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Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
Stays very close to the animated original (0 more)
The beast cgi is lacking (1 more)
The whole movie feels hollow
More beast than beauty
After watching jon favreau's fantastic the jungle book I was hyped to see what disney did with their 2nd attempt at a live action remake of their animated library of classics. Unfortunately it's no where near as polished imo. There is some good performances though. Josh gad is hilarious as LeFou and contributes the majority of the comedy. However the lack of emotion in what's supposed to be an emotional romance is lost in this movie. The choice to use a cgi beast baffles me. And there is so many opportunities with a cast as strong as this but unfortunately Bill Condon fails to stir up the romance and emotion that the animation did in 1991. Emma Watson took me off guard me with her singing which was a pleasant surprise. Overall it was fairly entertaining however with the calibre of talent on show i kinda expecred more.
Little Monsters (2019)
Little Monsters (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Horror
The most wholesome zombie film you will ever see
The biggest takeaway from Little Monsters is just how damn heart warming it is. Seriously.

The plot revolves around a group of young school children and their teacher becoming trapped at a petting farm whilst on a school trip, due to a zombie outbreak at an absurdly close military facility.
The conflicting styles of lighthearted family comedy, and typical zombie violence work pretty well, and offer up a solidly entertaining and genuinely funny movie, in a market that runs the risk of becoming increasingly saturated.

Lupita Nyong'o and Alexander England are two fantastic leads with great chemistry. The character growth attributed to both of their characters isbl great and is a huge part of why I enjoyed Little Monsters so much.
Josh Gad also stars and offers up a lot of humour with his character.
The cast is rounded out by a group of stupidly adorable kids, and combined with a witty and tight script, ensured I was smiling for the whole run time.

There's some decent zombie gore littered throughout, with some respectable practical effect, but please know, that Little Monsters is absolutely intended as a comedy, so don't watch it expecting to be scared!

Overall, if you like zombie comedy, then you could do a lot worse. Little Monsters is genuinely funny and extremely wholesome. Give it a go!
...Like Clockwork by Queens Of The Stone Age
...Like Clockwork by Queens Of The Stone Age
2013 | Alternative
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'd been a fan of Queens of the Stone Age for a long, long time, from early on. I could have picked any of their records but …Like Clockwork is my favourite. It's just a true record, it's a representation of a man that's been in music for a fucking long time, close to as long as I've been alive for, and it's amazing for a man like him to be releasing records like this so late into his career, songs with such power like 'My God Is The Sun' which is a formidable rock song, and 'If I Had A Tail' which has the swagger the Rolling Stones wish they had. I just love that Josh Homme does whatever he wants and it's undeniably Queens. He's invented a sound from his own style. I'd always been a fan and I was waiting for this record for a long, long time, but it took things to a whole other level. I don't get excited over many records, but with this and [Nick Cave's] Skeleton Tree I had the same sort of feeling. Sometimes you worry about your favourite band releasing a new record because you just want it to be good, but this rewrote everything I thought about them, and everything I knew about life. That's what I love about them, and pretty much all of these bands. When a band is able to surprise you late in their career it's a wonderful thing."

The Forever Purge (2021)
The Forever Purge (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.0 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I'm definitely late to the party on this series, I watched The Purge in preparation for First Purge and really enjoyed both... and let's face it, there's nothing like some gratuitous violence to fill your evening!

The annual Purge comes and goes with the usual drama, with those locked up safely in their spacious homes watching the events on TV. When morning comes and they come out of hiding, they get a welcome they weren't expecting. A rogue movement has no time for the law, it's now the forever purge.

So, a section of the population has decided to rise up and take their power back the only way they know how, through violence... you always worry that films might hit a little too close to home... let's not delve into that topic too much though.

Josh Lucas feels like he's making a resurgence these days. I'm not sure how I feel about him in this sort of role though. Dylan Tucker isn't exactly an exciting character, he has a rather unbelievable arc through the film, and there's no point where I felt any sympathy for him.

A lot of the other characters have similar flaws, there's no one that's really memorable apart from maybe Ana de la Reguera as Adele. She has some interesting moments to do with her backstory, but there's never much of an in-depth look at any of it throughout the film.

The Purge was a great concept and I loved the way it was very focused on one environment. The First Purge had an interesting story and I liked having the inception of the idea unfold. But the trouble with The Forever Purge was that it was somehow too much and not enough all at the same time. There were moments that had a lot of potential for the characters but they were cut off before they managed to get anywhere.

I got the escalating amount of the mindless violence I was looking for, but it seemed to mainly just be "travelling" action. There wasn't anything particularly gripping about it, and it didn't hold up to the previous instalments of the franchise I've seen, and that was a real shame.

Originally posted on:
Labor Day (2014)
Labor Day (2014)
2014 | Drama, Romance
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Director Jason Reitman is no stranger to obtaining a few awards from his varied career, with films like Juno and Up in the Air under his belt, you would be forgiven for thinking that he could put himself on autopilot – however his latest offering Labor Day stays well clear of such drama.

Starring Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin, the film stays on the right side of touching without feeling overly sentimental and cheesy. But is it worth a watch?

