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House of Wax (2005)
House of Wax (2005)
2005 | Horror, Mystery
As sure as the winter season brings snow and rain, summer is sure to bring sequels and remakes to theaters across the land. With many classic horror films such as “The Amityville Horror:”, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” already released and with “The Fog”, pending, Hollywood is trying to find gold from the past.

The latest remake to make the screen is The House of Wax which shares precious little with the 1953 Vincent Price classic aside from the title house and an abundance of wax figures. The story follows Carly Jones, (Elisa Cuthbert), a young college graduate who is planning to move from her small town to take an internship in New York. Her boyfriend Wade (Jared Padalecki) is unsure if he will follow her to the big city which is a source of tension between the otherwise happy couple.

Carly and Wade decide to take a road trip to a big sporting event, and have their friends Paige (Paris Hilton), Blake (Robert Ri’chard), Dalton (John Abrahams), and Carly’s brother Nick (Chad Michael Murray), along for the ride. In a true horror film cliche, the road trip becomes and overnight campout in a remote backwoods area where drinking, sex, and other youthful merriment abounds.

Of course the merriment is interrupted when a strange encounter with a mysterious truck and an unexpectedly broken car fan belt in the morning forces Carly and wade to stay behind to locate the needed part in a nearby town while their friends continue on to the game.

The local town is mostly empty, and looks like something out of the 60’s aside from numerous signs that tout the local wax museum. While exploring the empty town, Carly and Wade stumble upon a church where a service is in session, and meet Bo, (Brian Van Holt), who is the local mechanic who tells them he can get the needed part as soon as the service has ended. With time on their hands, Carly and Wade visit the local wax museum which is equally deserted, but filled with life like figures.

When Carly suddenly sees a bizarre figure lurking in the shadows the events soon unfold leaving Carly and Wade trapped in a nightmare that is out of control. As if that was not bad enough, their friends have become stuck in traffic and decide to forgo the big game and return to pick up Carly and Wade not knowing bizarre nightmare they are about to encounter.

Despite some flaws, House generally works and as horror films go, is entertaining. Sure the characters and plot are paper thin and characters seem to have a severe lack of common sense, yet despite the flaws, there are some good moments. The film goes almost 50 minutes before the mayhem starts, but when it does, the killings are some of the most brutal in horror film history. On more than one occasion during my press screener did I see a member of the audience hiding their face in the shoulder of a significant other during some of the films more intense moments.

The film also has a good villain that while not well defined, is nevertheless chilling and projects menace very well. The cast works well with one another given the limitations of the genre, and the pacing of the film by first time director Jaume Serra is effective in adding a bit of tension yet keeping the adrenalin moving during key parts.

My biggest issue with the film would be the ending that I thought took the Hollywood way out, with a big effects spectacle instead of staying focused on the characters and their plight, That being said, as mindless Summer thrills The House of Wax is a decent if albeit at times lacking film.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why oh why has it taken me THIS LONG to read a book by Becky Wade? Oh ya, because I used to think I didn't care for Contemporary Fiction...*hangs head in shame*...This book is so full of emotions, faith, heartbreak, and the most incredible romance.

When Nora and John first meet, they think that is a coincidence. But as their story unfolds it becomes clear that God's hand was all over their relationship from the beginning...As in the VERY beginning. There were a few twists that took me by surprised. A few times that I literally laughed out loud, and I may have yelled at John...a couple times...But he figures it out eventually, thank goodness! Although I think my FAVORITE moment, was when I was reading and was still near the beginning of the book...I read the line that described Nora wearing her Hogwarts Alumni T-shirt...and I was wearing MY Hogwarts Alumni T-shirt! (Photo evidence below.)

My nerd girl moment aside...True to You has many moments that speak to TRUTH and FAITH. Very well written with a unique style and new elements that I have not yet seen in a book. Behind the scenes look at our other characters and delves deeper into the thoughts and feelings of everyone involved.

Becky Wade does not shy away from the difficult subjects that life throws at us. But she presents it in a way that glorifies the grace and mercy of God. An exciting story that will leave you filled with hope and encouragement that no matter where you came from, or what you have had to go through in life, that you are not alone. There is One that will lead you through, that will give you a NEW IDENTITY, that will lift you out of the waters that are trying to drown you.
I received a complimentary copy of True to You from Bethany House. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
A Time to Kill (1996)
A Time to Kill (1996)
1996 | Drama, Mystery
Contains spoilers, click to show
The lasting appeal of this adapted screenplay of the John Grisham novel is that it's a great debate starter. Everyone seems to have very energised view on the subject of corporal punishment but this delves into even murkier territory, as it asks whether a father has the right to murder his 10-year-old daughters rapists.

The film also takes a position on it which turns it into more of a propaganda piece but still, a very effective and somewhat even handed one. Samual L. Jackson is the father, whilst potentially career best turns form Matthew McConaughey and Sandra Bullock steal the show. Oh and Kevin Spacey turns up but there's little point even mentioning his performance as he makes it all look so easy.

The film follows the events of the rape, the rapist's murder and the trial which ensues. The K.K.K. takes sides, the N.C.A.A.P. wade in and death threats and bombs are flying through the swamps of the deep south. This is a very good thriller and one of the best Grisham adapts to date, but it's the question that drives it throughout; the question of is there ever a time to kill which keeps this 149 minute thriller burning, even when the plot falls foul of the clichés.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Dec 17, 2020  
Sneak a peek at the literary fiction novel RIVER, SING OUT by James Wade on my blog! This book sounds so good! (Check out that gorgeous cover too!)

“And through these ages untold, the river did act as the lifeblood of all those things alongside it.”
Jonah Hargrove is celebrating his thirteenth birthday by avoiding his abusive father, when a girl named River stumbles into his yard, injured and alone. The teenager has stolen thousands of dollars’ worth of meth from her murderous, drug-dealing boyfriend, but lost it somewhere in the Neches River bottoms during her escape. Jonah agrees to help her find and sell the drugs so she can flee East Texas.
Chasing after them is John Curtis, a local drug kingpin and dog fighter, as well as River’s boyfriend, the dangerous Dakota Cade.
Each person is keeping secrets from the others—deadly secrets that will be exposed in violent fashion as all are forced to come to terms with their choices, their circumstances, and their own definition of God.
With a colorful cast of supporting characters and an unflinching violence juxtaposed against lyrical prose, River, Sing Out dives deep into the sinister world of the East Texas river bottoms, where oppressive poverty is pitted against the need to believe in something greater than the self.