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Super Bunny Man
Super Bunny Man
2016 |
An indie game about a guy in a rabbit costume. There are 40 exiting levels to roll, jump, float or fall though, including a story mode, co-op and multiplayer (up to 4). Find hidden carrots, race time attack ghosts, or simply just try to get to the end potal. While it is still not finished there are lots of great levels to get started on, although it is sure to cause frustration when you keep dying at the same point. We've all been in that situation when we get near to the end in the first try then it takes half an hour to get back there. But I think that this just makes it better when you finally finish a level. Overall a great game to play.
Supernatural  - Season 2
Supernatural - Season 2
2006 | Drama
Have just (well a few weeks ago) found this on Amazon Prime and remember watching the first series many years ago on TV but not being able to watch any more due to it going onto Sky. Currently working my way through all the episodes and yes it is quite outdated these days but still just as full of supernatural beings and the trouble they cause. It can be a bit gory in places but still worth watching. Not sure how they string it out to several series but we will see when I get further on. My son has never watched it but had heard of the Winchester Brothers (the main characters) as they have a huge fan base amongst teenage girls and his friends don't stop talking about them.

Richard Ayoade recommended Taxi Driver (1976) in Movies (curated)

Taxi Driver (1976)
Taxi Driver (1976)
1976 | Thriller

"Very funny, again. I just think it’s really funny, that film. “I had an apple pie with cheese — I thought that was great choice.” It’s a really good film to like if you’re interested in directing, ’cause it’s full of so many brilliant directorial flourishes: it’s like an Italian horror film, but really funny. There are sort of Mike Nichols scenes in there, with all the Bava camerawork and the Godard stuff. And just [De Niro] — his performance. And how subjective it is — how it channels all that Hitchcock stuff with something that’s more docuemntary and more real. I know [Scorsese] always talks about The Wrong Man in relation to it and it would have been interesting to see what Hitchcock had done if he’d done more stuff on location."


Awkwafina recommended My Cousin Vinny (1992) in Movies (curated)

My Cousin Vinny (1992)
My Cousin Vinny (1992)
1992 | Comedy

"I didn’t even know when I saw it that Marisa Tomei had won an Academy Award for it, but it makes so much sense ’cause she’s amazing. It’s also my dad’s favorite movie, so I literally had a tape of it. But it wasn’t an official tape, it just kind of had a strip on it that said “My Cousin Vinny.” We would put it on, and me and my grandma and my dad would sit there and just be cracking up. And I really liked it because, you know, I’m from New York City, and you know, he kind of [embodies that]. It’s the perfect juxtaposition between someone from New York City that goes to the south and all the kind of lost-in-translation stuff that occurs."

Surprise Me
Surprise Me
Sophie Kinsella | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I usually like Sophie Kinsella books, but I have to say this one was not a favorite. I felt like I was reading two different books - one about a couple trying to add Surprise to their marriage (so the title works) and one about a secret between another couple. The two just did not mesh. The Surprise Me part got lost along the way. And WHAT COUPLE goes into marriage not thinking FOREVER?? and one minute they're crazy in love and in a split second hes brooding and mean and terrible to her?!! It just doesn't work. Sorry. Granted though - it got 3 stars because I was dying to know why the hell the switch flipped and Dan became psycho. I couldn't put it down cause I wanted to know what the secret was. It was so annoyingly crazy that I just wanted to get it over with and find out WTF was going on. The job thing almost felt like a third story and the neighbor and her son a 4th story! Things were just not meshed together very well and I felt like I was all over the place, with no real ties.

Eleanor Luhar (47 KP) rated Glow in Books

Jun 24, 2019  
Ned Beauman | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is just going to be a quick review of the book I finished last week, Glow. I found it and borrowed it from my local library on a whim because it looked interesting, but I was sort of disappointed. Although I love the scientific references throughout the book I just found it a bit boring, honestly. It was meant to be thrilling and gripping... I just didn't feel that way.