Following the story of Adele (Winslet) and her son Henry (Gattlin Griffith) as they comes to terms with repairing their lives after an unsuccessful marriage, Labor Day leaves the story and plot of Joyce Maynard’s hugely popular novel to the audience, who piece things together themselves, culminating in a pleasing if slightly clumsy final act.

Josh Brolin stars as Frank Chambers, an escaped murderer looking for somewhere tolabor-day-poster1 lay low whilst the police continue searching for him. Brolin is a master of playing the bad guy gone good and his performance here is no exception to that rule. His convict-like scowls are brilliantly juxtaposed with scenes involving him cooking and baking, leaving the viewer slightly perplexed by his real intentions – at the start that is anyway.

As the story takes place over a weekend, the film does feel a little drawn out in places but this adds to its simplistic charm, with the characters and their sublime acting doing most of the work.

Winslet is excellent as Adele, a woman so heartbroken and terrified by the painful effects of love she no longer leaves the house. Her fragility is exceptionally intense; her hands and facial expressions talk more than words ever could and this is a theme throughout the film. I wouldn’t be surprised if Winslet is nominated for an Oscar at next year’s awards.

However, by far the standout is Gattlin Griffith’s performance as young Henry. Here is a boy who would do anything for his mother. His transition from moody teenager to vulnerable young adult is beautiful to watch and again, his facial expressions speak volumes.

As the police close in on Frank’s location and Adele and Henry’s behaviour becomes ever more suspicious, Labor Day becomes increasingly intense in a ‘will they won’t they’ kind of way. As much as the film drives home the simplicity of its intentions, you can’t helped but get sucked into their predicament and this, along with the acting, is where it stuns most.

Unfortunately, the simple nature of the directing and cinematography leaves a lot of room for other areas to fill, and this doesn’t quite happen.

The score is mind-numbingly dull which is a true shame. Rolfe Kent has created some stunning pieces of music for films across the decades including his Golden Globe nominated work on Sideways, not forgetting the excellent score in The Wedding Crashers. Despite some lift in the latter half of the picture, it remains a relatively music-free affair.

Tobey Maguire’s narration is also a little dull. Those of you familiar with the Spider-Man trilogy will know how irritating Maguire’s voice can be, and unfortunately it’s the case here too.

Overall though, Labor Day fills the void in between the magic of the Christmas blockbuster and the frantic summer season which is approaching thick and fast. Filled with some fine performances from the three lead actors and a story which really makes you believe in second chances, it’s an utterly compelling and emotional spring flick. Only the poor score and uninspiring cinematography lets it down.
Slide Quest
Slide Quest
2019 | Action, Medieval, Real-time
“Slippery When Wet.” What does that mean to you? What about, “Slippery When Dry, But Also Just Very Slippery Because There’s A Ball-Bearing On The Bottom Of This Little Knighteeple… Kneeple?” That’s more descriptive of what we have here in Slide Quest, and oh boy is it a doozy!

Ok so I originally heard about this game from watching one of Marco Arnaudo’s GENCON videos (he’s amazing btw and you should watch every video) and immediately falling in love with the premise. In this game it is your charge as a player to help the little blue knight guy, I’ll call him Sir Rolli, travel from Point A to Point B. That’s it! That’s all you have to do! However, there are obstacles in your path – fences, rocks, archways, dynamite, and even nefarious foes – foeeples. You do this by pressing down yellow levers that flip up one of the four sides of the game board. This then send Sir Rolli along the opposite direction, and depending on the pressure used, possibly right into a fence, or worse – a hole in the ground!
There are several modes of play and ways you can play. With different numbers of players you will have varied experiences. For instance, the first time I played this was with my son, 3, and my father-in-law, 60+. Now, my son obviously is in it to inadvertently sow mayhem, so my F-I-L and I had to compensate as much as possible. Even then, I loved playing it. The next time I played this was with three other players of adulthood status. Our experience was more focused, and we just tore through the different level with a surprising amount of success. We did not complete all 20 included levels, but we got close! Everyone who played had a great time, and we were all smiles the entire time.

This doesn’t mean that it is a perfect game. Nay. For this game can suffer an extreme quarterbacking issue. You know the type – (s)he who believes they know best in every situation and therefore feels compelled to tell everyone else what to do or how to do it correctly? Yes, even I succumb to this affliction at times, but I believe I have a great handle on it, personally. In any case, quarterbackers can also be shut down very quickly when they neglect to operate their paddle correctly and thus allow the team to suffer a lost health. It can happen, and that’s why I am placing that caveat here and now. Luckily, I have not experienced that in any of our games, so I hope that continues.
Components. I don’t know what happened over at Blue Orange Games over the last several years, but for the company that was known (at least in my world) as the “Spot It” company, and nothing more, they sure have upped their game (har har) significantly. These components are FANTASTIC and they really complement a fun and engaging game experience. Everything has a place, and the quality and art style are just through the roof. To me, well worth the price tag for the components alone.

So all in all, I absolutely adore this one. It is cute, fast, an easy teach, and can be a great equalizer as you can play with an array of different teammates. Josh has waffled on his rating for this one, but we all very much love this little gem. For the reasons mentioned and the fact that Josh added this to his cart and checked out before I was even done setting up the first map, Purple Phoenix Games give this one a slip-slidey 22 / 24. Go get this now!