all, this one started the franchise. This one is the best one out of all of them. This one has the best story, the best plot and the best twist ending to all of them. This one is more detective film than a tourture film, it still had tourture in it, but its more about the two main charcters trying to survivor and figure out where their are and the detective trying to find them. With introduction Jigsaw/John Kramer, doctor Gordon and Amanda Young.

The Plot: Photographer Adam Stanheight (Leigh Whannell) and oncologist Lawrence Gordon (Cary Elwes) regain consciousness while chained to pipes at either end of a filthy bathroom. As the two men realize they've been trapped by a sadistic serial killer nicknamed "Jigsaw" and must complete his perverse puzzle to live, flashbacks relate the fates of his previous victims. Meanwhile, Dr. Gordon's wife (Monica Potter) and young daughter (Makenzie Vega) are forced to watch his torture via closed-circuit video.

After this one, the franchise became more of a tourture porn franchise, well it did become tourture porn in the sequels, with focus more on tourture and the traps rather than a story. The story is just sprinkled within inside the tourture porn and traps, you just have to find the story.

Like i said before this one is the best one out of all of them, the best story, the best plot and the best twist ending.

Want to play a game, do you punk? Well do you?
Y’all! Let me tell you a little something about this book right here. It’s fantabulous. That’s right. Fantabulous. Mary Connealy has been on my auto read authors list for years now. And, I always get giddy like a school kid on the play ground when I get to read her novels. This upcoming addition to her High Sierra Sweethearts series was no exception.

From the start, we are taking to the heart of the plot line, and into the lives of John and Penny. Oh sweet Penny, how I loved her! I loved her strong willed ways. And John. Lord have mercy, did I ever love him! His character really came to life for me, and I pictured myself beside him, taking each new twist and turn of being kidnapped with Penny as if I was there.

I loved the way Connealy created her characters with her trademark charm and wit. I love to get lost between the covers of one of her amazing novels because they are lighthearted and keep me chuckling on a bad day. The wit and charm of Penny and John were definitely evident in this page turner!

If you ask me, and even if you don’t, I’m going to tell you that I highly recommend this book with hats-off, two thumbs, and highest of 5 stars. Inspiration, hope, mercy and love are all wrapped up into another incredible cowboy story from the talented Mary Connealy. So, grab ya a copy, kick your boots off, and get ready to get wrapped up in another impeccably done novel from Mrs. Connealy!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Awix (3310 KP) rated Gorgo (1961) in Movies

Feb 12, 2018  
Gorgo (1961)
Gorgo (1961)
1961 | Adventure
5.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The poster tagline 'Like nothing you've ever seen before' is really pushing it a bit considering this British suitamation movie is composed almost entirely of bits from other, better-known films. Generations of British people have grown up believing they've seen a proper Godzilla film when in fact they were just exposed to this in their childhood. On the other hand, Eugene Lourie also directed The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, one of the original Godzilla's main inspirations, so you could say he's just repeating himself rather than actually being derivative.

Soundly scripted with a decent twist and pretty good performances, and the devastation of London by Gorgo's mum in the final reel is well-staged. Persistent rumour suggests that a young John Carpenter made an unofficial sequel, Gorgo Vs Godzilla, but no-one seems to know for sure if this even exists - shame, as on the strength of this outing Gorgo and his mum had potential for their own series. Only really of interest to fans of vintage monster movies, but a distinctive and rather distinguished entry to this genre.
The Taking Of Pelham 123 (2009)
The Taking Of Pelham 123 (2009)
2009 | Action, Mystery
The late Tony Scott was one of my favourite directors, his films deliver on great action sequences and tense drama. However on this occasion with The Taking of Pelham 123 he left something out, oh that’s right a decent ending.

A group of hijackers led by Ryder (John Travolta) take control of a New York subway train and demand $10 million or they’ll start killing passengers. Dispatcher Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) has to deal with the day’s events and avoid the worst.

I’ve not seen the 1974 original starring Walter Matthau and Robert Shaw so I cannot make any real comparison, but what I would say is the 2009 remake lacked any real sparkle. Washington and Travolta put in good performances, especially Travolta who seems to revel as the stereotypical villain. But you can’t rely on screen chemistry to get you through.

The ending was a disappointment and while you expect a twist that will leave you wanting more, it never comes. If you’re fans of Washington and Travolta then this one’s for you, however don’t expect too much near the end.

JT (287 KP) rated The Ward (2010) in Movies

Mar 16, 2020  
The Ward (2010)
The Ward (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Occasional good use of camera angles (0 more)
Poor acting (2 more)
Laughable twist
Not scary
Carpenter must have been having an off day
his is a massive disappointment and there is no place to hide here for John Carpenter who making a return to directing since 2001′s Ghosts of Mars has delivered us a real ‘dog’ of a film.

I’m a big fan of his work, but that is his early work with the likes of Halloween and The Thing as my personal favourites, but here Carpenter’s trademark suspense is all but lost in a story that is as predictable as it is stupid.

After setting fire to a barn Kristen (Amber Heard) is sent to a mental hospital, where she is terrorised by a ghost, a hidden past his reflected upon but never fully delved into. There is of course more to it than that, and Heard spends a vast majority of the time either locked in her room or trying to escape while at the same time piecing the puzzle together with the help of some of her fellow inmates.

