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Penny Dreadful  - Season 1
Penny Dreadful - Season 1
2014 | Horror
Eva Green (0 more)
Eve Green is everything in this show. She and Josh Hartnett are the saving graces. Out of all the penny dreadful/gothic horror, etc stories they could have pulled from, they chose.. Frankenstein, Dracula, and Dorian Grey? It could have been so much better. The season finale didn't make me feel like I wanted to watch seasons two or three.

Kristina (502 KP) rated Deliver in Books

Dec 7, 2020  
Pam Godwin | 2014 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed the story and was quite surprised with how much, considering the topic and Liv's role in the matter. The ending was a nice twist and validated the sympathetic emotions I felt toward Liv, when all of it should have been for Josh.
**The amount of time it took to read does not reflect in my rating. It is completely unrelated**
The Hating Game
The Hating Game
Sally Thorne | 2017 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn’t sure what to expect of this book as I had seen some reviews where people had loved it and some where people had hated it. I went into it with an open mind and within 18 pages I was laughing at some of the comments Lucy made about Josh.
The typical chick-lit with a touch of humour, it wasn’t hard to guess the outcome of the book, but it was a joyful and funny ride to get there. There were so many moments where I either laughed out loud or snorted because of a comment, making it a good read in my eyes!
I enjoyed the hatred between Lucy and Josh and all of the little “games” that they played in the office to see who could annoy each other first. I did guess where the story was going to end with them quite early on in the book, but I still needed to find out what some of the things meant (like the marks in Josh’s planner) and the journey was fun to undertake with Lucy and Josh.
At first I found Josh extremely unlikeable, but after the paint balling team building day, I grew to like him more and more with his actions. Although I definitely wouldn’t have come to the conclusion that he was shy and that was the reason for his behaviour like Lucy did.
Sally Thorne’s writing was so easy to get lost in, and I found myself having to make myself put the book down to get some sleep but not being able to wait to be able to pick it back up again. I think this might be a go to book to read again and again. I will have to see if Sally Thorne’s other books are just as good!
Safe Haven (Safe Haven Series Book 1)
Safe Haven (Safe Haven Series Book 1)
Sheri Lyn | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amazing first story
This is the first story to this series and I am head over heels in love with it. It's not a fluffy and sweet read.. It is harsh and hard and bad things happen.. but so many good good things happen as well. I love these boys.. and I am head over heels for Josh. He is perfection. This is an amazing story.
Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
It's the blind leading the blind in Netflix's post-partum apocalypse thriller Bird Box (2018) #Review
What if “The Happening” but actually, you know, pretty good? That seems to be the starting point for “Bird Box”, an apocalyptic horror from producer/ star Sandra Bullock and director Susanne Bier, adapted from Josh Malerman’s novel by screenwriter Eric Heisserer (“Arrival”, “Lights Out”)...


Ross (3282 KP) Feb 5, 2019

I hadn't picked up on the "baby blues" metaphor, nice spot. Good review, thanks.

Muted Chords (The Road to Rocktoberfest 2022)
Muted Chords (The Road to Rocktoberfest 2022)
Samuel York | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MUTED CHORDS is one of the Rocktoberfest 2022 books and we travel with Josh and the rest of his band to the festival itself. Eradicate Apathy has had some problems with their replacement bass player, so much so he is sacked. This is where Bran comes into play. He has wanted to play with them for quite a while but has his own baggage to contend with. When given the chance though, he can't say no. And once he meets Josh, all stops are pulled out.

The pacing of this story is fast and felt a little rushed to me in places, but you will be drawn into the close-knit relationships between the band members. You also get a look at some people who are not so nice, who have let fame (or the lack of it) sour them.

Overall, this was a sweet love story between Josh and Bran and brilliant relationships between the rest of the band members. However, there is some derogatory language, plus some angst near the ending, so consider yourself warned.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Alpha Shaman (Bad Oak Boys #2)
Alpha Shaman (Bad Oak Boys #2)
Erin M. Leaf | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Josh thinks that he is human, although he is aware of the werewolf gene in his family. However, when he starts having strange dreams and shedding fur, he admits he might be in trouble. He rings Ryan (his brother) who sends out a Shaman who will help him. When Josh and Gerwulf first meet, the wolves both agree that they have found their mates, although the human halves still need convincing. Evil is on the way though, so they may not have as much time as they would like.

This is the first of the Bad Oak Boys that I have read, although I didn't feel that it negatively impacted my enjoyment in any way. Alpha Shaman is full of action, romance, and yes, even grief. I could understand Gerwulf's hang-ups from his past and liked how he worked through them, with Josh's help. Josh and Gerwulf are both excellent characters, well-rounded and with their own quirks.

I have enjoyed this story, and am now looking forward to reading Rock Star Baby, which is book one in this series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 11, 2016
2017 | Puzzle & Cards
Gameplay that perfectly blends bullet hell shooters with casual puzzle elements (0 more)
A somewhat uneven difficulty curve (0 more)
Transcripted‘s unexpected blend of shoot-em-ups and Zuma-style match three gameplay makes for one of the most refreshing and addictive experiences of the year, with the perfect mix of casual simplicity and hardcore depth.
Critic- Josh Harmon
Original Score: 9 out of 10

Read Review:
In a Dark Wood (In a Dark Wood, #1)
In a Dark Wood (In a Dark Wood, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a Dark Wood I'm a huge fan of Josh Lanyon and whether it's a long story or a short one he always manages to draw you in. This was no different, though I wasn't expecting it to be so creepy.
I really like both Luke and Tim and can't wait to see what happens next with these two.
Tell Me Something (Something, #1)
Tell Me Something (Something, #1)
Aubrey Bondurant | 2015 | Contemporary, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read 'Tell Me Something' pretty much in one sitting. When I had to put it down, I couldn't wait to pick it back up. It was super sexy and I loved the story. Personally, I prefer when the couple have to fight to get together (whether it's each other or their own personal issues), but Aubrey made it work and I enjoyed it! There were a few grammar issues and misspelled words, but that didn't take anything from the story itself.


I was a little disappointed that Haylee ended up pregnant before Josh could completely confess his love for her. Though Aubrey did a good job at making it obvious Josh was dedicated to Haylee before she revealed the pregnancy, I still felt a little like the baby had a part in his decision.
Other than this, which still didn't take away from how much I enjoyed the book, I loved 'Tell Me Something' and look forward to reading more from this series!