Raf manages to get caught up in some major business involving a new drug, Glow, and a massive corporation called Lacebark. Somehow the mysterious girl he met at a party is also tied up in it, as is the friend of Raf's who recently went missing.

Somehow Raf also meets all the right people along the way, and gets accepted into helping them with their cause. I found this rather unplausable but that's just me, I suppose. My main problem was having no investment in Raf as a character, and not feeling any of his relationships with any other characters to any degree whatsoever. He just didn't feel real enough.

I honestly don't quite get what even happened. Why was Lacebark killing people? Why was Win working for them? I just got a bit lost in the end. It's a shame, because I really liked the amount of biological vocabulary scattered throughout - it made me feel like I'm actually learning things in my Psychology A-Level!

2 to 2.5 stars at a push.
At Any Price (Gaming the System, #1)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I could probably have stayed up all night to read this. It got to 2am before I realised and decided to go to sleep but couldn't stop thinking about what might end up happening in the story and should probably have just stayed up anyway. I was pretty hooked.

I figured out quite a few things before Mia did, just cause she wanted to keep everything separate. It was obvious to me that Adam knew more about her than she realised and it didn't take me long to piece things together. I loved Adam. Mia, I wanted to shake violently at times for being so pig headed.

I'm happy that they got a HFN, though I didn't realise their story continued in two other books when I started this. I would like to continue the series.
Prison Break  - Season 4
Prison Break - Season 4
2008 | Action
Twisted Endings
True to Prison Break form, the new season is laid out as a series of tasks. Still keeping up the suspense and wit.

I find the new season and the out of prison setting actually fresh. You really cannot trust any of the characters here. You think they're on the good side, but it turns out you're wrong. Still managed to be kept entertained, despite the suspension of disbelief required.

Sadly, in this season, a million little things have to fall in place every time for the plot to go on. Other times they just don't. Yet, they were able to keep appearances. But this season has gone a little overboard. Some events aren't justified or aren't build up to them; they just happen. And if you don't accept them, too bad, cause that's how it is. Almost as if they are throwing as much as they can at you. Still filled with many twists and backstabs. That can either cause engagement or head spin. What used to be a band of criminals is now the best covert ops group in the world, pulling multiple Mission Impossible's (c) per episode and randomly navigating through a web of confusing conspiracies.

But, it still manages to keep one wanting to find out what comes next. So it didn't lose that touch.
The Invisible Man (1933)
The Invisible Man (1933)
1933 | Horror, Sci-Fi
7.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Universal Monster
This movie is such a classic, it came out after dracula, frankenstein and the mummy. Out of all the universal monster movies, i like this one the most. It combines sci-fi, horror, psychological espects, and overall the invisible man just being a dick/asshole to everybody in his pathway. This classic movie is based off of a H.G. Wells novel, and if you dont know who that is, look him up..."The War of the Worlds".

The plot: While researching a new drug, Dr. Jack Griffin (Claude Rains) stumbles on a potion that can make him invisible. When he reveals his new ability to his old mentor (Henry Travers) and his fiancée (Gloria Stuart), it's clear that a side effect of the potion is insanity. Jack goes on a violent rampage, and the police struggle to hunt him down, unable to see their target, while his mentor and his former partner (William Harrigan) desperately try to devise a plan to capture him.

You have Claude Rains playing "The Invisible Man", he is excellent in this film. Cause like i said his charcter is just a dick/asshole to everybody in his pathway but has a heart of gold for his love.

If you havent seen this film, i would highly recordmend it, cause it is fantasic and phenomenal.
Before I Go to Sleep
Before I Go to Sleep
S.J. Watson | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
This certainly wasn't the best thriller that I have read but on the other hand it wasn't the worst. Until about half way through I would describe this book as a page-turner but for me it unfortunately fell flat at the end. I understand that the focus of the book would cause a fair amount of repetition, however, there was so much it eventually lead to boredom. Although a good idea for a novel I felt it lacked certain thrills and didn't have a strong enough punch. I'm all for the idea, on the fence about it's execution and just plain disappointed about the outcome.