Carpenter’s use of the wide camera angle is effective in places, and the long cold corridors of the ward are enough to give anyone the chills. However, it is not built on in any way and all the suspense is somewhat lost by the poor acting and monotonous build-up to the next potential terrifying scene. When the ghost is revealed it is, to be honest laughable and not in the least bit frightening which is probably one of the main downfalls of the film.

The twist ending is anything but predictable and you could have spotted it a mile off, it’s a poor effort this perhaps not helped in the writing department, but Carpenter is one of the masters of horror but here he hasn’t even bothered to turn up.
Saw II (2005)
Saw II (2005)
2005 | Horror, Mystery
The best of the Saw sequels and the only one I went to the cinema to see.
The original Saw is fantastic and the twist you dont see coming ending is one of, if not the best I have ever seen.
Saw 2 is nearly as good. The main house trap is a stroke of genius and the solo traps for each of the victims are so well planned and just look so devilious.
Darren Lynn Bousman directs (as he will the new Saw reboot involving Chris Rock) as Tobin Bell, with that amazing voice, retruns to play John Krammer/Jigsaw and he is hunted down by Mark Whalbergs detective Eric Matthews.
This leads to a tense standoff in Jigsaws lair as Matthews discovers his son, Daniel is one of the participants in the house trap. A house slowly filling with nerve gas.
Also returning is Shawnee Smith as Amanda who is also playing the game again in the house.
As the film twists towards its shocking ending you realise all you have to do is follow the rules to win the game.

Game Over
Happy Death Day (2017)
Happy Death Day (2017)
2017 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Using familiar themes can be a risk. What we have seen in previous films that define a style, becomes cliché and bores the audience. Then there are times when movies turn the trope on its head and gives us a clever take on the familiar. Christopher Landon (Scout’s Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse) has directed a fun romp in suspense and horror. Yes, there is the blatant reference to Groundhog Day, but this film is definitely a homage to John Carpenter, the master of the genre.

We know from the trailer that this is a horror/suspense loop and there are expectations set in this type of film. The young, attractive, woman, stalked by an unknown, masked assailant with a penchant for cutlery. As we know, Tree (Jessica Rothe) gets killed repeatedly on her birthday. We know it’s a slasher flick, expecting to see lots of blood and gore. Putting the main character in a time loop is definitely a twist in the storytelling.

Using repetition in film can be a tricky, stalling the momentum of the film. There was a moment during where I wondered when the loop would end, creating the feeling of hopelessness. It is at that time where Tree’s through process shifts and we travel with her in this never ending day. It takes a few times in the loop for Tree’s character to become enlightened She does figure out that each return is a do-over, an opportunity to make different choices.

The film also tips it’s hat to the college/high school, mean girl movies and definitely a nod to John Hughes Sixteen Candles. It had humor, wit and clever character development, I certainly did not expect to enjoy the film as much as I did. I would definitely watch it again to catch all of the references.

Lindsay (1693 KP) rated The Beekeeper's Son in Books

Feb 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
The Beekeeper's Son
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Deborah and her family up and move to Texas. Anna decides it best and comes to live with her brother John and his family in Bee County, Texas. Deborah is surprised when she finds a strange animal. Phinas King is help unloading the truck and looks at her and thinks Deborah is horrid by what happen to him and his scar.

Anna is said to be committed to a man who want her has is wife. Though it possible that she find her second true love here in Bee County, Texas. Deborah is waiting to hear from her love in Tennessee. She is determine to return home. Though Deborah is somewhat courious of the man behind the scars. Is it possible that Phinias is hiding behind his scars.

Things start to get a bit turned upside down. There is tons of twist and turns. Whatever happens to Anna and Phinas dad or Stephen. Who will Anna choose. Deborah and Phinas will they find true love. What happens to them. Though Phinas happens to help Deborah and her family. There a house fire and what happens then goes from strange to something surprising. The book seems to have two love stories.

Darren Fisher (2447 KP) rated Siege (1982) in Movies

Dec 13, 2020 (Updated Dec 13, 2020)  
Siege (1982)
Siege (1982)
1982 | Action, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Overlooked excellent grindhouse thriller.
I rented this out a lot back in the 80s. This film needs an official re-release desperately (remains only available on VHS and Laserdisc).
Siege motors along at a fast pace, no lulls, just scene upon scene of intense cat and mouse between a gang of murderous thugs and a group of people (in what looks like the most rundown and scuzziest building ever) who take in a survivor from the gangs previous assault. Shades of John Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13 and a cheeky wink towards Escape From New York, the gang take on more than they bargain for when the ever resourceful victims strike back. Solid acting all round and a sucker punch of a twist at the end. This is a must see! Essential grindhouse viewing!

1# It contains the only existing news footage of the actual 1981 Halifax Police strike.
2# Aka Self Defense (USA), Night Warriors (Europe), New York 1991 (Various countries). Seige was the UK title.
3# The Japanese release has a further 7 minutes of extra 'day-time' footage. Although this is interesting it doesn't really add anything to the final cut. Personally I prefer the 'night-time' version as it evokes more menace and gets straight to the point.